The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 352: Limb regeneration

"Oh, can't say that, the manuscript still needs to be reviewed."

"There is nothing to review. The real person is the pioneer of the energy particle theory. The entire Lingwu periodical is due to the real person. Who can be more authoritative than the real person in this regard? Who else is qualified to review the manuscript? The real person just cares Come and send the manuscript..."

Xiao Mo'er heard his mouth wide open: God! It turned out to be the young and promising pioneer of the energetic particle theory, the youngest real person in metaphysics, he turned out to be...

She couldn't help being secretly excited: this is the top five diamond king, if it can get close, it is really...

Thinking that she blushed.

In the illusion, suddenly the call of editor-in-chief came from his ear. She raised her head in a hurry, but saw that the editor-in-chief was looking at her with strange eyes: "What's wrong? Didn't you agree?"

"" Xiao Moer looked at the editor's phone, but found that the phone had been hung up, and was a little disappointed. But think about it, isn't this cell phone in safekeeping? By then, this phone number...

Thinking of her, she laughed secretly again, like a little fox who just ate the hen.

There are many girls like her in the editorial department. Most of them came to the metaphysical world for various reasons, but they were not talented or had no chance to become monks.

However, because of their exposure to the metaphysical world, their minds are different, their vision is too high, and they have no interest in ordinary people. Even those young handsomes, no matter how good their family background, good character, and talent, can't be ignored. Only those monks who are said to be able to escape from the sky can make them tempted.

However, this is generally a dream. The monks can't look down on people like them who are not monks.

There is a rare opportunity right now, and of course she will not let it go.

Jing Zhichun didn't have the mood to pay attention to these children's thoughts, but just ordered: "Xiaomo, notify me to the following typesetting group and let them immediately send me the manuscript sent by this email to be typeset according to the topic supplement. Topic name Well... it's called "Energy Particle Theory" original series topic 1. In addition, in addition to the manuscript of this email, the papers published by Yang Chenzheng will also be merged together and published again... Xiaomo. What are you doing? ?"

Speaking of the end, Jing Zhichun suddenly discovered that Xiao Mo'er had only agreed, but his eyes had been looking at his mobile phone.

"That... editor-in-chief... I..."

Xiao Mo'er felt as if he had discovered something secret. Suddenly blushed, but looked at the phone. There is no offset at all.

"Oh, you said the phone?" Jing Zhichun understood and smiled. It seems to be in a good mood: "I don't need to trouble you for the time being. Let me take it with me. I have to contact Yang Zhenren at any time, so I don't need an extra trip on your side."


Xiao Mo'er was anxious. In this case. How did she get Yang Chen's phone number?

But she was useless in anxiety, and finally had to leave to sorrow and notice.

Looking at her leaving back, Jing Zhichun shook her head unknown. With a smile on his face, he returned to the desk with high emotions.

He has reasons for joy. Because through his inquiry before, he was confirmed by Yang Chen, the proposal to completely abolish the martial system. Not what Yang Chen meant. Yang Chen did not plan to abolish the martial arts system, but only thought that the martial arts system needed to be reformed. At the same time, some cultivating colleges needed to be established to impact on the stale martial arts system, and the two sides will compete benignly.

In this way, the biggest entanglement in Jing Zhichun's mind disappeared.

He also secretly expressed his intention to turn to Yang Chen.

Because for now, if he does not turn to the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association, then if he wants to practice and progress, he can only look at Yang Chen’s energy particle theory. Moreover, due to the relationship between Yang Chen and the Maoshan faction, even if he turned to Yang Chen, the Maoshan faction would only be happy to see its success and would not object.

But the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association is different. It is one thing for him to come here to work, and it is another matter to go to the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association.

Historically, there have been many such struggles within the China Metaphysics Promotion Association, and they can even be described as fierce. Many of the disciples who were transferred to the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association fell to the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association in an all-round way, causing sect turmoil. Of course, all the major schools are not bad, and they have not troubled the China Metaphysics Promotion Association through the die-hard disciples who work in the China Metaphysics Promotion Association.

Otherwise, according to the plan for the initial establishment of the China Metaphysics Promotion Association, it is intended to completely eliminate, at least completely marginalize, the martial arts within thirty years. But now that sixty years have passed, the plan still hasn't seen the dawn.

If it were not for such a struggle, there would still be a bottom line. Generally speaking, the struggle would not be broken, and the Chinese metaphysical circles might have fallen into civil strife.

This situation is very clear to all disciples. To be honest, Jing Zhichun, who had a promising future and dedicated to practice, was not interested in these struggles. But now it has to be involved involuntarily, which is also very reluctant.

Before, he thought that Yang Chen and the China Metaphysics Promotion Association were standing together, so he was so tangled. But now Yang Chen has clarified this statement, so he can choose the school without any psychological pressure amidst the sentiment of the school and the temptation of the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association.

How can this not let him have a big heart?

At the same time, Yang Chen, who hung up the phone, was also thoughtful.

In Jing Zhichun's words, Yang Chen, who was worried about not enough men, revealed that he wanted to trust himself. Of course, he did not hesitate to agree.

Moreover, Yang Chen also had some thoughts on the issue of his physical incapacity.

Traditional practice is most afraid of physical incapacitation. At least, it can't be done until the seventh level. After the seventh order, the limb can be regenerated. At most, the broken limb can only be connected before losing vitality, and can live like a normal person. But this can only be connected to the amputated limb, but not to the meridian. The most important thing in practice is the meridians.

Jing Zhichun's hand was cut off for many years, and even this is hopeless.

But can people with physical disabilities really have no way to practice?

Yang Chen is still not very reconciled. If he can help Jing Zhichun to repair his limbs, then this grace is too great. It can be said that Jing Zhichun will definitely be faithful to himself.

He then called Xuanhong Zhenren. After hearing his words, Xuanhong Zhenren sighed: "There is indeed a method for the disabled to practice in ancient times. The reason for the disability is that most of these people are psychologically extreme and act clandestinely. It has been a long time since they showed no traces. It is estimated that they have been lost. Even if there is no loss, such people will never easily pass the secret law out."

"As for Yang Chen, you said you want to regenerate your limbs, and the meridians recover as before, and you have never heard of such a method. Perhaps in ancient times, those ancient medicines and fairy pills that could live and die were able to do this. But now, it should be impossible..."

Disappointed to hang up and Xuan Hong's real phone call, Yang Chen also contacted other metaphysical people he knew, including Wang Zongyan, Crazy Daoist, etc. The results were all disappointed.

Originally, he had great hopes for the epidemic Taoist. Hearing his negative answer, Yang Chen couldn't help but be disappointed: "I said, you are also known as "the first spiritual master of Chinese metaphysics". Can't the spiritual value of the regenerated limb be cultivated?"

Crazy Dao shouted in popularity: "What is the spirit value of a regenerated amputation? Ah? This thing is the legendary fairy herb medicine! Do you think you can see it? Anyway, the old Taoist does not have this ability! Yang Chen, your kid has the ability to come by yourself!"

"Truly, you just admit it?"

"Acknowledge?" The epidemic Taoist became more and more violent: "Don't say the old way, I admit it, even if you are the true ancestor of Chongyang, who is the originator of the whole truth, this question must also be admitted!"

"Counseling is courageous, don't give yourself a reason." Yang Chen continued to ridicule: "Also Chongyang real people have to counsel, you are not Chongyang real people, how do you know? Even so, can't we surpass our predecessors? ?Jiangshan generations are talented, new generations are better than old ones. If human beings have not surpassed their predecessors from generation to generation, how did they develop to today?

"A new generation is better than the old. I also push the front waves after the Yangtze River, and the front waves die on the beach! You speak lightly, do you know how difficult it is?"

"Okay, no matter how difficult it is, you're just counseling anyway!"

"You! Okay!" Emotional Dao's popularity knot: "Lao Dao should look at it, Lao Dao does not counsel! Isn't it the spirit value of replanting a broken limb? Lao Dao can't believe it and can't study it!"

Yang Chen was overjoyed: "Okay! Ambitious! I express my position As long as you research in this area, I fully support! What to give, unambiguous!"

The epidemic Daoist may have reacted: "Well, you kid, let me do the trick, and I'll be fooled by you again. Are you letting me give up the research of Jinyang Lingcao?"

Yang Chendao: "Don't I tell you the detailed process of that thing? What creativity can you have when you paint the gourd? What is the meaning? Or should you develop towards more creative amputation of regenerated limbs! Lao Tao, I Good luck to you!"

"You just foolishly..." The insane Daoist resented.

"Cough cough..." Yang Chen dry coughed: "I am a person who has never been a tough man. If you really don't feel that you can't bear that, say it earlier. I'll find someone else. I don't believe it, without Zhang Tufu, just You must eat a pig with hair. Without you, you will not be able to cultivate the regenerative value of the amputated limbs. The big deal is to smash it with money! Real people have money!"

"Uh..." The Daoist choked, and he was really afraid of the substitution of Yang Chen, the big gold master. There is no way to eat people with short mouths and soft hands, and take other people's money, so they have to do things for others: "Okay, okay, you boy, you are ruthless!" (To be continued.)

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