The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 180: The best computing talent

Yang Chen's heart was shocked, of course, not because the baby was wrong, but on the contrary, it was because the baby was wrong!

The little boy is only three or four years old. Ordinary children, can addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division be the right ones? It is already a little genius to recite a few words of multiplication.

Look at the two adults, still sweating mentally. Look at that look, it is more strenuous than fighting against the strong enemy Sanli, and Yang Chen can't stand it anymore.

But she was able to calculate the square of the three digits!

Could this little boy...

Yang Chen only feels that there are so many surprises he has accepted today? First, I met the genius who calculated the energy matrix alone, and there were very solid core basic researchers who might join. Later, I found an opportunity to solve the opposition of the whole seven-pronged one-shot.

Today, actually...

Wait, don't worry, maybe it happened? Or is it not as powerful as he thought?

Yang Chen secretly stabilized his state of mind and continued to ask, "Small boy, how much is 16,200 times 16,600?"

Without thinking, the little boy opened his mouth and said: "26.44 million. Right, big brother?"

"Yes, Xiaonan is very correct." Yang Chen replied, then asked again: "Do you know what the square and cubic mean?"

Xiaonan nodded: "I know."

"What does that mean?"

The little boy raised his head and answered with a serious face: "Square means multiplying two same numbers, and cube means multiplying three same numbers."

"What about square and square?"

"Also know."

"What do you mean?"

"The square and square cubes are the opposite of the square and square cubes."

"That big brother asked you, what is the cube of seventy-nine?"

"Forty-nine thousand three hundred and thirty-nine."

"How about 704969 cubic?"



In this way, Xiaonan and Yang Chen asked one and answered another. At first, Yang Chen was only adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing large numbers, which is the cubic calculation at most, but later, Yang Chen was directly upgraded to the fourth power and fifth power, and the highest reached the eighth power.

And the prescription is the same. Of course, the kind of result that Yang Chen chooses is an integer. After the prescription, a decimal point or even an irrational number will not do.

As for more advanced calculations, trigonometric functions, logarithms and the like. Asked and gave up. Neither will the little boy.

However, Yang Chen did not regret this, because Xiaonan did not, because she did not understand the concepts of decimal point, irrational number, trigonometric function, and logarithm.

Yang Chen explained the concept of the decimal point to the little 囡囡, and then asked questions about the decimal point. The little 囡囡 also immediately reached the result.

This is easy to handle. As long as there is the potential for learning, it will not matter. You can learn it. If you are afraid, the ability of the little boy is fixed. Now that you can learn and progress, that's great.

Finally, Yang Chen asked: "Little boy, how do you calculate it?"

At this time, Wang Xiancheng is also good. The middle-aged Jingming Taoist or Taoist people have given up the calculation. Seeing the look of the little boy. With his mouth open one by one, he doubted whether he had insufficient IQ balance. Not even a child can compare to it. Are the children of this world so powerful this year? Are we too far behind?

Hearing Yang Chen ask this question. The two also looked at the little boy with expectation.

The little boy frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head and replied: "The boy doesn't know. He just listened to the big brother's question. A figure popped out of the boy's mind."

Yang Chen was shocked in his eyes: "It turned out to be the top computing talent?"

Through the research of later generations, Yang Chen knew that scientific research also requires talent. And among those who engage in scientific research, this talent is also different.

Some are better at theoretical research. Having whimsy can come up with highly forward-looking theories. Some are better at doing experiments, and can intuitively find the correct direction in a long and complicated experiment, saving a lot of time. Others are good at computing and so on.

Regardless of talent, the most important thing is intuition.

You can also learn other things through hard work. Especially in the practice of the whole people in the later generations, everyone can promote the evolution of the human body and improve intelligence through cultivation. Even if it is not comparable to those geniuses, there is at least the opportunity to catch up. If you work hard and work hard, you can keep up with the pace of genius.

This intuition alone is very mysterious and natural, and there is no way to obtain it artificially.

Newton can propose the law of gravitation by being smashed into the head by an apple. This can only be thought of by opening the mind.

But the most important thing is that gravitational formula. It is difficult for other people to put forward this formula.

How do you know that gravity must be calculated using this formula and not other formulas? The point is that you haven't gone through any experiments, how can you come up with the correct formula out of thin air?

But Newton will do.

This is the intuition of scientific research.

Xiao's intuition is a mathematical intuition gift, which means that she has a great chance to become the top mathematician. At least it is also a genius with super computing power.

What is the meaning of such a person with super computing power and talent for practice?

This means an unimaginable strong! The practice and combat under the theory of energy particles, even if it is a ready-made particle equation, with the same strength, those with strong computing power can abuse the weak computing power into dogs. Even if the strength is close, it can rely on computing power to defeat stronger opponents.

To be honest, even Yang Chen is jealous of this talent. Because his computing power is strong, it is because the mental power and the state are powerful enough. His calculation is more similar to a computer, and it is calculated a little bit honestly, but the calculation speed is particularly fast.

However, the calculation of 囡囡 is to directly ignore the calculation process and produce the results in one step. The more complex the calculation, the greater the talent. You have to use super calculations with a calculation speed exceeding one trillion times a year, and people only need one second. How does this compare with her?

However, no matter how powerful she is, that's what I taught. When I met, I had to obediently call me a teacher!

Looking at the 囡囡, Yang Chen seemed to see a powerful presence enough to become the Dinghai God Needle in the future battle for the protection of the earth.

His gaze suddenly became extremely fanatical.

It seemed that the little boy was a little scared.

It was at this time that the father of the little boy moaned and woke up. The little boy cheered and fell in his father's arms and refused to come out.

Yang Chen had to laugh bitterly, turned around, and paid a courtesy to the middle-aged Jingming Taoists: "Dao friends, Yang Chen is courteous."

The middle-aged Jingming Taoist also smiled a bit bitterly. I didn't expect that Yang Chen would pay more attention to the secular girl than her monk. You have to wait until the little girl ignores him. Take care of yourself.

The two exchanged a few words and chatted. Yang Chen was deliberately close. The other party also seemed to hope that the two sides were friendly, and the atmosphere was harmonious for a while.

The information I got from Zhang Bingyu and the real person Xuan Hong gave Yang Chen a bad impression of Jingming Dao. Unexpectedly, after such a series of twists and turns, Yang Chen discovered that this Jingming Road actually fits his appetite.

As for what is extreme in thought and always likes to share with others, what is this?

Ordinary metaphysical monks practice hard, seeking longevity, of course, they will be disgusted, but Yang Chen is not at all disgusted.

How did you respawn? Wasn’t it a rebirth during a suicide attack?

I've done this myself, and I don't dislike it. As long as the goal is not aimed at yourself.

So Yang Chen hopes to continue the existence of Jingming Dao after the explosion of geomagnetic core energy. Now that Jingmingdao has such a determined will and a fearless spirit of sacrifice, why not wait for the Trojan Federation to invade and guide them to apply this energy to the Trojan Federation?

For intruders, it is never an exaggeration by any means.

Of course, this is only a preliminary impression. Maybe you will feel different when you get in touch, but it doesn’t matter, at least you have a good beginning, don’t you?

After chatting for a few minutes, Yang Chen looked at the atmosphere well, and finally talked about Bao Yihua's question: "Daoyou, this Bao Yihua's problem..."

The middle-aged Jingming Dao Taoist waved his hand: "Anyway, anyway, it is just a misunderstanding. The actions of Yang Daoyou and Bao Yihua Daoyou are not my enemies of Jingming Dao!"

"Don't the Taoism friends of Jingming Dao not bear to do what Bao Yihua did is to bully the teacher and destroy the ancestors, is it against filial piety?" Yang Chen was also curious about this mysterious Jingming Dao.

"Of course not." Middle-aged Jingming Taoist said:

"My Jingming Dao practice is of course based on loyalty and filial piety. But this loyalty is not stupid loyalty. This filial piety is not to say nothing to the indiscriminate, what the elders said. What the ancient sages said is that they should destroy their parents. However, if the parents want to beat their children, the children should be “small sticks to accept, big sticks to leave.” The root of loyalty and loyalty lies in benevolence and righteousness. The loyalty and filial piety to the injustice is only small, middle and small filial piety. Dazhongxiao!"

Middle-aged Jingming Taoists talked There was a special expression on his face: "The poor Taoist Yang Daoyou and Bao Yihua Daoyou have a great sense of benevolence, I believe that the two will not It’s the kind of unfaithful and unfilial person. Of course, the specific situation is still to be investigated. If there is any violation of the righteousness, I will wait for the 227 disciples of Jingming Dao, and I will not hesitate to remove Mowei Dao. There is nothing in the way!"

At the end, he had a sharp voice, and everyone could clearly feel the unchangeable firmness contained in his words!

Yang Chen was also shocked. Fortunately, he was indeed the righteous side, otherwise he would have a headache. He finally understood why people in the whole metaphysical world did not wait to see Jingmingdao.

Without him, seeing Jingmingdao people, these guys are guilty!

Seeing that both Yang Chen and Jingming Dao had turned their enemies into friends, the two Luzong people over there became increasingly restless.

Originally Yang Chen threw them aside and completely ignored them. They were somewhat resentful, but now, they have completely ignored them.

"Let's go!" Taoist Taoist Lu Zong made a decisive decision without any hesitation. He took Master Qigong and rammed into the train carriage! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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