The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 266: Red flag

"Is that right?"

Yang Chen thoughtfully.

"This battle flag is the only thing left in a **** battle, covered with the blood of martyrs. In that **** battle, only the ancestor survived. He wiped away his tears, raised the battle flag again, and inherited The martyrs of the martyrs continue to fight."

"In this way, the battle continued until the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, and the Republic of China was established. The ancestors thought that a good day was coming. Unexpectedly, the establishment of the Republic of China was just another chaos that was bigger, more deadly, and lasted longer. Opening."

"Mr. Sun was elected as interim president, retired as interim president, Yuan Shikai but interim president, Yuan Shikai became emperor, guardian war, Beiyang warlord rule, establishment of Huangpu military academy, etc., everything represented more Chaos. The ancestors had intended to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and then concealed themselves to practice, but they had to be passively involved in this change."

"And these changes, the ancestor always determined not to change, has been fighting on the front line. But he was finally tired, tired, he saw his battle, only brought warlord separatist, people do not talk about life, did not bring Good result. It was not until the appearance of the red leather and life that he found his true destination."

"So after that, he devoted himself to the red leather and life, until the establishment of the Xinhua State and retired. In the process, he always carried this battle flag and always regarded this battle flag as the protection of treasures. , Because in his view, this battle flag is the incarnation of those comrades who sacrificed before him." yaпge has been updated

"And when the Xinhua Kingdom was established and the founding ceremony, the battle flag finally spontaneously transformed into a magic weapon. What he absorbed was Tang Wuge, the revolutionary spirit of life, and the people's vision of a better life. , The martyrs and heroes who sacrificed at the expense of the martyrs, and the spirit of countless predecessors who fought bravely for the country and the people, and inherited the fire. Factors, without anyone’s active refining, a successful tool for success."

"Because it was born in the raging flames of war, leather, and fierce fire, but also in the red leather, life, and finally became a magic weapon. Therefore, it was named the fiery red flag by that ancestor!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen probably also understood the origin of this fiery red flag.

I also know that this thing is completely an accidental product in the first place, and no one knows where it came from. Second, this thing needs to be created, and only a century of changes in China can create a suitable environment. Similarly, this thing cannot be copied.

Yang Chen thought that the introduction of the fiery red flag was finished. Unexpectedly, Hong Buqi continued: "However, this is not counted. Later, the ancestor has completely regarded the red leather and life as his own business. After the establishment of Xinhua at that time, the world In the case of Chiqi Huanyu, it has gone abroad to participate in the red leather and life of countries all over the world, including all parts of South America such as Cuba, Argentina, Bolivar, and Southeast Asia and South Asia such as Eastern Europe and Myanmar. Participate. Regardless of success or failure, whatever the outcome, will carry the red flag of fire, and eventually absorb the fire of Nage and life, and the sacrifice will become stronger and stronger."

Hong Hongqi said with a bitter smile: "This flag was once stained with leather such as Che Guevara and blood left at the time of the blood sacrifice, and the blood and life torrents that are as terrible as the furnace are contained in it. The flame is more than enough to burn anyone to ashes. In fact, no one except the ancestor, the entire legal school, can use it. Anyone who uses it, will be caused by the flame to burn into the spirit, and good luck is just fire. Enchanted, bad luck is more worrying about life. Moreover, the higher the cultivation, the more serious the consequences!"

"According to research, people who can sacrifice the red flag of fire must not only be monks, but also be a real red leather and life-saver. Except for the situation of extinction and extinction that was endangered a century ago, they can stand tall and live forever. And who will be a monk with strong power, who will devote himself to the revolution and life? So the ancestor sealed it before his death and kept it in a place that no one can think of, and no one can find it. Even if Wan Ruina is the ancestor Descendants still don't master this fiery red flag. Therefore, Zhong Yuan asked Wan Ru and we to ask the fiery red flag, it's useless, nothing is in our hands at all."

Hong Buqi sighed regretfully: "Actually, according to my opinion, he really wanted this flaming red flag, and we would not have given it to him. With his virtue, he got a sacrifice, and he only set himself on fire. There are no exceptions at all. It's a pity that we really don't know whereabouts..."

Yang Chen didn't know what to say for a while.

If this fiery red flag is like this... even he, he dare not sacrifice. Because he is not that kind of revolution, life. In fact, times have changed. The history of several decades to a hundred years has passed. Now that the red wave has fallen, can we find a real red leather and fatality around the world? That is the question. Not to mention being a monk.

Therefore, no matter how powerful and good this blazing red flag is, it is a chicken rib that can't be touched.

However, he was pondering in his heart: At that time there was that humane red tide, and now there are Tianxian Baolu and Blaze Red Banner. Almost all of them can have the power to even surpass the ordinary metaphysical monks only through a certain concept. What is the scientific principle?

Perhaps these ideas are not just a spiritual thing, as ordinary people know, but they can be transformed into actual power by some means.

Having said that, the legendary incense, beliefs, and other cultivation routes seem to be this method of transforming spiritual things into strength.

Moreover, looking at the information that has been exposed by future generations of the Troy Federation, they do not have similar power. Well, maybe this thing will become an important key to defeat them in the future.

Well, there is a deep mystery in the middle, but it might as well be studied as a subject.

Thinking, Yang Chen secretly added such an item to his schedule.

In order to defeat the Trojan Confederation in the future, he is considered to be in a hurry and he has to seek medical treatment, but he must try everything he wants.

If something like this fiery red flag can really defeat the Trojan Federation, even if it turns into a red leather, life, then why not? Of course this is unlikely. But might as well use its principles to create a battle flag against aggression. After all, the flames that this anti-aggression war can inspire should not be much worse?

Yang Chen secretly ruthless in his heart.

After talking with Hong Buqi, Yang Chen comforted them and arranged them in Tongtai Industry.

No way, they are still under the pursuit of Zhong Yuan, they can not leave them too far. Now, the closest to Yang Chen is Tongtai Industry.

Instead, after the construction of the Lingwu Mountain Villa was completed, at that time, there was a protection based on the formation of the magnet, instead of paying attention to the threat of Zhong Yuan.

After so much tossing, it soon arrived at night.

Yang Chen called Wang Xiancheng and other metaphysical circles together. Everyone had dinner and met each other.

No matter what happens in the future, Hong Buqi and Zhao Wanru are now joining Yang Chen's research system. It is still necessary for them to familiarize themselves with Wang Xiancheng.

Wang Xiancheng and they knew that Hong Buqi and others were suffering, and they sighed. The relationship between them seems to be relatively good.

After dinner, everyone dispersed, Yang Chen returned to his office in Tongtai Industry and did not return home.

Mother Jin Meifeng is still negotiating the drug purchase between the government and the military in Shazhou. Although others are green all the way, it takes several days to complete all the tedious procedures and have not returned.

As for his father, he was also busy with his own affairs and was not at home, so that if Yang Chen would go home now, he would have to be alone. He simply was too lazy to go back and stayed with Tongtai Industry.

However, this made Mu Qingsi look at each other's eyes, thinking that Yang Chen was still ascendant, unlike the former disciple who was mentioned in the data.

After nightfall, Yang Chen sat in the office and secretly summarized everything after the rebirth.

First of all, in terms of economic strength, the companies he has in hand are Tongtai Industrial and Chimelong Technology.

The latter was nothing more than a leather bag company that he used to solve the bankruptcy crisis of Hengyang Group, and he controlled 80% of the shares of Hengyuan Group.

Now Hengyang Group basically has no other small shareholders and belongs to the Yang family's family business. However, this enterprise, Yang Chen did not intend to intervene too much.

After all, this enterprise was mainly created by parents, and left a deep trace in it. Now when parents are not in retirement, it is naturally impossible for Yang Chen to intervene.

At least, the leader of the group cannot be him.

In addition, this enterprise also belongs to the traditional type of enterprise: the so-called tradition is an enterprise that has nothing to do with the metaphysical world, and it is impossible to rush to the direction of metaphysical circles. After all, there are billions of bodies anyway, and it is not an upstart like Tongtai Industry. It is also a behemoth itself, and it is not easy for the ship to make a U-turn.

This doesn't make much sense to Yang Chen.

According to what he has to These traditional enterprises provide at most some funds. Even those who are available can't draw much, and Yang Chen has to train himself. It might as well work on Tongtai Industry.

Chimelong Technology might as well do it. Tongtai Industrial is used for production, and Chimelong Technology is used to conduct research and development. In this way, both sides have their own strength. However, in this case, Chimelong Technology can't always be a leather bag company. It has to find a way to recruit people. It must be the kind of person who has a relationship with the metaphysical world, or that there is a person who can quickly accept the existence of the metaphysical world. This is not so easy.

Tongtai Industry also thanks the Zhu family for help. This industry needs contacts, and the Zhu family can do nothing. Chimelong Technology, an enterprise that masters the core technology, must become Yang Chen’s reserved land and cannot give others the opportunity to intervene.

It's not easy to get it up. Yang Chen has a headache.

In addition, it is Lingwu Villa. However, Lingwu Mountain Villa has not been completed yet. It should be possible to build it in March. Although the charity pary was unhappy with Wang Meimei, I believe that an old fox like Wang Yongli will certainly not be tempted by this. This project can be completed on schedule, and it can still be guaranteed. To be continued.

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