The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 288: Negative energy pressure absorber

"No, no," the middle-aged man in thick glasses shook his head again and again: "The new generation production line is a new generation production line, and the old production line is an old production line. We must conduct a comprehensive evaluation. The old production line must also be produced, and the new production line must also be produced. Check the product parameters again."

"This one……"

Yang Chen's face was awkward.

"How? Is there a problem?"

"Yes, the problem is not small." Yang Chen smiled bitterly: "The biggest problem of the old production line is that there is a lot of noise during production, and there is no small radiation..."

"Wait, radiation?"

Another expert wearing messy hair asked: "This production actually radiates again? How much radiation? Will it affect the final product?"

"This expert..."

"My surname is Huang."

"Oh, expert Huang, you should know that I invented this material based on the theory of energy particles."

Expert Huang nodded and looked at the strange light: "Of course I know. Your energy particle theory is very interesting. I have calculated it carefully. It seems that there is no problem mathematically."

The middle-aged man with thick glasses next to him shook his head: "Lao Huang, tell me the right thing." He said to Yang Chen, "Let me know, my surname is Lu."

"Expert Lu, hello..." Yang Chen shook hands warmly with him.

"Yang Gong, you continue to talk about radiation."

Between the three people talking, the experts next to them all gathered together, and only two of them were still looking at the silly **** production machine.

"Okay, I continue to say. This material is predicted by the energy particle theory. The production process is also based on the energy particle theory. Its production must use the energy particle collider. After the energy particle collision, The powerful energy produced instantly bombards ordinary ceramic raw materials to produce nano-level ceramic powder. This radiation comes from the collision of energy."

"So. Is there any residue of radiation?"

"Residues are not there." Yang Chen shook his head: "Energy particles are particles that are relatively easy to decompose under normal circumstances, so there is very little residue of radiation. According to statistics, basically the energy particles collide within three minutes. The radiation is Will disappear completely. And there will be no residue in the final product."

"That is to say." Expert Huang thought thoughtfully: "radiation only exists within three minutes after production?"


The experts laughed: "What are you worried about?"

"Not really."

"I thought it was the kind of nuclear radiation."

"Compared with the predecessors who carried out nuclear bombs under nuclear radiation, this is not a problem at all."

Yang Chen was speechless. These military experts are indeed relatively simple and rude, and they are far more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Instead, expert Lu asked seriously: "So under normal circumstances. How long will it take to produce in such an environment for a long time, which will have more serious consequences on the human body?"

Yang Chendao: "As long as it is less than six months. That is basically about 170 days to 190 days, it will cause irreparable damage to the human body. The specific number of days varies according to individual circumstances."

Expert Lu nodded: "So, you only need to rotate the production line workers every five months. Is that okay?"


"That's fine, I'm fine. Yang Gong. Prepare for production." Expert Lu then greeted the two young people around the age of 278: "Little Sun, Xiaoqian, go to the material pond over there for sampling , There should be the reconstituted nano-ceramic powder that has been produced before. Leave it as a control sample."

"Okay." The two men quickly went up and prepared to take samples from the pond.

"No, no," Yang Chen hurried forward: "The powder in the pond is made of raw materials. The powder after production should remain in the machine."

With that said, he opened the gate of this original prototype production line and moved the metal material basket out with a manual shake, pointing to a little powder inside: "This is the remnant after production."

Expert Lu smiled bitterly: "This... is this manual?"

Yang Chen blushed: "No way. At that time, we had not yet developed an automatic control element that could resist the energy violent environment. All mechanical and electronic automation components were not added, only manual."

The experts could not help shaking their heads.

"It is indeed too backward." Huang expert said.

"So, production." Expert Lu said after seeing that Xiao Sun Xiao Qian had finished sampling.

Yang Chen smiled bitterly again: "I remind you again, the noise is really loud!"

"Despite production, we have count."

"Okay." Yang Chen shrugged his shoulders and made a basket of raw ceramic fragments, no matter what was thrown into the machine, and then closed the door, put his hand on the switch, and spit out his energy.


With a loud noise, although some experts said that they were prepared, they did not pay much attention to it. As a result, they were shocked by this and almost fell to the ground.

Even if Mu Qingsi had enjoyed this treatment for a long time, he was still frowning.

I only wish the old hero General laughed instead: "Good! It's enjoyable! It's really enjoyable. It was as good as the artillery sound when playing the Vietnamese devil."

He said he slapped him **** Yang Chen's shoulder.

But Yang Chen was prepared early, his eyes were fast, and he quickly opened, wishing the hero a slap in the air, and some glared at Yang Chen, as if to say, "You stingy guy, what do you want me to slap?"

Yang Chen had to smile bitterly.

When the roar sounded, the Japanese and Americans in front of the office building glanced anxiously at the roaring factory building.

As they have collected a lot of information, of course they know that this roar is anxious because of this.

At first glance, the heroes and other people who came from the military are coming. Do they really want to cooperate? Is it really going to come to an end?

For a time, everyone was a bit tempted.

In the workshop, after the processing of a metal basket material, Yang Chen stopped and shaken out the reconstructed nano-ceramics again for experts to sample.

The remaining products were collected by Mu Qingsi, who was responsible for it, weighed and affixed a seal, and prepared to be shipped to the military in the future.

"Now, can we go to the laboratory?"

Now the experts are still buzzing in your ears, nodding bitterly, and led by Yang Chen, they left the plant and entered Hou Xunan's laboratory.

At the door of the laboratory, seeing the words "China Energy Particle Research and Application Institute No. 1" above, experts sneered unavoidably, and the heroes laughed aloud: "Yang Xiaozi, his ambition is not small, so good !Be bold..."

Then he shot it against Yang Chen's shoulder.

Of course, it was empty again.

Everyone could not help laughing.

Opening the door of the laboratory, Hou Xunan was still addicted to the experiment. The sound of a group of people opening the door did not disturb him.

Now his research on the theory of energy particles, especially the application of new materials in the theory of energy particles, has been quite in-depth. Anyway, Yang Chen looked at his research materials, and there are some places that he still can't understand at a time. To understand what is being studied.

Now he is playing with a microwave oven-sized device with a hole in the front and a flashlight-like thing inserted into the mouth, but the flashlight has no transparent glass to protect the bulb.

Then he dived the flashlight to the end of a glass bulb-like thing, and once pressed the button of the flashlight, he saw that the bulb flashed red light, slowly flashing, slowly from red to yellow, green, and blue. .

After about five minutes, the flashlight's light turned white.

Then, Hou Xunan twisted the tail of the glass bulb as if to close the mouth.

Look carefully at the glass bulb, which contains many tubes, transistors and the like, all connected to a wire at the end of the bulb.

Then Hou Xunan put the light bulb in the small energy particle collider, which should be the third generation. No, the collider is now as small as less than half a meter in size, and its power is greatly reduced. It should be called a miniature energy particle collider.

Then, he took out a jade card and slapped it on the switch of the micro-energy particle collider.

This is the spirit power symbol portrayed by Yang Chen on the jade card, or should be called the mental power particle equation memory card. Unlike the paper symbols drawn on the rune paper, it can only be used once. This mental power particle equation memory card can be continuous Use until the energy stored inside is clean.

And to charge this mental particle equation memory card, there are special machines that can also be started with the mental particle equation memory card.

In this way, the machine does not need monks to participate at all, and ordinary people can completely produce and research.

Hou Xunan started the mini-energy particle collider. After a period of time, it turned off, turned on the mini-energy particle collider, took out the glass bulb, and connected the external wire to the power supply. Immediately, the tube inside the glass bulb lit up~ This proves that even after the test of energy particle explosion, the electron tube inside the glass bulb can still operate normally.

At the same time, Hou Xunan took out a test instrument for testing transistors, which is the ordinary instrument purchased on the market.

Similarly, the transistor can also operate normally.

It seems that this is only a test of vacuum-insulated special glass, but it is not the case, because this bulb uses vacuum-insulated special glass, but it is completely enclosed, and the tubes and transistors inside are all ordinary ones purchased on the market. Tubes and transistors cannot resist violent energy particles.

Vacuum insulation special glass can isolate the explosion of energy particles when it is completely closed, but it also isolates the electron flow. The tube transistor inside will not work.

But now that the glass bulb is not completely enclosed, then the impact of the explosion of energy particles cannot be avoided. The only way to avoid influence is to create a negative energy pressure vacuum.

Yang Chen suddenly surprised: "Is the research on negative energy pressure absorber successful?" (Unfinished. To be continued.) Launch of the new website

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