The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 373: Block rescue

When this rumbling came, even if it was the essence of Yang Chen's planetary order, it was also shocked. His hands slipped and the steering wheel suddenly twisted, and the Passat business car suddenly turned to the side!

Suddenly, there was a faint voice from outside: "Okay! Youdao is worthy of being the ancestor of the Shenxiao School. Refining the way of the Thunder Dharma, only one thunder drink can make people dizzy, I can’t help but be at my mercy!"

"Go! At this time of the day, Yang Chen will be killed here, and he will not be allowed to escape!"

During the talk, several people had already rushed to Yang Chen like lightning.

At this time, Yang Chen's body was still confined to the seat by the Passat business car. He wanted to get out as soon as he was attacked on his BMW car, but now he has no first-class strength. still can not!


And at the same time when Yang Chen was attacked, Sheng Wenhua, who was shutting down in a quiet room in the general meeting of the China Metaphysics Association, also frowned and opened his eyes.

As the president of the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association, he also has a deep understanding of the dragon feng shui array in the nine-five towns in the capital. Although it is not like the Yonghe Temple and Baiyun Temple, he can control this feng shui array. It also has certain authority and can borrow the Long Feng Shui Formation of the Ninth Five-Year Town to monitor all areas of the entire Beijing City under the control of the Long Feng Shui Formation of the Ninth Five-Year Town. There are only a few important government agencies like Zhongnanhai. Can be an exception.

In these areas, Sheng Wenhua did not dare to say that he could know everything, and it was impossible to know everything, but all the aura changes in the formation area could not escape his control.

Before Yang Chen was attacked, many monks suddenly shot. Although they are already in the suburbs, the formation power is not strong, but they are still within the scope of the formation, so Sheng Wenhua knows it clearly.

And the suburbs do not have all the restrictions and scruples in the urban area. Instead, he understood better. Not only is it wrong to find out through the change of Reiki, but also can directly use the remote monitoring spell to monitor and detect the situation in the distance in real time.

Therefore, Yang Chenyi was attacked. Sheng Wenhua immediately discovered it, and immediately frowned. His face changed greatly: "Not good!"

Yang Chen is very important for Sheng Wenhua's great cause of abolishing the martial arts since the establishment of the China Metaphysics Promotion Association. How can he tolerate Yang Chen being attacked?

No matter how much background Yang Chen has, at least in Sheng Wenhua's view now. Yang Chen's strength is now unrecovered, and his first-order strength is probably more or less fierce.

But even if you know how bad it is. He must now rescue him now!

He stood up immediately. Turned into a ray of light, rushed out of the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association, and immediately reached the parking lot at the gate. And this time did not even exceed half a second. The reflection is indeed very high.

The cultivation practice of the eighth-order true ancestor has reached a very high level, not only can it fly in the sky, but also very fast. At his speed, in addition to being favored by the dragon and feng shui formation of the Ninth Five-Year Town, as long as he does not cast spells or release his power, his spiritual power will not be reduced, even if it is tens of kilometers away, it will only take ten minutes. , You can arrive!

Not only that, he was also calling Buxu Daoren: "Buxu, Yang Chen had an accident, immediately contact Yonghegong and Baiyun Temple, use the Ninth Five-Year Town Fengshui formation to support Yang Chen!"

The Ninth Five-Year Town Dragon Feng Shui Formation is not just a large formation that bans spiritual power. In the hands of those who control the attack, they can also attack through the formation method, or provide support such as "healing" and "blessing" to the friendly forces. .

The feng shui formation is different from the ordinary formation, but in two different fields. The large array of feng shui to be used for combat attacks is very expensive. The Lama Temple and Baiyun Temple generally do not use this function.

However, since it was Sheng Wenhua's request, then Yonghegong and Baiyunguan would not refute his face.

But at this time, several people appeared in the parking lot of the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association!

Sheng Wenhua and the Buxue Daoist who had just rushed to the parking lot were stunned.

These few people actually exuded a certain kind of power without concealing it. It seemed to be full of the power of superb sentient beings, almost detached from ordinary people in nature. Familiar: This is clearly the breath of the eighth-order ancestor Zhenjun!

At first glance, Sheng Wenhua hadn't spoken yet, Buxu Daoren was surprised and said: "The 17th ancestor of Longmen, the ancestor of Gengnian? You... how did you come here?"

Afterwards, he looked back and was even more surprised: "'Jianduantianya' Feng Tuofeng Patriarch?'Tian Xiang' returned to Haigui Patriarch?'Holy Buddha' Business Strategy Patriarch? How did you appear? ?"

Nian Geng smiled slightly and saluted: "Senior President, Buxu Daoyou, Nian Geng is courteous."

His white beard fluttered, his face glowed with red light, and he was wearing a robe.

Sheng Wenhua sullenly said, and said in a deep voice: "Old Ancestor, Sheng Mou is in a hurry to save people, offended!"

Said to rush out.

Nian Geng reached out and stopped him: "Senior President, please stay!"

Sheng Wenhua frowned and raised his head, his eyes unshaven.

He deserves to be the founding father of China who had experienced the chaos of China from a hundred years ago to decades ago. He cultivated himself and was tempered by fierce battles. It is not a trivial matter. The grief in these eyes, even if he is also an ancestor Longmen's seventeen ancestors were also unable to take a step back and changed their color slightly.

But Nian Geng was not easy. Then he immediately stood firm and said with a smile: "Senior President..."

Sheng Wenhua did not get entangled with him and shouted: "Old ancestors, life is a matter of life, please don't block it!"

The smile on Nian Geng's face changed. This time it wasn't with a smile, but with another mysterious smile: "Chairman Sheng, let's open the skylight and say something bright, are you going to save Yang Chen?"

Sheng Wenhua gave him a cold look: "Well, as expected, it is your hands!"

Nian Geng shook his head again and again: "Chairman Sheng, that young man named Yang Chen is not a good person. He messed up our metaphysical world and cleaned up his original source to restore everything to peace, but it is also in line with the world. Why should the chairman be What do you have to do if you insist on it?"

"It's still so full of decay and smell, so disgusting!"

Sheng Wenhua said this but did not make Nian Geng angry: "Chairman Sheng, the sectarian system has lasted for thousands of years and has a strong vitality. It will not be easily overthrown. Chairman Sheng, you should not expect to rely on Yang Chen as a kid to play tricks. . Didn’t we already have an agreement?"

Sheng Wenhua's gaze glanced over Nian Geng's face: "Since we had an agreement at the beginning, everything is natural and let history decide the winners and eliminated, then what are you going to do now?"

His eyes fell on the three ancestors of Fengtuo, Guihai, and Shanglue behind Nian Geng: "And you, you are obviously not a person from the gate, but they have also become their stooges. Did you forget why? Do you want to commit yourself to revolution?"

Nian Geng said: "Yes, we agreed to let everything go with the flow of nature. However, the devil of Yang Chen was not produced naturally. Think about how a naturally-produced monk could be less than one year old. Reached Tier 7? So we did not violate the original agreement."

He said that he looked at the three ancestors behind him: "As for them, good birds choose wood and live, which is a wise choice. It has been decades since the revolution and the life have been gone. Why should you be blame for the grand chairman?"

Sheng Wenhua pouted and shouted: "It goes without saying, the roads are different and do not seek conspiracy. Do you want to let it go?"

Nian Geng shook his head slowly: "Sorry, no!"

Buxu Daoren said beside him: "You Quanzhen Dao asked Daya if she had decided to let Yang Chen's boy develop on his own and wait until a year later to decide whether to win or lose? Why do you want to go against it again?"

Nian Gengdao: "Just because we found out that this decision came to palliatively foster, and it was a big mistake. Everyone was blinded by Yang Chen's devil. Now that we have come to wake up, we naturally cannot let the mistake continue."

"Is this your decision to ask Daoya as a whole? I don't believe it. All the ancestors of Daoya think this way!" Buxu Daoren didn't believe it. The ancestors of Daoya all thought this way. He still knew that many of the ancestors of Daoya were relatively open-minded.

Nian Genghan said with a smile: "Soon, Daoya will reach a consensus on this matter."

The implication is that as long as Yang Chen is dead, ask Yaoya naturally there will be no disagreement.

Buxu Taoren sighed: "I see what Yang Chen's kid did, what energy particle theory, and what spiritual formulas are all very good. It opened a new way for me to practice in the metaphysical world, UU Read the book Why don’t you always tolerate him?"

His words gradually became resolute: "This is no longer an era of the past! People who have created a new situation in the past and threatened your vested interests will always be strangled unconsciously by you, but now, we cannot allow you to continue this way!"

Nian Geng still smiled so peacefully, as if he didn't feel the aura of tension: "As you please, just don't think about being able to leave, at least, not now!"

Sheng Wenhua snorted loudly, and the whole body of shirts and blouses bulged outwards: "Then try it!"


Even though his mind was still a little dizzy, Yang Chen still showed a slight disdain in the corner of his mouth: "Just because of this, do you think you can deal with me? Then you are wrong!"

At the same time, Xiao Su's anxious voice came from his ear: "Father, the situation is critical. Will you use a laser attack satellite to support you?"

"No, I don't need it, see how I clean up these guys!" Yang Chen said softly, and suddenly looked up, the light flashed in his eyes! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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