The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 251: James's doubts

But now, the theory of energetic particles is born, and the situation has obviously undergone some subtle changes.

First of all, the theory of energy particles is strict in mathematical argument. Although this theory seems to have some problems in connection with traditional physical theory, it is at least self-consistent.

Of course, it's just self-consistent, and it's useless. The superstring theory can also be self-consistent, but it cannot be verified or falsified. Therefore, this theory can only stay in theory. It has no practical effect.

But now, at the Fermi Lab, James has experimentally proved some of the inferences and phenomena proposed by this theory. Then, this has changed from a pure theory to a theory that can be verified by experiment and has practical significance.

Even if this theory is eventually overthrown, the research carried out in overthrowing this theory can still greatly advance the existing scientific theory.

The meaning is self-evident.

Of course, as research funded by the Pentagon, these meanings are of little value to the Pentagon. What they want is to use this theory to research and create powerful weapons that can be compared with the birth of nuclear weapons, so that the US military superiority can once again greatly surpass any country in the world, thereby ensuring the important strategy of the US global empire Status and absolute leading position in human civilization.

Only in this way can an immigrant country like the United States gain a foothold in the world. Because of the characteristics of the immigration country, this country has inherent deficiencies in centripetal force and cohesion. It is not like the nation-state and China, a country with a long history and traditional civilization, innate cohesion.

Especially in China, the only remaining ancient civilization, its culture determines that it is impossible to split. At least impossible permanent, even long-term divisions. The subject of its civilization will pursue unity whenever possible. And this is the unanimous recognition pursuit of all civilized individuals. No matter how many mental offensives and disintegrations the United States has adopted against China, no matter how many public intellectuals have advocated and how many five-cent cents party naval forces are coaxing, this pursuit of unity will never change.

This has caused the vitality of this country to be extremely strong. Even a temporary weakness and temporary decline will not perish, and sooner or later, it will rise again. No one can interrupt this process. Especially in the case of nuclear balance. Unless everyone intends to die together, the rise of this country is inevitable.

Perhaps there will be a small country like Japan, with the despair of never catching up with China, it is going to die together. But a global empire like the United States did not know how good it was as a child. It is possible to fight against small countries, or to contain and contain China in many ways, but let them take the risk of resolving and replaying the game with the country. That is absolutely impossible.

In short, the United States is inherently not a cohesive country. When the country was founded in the early days. Even a looser confederation system. Unless it was to counter the hypocrisy of the British suzerain, the earliest independent Thirteen states estimated to prefer to live as a nation. The "Declaration of Independence" also expressly states the independent rights of the states. Although all states that wanted to be independent from the United States have not succeeded so far. But that is not to say that the risk of independence does not exist, it is only because of the forces that really control the United States. The interests of independence are not unified.

To put it bluntly, this country is a country that exists because of interests, unlike a country like China that exists because of civilization. Once the interests cannot be discussed, division can be foreseen.

So, under what circumstances will interest be inconsistent? When the United States cannot maintain the strength of the global empire, cannot continue to be the strongest country on the planet, and cannot continue to exploit and exploit the wealth created by the people of the world through the strongest military, technological, and economic forces, the United States will face a collapse The danger of disintegration.

Among them, the most reliable is the strongest military strength. After all, in this world, the big fist is the big brother. Fist is not big, no matter how advanced the economy is and how advanced the technology is, it is just a piece of fat in the eyes of others.

The Pentagon has a deep understanding of this. They have done too much for themselves, how can they not worry about being painted by others?

This has caused their pursuit of advanced weapons to be endless.

What's more, the Pentagon is very dissatisfied with the current international situation of nuclear balance. Because this forced them to reluctantly give in to nuclear countries in many places to avoid the outbreak of nuclear war. Although the capital forces behind the United States do not mind waging wars for the benefit, nuclear wars are not in their interest, at least not now.

This is why the Pentagon is investing in more advanced weapons such as third-generation nuclear weapons, metal hydrogen bombs, and anti-matter bombs at all costs.

Therefore, if there is an advanced weapon with destructive power that reaches or exceeds nuclear weapons, but it is not polluted or polluted, and is not affected by nuclear deterrence. If such weapons may exist, the Pentagon will let it at all costs. Really developed.

Therefore, similar to James, secret weapon research groups and research centers that were funded by the Pentagon and even directly controlled by the Pentagon can be said to abound in the United States. This is also the basis for the reality that the crazy scientists in the American blockbuster have created bridges that are capable of destroying the earth's weapons. Because there is indeed such a possibility, the American audience will recognize this almost vulgar bridge section and only buy it.

Previously, this risk was not large. After all, it is not so easy for science to develop, especially for this cutting-edge and cutting-edge theoretical physics. Humans have not thoroughly studied the existing theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics. How can we further propose more advanced theories?

The relativity theory was also proposed in Newton’s classic physics, which has been studied to a considerable extent. Many people think that scientific development has come to an end. Even the director of the US Patent Office said that patents that can be invented by humans have basically been invented around 1900. At the time of this kind of words, this was born out of sight, making the human vision farther away.

It is conceivable that when Newton's classical physics has not been thoroughly studied, and scientific research has not yet entered the bottleneck, does relativity have a living soil? Even if it is proposed, will anyone pay attention and study it? Obviously there is none.

The situation is the same now. The theory of relativity and quantum mechanics have not been thoroughly studied, and humans have no ability to propose more advanced theories. Then. Nuclear weapons, as the theory of relativity, the status of the strongest weapons that humans can attain with current technological means will naturally not be shaken.

It is not so easy for the Pentagon to develop more powerful and advanced weapons.

Even if there is. The current technical conditions are also not met. For example, in theory, anti-object bombs exist. Black hole bombs are also possible. But what means does humanity use to obtain hard-won antimatter? There are now anti-matter capabilities, but there are only a few particle research centers with large particle colliders. And they burned tens of billions of dollars, and they could only produce so few antimatter particles. How is this weaponized?

Even if there is enough antimatter. What else do you use to load anti-matter into the bomb? Humans are powerless to perform controlled nuclear fusion reactions through magnetic confinement, not to mention the more powerful controlled antimatter annihilation reaction.

Not to mention the black hole bomb, a weapon that exists only in the concept, let alone.

The Pentagon actually has Zao Zao Zao three poles. What if you hit Universiade successfully? Even if there is no success, the experience and data of these failures. And those inventions that are by-products are also very valuable, as long as they are converted to civilian use, they can be quickly recovered.

Just as the Apollo program itself is significant. But in terms of its goals, the results are not large enough. The moon landing was successful, but colonizing the moon was still a dream. However, its by-products allowed the United States to generate a wave of technological development after the Cold War, successfully landing the throne of the world's most powerful technology, and lagging far behind other countries. Thirty years or even fifty years.

However, the Pentagon did not expect that when the theory of energetic particles emerged, they thought that chat is better than nothing, just for by-products and staying ahead of the research, it is likely that results will appear.

This can be said to be an unexpected joy.

These, James immersed in joy, began to feel a little disgusted after slowly coming back.

His rejection of Karen, on the one hand, is because the other party has caused a lot of chaos in science, on the other hand, is it not because of this?

Because he knows that if the energy particle theory is only for theoretical research, there is no need to worry about being transformed into a weapon in a short time.

After all, just as Einstein proposed the mass-energy equation in 1905, it took 40 years of long development before the United States exploded the first atomic bomb in history in the Alamogordo Desert of New Mexico in 1945. The transformation from theory to weaponization took 40 years. The energy particle theory may take less than 40 years, but it will definitely not be weaponized in ten years or even twenty But once the research power of the supernatural science joins, the situation is not It's the same. There are many kinds of attacks in the research of supernatural science. Their problem lies in the lack of theoretical and experimental support, which can only be done step by step through experience. But with the energy particle theory as a guide, I am afraid that soon, related weapons will be born.

Dr. James did not want to see this. In the end, he is still a scientist who is more inclined to purely research, rather than the kind of evil Frankenstein who wants to make weapons that can destroy the world.

"Dr. James, you should understand its significance. You should know how much progress will be brought to the development of science once supernatural power is incorporated into existing scientific theories. I know that as a scientist, you are against weapons research, but this theory The use of weapons is not limited to weapons research? Without nuclear weapons research, how can there be nuclear power plants? Anyway, with the power of the United States, the weapons you invented may never be used. But the civilian technology, but Can benefit all mankind!"

Karen clearly understood James' exclusion and advised him next to him: "The key is, even if you oppose the doctor, is that useful? Instead of futile opposition, the doctor might as well join in actively, at least keep up with the research trends at any time. Destruction, but also at a critical moment, isn't it?" (To be continued.) Launch of new website

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