The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 151: Xuanhong Real Human Complaint

The Seven Veins of Quanzhen, namely the Suishan School, Yuxian School, Nanwu School, Huashan School, Longmen School, Yushan School, Qingjing School, etc. The seven true disciples are the seven true disciples that everyone knows.

These seven sects are scattered all over China, and they are headed by the Longmen faction. They are a huge force that cannot be ignored in the Quanzhen religion. They contend with the Chongyang Palace Chamber and compete for rare and precious spiritual resources.

From minerals to plants, everything related to spiritual practice is the spiritual resource in the eyes of monks in metaphysics.

Quanzhen’s seven veins have maintained a seemingly harmonious relationship with the Chongyang Palace, and they have become a limited resource for sharing the country with Zhengyi, the Southern Buddha Sect, the Northern Buddha Sect, the Feng Shui family, and the martial arts school. After the total number of resources has been secured, Quanzhen Qimai will compete with the Chongyang Palace within Quanzhen Religion to meet its own growth needs.

For thousands of years, the Quanzhen Qimai has often been very cryptic about the Chongyang Palace, and even some large-scale disputes have appeared in history, but from the beginning to the end, the Chongyang Palace and the Quanzhen Qimai are also the same tradition. The relationship, the mutual restriction comes from the "Qing Daoya" deep in Zhongnan Mountain, which is the true essence of Quanzhenism!

Q Daoya is a collective term for a valley of about ten square kilometers in area. Looking up at the sky in the valley, you can see a vaguely appearing on the side of the cliff, a name made up of a natural road.

Among the mountains where Wendaoya is located, there are nine large and small grass cottages scattered, that is, the nine large grass cottages in Zhongnan Mountain where the monks of the metaphysical world only hear their names! These nine grass cottages from the hands of the Quanzhen teacher Patriarch Wang Chongyang have survived thousands of years of wind and rain, and are still intact in the depths of Zhongnan Mountain. Among the nine grass cottages, there are more that Wang Chongyang left behind. Partial Orthodoxy!

Asked that there were dozens of wooden houses built in the valley under the cliff, scattered scattered all over the valley. If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that these seemingly erroneously constructed wooden houses actually form a huge magic circle. The existence of this magic circle. So that the grass in the mountains can be preserved intact.

And live in these wooden houses. It is more than 20 ancestors from Quanzhenism, of which the Chongyang Palace occupies nine, two Suishan School, three Yuxian School, two Nanwu School, three Huashan School, five Longmen School, One from Yushan and one from Qing Dynasty.

The 26 ancestors who were born in the Quanzhen religion were asking Daoya to concentrate on cultivation, not to ask about the world, from the oldest ancestor, 187 years old. By the age of 113, the youngest 26 ancestors, it represents the true heritage of Quanzhenism!

It is also a microcosm of the true heritage of the metaphysical world in China...the ancestors sat there. It's more than just true religion.

It is precisely because of the existence of these twenty-six ancestors that the branches of the Quanzhen Religion, who have been so distracted, can always maintain a high degree of consistency on external issues, of course. The ancestors will also strive for more and greater resource tilts for their branches.

Similarly, when there is an irreconcilable contradiction between Zu Ting and the Seven Great Veins. Some people will also come to ask Daoya to find the ancestors to sue, this is the best way to resolve the contradiction, because the ancestors' decision is the decree of the ancient emperor for the Quanzhen religion!

Xuanhong is also a real person. He Jinqiu is not a problem, but he is always asking Daoya to finalize. No one dares to defy.

No, after hanging up with Yang Chen on the phone, Xuan Hong real person walked into the mountains alone. After walking for nearly two hours on foot, I finally came to Wendao Cliff in the depths of Zhongnan Mountain.

He came here to find his ancestor, and this kind of thing has only been done twice since he took office as the head of the Chongyang Palace!

The last time was because the interests of the Chongyang Palace in Beihu Province were strongly attacked by the Yuxian School, and the conflict intensified almost to the point where it was difficult to end. Complaint.

If it wasn’t because the leading art at that time was not skilled enough, and the means to balance the interests of all parties was a bit immature, the real person of Xuanhong wouldn’t even come to ask Daoya to find the ancestors to complain, because this is really a shameful thing. .

As the ancestral court of Quanzhenism, Chongyang Palace is the well-deserved eldest son of Quanzhenism and the eldest brother of the true veins of the major branches.

When it comes to details, strength, and number of people, a Chongyang Palace is worth the sum of the seven true veins.

As a result, he was bullied by his brothers, and he went to the parents to complain... Even if this matter has passed for decades, even when it was brought up, Xuanhong real people will feel ashamed.

Compared with the Chongyang Palace, the Seven Great Veins are obviously more comfortable. As a seemingly weaker party in Quanzhenism, once the Chongyang Palace damages their interests, the heads of these Seven True Veins will be straightforward. Run to Zhongnan Mountain to find the ancestor.

For them, they are younger brothers, Chongyang Palace is the older brother, the younger brother is bullied by the older brother, of course, to find parents to complain!

So for the real people of Xuanhong, the vast majority of cases come down to ask Daoya, and generally come to accept the inquiries or blame from the ancestors. It is precisely because of this, that day on Wufeng Mountain, even if the people of the Suishan School knew that the real person of Xuanhong was in Wufeng Temple, and dared to do those things, they were not afraid to anger Xuanhong, but they did not expect Xuanhong The real person only defends Yang Chen's determination.

No, more than 20 days ago, Xuanhong Zhenren came to ask Daoya because Suishan sent the head to ask him about his complaint, accusing him of being a real person in charge of teaching, and he also gave the elders of the branch Blackhand, not to mention moral corruption, also intends to provoke a comprehensive dispute between the Chongyang Palace and the Suishan School.

But that was the time when facing the ancestors' inquiries, Xuan Hongzhen's talents had the opportunity to bring out Yang Chen's affairs.

Of course, asking the ancestors who knew about this under the cliff was only limited to the nine in the Chongyang Palace. As for the dozen or so ancestors over the Seven Great Veins, Xuanhong’s attitude was more ambiguous...

However, asking Daoya is Quandao’s Daoya, not just Chongyang Palace.

So Yang Chen did not hide the relevant situation for a long time, so he asked all the passers-by.

During the period, the real person Xuanhong was also called two or three times for this matter. The reason was that in the Daoya Cliff, the ancestors also had differences because of this matter. Some, or ancestors with a calm personality, have a greater resistance to this matter, thinking that Yang Chen’s reforms in the outside world will affect the metaphysics circle after several generations of efforts. The stable situation was finally formed.

In short. After a month of buffering and precipitation, the basic attitude towards the dispute between the Wuxing Reiki theory and the energy particle theory is between the Daoya cliff and even the ancestors of the metaphysical world in China. All have formed a unified thought.

That is, on the premise of not affecting the basic pattern and stability of the metaphysical world, we are observant of the debate about the energy particle theory and the five-element aura theory. It does not encourage the energy particle theory to kill the Wuxing Reiki theory, nor does the proponent who supports the Wuxing Reiki theory wantonly discredit the energy particle theory...The ancestors said that new ideas should be given some time and space for development. Right or wrong, give time to verify!

This is for the emerging theory of energy particles. It is almost the most ideal state.

It is precisely in this case that the heads and brains of Quanzhen Qimai still ignored the overall stability of the metaphysical world and arbitrarily published articles provoking disputes before the Lingwu Periodical was taken over by the newly established business department. This is a concrete manifestation of ignorance!

So, today came to Xuanhong who asked Daoya. It's straightened the waist bar, it's straight and strong!

"He Jinqiu did this by ignoring the stable situation formed by the generations of the metaphysical world! He was provoking disputes. He tried to destroy the stability of the metaphysical world!!" Xuan Hong, the 17th ancestor of the Longmen School, was found The truthfulness of the real people protested strictly, "It must be punished for making such irresponsible remarks!"

A newly-published Lingwu periodical was placed in front of the 17th ancestor of the Longmen School of the old dragon. Facing this 139-year-old ancestor, Xuan Hong said loudly: "Let Lingwu periodical and monk The peaceful development of heaven and earth allows the energy particle theory and the Wuxing aura theory to accept the test of time. This is a common decision of all ancestors. Cause serious group conflicts!"

Seventeen ancestors glanced at the seemingly angry Xuanhong real man, and reached for the Lingwu periodical brought by Xuanhong real man.

After turning it over, he glanced at random, and then he nodded and said, "I was imprisoned for three months to show punishment."

Xuan Hong said with dissatisfaction, "The Seventeen Ancestor Ming Jian, He Jinqiu's behavior has caused a huge negative impact in the metaphysical world. If it is only for three months in confinement, I am afraid that I cannot convince the public..."

"So what do you mean?" After all, the 17th ancestor is an ancestor of the Longmen School. He naturally treats his own juniors, and he is naturally not going to take a heavy hand. However, this article by He Jinqiu is indeed too much. ...

Seventeen ancestors will not look at punishing their juniors on Xuanhong's face, but ask Daoya to have more than one of his ancestors. Once Xuanhong's real person does not get satisfactory results from him, he will definitely go to Chongyang Palace Ancestor sued.

By that time, the punishment He Jinqiu will face is only a bit heavier.

This is also not the result that the seventeen ancestors would like to see.

The seventeen ancestors' scruples, Xuanhong real people are also clear in their hearts.

Therefore, after a pause, Xuanhong said in a decisive manner: "He Jinqiu was imprisoned for half a year, and at the same time abolished the chief reviewer who printed this article, that is, the cultivation practice of the Longmen disciple Bao Yihua and expelled him from the Longmen school. To be effective!"

When the real person Xuanhong asked to abolish the cultivation of others, the face of the seventeen ancestors almost froze.

But the real person Xuanhong had a somewhat stubborn look, and he didn't want to shake his eyes when he kept his eyes on him.

The two of them were silent for more than half a minute before the seventeen ancestors got up and said, "This matter still needs investigation. Whether this article was written by He Jinqiu or not, we can't make a conclusive conclusion..."

"That disciple had to be courageous and asked 26 ancestors to make a decision together!"

"You..." Xuan Hong's words completely angered the seventeen ancestors who were hard to decide. He stared coldly at Xuan Hong's real person, and then left his sleeves and left. "After half an hour, this seat gives You reply."

"Okay." Real Xuanhong took a slight breath, he knew he was right.

Although the ancestors have a lofty status, they also need to be mindful of the attitudes of other ancestors.

This matter is obviously taken care of by Xuanhong Zhenren. If he doesn’t know the whole thing, he has to make it to the point that the 26 ancestors need to make a joint decision, although it will cause dissatisfaction with more than a dozen ancestors in Quanzhen’s seven veins. But He Jinqiu is also subject to severe punishment, which is even more severe punishment than the six months of imprisonment!

Xuanhong real people just bet that the seventeen ancestors did not have the confidence to protect He Jinqiu in that atmosphere!

Facts have proved that he really gambled right, the seventeen ancestors really did not have that confidence to protect He Jinqiu!

Half an hour after the seventeen ancestors left, Xuanhong did not disturb the practice of the other ancestors. He just sat alone on the stone bench where the seventeen ancestors sat.

Half an hour later, the seventeen ancestors brought a piece of light yellow paper back to the real person of Xuanhong.

"Humph." There was no more than half nonsense. After the seventeen ancestors stuffed this piece of paper with Xuanhong, he turned angrily and left.

But when Xuanhong received the paper, he was very happy and clenched his fists towards the seventeen ancestors who turned away: "The seventeen ancestors are brilliant!"

This light-yellow paper is not ordinary paper, but an identity representative engraved with a trace of the mind of the seventeen ancestors.

In the metaphysical world, it is called ‘law’s purpose’, and it is necessary for each ancestor to convey certain orders or instructions.

Q. Daoya has no communication facilities, and the Seventeen Ancestors can only convey themselves through this form, or they made this decision together after consultation.

Xuanhong Zhenren opened the Fa purpose and only glanced at it, then he turned contently and left Wendaoya.

At this time, among the Longmen factions, the real leader of the Suishan faction Zhaohua who came from thousands of miles away in Dongshan province was chatting with the leader of the Longmen faction, He Jinqiu, and there was a book on the stone table between the two. The newly published Lingwu Journal looks like a conspiracy...

"Brother He is very clever. Once this article was published, it caused a huge sensation in the metaphysical world." Zhaohua real man held a steaming tea and said compliments, "Not only was he excited to support the theory of Wuxing Reiki Monks have also hit those ignorant monks who preach the fallacy of energy particles. As far as I know, many monks have abandoned their secrets..."

"Brother Zhaohua has won the award. Thank you, Brother Li, if you haven't picked the head first. Brother I can't think of such a way to fight against the ignorant who promotes the fallacy of energy particles." Zhao Hua Jinren's words made He Jinqiu feel very useful. He also picked up a cup of tea on the table, blowing his breath and shaking his head with a smile.

"So, what's the next step? Brother He has other plans?" This is what Zhaohua really wants to ask! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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