The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 275: Is 1,000 enough?

It was a 27-year-old young man who was dressed in a dangling role, dressed like a dog, with a glossy midpoint, looking like a traitor translator in an anti-Japanese movie. There was a cigarette in his mouth, but it wasn't lit, but just slanted. The eyes are slightly triangular, and it seems that everyone is looking sideways.

Behind him, Hula La followed up with the number seven or eight. All of them are sturdy, and in the winter, they are also shirtless, revealing the tiger or blue dragon tattoos on their shirts, and also the second master Guan Guan, with fierce eyes, as if they want to eat people at any time. Otherwise, it is full of colorful hair, the standard rural aristocracy at the junction of the rural nobles kills Matt, and the head is high, a pair of secondary two looks.

All in all, without a serious person, it is obvious that this group of guys belong to that kind of dynamic social gang member.

As soon as they came in, the guys crowded the door. Then the leader was honest and unkind, stepped on the only table for dinner in the shack.

Because the room was too small, except for the few others who were forced to squeeze in, the others were outside the shack, kicking at the shack here, touching it there, and even lifting one or two pieces of broken plastic cloth directly. While doing this, they were still looking around with their vulgar eyes, and for a time they were chaotic and sulky.

The workers outside looked at them from a distance, but no one came around, even evading their eyes. Obviously, the notoriety of these people is a deterrent to all workers.

"Li Triangle, what are you doing?"

Wu Chenggang flushed with rage and snarled.

This shack was built by them with their own hands, and they are the only foothold and the only lair in this city. Broken and rotten again, it also brings the warmth of home. Although they had decided to go to Yang Chen to work there, they were still angry enough to see the shack damaged in this way.

Hearing the three words "Li Triangle", the face of the head changed. Because of his triangular eyes, he was dubbed the "Li Triangle". It's just that no one dared to say that in front of him. Usually, they are respected by the boss, boss, brother and the like. Heard at once. Suddenly made him angry.

Such people have always been tyrannical, bullying and fearful, and facing weak groups that are not as good as their own. That is to say that the degree of respect is not enough. It's going to be a big attack. Yang Chen thought he was about to have an attack, but unexpectedly he glanced at the house. Yin Yang smiled strangely, and did not get angry, just said: "Wu Chenggang. Say good to sell my things? Take them out."

He could still hold cigarettes while he was talking, which made Yang Chen admire how he could do it.

Wu Chenggang said angrily: "When did I say I wanted to sell you something?"

"When? Isn't it the last time?"

"I said last time, but the price is right to sell!"

"Isn't that still selling?" Li Sanjiao stood on the ground with one foot. The other foot was imaginary on the ground, shaking the imaginary leg: "Is a thousand dollars enough? Hurry up, take the things out. Grandpa is in a hurry."

"Don't sell, don't sell! Resolutely don't sell!" Wu Chenggang shouted, "I want to buy a thousand dollars? Experts said. It's worth two hundred thousand!"

"Don't sell it? Hey..." Li Sanjiao sneered: "Just your broken stone, giving you a thousand bucks is worth looking at you! Don't sell it? That's too much for you! Or take things out slyly. Don't let Grandpa hands it on! Besides, you still have a patient in this room! There is no money at all. What to see for treatment? This person... is about to die? Is it a thousand dollars to pay for emergency!"

At the end, Li Sanjiao looked at Xiaolan lying on the steel wire bed and threatened him.

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed, his eyes flashed.

This little **** does nothing else, as long as it doesn't kill anyone. But he dare to use Xiaolan to threaten...

Say no lessons to him!

If Yang Chen came before, Wu Chenggang was reluctant, but in order to cure Xiaolan, I am afraid he really had to sell him something. But now, Xiaolan has such a big boss Yang Chen to take care of it, and he doesn't need a thousand dollars to cure the disease. Moreover, they have decided to go to Yang Chen's project to start work, even more worry-free.

Hearing Li Sanjiao's words, Wu Chenggang became angry: "You bastard, I said if you don't sell, you don't sell! You get me off! This is my house, you are not welcome."

"Your house?" Li Sanjiao seemed to hear any joke, and he sneered disdainfully: "This piece is all our Qinglong company's site. The site is ours, and the house on the site is no exception! Wu Chenggang, Get out of sight quickly, otherwise you will leave this site for me!"

He said that he looked out to the coworkers outside: "And, you don't have to go to work anymore! Go home and wait for me to die!"

For these people at the bottom of the society, a job can survive, that is very important. It is precisely for this reason that before the Li Triangular Party of Fox and Dogs, even if they did not use force, they only needed to threaten them to lose their jobs, which was enough to make these people obediently obey their orders.

On this site, Li Triangle, they are ground snakes. Even the bosses on the construction site have to look at them. They said that if no one was allowed to work, the boss had to obediently let that person go, otherwise he wouldn't want to do this project.

Li Sanjiao thought that this killer came out, where did Wu Chenggang not obey obediently?

Unexpectedly, Wu Chenggang's face was disdainful: "If you don't do it, don't do it! Do you think this job is amazing!"

After receiving such an unexpected answer, Li Sanjiao did not panic and sneered: "Don't forget, your ID card, deposit and two months' wages are still there, don't you want it? "


Wu Chenggang hesitated.

The sum of the wage deposit is as small as 5,000 yuan, which is enough for a person like them to live a year. The most important thing is that ID card, no matter where you go to find a job, you still need it.

But he immediately gritted his teeth: "If you don't, don't do it! Anyway, my ID card is still a generation. I heard that I want to get a second-generation ID card. It's a big deal. I will invalidate this ID card and get a second-generation ID card again!"

"You..." Li Sanjia discovered for the first time that Wu Chenggang was so unlovable, and he dared to challenge him like this. He said cruelly: "Since this is the case, don't blame us for being rude!"

He gave Yang Chen a careful look and said, "Brothers, give me!"


The gangster thugs on the road were about to enter the house, and Yang Chen suddenly said.

Li Sanjiao twitched.

With his eyes. Naturally entered the house. I saw Yang Chen and Wang Xiancheng. Wang Xiancheng is all right. Yang Chen looks dressed in his body, then he is either rich or expensive. The key is that Yang Chen is too young. Such a person is not a rich second generation. It is the second generation of officials.

This Li triangle has been on the road for so many years, and has been mixed up to the status of a big brother. There is no glance. It has long been extinguished.

He is well aware that this second generation of young people is the worst offense. Because these young people have a good background, they have been smooth sailing since childhood. Young and vigorous, with a big temper. The most is vengeance. For example, those generations will consider gains and losses and other factors, even if they are offended. As long as both hard and soft make the other party realize that the gains and losses are not worth the effort, they can smooth out the holiday. But this young man. But they often offend people to death in one breath.

Therefore, these people who are mixed up with the road have the most headaches to meet such young people.

Before Li Triangle entered the house. In fact, he saw Yang Chen, but he pretended not to see it, that is, he planned not to have any intersection with this person.

Although he also knows that this kind of thinking is pure luxury.

At this time Yang Chen spoke, Li Sanjiao suddenly screamed badly, knowing that he had failed to cope with the ostrich and could not see it without contact.

Thinking of this, he could not help but hate Wu Chenggang.

When he wanted to come, people like Yang Chen appeared here just to buy that thing. This Wu Chenggang secretly solicited other rich people to peddle, let him get things and have to spend a lot of trouble, it is abhorrent!

I just hope that this young man is not the kind that is inevitable, and he can still spend a certain price to let this person let go.

But if...

Thinking of this possibility, Li Sanjiao secretly ruthlessly: really can't do it, then had to do nothing and endlessly! Anyway, this place is very chaotic, and occasionally disappearing such a person, it is simply normal.

For a moment, Li Sanjiao thought of turning around, hiding the fierce light in his eyes, looking at Yang Chen, and said with a smile: "Oh, this gentleman, I don't know what you are doing here?"

Unfortunately, how could he hide Yang Chen's fierce glory? Yang Chen sneered in his heart and said quietly, "Nothing, just come and see occasionally."

Come here occasionally?

Li Sanjiao scolded in his heart: Let the ghosts go! Based on your background, you may not be involved in such a place for a lifetime. Do you occasionally see if you can come to such a place where dragons and snakes are mixed?

He laughed aloud: "This gentleman, who is in the rivers and lakes, wants to be a dare to be a dare. He is hiding, but it is not for the heroes. Let's just say, are you for that meteorite?"


This Li Triangle's judgment is really far away.

Yang Chen shook his head without knowing it, and said with a smile: "Okay, you said that's what it is."

Li Sanjiao said: "So this Can you please raise your hand and let go of this time? As long as you agree, our Qinglong company called you a friend, and there must be good rewards! You can You know, our Qinglong company has a great future. Our Qinglong company is the industry of the Li family."

"Li family? Which Li family?"

Li Triangle chuckled: "Which Li family can we have in Nanhu Province? Of course it is the Li family of Shengli Group!"

Yang Chen looked at him with a smile: "I know the Shengli Group, but it seems that there is no company called Qinglong Company under the Shengli Group?"

"Of course there is no Shengli Group, but our Qinglong company is indeed the Li family! Isn't the Li family's industry not the Li family?"

Victory Group, Grandpa Li?

Isn’t that Li Xiao? Li Xiao, the little chaperone of Wang Meimei at the charity party, also made Yang Chen hit the face. .

Thinking of Yang Chen couldn't help but chuckled: It didn't seem that he really had a relationship with Li Xiao. If you leave Jinzhou anywhere, you can meet Li Xiao's people. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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