The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 269: Lingwu College Preparatory Class

"These two days ago?"

"Yeah, isn't Yang Chen the enrollment quota for their Lingwu Mountain Villa? Is that the name Chen Yuan?"

"That's not right, how are they?" Yang Chen thought he didn't just give Chen Yuan a place?

Wang Xiancheng blinked: "It's them. Chen Yuan and other monks in the villa that day."

"You go out with me to see."

Yang Chen was also a little strange, and went out with Wang Xian's achievements.

Sure enough, in the guard reception room of Tongtai Industry, Chen Yuan and several other monks were there that day.

Seeing Yang Chen coming out, Chen Wan quickly ushered in: "Yang Zhenren, I'm here."

Yang Chen nodded and pointed to the monks: "What's the matter with them?"

"They have to come with me, there is really no way, so they have to bring it over, you see..."

Chen Wan looked at Yang Chen carefully, fearing that he would make Yang Chen angry when he claimed to bring someone over. It wasn't that he was whispered by nature, but now he can't help it.

Yang Chen took a closer look, dear fellow, this is a pot of worship of the Zhou family. It is estimated that the Zhou family will be mad next time. But it doesn't matter, he is completely indifferent to a secular family.

The monks I saw that day all came here.

They saw Yang Chen looking over and smiled quickly on their faces one after another, flatteringly flattering.

Yang Chending looked at Chen Wan and smiled when he saw that the other party was worried. "Relax, my Lingwu College is open to teaching. I am not afraid of the large number of students coming. I am afraid that the number of students is too small. However, they are the Zhou family after all. Why did all the worship come?"

Chen Wan sighed aloud: "Ah, this is also something that can't be helped."

"what happened?"

"They didn't fight against us that day. In fact, this is an understandable thing. We are only the worship of his Zhou family. The Zhou family provides the resources for our cultivation. We work for them. This is what you want. However, it was not selling his life to the Zhou family. When he was hired as a worshiper, he had a word first. In the face of a strong force majeure, the worship was allowed to retreat. However, the people of this week's family couldn't bear it, and they blamed them afterwards. They couldn't help it. They had to leave Zhou's house."

Yang Chen silently.

It is estimated that these breaking incidents were all after Zhou Zhoushao's anxious attack. Things to do. If he were a reasonable person, he would never do it. Regardless of what you think in your heart, at least on the surface, it also has a comprehensible look. Only in this way can these enlightenment worships outside the Zhou family be restored.

Maybe after Zhou Dashao regained his composure. Will regret it.

But this is the end of the matter and it's too late. Regret is useless.

No matter, Yang Chen, a student of Lingwu College, was worried. I am planning to find a way to recruit people in addition to those students who are enrolled in the school. Nowadays some people take the initiative to enroll. How can it be pushed outside the door?

Of course, the positioning of Lingwu College will inevitably be a higher institution for Lingwu monks in the future. But they can’t be too hungry and don’t choose food. Especially now that it has just started, in order to gain fame, we must choose those who have potential, otherwise anyone can enroll, then the force of this Lingwu Academy is too low.

So Yang Chen laughed at the monks who were uneasy and awaiting his verdict: "You look at my Lingwu College and want to enroll. I am the dean of Lingwu College, of course, welcome. But After all, our Lingwu College cannot accept anyone, and I only gave Chen Yuandao a place for admission. Therefore, before entering the school, there must still be an assessment. Only after passing the assessment can I enter Lingwu College to study."

A few monks glanced at them, and some were unsure: "Examination? Will it be difficult?"

Yang Chen shook his head: "No, no, of course it will not be too difficult. Our assessment is only for your potential, as well as your understanding and acceptance of the theory of energy particles. Generally speaking, it is more likely to pass ."

"What if it doesn't work?"

These monks were even more alarmed.

After all, they are only low-level monks. In their view, their task is to concentrate on cultivation. Those storms in the metaphysical world should still not be involved. Even their small size can't be mixed up at all.

So before they did not care about the theory of energy particles. Now I heard that I want to test the understanding and acceptance of the theory of energy particles, naturally one by one is guilty.

In particular, it was easy for them to make up their minds to come to Lingwu College, that is, relying on the power of Yang Chen and Lingwu College to escape the Zhou family’s investigation of these "traitors". If they could not enter Lingwu College in the end, then Isn't it...

Thinking about the consequences of offending Zhou's family, they felt nervous.

Chen Yuan also understood this, and quickly asked them to plead: "Zhen Zhenren, a few of them are people who want to go to my Lingwu College. Although they may not reach the standard for a while, but they are sincere, There is absolutely no falsehood! Can real people look at their sincerity for extra mercy?"

Yang Chen shook his head: "The rules are set out in order to obey. Try not to do things outside the law."

The implication is that extrajudicial kindness is not impossible, but you are not qualified.

Hearing this, the faces of several monks died. But what can it do? They also had no choice but to wait hard for the assessment, hoping that the assessment questions of the Lingwu College would not be too difficult.

Of course Yang Chen understood their mood, and now said with a smile: "Don't worry, the entrance examination of Lingwu College is something that everyone who has not received the admission quota must go through. However, our Lingwu College also considers When the energy particle theory has just been released, it is very different from the traditional theory, and many people do not understand it and it is difficult to accept it. In order to prevent potential people from losing opportunities as much as possible, our Lingwu Academy will open the school at the same time. Run a preparatory class. Anyone who fails the exam can join the preparatory class and study in the preparatory class. After the preparatory class passes the examination and assessment, you can become a regular student of Lingwu College."

He said so, several monks finally relieved. I thought that I could not formally enter the school. It is not bad to enter a preparatory class. At least this is also opened by Lingwu College. It can still be used as a tiger skin under the brand of Lingwu College. At least that week, the family dared not move them.

"Of course, because it is a preparatory class, so this treatment cannot be the same as the formal students. The problem of tuition fees may be a little bit a little bit."

Yang Chen then said.

His plan for Lingwu College is similar to that of a secular university. Outstanding students have scholarships and various preferential policies to reduce or exempt tuition fees, and even not subsidize tuition fees. And ordinary students will have to pay tuition. Then the poorer students have to pay more tuition. This kind of preparatory class, then the tuition fees will be higher.

Although he did not intend to make money from the Lingwu College, such a college must be expensive to operate. Being able to obtain a certain amount of subsidies will naturally not be let go.

Several monks looked at each other with their faces indifferent, and asked cautiously, "Yang Zhenren, I don't know... I don't know how much this tuition is..."

Yang Chen smiled and said: "Relax, if the tuition is temporarily insufficient, the college can lend it to you first. While studying, you can complete the tasks initiated by the college to work hard and work hard, and finally pay the tuition."

He said to Chen Yuan: "The same is true for Chen Daoyou. This policy is equally effective for all formal and informal students at Lingwu College."

A few stones finally fell on the hearts of several monks, and one by one rejoiced: "That's fine, thank Yang Zhenren!"

Yang Chendao: "No need to thank me, if you want to thank me, you just study hard."

In fact, this is also a way to tie these monks who have entered the preparatory class and even become regular students in Lingwu Mountain Villa. If the tuition fees are paid by oneself, then it is natural to think when and when to leave. Of course, Lingwu Mountain Villa does not care about such one or two students who left, but in the early days of Lingwu College, every student who had received education from Lingwu College was precious and could not be wasted. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to avoid this situation.

Because the early promotion of the energy particle theory, as well as the Lingwu monk system, it is necessary to concentrate resources.

After the middle and late period, with certain achievements, what is needed at that time is more and wider spread of the energy particle theory and the spiritual martial monk system. The departure of such trained students will naturally bring the influence of these cultivation to The whole metaphysical world is a good thing.

Here, Yang Chen gave a few monks a set of pills ~ ~ immediately on-site question assessment, that is, some written test questions, and Yang Chen's oral test.

When the other party finished answering the questions, among the seven monks, there were six people who did not expect the grades. They simply did not meet the standards and could only become members of the preparatory class.

However, Yang Chen was surprised that there was actually a monk who had reached the admission standard and successfully became a regular student at Lingwu College.

The monk's name is Huang Xiu, but the second-order meteorological performance of meteorite, but Yang Chen can see from his answer that he is a more spiritual person, and he still has a little understanding of energy particle theory.

So Yang Chen glanced at Huang Xiu, who was nervously waiting for his verdict, and asked, "Huang Xiu, isn't it? I see that your answer to the question also shows a certain understanding of the theory of energy particles. Several other people There is no such understanding, so what kind of psychology did you originally want to understand the theory of energy particles?"

Huang Xiu was a young man in his twenties. When he was twelve or thirteen, he found a cultivation note in his ancestral house with a written mentality, and embarked on the road of cultivation. In a sense, it is almost the same experience as the protagonist of the online novel. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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