The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 344: Spiritist

Xiao Su happily cried out: "In this case, it makes sense. Father, wait, I'm going to search for some geek's information carefully and analyze it so that I can forge a pole that fits Snowden's character perfectly. Come here as a guest. By then, Snowden would like to escape from our fingers!"

After talking about it, Xiao Su concealed traces on the screen and began large-scale data collection.

Quite speaking, this is harder. Because geeks are not ordinary netizens who are ignorant of their invasion. These people who are enthusiastic about technology are, to a certain extent, even more creative and sensitive than professional hackers. If they want to invade them, they are not so Easy thing.

However, for Xiao Su, this is not a problem.

Time passed a little bit. Suddenly, Xiao Su, who was collecting data, turned on the screen again and appeared: "Father, I found that many American satellites are suddenly orbiting!"

"Orbiting? The Yankees are almost monitoring the world. Is satellite orbiting normal?"

Yang Chen was a bit distracted at first. Yankees are rich in money and have many satellites. It is normal for satellites that orbit to reconcile certain key things.

"However, if the destinations of those satellites orbiting are all Golden State, how many attacking satellites are included?"


Yang Chen knew that without thinking, this must be aimed at himself.

Because in a small place like Golden State, besides yourself, what goals have such great value and need multiple satellites to orbit to reconnaissance?

Be aware that satellites are different from ordinary vehicles. They need to consume a lot of fuel to change their orbit.

Because in space, if you want to change the orbit, you must use fuel with working fluid. The electric motor driven by electricity can’t do work because there is no air, so the power of the unlimited number of solar panels can’t be used. .

And the fuel that a satellite can carry is limited. From the moment it was launched into the sky, its fuel could not be replenished. If there is no goal of sufficient value, even the wealthy Yankees. Nor will it rashly change satellites.

of course. As the world's top power, the Yankees have too many valuable targets to investigate, so on the whole, the Yankees often perform satellite orbit changes. But from the perspective of a single satellite. This probability is still very low.

Well, but now a large number of satellites are going to orbit over Jinzhou. Jinzhou is an ordinary city in South Lake Province. There are no valuable military or scientific research goals. If you are forced to say yes, it is Yang Chen and his Tongtai Industry.

This satellite orbits over Jinzhou, except for itself. Who else can it target?

"Good American, it's really quick to get started!"

Yang Chen gritted his teeth.

Xiao Sudao: "But my father is assured. If it is only space reconnaissance, then we can use other methods to avoid reconnaissance before the other party's surveillance plan is exposed. I will invade these attack satellites. If the other party is going to conduct space satellite attacks, Then I will stop them at a critical moment."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure! The control system of these satellites. It's too simple to stop my footsteps!" Xiao Su laughed.

"That's good. Then, Snowden's business. Get it right."

"Relax, it's the early morning on the other side of the United States, and the other party should be sleeping. When he gets off work tomorrow day, I will pretend to be a geek and contact him..."

The negotiation has been decided. It was already six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, and Miao Gaoliang finally fell asleep and woke up.

This guy slept for more than ten hours at once, but Yang Chen didn't perform any lethargy on him. Obviously, he had been in a state of insufficient sleep before. It is rare to have a sweet sleep, so I slept for more than ten hours at once.

After waking up, Miao Gaoliang rushed out and yelled to Yang Chen: "Boss, let's start, I can't wait to shoot!"

"Can't wait?"

Yang Chen lost his smile and said, "So how do you want me to shoot?"

He said he had raised his palm high.

"Wrong, wrong! Can't wait!" Miao Gaoliang quickly raised her hand to surrender: "Okay, boss, don't make a fuss, let's do it!"

After a few laughs, Yang Chen looked at Miao Gaoliang and is now in a good state, so he sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

In the morning, Yang Chen re-established his foundation. After half a day of cultivation, although he did not deliberately cultivate, his spiritual power has recovered a little. Not to mention, at least one enlightened particle equation can be released.

This release Yang Chencai was pleasantly surprised to find that his own Ling Gong or Dan Tian control accuracy has increased to a higher level than before. Even with spiritual power, the difficulty of control is reduced by one level.

The result of the combination of the two is that Yang Chen suddenly controlled the accuracy at the 0.5% energy intensity of the standard open-ended particle equation.

Unlike before, even if the enlightened particle equation has been released many times at a certain precision, it still needs to try more to find the desired energy intensity.

Entering this particle equation directly into Miao Gaoliang's body, Yang Chen found that Miao Gaoliang's body did not respond to this particle equation at all.

After so many experiments before, Yang Chen has summarized a complete and mature plan to ensure that it only takes no more than fifteen times and about five hours to find the energy intensity of the enlightening particle equation that can make people feel smart. .

However, Yang Chen still felt too slow.

It doesn't matter if there are fewer people now, and when there are more people, it would be too slow if you want to help people quickly and massively.

The best way is to create an energy affinity gene dominant degree test particle equation, use a particle equation to test the target energy affinity gene dominant degree, and then only need to calculate according to the formula, you can Instantly get the energy intensity of the enlightened particle equation, you don't need to try it one by one.

Yang Chen already has some eyebrows on this point, but more data is needed to successfully invent this particle equation.

This particle equation is not difficult to release, but it is a combination of several first-order particle equations. Therefore, it is a second-order particle equation in terms of level. Yang Chen can't release it yet.

However, as the test progressed, Yang Chen found that the spiritual activity in the body was slowly increasing, and the recovery rate of Dantian and Linggong was also accelerated.

However, it was released three times, and within an hour, Yang Chen found that a heat flow rushed through his body, and he successfully raised the first order to reach the second-order repair behavior, and the second-order particle equation, he can also be successfully released.

Of course, only a monk whose spiritual power essence has reached the planetary order, and has engraved all 72 types of first-order particle equation models in the spiritual palace, can he immediately achieve the second-order cultivation. It can release the second-order particle equation, otherwise it is impossible.

In fact, it is not so easy for a first-order monk to engrave all 72 types of first-order particle equation models in the palace. Generally, it is engraved from ten to twenty, and almost can barely reach the minimum standard: nine.

So Yang Chen simply stopped to continue the test, carefully conceived the particle equation to test the dominance of the energy particle affinity gene, and named it as the No. 1 particle equation of the "Human Body Scanning Particle Equation Series".

The reason it is a series is because it is not a simple particle equation, but a series of particle equations, which can be used to test all kinds of medical data including energy particle affinity, human heartbeat pulse, mental strength and state, etc. Series of human data.

Most of this series has been developed in later generations. Yang Chen only needs to gather them all together, and then according to the current situation, make some changes in measurement and parameters.

It is the most basic particle equation at present, which has not been completed. The reason why it is the No. 1 particle equation is because the energy affinity is a must-measure item at the beginning of the practice, and it is also the beginning of the practice. Therefore, it is numbered one and named specifically. He used the online novel to name it "Linggen" "Test Particle Equation", abbreviated as spirit measurement.

Yes, the energy particle affinity is not the spiritual roots necessary for cultivation in the network fairy novels? However, the spirit root in the novel is born, and can hardly be changed after birth. However, the spiritual roots in reality can be changed through acquired efforts.

At present, the Linggen test particle equation is also called psychic measurement, and it is only a semi-finished product. It requires a lot of data and calculation to fill in, so as to sum up the corresponding constants, and draw the psychic measurement data and the actual energy particle affinity gene display The conversion formula between the numerical values ​​of the degree of sexuality, and also to summarize the conversion between the energy particle affinity gene dominant degree and the most suitable energy intensity of the enlightenment equation, it can be said that there are still many steps.

Fortunately, Yang Chen had Xiao Su and Xiao Guang's super-computing dotted creations, which could calculate a lot of data through simulation, which greatly reduced the need for experimental data and also reduced Yang Chen's workload.

Yang Chen simply regarded Miao Gaoliang as a little white mouse, constantly changing the particle equation structure of the spirit measurement, and at the same time continuously releasing the spiritual formula, slowly improving the spirit measurement.

Miao Gaoliang didn't know that he had become a thought that everything he encountered was a necessary process. Ming Ming Yang Chen had already found his best in the third test The energy intensity suitable for enlightenment has not stopped and is still being tested.

All these tests were very tiring. Miao Gaoliang was sweating, her brows were tight, her spirits were exhausted.

Until the end, the data provided by Miao Gaoliang had been fully provided. After no more value as a mouse, Yang Chen stopped and let him start to feel the spiritual machine: "Okay, all the previous procedures It’s done, now it’s the last step: the induction machine.”

Miao Gaoliang was immediately overjoyed. But he did not know that he had three-fifths of the time before, which was superfluous.

But thanks to him, the research and development of Yang Chen's spirits has greatly advanced. Only a few more samples are needed, and it is basically possible to announce that the beta version of the psychic particle equation has been developed.

Unconsciously, one night had passed. At more than ten o'clock the next morning, Miao Gaoliang, who was tossing all night, could not hold on and went to his bedroom to sleep.

Subsequently, under Yang Chen's order, Xiao Su also began to try to contact Snowden... (to be continued.) Activate the new website

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