The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 1318: Old man's heart

Glimpse at the original location of the complaining spirit, where it was already empty, after more than twenty ghosts appeared, he had disappeared, and seemed to have dissipated throughout the world. The disciples of Gu Tazong looked at Yang Chen gently There is a faint light around the body, and it looks a bit like a fairy.

The disciples of these ancient pagodas have spoken to me in one word and talked about the entire process of extinction. At this time, it has passed most of the night, and the moon has moved to another location. It will not be long before the sky will be bright. When they get up, these Guta disciples who are going to reincarnate will also enter the cycle of reincarnation, and they will still be born in the world.

After the death of some extremely cultivated immortals, when they became immortals after crossing the robbery realm, they died when the crossing robbery failed, or others let them kill, as long as the seven souls and six souls were still there, they entered the cycle of reincarnation, Can be reborn again.

If you can awaken the memories of the previous life, then those previous memories can be completely restored. If you have any powerful exercises, you can practice quickly, and you are not afraid of it. At least you have a lot of experience. It is also a big help when you break through the bottleneck.

The reincarnated immortal must have the strength to cross the robbery, and it is very difficult to awaken the memory. In general, it is also necessary to encounter the most important things in life, such as the portable spiritual weapon, the person you love, no matter which one of them is encountered, as long as it is related to the previous life. , Have the opportunity to awaken the past life.

As for the unsuccessful success, it is still hard to say. People like Gu Ta Zong will never be in the unpopulated Gu Ta brown after birth. The chance of awakening the previous life is too small.

Yang Chen began to worry a little. They couldn’t wake up the memories of their previous lives, which means they couldn’t go back to Gu Ta Zong again. Look at this place where they have lived for countless years. Here, they have the most terrible memories. The good stuff is here.

"Look at your cultivation, is it at least mysterious?"

Feeling the breath emanating from the body of the disciples of Guta Sect, Yang Chen was secretly frightened for their cultivation, the immortal who lost his flesh, and his soul could also exude a terrible breath of crossing the peak of the robbery. It is not necessarily true that the cultivation of the right and left is even more than that, and it may reach the realm of the sky.

Seeing the difference in Yang Chen's face, the twenty Gu Ta Zong disciples met each other and suddenly laughed. The Yang Chen in front of them was so far away from the peak, one heaven and one underground .

There is no comparability at all, but Yang Chen rescued them from the skeleton. With this kindness, Gu Ta Zong's disciples are not exaggerated, but they still look like they are full of enthusiasm.

"You guessed it wrong. Twenty of us are in the early days of the realm of the sky, and speaking of it, it's just the middle level of the sect."

Speaking of this, everyone's face became a little sad. It wasn't like boasting about the proud person. It seemed that he had thought of something particularly sad before he became so downcast. His previous spirit was swept away and his eyes looked away. There is a constant expression of heartache and a hint of remorse.

Yang Chen was stunned. The twenty realms in front of him were the existence of the realm of the sky, and they had such terrifying power. Why are they so sighing and pale as gray as death, is it also because of the chaos of the world that weeps and ghosts?

"Seniors, what is the matter that bothers you?" Yang Chen was puzzled, but he was very respectful. He bent slightly and arched his hands, and asked seriously.

Yang Chen's expression is a little more serious. Although the Gu Ta Zong disciples in front of him have turned into souls, their strength is not as good as before, but they are still the strength of crossing the peak. It is much simpler to kill Yang Chen than to kill an ant. In the face of these good-tempered strong men, Yang Chen has a sense of justice, as long as they make them happy, maybe they will give you a powerful exercise or a magic weapon.

Everyone nodded in satisfaction. Yang Chen, as a junior, was still respectful. With this attitude, Gu Ta Zong's disciples were still optimistic about Yang Chen's road to cultivation of immortals. Juniors who are neither humble nor humble are still rare, so they still have a good impression of Yang Chen.

"Yang Xiaonei, it was not because of the disaster of Gu Tazong that it ended so tragically today, no one succeeded."

One of the old men stroked his beard and looked sad, just as he was worried that he could not pass on the lineage, and even a child could not inherit his legacy. The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt.

It is also a big regret that mortals or immortals live in this strange world of Celestial Star, and they cannot find their descendants or children to help him to inherit at the time of death.

When they die, they will face death. If they are alone, the result is extremely bad. If you want to face it alone, no one will send them away when they leave. These people will be particularly uncomfortable.

Hearing the words of the old man, Yang Chen was deeply touched. When he left the world, there was a good brother Zhao Yu who could remember.

But no matter which of the two of them left first, only one of them will be left alone to face the lonely lingering star before leaving. Thinking of this, Yang Chen's face suddenly paled, and his expression became lonely, it seemed that it was only left. A shadow accompanied me.

When everyone saw Yang Chen's reaction, he froze for a moment, then took a deep look at Yang Chen, and slightly nodded his head. This person not only saved them who received the curse, but also respected the ancients. Ta Zong's experience is regarded as his own experience, and he feels embarrassed for them. This heart is really valuable. Today's immortal practitioners have very little sympathy like Yang Chen.

Yang Chen's expression became more and more ugly. It seemed that he was already immersed in that infinite grief. It was difficult to extricate himself. Gu Tazong's disciples showed worries in all his eyes. He flew out to Yang Chen and wrapped his body.

Yang Chen felt a stream of clear spring flowing through his heart, and looked like a ray of breeze blowing across his heart. He glanced around, and found that the aura encircled his body, and the warm feeling walked through all the limbs and bones, flowing in the blood. The whole body was full of comfortable feelings, like the green ocean of jade emitted before. Yang Chen turned his head suddenly, watching the old man's sympathetic manner conveying aura for him, and his heart was moved for a while.

Yang Chen clenched his fists and met for the first time, but the other party did not know his details, and he was not sure if he was an enemy or a friend. Gu Tazong’s disciples could still spend aura for him and his complicated emotions. The simple things that made Yang Chen feel grateful. The aura he used to fight with Wraiths now recovers at an extremely fast rate.

Feeling the general feeling inside the body, Yang Chen slowly closed his eyes, looking inside the body, and found that the meridians were surrounded by Reiki, and Reiki became a protective layer, becoming substantial, and soon, the meridians flashed strangely. Glorious, Yang Chen opened his eyes from shock and surprise, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

Aberdeen looked carefully at the situation around him. Yang Chen found that he was full of power. He waved a few punches randomly and brought up a strong wind. The air continued to explode, and every time he punched, The air in the air will be rippling, and the substantial waves visible to the naked eye will be set off. The color changes constantly. The harder the color, the brighter and more beautiful the color.

"Senior, thank you!"

After a random fight, there were hearty laughter all around, and looking up, the disciples of Gutazong were all in high spirits, with a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing Yang Chen so excited, everyone was also very happy. I had been immersed in the darkness in the skull for not many years. Now I see the joy of living people in front of me again, and everyone is also very happy.

If it weren't for the sect's strictness, everyone would like to put Yang Chen in front of him in his seat, and be a disciple.

It’s just that Zongmen’s rules are in their hearts. They never disobeyed them and glanced around. Now they are in a state of ruin and devastation. Zongmen no longer exists. The attachment in their hearts is still there. Well, this kindness is very deep.

"Brother, if we look at Zongmen's exercises..." The old man looked at a young man beside him, but called the man his own brother. Isn't this man much stronger than the old man, although the two look like one To be older, it should be treated as an older generation, but the world of immortals is very different, always based on strength or time to enter the sect.

Fake into a Zongmen who entered at the age of ten, and then a 15-year-old person came to join the Zongmen. The difference between the two is as much as five years old. The later people no matter how old they are, even if they are only three years old, He also shouted a sentence of senior brother, and the word senior brother is not just a word of mouth.

Since he is your brother, no matter what his requirements are, as long as it is not excessive, he directs the brother to practice and formulates some punishments. You also have to suffer. You can’t even hate your brother. A brother is willing to take the time to point you. Second, you have to accept it with humility. There are not many opportunities.

Which immortal cultivator does not want to hurry up to cultivate himself, his strength is not very strong, he can only spend more time to cultivate, but he can take time out of your busy schedule to guide you, there are absolutely few such people , But he can also see his kindness and kindness.

Therefore, although the old man is much later than the young man's entry time, his brother is still called respectfully, not hypocritical, and his eyes are very clear and without a trace of disrespect.

The young man with his arms behind his The eyes of all the disciples of Guta are on his face, and he looks at it seriously, without any unpleasant intentions, Obviously twenty people were headed by this young disciple.

This young disciple has a serious face, his head is raised and his chest is tall, and his spirit is very good. It is a little more elegant than the people around him. A gust of wind changes and the white robe Hunting and flying, the whole person suddenly seemed to have a bit of a sense of immortality in it.

It was found that the atmosphere suddenly became very tense. Yang Chen did not dare to make a sound when standing in the atmosphere of the place. He was very expecting that the old man's words would come true. Reaching such a state, what a powerful exercise.

Suddenly Yang Chen felt that his mouth was dry, and it seemed that it was because he was too excited and too nervous to have such a feeling. It stands to reason that the immortal cultivator like Yang Chen can break the valley, but there are still mouths. The dry feeling, maybe this is just an illusion.

As the time passed by, the people silently said nothing, but looked at the young disciple named Brother, and the quiet needles around him could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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