The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 312: Preparation before leaving

The address of China Metaphysics Portal is located in Beijing. This was Zhang Bingyu's original decision to facilitate management. Because the Dust Detective Office is also located in Beijing.

Now that he has decided to go, of course, Yang Chen must also arrange things, and he has to say hello to things that Tongtai Industry or Hengyang Pharmaceutical recently need to go to Beijing to do together.

He immediately called Tang Moxuan over.

Recently, Tang Moxuan began to be slowly regarded by Yang Chen as the big housekeeper of all his industries. Not only limited to Tongtai Industry, all industries of Yang Chen, including Lingwu Mountain Villa, the former leather bag company Chimelong Technology, and Angyang New Energy’s equity exchange alliance agreement, and even Hengyang Pharmaceutical, Tang Moxuan are beginning Participate in management. Moreover, Yang Chen's preparations to register an offshore company have also been handed over to Tang Moxuan.

"Lao Tang, I'm going to Beijing soon. We have something to do in Beijing now. Tell me, I'll do it by the way."

Tang Moxuan pulled out a hard-shell notebook from his arms and turned it over: "There is basically nothing to go to Beijing. Only the Hengyuan Biomedical Laboratory, Dr. Zhou’s application for clinical phase I trial approval of new anti-cancer drugs has been Passed in the province, according to the procedures, you need to go to the Food and Drug Administration for technical review and approval."

The laboratory formerly named Hengyang Laboratory has now been renamed Hengyang Biomedical Laboratory by Yang Chen, because the research scope of the laboratory will increase from pharmaceutical to biological. Of course, the name is still just plain, and biological research has not been fully launched, just preparations.

"So troublesome?"

"Yes, the clinical trials of new drugs in China need to be carried out in three phases. After the end of the third phase, no new drugs can be registered, and then approval can be obtained and production can be carried out. Even if the Zhu family's contacts are added, the expected time to market successfully It should be three to five years later. As for the US Food and Drug Administration (-and-Drug-, FAD) is the FAD side, although the process time is shorter than our country. And our anti-cancer drugs are used for treatment Drugs with serious or life-threatening diseases. They have a good effect and can speed up approval and certification, but it is impossible to go to market without one or two years."


Yang Chen was speechless. This is the year of the monkey.

He heard that Hengyang Laboratories changed hands in later generations and successfully listed on the international market within three years. I thought it would be available soon. It now appears that after the Hengyang Lab was dug by Sujiang Pharmaceutical Group, it should give up listing directly in China. It is directly taken to the US FAD for registration and listing, otherwise it will not be so fast.

"Forget it. I won't blend it in this respect. Hengyang Pharmaceutical has been established for so long. There should be a set of mature plans and teams in this respect. My layman will not mess with them."

After thinking about it, Yang Chen said: "I think that this new drug should go directly to the US FAD certification. For early listing, there is no need to be entangled in the country. It must be acknowledged that the US FAD certification is an international general certification, and it may exist for Chinese medicine and other drugs. Discrimination. But our anti-cancer drugs are strictly Western medicines, and their certification is still authoritative. Not to mention that they must be sold globally in the future, and it is more appropriate to get US FAD certification."

"Then I will inform the Hengyang laboratory over later and go to the US for FAD certification?" Tang Moxuan asked: "Will there be a domestic suspension?"

Yang Chen shook his head: "That's not necessary, both sides are walking along the process, do two-hand preparation, after all, it will still be sold in the country. If you pass the US FAD certification, it will be easier to pass the approval of the Food and Drug Administration in the future. But the main focus should be on the American FAD."

Tang Moxuan nodded and wrote down this matter in his notebook: "I will notify that side later. But President Jin and President Yang..."

At Tongtai Industrial, everyone calls Yang Chen Yang Dong, saying that President Yang is worth Yang Chen’s father Yang Xiuyuan.

Although Yang Chen’s Chimelong Technology already owns 80% of Hengyang Pharmaceutical’s shares and has absolute control, after all, Yang Xiuyuan and Jin Meifeng are actually managing, and the research and development of new drugs is still fully supported by Yang Xiuyuan. It will definitely not work without notice. Even if Yang Chen was their son, they would make them uncomfortable without saying hello.

Yang Chen nodded: "Well, I have to tell my parents about this matter, you don't have to worry about it, just notify as usual."

He paused and said, "In addition, Dr. Zhou Xuzheng Zhou of the Hengyang Biomedical Laboratory has now completed the development of the new drug. The follow-up work basically does not require him to bother. You find time to talk to him and let him participate in our research. My energy particle theory also has great prospects in biological medicine. You give him the energy particle theory to see what inspiration he can have."

"Okay, Dong Yang."

"In addition, during my time away, I will leave you with my affairs. I believe you will not let me down."

"Don't worry, Dong Yang, as long as my old Tang's life is still alive, there will be no problem here!" Tang Moxuan patted his chest and promised.

"I believe you. Well, if you have nothing to do, hurry and go to work." Yang Chen thought about everything he wanted to explain, and let Tang Moxuan go down.

But Tang Moxuan was hesitant and hesitated.

"Don Tang, just tell me anything. Is it the kind of person who can't listen to me?"

"Isn't it... I absolutely don't have any opinion on Yang Dong..." Tang Moxuan waved his hands repeatedly, his face embarrassed: "It's's just my personal business, I don't bother Yang Dong..."

"Say it." Yang Chen interrupted his words: "What's the matter, anyway, it's also a smooth way, and I will handle it for you."

"Thank you Yang Dong, thank Yang Dong!" Tang Moxuan thanked again and again, and then said: "This is the case, some time ago, I was not here in Yang Dong, you bought some elixir of the metaphysical world? I intended to send it back, but this thing is too It’s precious and I don’t worry about sending it back, so I want to go back to my daughter in person, but the situation here can’t go away... I was preparing for Mr. Zhu to come back and let him find someone to help me take it back. Yang Dong now you……"

"Just about this? That line, you wait to hand me the elixir, and I will send it to you at your house. Well, look at your daughter's situation by the way. If it is not difficult, I will help you. Healed directly!"

Tang Moxuan was so grateful that he didn’t know what to do: "In this case...that...that would be great...Yang Dong, I..."

Yang Chen waved his hand: "I've done it, I don't need so many fake literary kits. The things you have done recently are very good, and I am very satisfied, it's a reward for you."

As he said, he made a joke: "However, with this reward, I won't pay the bonus!"

"No problem, no problem! That should be it!" Tang Moxuan said, as soon as he was amnesty.

"You..." Yang Chen nodded his finger at Tang Moxuan, but shook his head helplessly: "Well, okay, without deducting your bonus, it seems that your heart is not stable, then, that's it, if your daughter's illness is easy I will cure you. I will use your bonus as medical expenses. Well, you go on."

Tang Moxuan was grateful for the swiftness.

It seems that there is basically no need to worry about Tang Moxuan's loyalty. More confidential matters in the future should be left to him.

Looking at his back, Yang Chen thought to himself.

When Tang Moxuan left, Yang Chen made a phone call to his father and his mother, and said that he was going to the capital, and about the new drugs in the Hengyang laboratory.

Yang Xiuyuan didn't say anything, because Yang Chen's decision was indeed reasonable and correct, and of course he wouldn't say anything.

Jin Meifeng, after hearing about this, said on the phone with a smile: "Xiaochen, you are now growing up, your wings are hard, and you have the ability, do you think the two of us are too old? , Feeling handicapped, plan to accept Hengyang Group yourself?"

Jin Meifeng is a standard woman, and she is used to being alone. She really wants to let her rest, and she is not used to it. My son suddenly had such a great ability at once, which was a little too sensitive.

"Then how can it be?"

Yang Chen quickly patted his mother's ass: "The son has made a little name, but isn't that the mother's teaching of your second elder? Is the son's achievement equivalent to the achievement of your second elder. Son This little famous hall, don’t have your second elder escort? Your second elder is your son’s strength. Besides, mom, you are still very young, where are you old? If you go out on the street, others might think you are It’s my sister!”

"Bah! Just sweet talk, just talk nonsense!" Jin Meifeng took a sip and was very happy: "It's done, my mom also knows that you have your own plans for your won't hinder you It’s up to you. In the future, I’ll listen to you about the affairs of Hengyang Pharmaceutical. However, my mother is born to work hard and can’t rest. This daily business, my mother still has to help you. Your father If you can’t turn over there, my mother will help you to speak."

"Well, Mom, you can do what you say..." Yang Chen said without a word.

However, he was still very happy to get the actual control of the Hengyang Group. Because these traditional enterprises, after the explosion of geomagnetic core energy, they will definitely be affected. For example, in terms of electronics, network, and communication, it was almost completely annihilated by the army, and it was the most affected. As for medicine, the impact is also great. Because after the explosion of the geomagnetic core energy, most of the original Western medicines will be degenerated and failed due to the greatly increased energy particle activity. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine will be vigorously developed. Without sophisticated medical equipment, the level of Western medicine will also drop to a bottom, and it will take a long time to recover.

However, Hengyang Pharmaceutical mainly manufactures Western medicines and few traditional Chinese medicine preparations. If strategic adjustments are not made, the results will be hit hard. This is a point that must be considered.

It was just because of Yang Xiuyuan’s relationship with Jin Meifeng’s parents as Yang Chen, it was not easy to give orders directly, and even this sentence was hard to say, so as not to be scolded as unfilial. Now that Jin Meifeng has offered to surrender control, Yang Chen's affairs are much easier. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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