The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 165: Take me to see him now!

"Luzong's law enforcement messenger said hello to Yang Chen."

When Yang Chen rushed from the car to the highway, he heard this sentence.

"Step aside!"

Looking at the people who blocked the road, Yang Chen frowned, not arrogant, and the huge power was overwhelming, like a huge wave, swarming towards the opposite side!

He knew that without solving these people before him, there was simply no way to receive Bao Yihua smoothly, and he was not in a hurry to hurry up, so he cleaned up these people first.

The roadblockers on the opposite side consist of three men and two women, and one of them is a middle-aged man who looks forty.

The middle-aged man stood in the middle, two men on the left and two women on the right, wearing black jackets, sweatpants, sneakers, wearing gold wire glasses, elegant temperament, gentle manners, like a university professor, more than like a monk.

Yang Chen didn't feel the kind of monk's exclusive view of all beings as ants, but instead he was very grounded, just like the teacher who lives in your neighbor is full of life.

Subconsciously, Yang Chen had some affection for him.

Now that the monks' stinky temper, Yang Chen has long been bored. In the world of earth and earth energy explosion, in the disaster of the destruction of the Trojan civilization, do not get together with ordinary people, arrogant and arrogant, this is to want to destroy themselves?

It is precisely because of this that monks who can be so grounded are extremely rare.

The two men to the left of the middle-aged man have nothing to say. One is a mustache, the other is with a small flat head and is not very young, but in his early twenties, a typical hairy boy. The two men were sweaty on their foreheads, their entire bodies were tight and their eyeshadows were glaring, and they stared at Yang Chen's every move, not daring to relax.

The two women on the right side of the middle-aged man made Yang Chen's eyes shine unconsciously.

Immediately to the right of the middle-aged man is a young woman in her twenties, with a clear face and bright eyes. A black shoulder-length hair. Keep the full amount of bangs. She smiled first, and a small pear vortex appeared on her right face, which was impressive.

The most eye-catching part is her graceful figure. Even if it looks a little bloated down jacket, it is more prominent in her graceful lines.

Suddenly saw such a woman in the cold winter. It is especially pleasing to the eyes and warm in my heart.

To the right of the shawl-haired woman is a little loli who looks only 13 or 4 years old. She was not tall and had a ponytail. The baby's fat apple has a pink face and is cute. At this time she was widening her eyes, trying to stare over with a vicious look. It's just that she did it without any lethality. Instead, there was an impulsive urge to squeeze her cute little face.

"Mr. Yang Chen, why bother? Why do you want to pass from now on, beat us first and then talk about it." The shawl-haired woman spoke. The words were gentle, like the warm sun in winter, quietly touching people's hearts.

It's a pity that what she said was so unpleasant, it formed a strong contrast with her voice.

"Is it up to you?" Yang Chen's mouth overflowed with a sneer: "The highest is nothing but the meteor star's fifth-order mid-term cultivation...

He said that he looked at the middle-aged man, and then glanced at the mustache, the small flat head, the shawl hair woman, and slowly reported the other party's cultivation as: "The third-order peak, the early fourth-order, the fourth-order peak... …"

Finally, he looked at the 13- to 14-year-old girl and chuckled: "This is more funny, just came out of the second order. Such children are brought out. Are you sure that it is funny?"

Little Loli clenched her fists and waved lovelyly in the air: "What's wrong with the second order? You can still beat you! Also, people are not children! They are already grown up, and they are not allowed to look down on people! Huh, You are a bad guy, Yuan Yuan must beat you fiercely, then you should not cry your nose! Yuan Yuan is very, very powerful!"

The shawl-haired woman smiled and stroked the little girl's head: "Yes, yes, we Yuanyuan grew up, we Yuanyuan are very powerful."

This apparently perfunctory statement made Yuan Yuan angry and freed the woman's hand, exaggeratingly saying: "No touching other people's head!"


Why is this name so familiar? Later generations seemed to have a very famous female monk, the name was Yuan Yuan, but the limelight was not small. Because her surname is Fang, it just happens to add Fangyuan to her first name, and her name is one round, which is the opposite. Yang Chen was so impressed that she remembered it all at once.

This female monk was active only less than ten years after the explosion of geomagnetic energy, and later there was no news. If the name is not special, I really can't remember it.

Yang Chen moved and asked, "Little sister, what is your name Yuanyuan? What's your surname? Wouldn't it be Fang?"


Several people on the opposite side suddenly showed a look of surprise and exclaimed in silence.

Yuanyuan shouted first: "Big villain, how do you know my surname? You must have been staring at Yuanyuan for a bad idea. Yuanyuan is not afraid of you!"

She was not afraid, but her small body was close to the dimpled woman. Obviously she was actually afraid.

"Mr. Yang Chen," the middle-aged man said in a daze for a moment. His voice was generous and warm and charming: "How do you know Yuan Yuan's name?"

"Oh, nothing, guess." Yang Chen touched his nose, and said that Fang Yuanyuan is a giant of future generations, known as the first female monk of the younger generation, I wonder if her name is difficult, I will tell you What?

But maybe it's the same name? In short, the Fang Yuanyuan he knew in later generations was called the Extermination Master too alive, eccentric and moody. Obviously, it was due to the deep shadow left by her childhood. How could it be such a cute little loli?

"Cough, don't care about the details," he quickly coughed to change the subject: "Just rely on your cultivation behavior, what can you do to stop me? You come to intercept, don't you know my strength? I advise you to still Let go, so everyone is good."

Although he wasn’t sure that this Fang Yuanyuan was the one of the later generations, it still affected his attitude a little bit. Unconsciously, he became more talkative, and the kind of arrogant atmosphere had disappeared without a trace.

The middle-aged man and the shawl-haired woman clearly felt this and looked at each other.

Could it be that Yang Chen could not have a relationship with Fang Yuanyuan? Otherwise, why did Yang Chen become so friendly immediately after knowing Fang Yuanyuan's name?

But in any case, without doing a game, this road is still impossible to let go. Can be related. At most, everyone fights not to spell real fire.

See the shawl hair woman stepped forward. Laughed: "That's really sorry, we can't let go. However, don't the real people want to know what we are? As long as the real people know, I think the real people will stay on their own initiative. The real people are assured. Bao Yihua is after all True disciples, no matter what mistakes they make. They will be interrogated in accordance with the procedure, and will not be killed if they meet."

"Oh?" Yang Chen came to curiosity. This group of people clearly know that the gap between the two sides is so big, why should they be so confident?

As for Bao Yihua. Yang Chen is not too worried. Just on the phone, he clearly heard Wang Xiancheng's help. The situation is not too bad. It is not a big deal to delay a little time.

"Yes. Our strength is indeed far inferior to that of real people. However, we have our own means. We can use these cultivation practices to produce leapfrogging combat power, and can even compete with the existence of the seventh-order peak like real people!"

The middle-aged said indifferently. It's as ordinary as drinking water. But I don't know, if the content of his speech reaches the metaphysical world, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation in the entire metaphysical world!

"That's it! Big bad guy, Yuan Yuan said long ago, we are great!" Fang Yuanyuan next to him waved his fists full of energy.

Even the other two guys, who were not too high in existence, showed strong confidence in their eyes. That kind of self-confidence is so strong that even when it infected Yang Chen next to him, it made him more curious.

It's just...Luzong, who has mastered such a method, should not be oblivious in later generations?

"Have you really mastered these methods?"

"Of course," the shawl-haired woman smiled, and the little pear vortex on the right face was clearly exposed, bringing a bit of sweetness to her elegant temperament: "Speaking of it, we would also like to thank the real person! If it was not proposed by the real person. Energy particle theory, no matter how talented Xiaobai Yu is, he can't invent such a method!"

"Wait," Yang Chen looked shocked: "You just said that your method... was actually created based on the theory of energy particles? The little white feather you said has already fully understood the theory of energy particles?"

Yang Chen is very clear, don’t look at the existing content of the energy particle theory is quite simple, but want to use this to create a powerful particle equation, rather than the little master monk masters when he lectured on Wufeng Mountain before. The trick is not to thoroughly understand the existing content, but further research is impossible.

It is not easy to do this. At least Yang Chen knows that it is absolutely impossible to change himself. No, there are absolutely no more than three people who can accomplish this from the present hundred years of earth history!

There is such a genius in this world, but later generations have never heard of this name. It can only be said that the catastrophe caused by the explosion of the earth’s magnetic field energy caused too much damage to the earth, otherwise it would not be as bad as a hundred years later by the invasion of the Trojan civilization...

Yang Chen was very pleased.

Because it means that he is more confident in saving the future destiny of the earth.

To be honest, I went back alone a hundred years ago and looked at the prosperous modern civilization, but every time I saw a place, there would be a ruin of the end of this place in the future catastrophe. That taste is really uncomfortable.

This kind of thing, but there is no way to pour out to anyone ~ ~ The feeling of loneliness, loneliness, and sometimes even despair, like Taishan's pressure, made him almost breathless.

He was like a lonely fighter, without a companion, no support, and no comrades, only a lonely person, to challenge the windmill of fate. There was an old servant who followed Don Quixote anyway. He has nothing.

But now that such a genius has emerged in the metaphysical world, it means that he may not have to share that burden alone?

He spread the energy particle theory ahead of time, and was therefore under great pressure from the conservative forces of the metaphysical world.

Hard-working people, the days are worth it, and the pay has finally paid off!

At this time, everything else is not important, he must see the genius.



"Where is he? Take me to see him now!" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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