The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 239: The magical effect of the first order spell

"Surveillance camera?" Wang Xiancheng has been in the world for a short time, but already knows what the surveillance camera is, nodded: "Yes, ecstasy is only for the human brain, this surveillance camera heard Is it to save the captured pictures to the computer, there is really no way to modify it by using Ecstasy. However, it seems that it can be solved by using illusion?"

"The words say this, but for the first-order spells, you must have the function of fascination and the function of illusion, then it is impossible."

Listening to Yang Chen saying this, Wang Xiancheng retorted: "That's not enough? At least I have seen some first-order spells with multiple functions in the classics."

"Whether those spells are quite difficult to cast, or require very high levels of cultivation, or demanding on the surrounding environment?" Yang Chen asked.

Wang Xiancheng thought about it and nodded: "I haven't paid attention to it before. Now that you say that, it really is the case."

"So, this is the defect of the traditional practice system." Yang Chendao said: "The reason this spell is classified as a first-order spell is only because its power is too poor, only equivalent to the first-order spell. However, in energy In particle theory, this spell is divided into second-order or even third-order! The traditional method of division is problematic, too empirical, not perfect, nor scientific enough."

"What, there is such a thing?" Wang Xiancheng said in surprise: "Why is this happening? Shouldn't the division of spells be based on their power?"

As the hottest and most subversive new cultivation theory at the moment, and the cultivation theory strongly supported by the Chongyang Palace, Wang Xiancheng is still very interested in the energy particle theory. It's a pity that it is still the same sentence. The scum that you study too little can only be a **** in practice.

Wang Xian's achievement is so. Although he is a future core disciple who was vigorously cultivated by Chongyang Palace from an early age, it is only for traditional cultivation. For energy particle theory, mathematics is not good, and scientific knowledge is insufficient. It is difficult to understand the energy particle theory.

Although Wang Xiancheng is already trying to make up the class. But the time is too short, but there is not much fruit. Because of this, any knowledge of the theory of energy particles is absorbed hungrily. Right now, there is an opportunity for Yang Chen, the author of the energy particle theory, to answer it personally, and I will not let it go.

have to say. Others don't say, Wang Xiancheng is still very commendable in terms of easy learning. No wonder people cultivated as a traditional cultivation system. In the case where the explosion of geomagnetic core energy in later generations led to the elimination of a large number of traditional monks, Wang Xiancheng could not only be eliminated. On the contrary, he has achieved something and became the head of the Chongyang Palace.

"Of course not." Of course Yang Chen didn't mind spreading knowledge to him, and explained in detail at the moment: "The energy particle theory divides the order of the spell. It doesn't depend on its power. Because the uses of the spell are various, mainly depends on whether it adapts to the time. Illusion. It’s not that powerful power is necessarily useful. Small power is definitely useless. In many cases, low-power spells are more suitable than powerful ones."

"So in energy particle theory, how do you divide the equal order of spells?"

"Of course it is after the spell has been parsed into the particle equation. The complexity of this particle equation is seen." Yang Chen explained in detail:

"In energy particle theory, there are a total of 72 particle equations after the first-order spell analysis. These particle equations are the simplest and belong to the univariate particle equation. The binary particle equation is the second-order particle equation. Ternary is the third order, and so on. The higher the number, the higher the complexity and the more difficult the calculation. This is the most scientific method of division."

"However, it seems that there are more than 72 first-order spells? Even if you exclude those spells that may be wrongly divided, there are more than 72?" Wang Xiancheng still puzzled.

"This question is well asked," Yang Chen smiled and praised him. "Actually, strictly speaking, there can be thousands of first-order spells, but there are only seventy-two particle equations. Why? how about this?"


"Because many spells are analyzed, they are actually a variant of the same particle equation. Therefore, in the theory of energy particles, they are attributed to the same particle equation. As long as you master this particle equation, you only need a little By making changes, you can cast completely different-looking spells, but the essence is still one. This is the advantage of science, that is, you can put aside the appearance and point directly to the essence."

After a pause, Yang Chen went on to say: "Spells formed by variations of the same particle equation are called homogeneous spirits. Spells formed by particle equations without any variants are called basic spirits. In the traditional cultivation system, basic spirits and peer heterogeneous spirits need to be cultivated separately in order to master them. It is different in the theory of energy particles."

"I understand," Wang Xiancheng exclaimed happily: "In the theory of energy particles, you only need to master the particle equation, then the basic spirits and isomeric spirits can be exhibited with a little change. In this way, cultivation The efficiency of the spell will be greatly improved, and you can have more time to improve your cultivation."

"It's good to know." Yang Chen patted his shoulder: "Just study hard, young boy, the benefits of energy particle theory are more..."

During his speech, Yang Chen drove his car into a boulevard. The end of the boulevard was the destination he wanted to go to.

But this time, Yang Chen did not enter without any cover-up as before. Before entering the boulevard, Yang Chen's hands flickered, and a new particle equation was formed, but a light mirror was formed in front of his eyes, and the situation in this boulevard was as large as possible. Projected in the light mirror.

Light microscopy, a spell specifically used for long-range reconnaissance, is similar to the role of radar. Of course, the mechanism of action is the same as the radar, but the effect is almost even better.

This is another first-order spell.

"Yang Chen, why do you seem to use all first-order spells?" Wang Xiancheng didn't understand: "Does the stronger person cultivated should use higher-level spells?"

Yang Chen chuckled: "Don't you understand this? Actually, if the first-level spells are used well, you can see the true level of a monk. What is the basic skill of a monk can be seen from the first-level spells he casts? . Moreover, the first-order spells are used well, and can have the effect of turning decay into magic. What is even more amazing is that the consumption of this effect can be extremely low. Why not do it?"

These are all talks of later generations. At the beginning of later generations, the monks also believed that the higher the level of spells, the better, even those scientists are no exception. However, it was only later that everyone discovered that many things that higher-level spells can do can also be done with first-order spells, and they can do better and consume less. It's just that the quality of people is also higher.

Even on the battlefield, warriors try to avoid using higher-level spells. Because high-level spells are powerful and expensive, they are not suitable for situations that require protracted warfare. In addition, the movement is also large, the flaws are also large, and it is easy to be destroyed by people.

Wang Xiancheng nodded, seemingly incomprehensible, and said no more.

At this time, I saw the projection of Yang Chen's controlled light microscopy and investigated back and forth on this tree-lined avenue. In the end, I even adjusted the field of view to the treetops on both sides of the avenue.

"Yang Chen, what are you doing?"

Before Wang Xiancheng finished talking, he saw Yang Chen's eyes lit up, and he fixed the photomicroscopy that the image was constantly moving, and enlarged it continuously: "It's here!"

Here? What's here

Wang Xiancheng asked again, and he saw that a dark lens appeared in the image that was magnified several times.

Under the cover of the surrounding foliage, this lens is hidden very deeply, and if it is not careful, it will be ignored. Fortunately, after all, the lens is made of glass, and it is still somewhat reflective. Otherwise, even after zooming in, Wang Xiancheng will inevitably ignore it.

Surveillance cameras!

He said nothing more.

Yang Chen nodded: "In this villa area, the number of surveillance cameras outside is very small, and it is quite obvious. You only need to be careful to hide. Also, only on the road leading to the villa, there is more surveillance. And it’s set very concealed."

Wang Xiancheng recalled that he hadn't really seen many surveillance cameras on the road before.

"Now that we found out, let's go in immediately." Wang Xiancheng said busy. He couldn't wait to see the magic weapon in Yang Chen's hands.

Yang Chen shook his head: "Don't worry, this monitoring will definitely be more than this, and you have to look carefully."

"Are you still looking for it?" Wang Xiancheng grimaced: "When do you have to find it? You see these cameras are set so hidden, you just don't care about these cameras..."

"No, these cameras can be damaged, but it can't be ignored. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's hard to explain. Some things, even if they are well-understood, are just superficial efforts, but they must be done~www.wuxiaspot. com~ said Yang Chen's fingers, a wave of invisible ripples rippling in the air.

Wang Xiancheng clearly saw that an invisible air balloon had formed in the air. However, only a monk like him can see that ordinary people at most feel that the light there is a little distorted, but they will not really find out what exists.

At the next moment, the invisible air balloon had flown far away to the spot where the camera was found. With a "pop", the camera was broken.

Wang Xiancheng knows that this is also a first-order spell, but it is a kind of "invisible gas bomb" with very weak power. If it is not invisible and transparent, even the spell is not even counted.

But such a thing is just right now. If you use other spells, it is inevitable that some visions will be shot by the camera.

After all, Wang Xiancheng didn’t have much experience. He didn’t quite understand it before, but now that he has firm facts as evidence, he somewhat understands the truth behind Yang Chen’s remarks.

"Okay, let's continue searching." Yang Chen continued after breaking the camera. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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