The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 317: Point program

"Don't worry, there are too few such people. Our supercomputer is still safe."

Yang Chen comforted Miao Gaoliang.

Miao Gaoliang shook his head: "If it was the security measures I set up in the basement before, I am not worried. Although there are experts who can crack those things, but to crack, they must come to our company. In this way, maybe Sexuality is reduced to almost zero."

"But supercomputing is not the same. Supercomputing is to be put on the Internet. Because the practice auxiliary system we are going to do must be fed back through the network. So, we cannot put supercomputing and extranet physics like in some places. It is separated to increase security. But when the supercomputer is put on the Internet, anyone who can access the network can access our supercomputer. In this way, the chances of encountering those masters are much greater... …"

"So, what I did before is useless work. As long as the super calculation on the network is broken, those things are all useless..."

Miao Gaoliang said in frustration, then he suddenly looked up and looked over with expectant eyes:

"So you need the boss to take action! If you really can use superimposition to make supercomputing smart, as the boss said, then the master who can crack such supercomputing may not exist in the world! Artificial intelligence is the most advanced and cutting-edge technology in the computer field. If it is really mastered by hackers, it will definitely not be used. But there is no sign yet, it shows that our future artificial intelligence may be unique and foolproof. of!"

"How confident are you in this judgment?" Despite asking this question, Yang Chen still believed confidently that once the supercomputing had become intelligent through dotting, even if artificial intelligence appeared on the Internet, it would definitely not be an opponent. Because it is real life, not simple artificial intelligence.

"Well..." Miao Gaoliang thought about it seriously and replied:

"My technology is not the best in the world, but it is also the second best. The difference between me and those top experts. That is whether I have original things. And the basics of computer and network technology The rule judgment is above. There is no gap between them and my level. I can judge that there is no sign of artificial intelligence on the Internet. Unless...unless artificial intelligence reaches the level beyond the rules. This possibility cannot be said No, but the possibility is not very high."

Yang Chen did not care much about this. Anyway, he is confident: "That's good."

Miao Gaoliang pulled Yang Chen and walked to the super calculation: "Boss, let's start now!"

"Wait." Yang Chen was in place, not letting him pull: "I'm still not sure if it will be able to count the super calculations. So. In order to avoid accidents, we will lose one super calculation. Before this, I still Click on the database program first, and use it as a later experiment."

"Alright. Then I'll call up the database program immediately. Wait. The database program is software, but the supercomputer is hardware. They are different. Does this experiment make sense?" Miao Gaoliang suddenly remembered something and stopped. Asked in his footsteps.

"Oh. This makes no difference. The success of dot technology has nothing to do with hardware and software. It depends on another kind of energy particle theory that hasn't been involved in the computer field."

"That's good. Then let's go to the next room. We have three backup servers here." Then Miao Gaoliang took Yang Chen to the next door.

The blade servers are not too heavy, so twenty blade servers, except three servers, are used as backups, so that when other servers have problems, they can be temporarily placed on top. For safety reasons, they are placed in the basement, and the other seventeen are placed in the basement. In the middle of the Chinese Metaphysical Portal on the top floor of the office building.

By the next door, Miao Gaoliang was resolute and let Yang Chen start immediately.

However, when Yang Chen was preparing, he remembered his longing desire and asked Yang Chen: "Boss, you said that it can allow anyone to succeed in enlightenment, start building foundations, and then become a monk's method. Is it real?"

Yang Chen closed his eyes and silently mobilized the spiritual power in his body, preparing to release the apocalypse when it was in the best condition. It must be allowed to run perfectly.

Hearing Miao Gaoliang's question, he did not open his eyes and replied casually: "Of course it is true. We have succeeded in many experiments and there is absolutely no problem."

"Then..." Miao Gaoliang suffered a lot, and was afraid that he could easily find the hope, and finally turned into a disappointment, and even some did not dare to speak, afraid to hear the result of disappointing himself: "Then... Look at me, with my qualifications, can I succeed in opening the telepathy?"

"I already said that there is absolutely no problem."

"Boss, please take a good look at me, I'm afraid in case..."

"Not in case!" Yang Chen cut the iron railroad: "Our way of opening is based on the energy particle affinity gene of the human body. And all normal people all have the energy particle affinity gene, but the activation level is different."

"That boss, I... am I supposed to be a normal person?"

Miao Gaoliang suddenly felt a little less confident in himself.

"Of course it is! The so-called normal people are those who have not died or died of a strange disease of vitality. Other people, no matter who you are, as long as you are alive and stretched out, even if you are terminally ill now, out of dying , You are still a normal person!"

After listening to Yang Chen's words, Miao Gaoliang finally let out a sigh of relief, but after a while, he was still not very confident, and then asked: "If you are the boss, you should take a look... how do I think it's a bit dim? ..."

Yang Chen sighed helplessly, opened his eyes and said, "Highlight, if you are not at ease, then I'll help you to talk about it first? But I remind you, it will take a long time to open it, at least better In a few days, if you are in a hurry, I will help you out."

"Then forget it..." Miao Gaoliang waved his hands without thinking.

Yang Chen secretly admired.

This Miao Gaoliang does have the quality of a researcher. His hunger for spiritual practice is nothing but physical instinct. But his pursuit of technology is what he really yearns for.

Didn’t you say something? What is freedom? Freedom is not about doing what you want, but about not doing what you want.

Miao Gaoliang can think of not being controlled by body instincts, in this sense, Miao Gaoliang's qualities are enough to make Yang Chen look at each other. And such a person, let him concentrate on researching technology, the achievements he can achieve will also be quite large, even quite terrible.

Now that said, Miao Gaoliang will not interrupt Yang Chen, let Yang Chen continue to prepare.

Until the mood and state were adjusted to the best, Yang Chen, who was the first to perform point-to-point surgery in this era of insufficient energy particle activity, also stood up, ready to perform on the database program in the large blade server in front of him Enlightenment.

Miao Gaoliang carried a laptop with him, he connected to this server, and then opened the source code folder of the program, and let Yang Chen perform some of the techniques.

Pointing is a spell with the ability to blur directional.

The so-called fuzzy directivity means that this spell is not like most spirits in later generations. It must calculate the accurate target coordinates in order to play a precise role, but only needs "I think" "should be here" "The goal is Vague ideas such as "this kind of thing" can accurately affect the ability to cast spells.

According to later generations, this mechanism should belong to the category of fuzzy mathematics and chaos, but how to reproduce it on other spells is also a big problem.

But for Yang Chen, just use it. When he threw out the apothecary technique, he was somewhat uneasy.

Although the previous point-of-life technique did not fail, it was because of the high activity of the energetic particles. Research results have been published in later generations, and the effect of energization is better when the energy particles are more active.

As expected, Yang Chen felt a trace of stagnation in the operation of spiritual power when he released the point technique. This is a phenomenon that he never felt when he performed point technique in later generations.

Pointing technique is not like most spells. After it can be formed at once, you don’t have to worry about it. Instead, you need to continuously input spiritual power. If there is stagnation in the running of spiritual force, then the possibility of point of failure will increase. Big.

Yang Chen didn't want such a situation, so he accelerated the operation of the spiritual force. When he applied the spiritual force to 1.3 times under normal circumstances, the stagnation of the spiritual force finally disappeared.

This means that even after the rebirth, even the simplest phone calls must consume a little more than three times the spiritual power before they can complete the enchantment.

And it takes a long time to enlighten, that is to say, it is not necessary to pay only one and three times the spiritual power at one time, but it is necessary to continue to maintain the one and three times the spiritual power output.

When the time slowly increased, Yang Chen discovered that not only did the need for spiritual power increase by a factor of three, but even the time to complete the enlightenment was longer than in later generations.

Moreover, this lengthening is not only more than 1.3 times. According to Yang Chen's estimates and calculations, it was only after more than three times that time had passed that signs of the completion of the enlightening technique finally appeared.

Then, I saw a soft white light flashing in the space where the server was installed, and then in Yang Chen's mind, it felt as if it had established a weak connection with something.

Yang Chen is quite familiar with this kind of connection, which is clearly the connection that will be generated after the operation of the enlightenment technique in later generations and applied to the enlightened life. Only this connection is much weaker than the normal connection of later generations.

After the contact is completed, if you do not intend to continue to control, just use it as a cannon fodder as later generations, then you can immediately cut off this contact. It has nothing to do with this enlightened life in the future. If you do not cut off the connection now, and want to wait to cut off later, then it will bring some trauma to your mental power in the future. The degree of trauma is closely related to the degree of closeness between you and the strength of the life that is being quantified. The most serious, it may cause you to be hit hard, and the life of the enlightened will die!

Of course, Yang Chen did not cut off the connection, but carefully touched the dim consciousness, and finally confirmed that this was indeed a life consciousness that had been enlightened, and he immediately burst into delight.

Alchemy succeeded! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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