The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 185: It is this energy particle theory!

Mu Qingsi is incredible: "What are you talking about? That company is yours?"

"Yes, if you are talking about Jinzhou Tongtai Industrial Co., Ltd., it is indeed mine. You can check the registration information. The name of the legal representative is Yang Chen."

"You are Yang Chen?" Mu Qingsi's eyes lit up as if he saw some rare treasures: "So what restructuring nano-ceramics was developed by your company?"


Mu Qingsi held his chin in one hand and walked back and forth around Yang Chen. He carefully looked up and down and shook his head: "You are Yang Chen? I don’t think so. I heard that you are in Xuan recently. There is a lot of movement in the academic world, and some people have planned to warn you to be low-key."

Yang Chen smiled and said: "Yes, it's me. I'm really not too good, it's because everyone is too face-saving."

Mu Qingsi's face suddenly changed, and he sneered: "If you have the ability, you have the ability to chant, what to pretend? Hypocrisy! You don't see you like this!"

Yang Chen was speechless.

This girl is not good to her, she is hypocritical, she is hypocritical, if she is not humble, she must say that she is too arrogant?

Before waiting for him to speak, Mu Qingsi waved his hand, as if driving away the mosquitoes in the air: "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, let's say, what conditions are needed before you can use your reconfigurable nano ceramic technology Hand it in? Oh, right, and the researcher?"

Yang Chen shook his head and was about to speak. Mu Qingsi had interrupted and said, "Shut up, don't talk! You only have the right to pay under any conditions, there is no right not to pay! Yes, that's just so domineering, who makes Your stuff is too powerful, it has been involved in national security?"

Yang Chen smiled bitterly: "In fact, there is really no need..."

"Not necessary?" Mu Qingsi shouted sharply:

"What do you know? What is unnecessary? Do you know how lagging our country's materials research? How many things are subject to people? Do you know the pain of not being able to buy things with money? Have you worked hard to develop a high-tech , As a result, because the materials are not good enough, I have to endure pain and sell them at a low price. Do you know how painful it is in exchange for qualified materials? Is it unnecessary? Do you really think that modern peaceful life fell out of thin air?"

As he spoke, Mu Qingsi's eyes were red: "You never know. How many martyrs are on the secret front. He gave his life for a piece of data, and he struggled for a sentence. But now, with this material, we You have your own chips. You don’t have to be as painful as before, there is no need? No! It is necessary. It is absolutely necessary! Yang Chen, no matter what you want, the country can promise you. As long as you hand over this material Technology, and that researcher!"

Talking. The phone in her hand rang, Mu Qingsi took a deep breath and walked aside to answer the phone.

At this moment. The officer who should get off the off-road vehicle should be Mu Qingsi’s deputy. He walked to Yang Chen and whispered apologetically: “I’m sorry Mr. Yang. She’s just too excited and a little rude. Please understand Mr. Yang. The first big brother of the head sacrificed abroad for the data of a material..."

Yang Chen nodded with a sigh: "I understand."

Later generations were invaded by the Trojan Federation. The gap between the country and the race has gradually been eliminated. But Yang Chen is a person who came from this era after all, and he understands these soldiers very well.

Without the guardianship of these soldiers for many years, when the Trojan Federation invaded, China had already perished. By that time, the entire Chinese people will not have any resistance to the invasion of the Trojan Federation.

And it is precisely because these respectable soldiers have guarded China for future generations that the Chinese Daoist League can become the three giants against Trojan aggression, and ordinary people in China can barely survive in the doomsday environment Ordinary people outside the giants have a more stable life.

They are meritorious and deserve Yang Chen to respect.

Besides, although Yang Chen's biggest goal is to let the earth drive away the Trojan aggressors, why can't he let his motherland and his own nation become the dominant players?

People from Europe and the Americas have been reborn, and although everyone is equally hostile to the Trojan Federation, are they also more inclined to their own country and nation?

Perhaps these differences will not be completely eliminated until the earth forms a unified civilization. But now it is impossible.

It didn't take long for Mu Qingsi to come back after making a phone call. At this time, her emotions had stabilized. Except for the slightly red eyes, she could not see that her emotions had ever been out of control.

She said to the officer who whispered to Yang Chen just now: "Lao Xiao, please take someone back. I will go to his company with Yang Chen and be stationed there temporarily as a military representative."

"There is a division..." Officer Xiao surnamed hesitated.

"Relax, it was just the call from the commander. This is the task given to me by the commander. During these days when I was away, the soldiers called you. Can't you let them release the sheep? I'll check it when I come back !"

Officer Xiao hurriedly assured her to rest assured that after asking Mu Qingsi if he wanted him to be sent to Jinzhou and was rejected, he got on the car and drove the soldiers away.

Waiting for the military off-road vehicle to go far, Mu Qingsi turned back to Yang Chen and said, "Come on, Mr. Yang, now I am the representative of the military stationed in your company in Tongtai. This period of time will disturb me."

Mu Qingsi, who had calmed down, was very polite. Obviously his tutoring was good and his temperament was calm. On the contrary, he looked quite quiet. It had a different taste and charm than the previous heroine image.

Yang Chen nodded: "It's easy to say, it's just... Major Mu, you're afraid... I'm afraid it's not suitable for joining the negotiations."

Mu Qingsi looked calm, as if the previous person was not her: "I'm just a military representative, not a negotiator. Someone talks to you naturally, and my job is just to ensure the precious materials developed by your company. Nothing will be lost."

"Actually, there is really no need..." Yang Chen smiled bitterly.

"It's not up to you to say it or not to say it. It's up to the country to decide." Mu Qingsi did not lose his gaze this time and said lightly.

"No, no, I mean, there is no need for the country to throw away watermelon and pick sesame seeds."

"What do you mean?" Mu Qingsi frowned slightly.

"Major Mu, you know that the material is excellent, but do you know that what kind of material is used to study the theory?"

"What theory researched?" Mu Qingsi didn't know what Yang Chen was going to say.

Material science is, to a large extent, a science of hitting big luck. To study materials, it is often necessary to try different temperatures, pressures, pressures, liquids, gas environments, and different processing steps. Compared with other sciences, new materials in materials science are often difficult to predict with a theory.

In other words, the theoretical prediction accuracy is not too high. More importantly, it is impossible to determine the preparation method of new materials through theoretical predictions, and it can only run into bad luck.

"Did you say you have a theory that can accurately predict new materials?" Mu Qingsi's expression became solemn. If so, the importance of this theory is quite high. If the importance of that material is one, then the theoretical importance will be at least one hundred, or even ten thousand!

"In a sense, this is indeed the case. So, you don't have to struggle with that kind of material, as long as you master this theory, how much new material you want. I now have this kind of material. To be honest, it's just the worst kind of thing! "

"What?" Mu Qingsi looked shocked: "Is there a better one? How good is it? Do you master the manufacturing method? Can it be industrialized on a large scale?"

Yang Chen smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, there are better materials, but you need to study!"

Mu Qingsi relaxed all at once: "It turns out that you are just guessing. Forget it, similar theories for predicting new materials are not unprecedented, but these theories often only work on limited materials and cannot accurately predict new ones. Materials and methods of preparation."

"If I say that we are very sure about the existence of new materials and have already achieved certain research results, prove that the theory is indeed effective?"

Yang Chen did not lie to Mu Qingsi. Many new materials in later generations were invented through the study of the theory of energy particles. The accuracy of this prediction is much higher than ordinary theory.

"In this case, your company is even more necessary to return to the country!"

Yang Chen smiled bitterly. He painted Mu Qingsi in this way. He did not hope that through this method, the country would abandon its attempt to acquire its own company. He did not expect to strengthen the other party's heart of acquisition.

He is not stingy, but it is better to hold this thing in his own hands than in the country. Because he wants to prepare for the future change of the fate of the earth, the money in his hands is simply not enough. A large-scale cultivation of Jinyang Lingcao requires more than 100 billion yuan in capital, not to mention others.

He couldn't tell the country about the future. On the one hand, the country might not believe it. On the other hand, even if the country believed so he would not be sure what kind of changes it would bring to the future. He dared not take the risk.

"Major Mu, you listen to me," of course Yang Chen will not give up and continue to persuade: "The theory is more important, isn't it?"

"Yes, but isn't that theory put forward by your company and that researcher? So, your company and researchers are very important, and the country must master it." Mu Qingsi took it for granted.

"In fact, it's not necessary. That researcher is me. That company was opened after I invented this material." Yang Chendao said, watching Mu Qingsi talk again, reaching out to interrupt: "You listen to me finish . That theory is the most important, and that theory, I have published it!"

"What? Is that the energy particle theory you published in the metaphysical world?" Mu Qingsi surprised.

As a middle- and high-level officer of the Xuanwu Special Division, a special force closely related to metaphysics, Mu Qingsi certainly understands what theory Yang Chen has announced. It was because she first thought of this theory, but then she still felt that the metaphysical world was too far away from the scientific world and gave up the idea.

"Yes, this is the theory of energy particles!" (To be continued.) Launch of the new website

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