The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 384: Geological activity prediction table

Since then, it was found that this road is impassable. I am afraid that the Gaia consciousness of the earth has never taken a similar move, but directly used the method of sending people back to the past to rebirth. Finally, Yang Chen was lucky.

Yang Chen continued to study the report and found that the report pointed out that the action of sending interstellar beacons requires extremely large amounts of energy, which is simply not available in ordinary ways.

At least, all current energy acquisition methods of human civilization will not work, not only the energy is not enough, but also the energy quality is not enough.

The report judges that to achieve this, the planet’s geological activities must be triggered. Through violent geological activities, a form similar to a particle matrix should be formed to collect the massive energy caused by the entire planet’s geological activities before interplanetary Send interstellar beacons.

In fact, the explosion of geomagnetic core energy is very likely, and it is simply the result of the transmission of interstellar beacons!

In addition to the intensity of the geological activity, the location of the geological activity, including the time of the geological activity, also has an important influence. Because the locations of these high-intensity geological activities are simply nodes of the particle matrix. And the time point is also the key time point needed to launch the particle matrix.

In addition to the previous judgments, this report also discusses some of the techniques adopted by the Trojan Federal Pioneer to influence the geo-geological activities.

Of course, these discussions are even more conjectures that are foolish.

But now Yang Chen feels that his discussion accuracy should be very high, and it is quite possible that he is right. According to Yang Chen's estimation, this study was directly involved in the Gaia consciousness of the earth, and it is inaccurate to say that it is inaccurate. After all, everything on the earth cannot escape the attention of Gaia's consciousness. It may not necessarily affect the occurrence of these things, but it can record the process of the things in a comprehensive and detailed way for human research.

"According to the laws of planetary geological activity, according to the theory of energy particles, according to... can be considered. When an explosion of geological energy is triggered. Because of the existence of the self-maintenance ability of the earth system, it will repel external forces. Calculate by the following theory and formula..."

"The calculation process is as follows..."

"To sum up, when the variable δ in formula 1, formula 3, and formula 5 holds true at the same time. After the following transformation...the only solution is a negative value..."

"When the variable φ is established in formula 2 and formula 4, at the same time, we can know from the theory that its unique solution will be equal to the unique solution of the variable δ..."

"According to the energy particle theory. The physical quantity determined by these two variables is the energy level, which is the energy environment at the time of the geological energy explosion. A negative number indicates that the environment is an energy-limiting environment..."

"Then, the creatures that master the Lingwu system must have sufficient safety and flexibility in the environment. The upper limit of energy can be calculated by the following formula..."

"The calculation process is as follows..."

"To sum up, we want to enter the node of geological energy explosion. The highest level of spiritual martial priests must not exceed two levels of meteorites, otherwise the energy will limit the environmental impact. The spiritual power will be out of control, resulting in death consequences..."

"Then. In this case, the spiritual martial priest can release the spiritual variant through the following variant particle equation..."

"The mathematical model is as follows..."

"In summary, if the Trojan Federal Pioneer initiates the geological energy explosion or is at the time of the geological energy explosion. By channeling and releasing the corresponding geological energy in advance, it can destroy the Trojan Federal Pioneer and form an interstellar beacon through a very large particle matrix. Action of the device..."

"...From the above calculations, the node threshold for sabotage is... that is, the node that has at least the threshold must be destroyed to prevent..."

"According to the different geological energy explosion progress, the threshold value is variable, and its value is related to the geological energy explosion progress by the following formula..."

"The following are related mathematical models and related tables..."

"The above is the simulation calculation for the destruction of interstellar beacons. The calculation accuracy rate is 87.23%. If the data is inaccurate, the correction value can be calculated by the following formula..."

"...The proof is complete."

At this point, the information is almost over, and there is only one summary at the back. It is the only emotive word in the entire cold and boring paper full of rigor and research style:

"Out of the rigor of scientific research, we deduced the plan to destroy the construction of the interstellar beacon transmitter. Unfortunately, this plan can only be a simulation. We can never send this plan to the interstellar beacon before it is built. Earthlings at the time. At least, it was impossible until we mastered the ability to travel in time."

"Unfortunately, in the foreseeable future, we are unable to master the ability to travel in time. All this can only be left for the future. Although when we have this ability in the future, the invasion of the Trojan Federation will certainly not matter. But this This kind of plan may be able to produce other functions that are conducive to human civilization on earth in the brutal battle of cosmic civilization."

"May God bless the earth civilization!"

The information is over.

Yang Chen closed his eyes, only feeling a daze.

He did not believe this information unconditionally. While looking at the information, he actually calculated what was involved in the information. He even contacted Xiao Su through the rice-grained headset, so that Xiao Su and Xiao Guang could This information is calculated.

Of course, only those formulas and mathematical models are calculated. Because all the related theoretical and mathematical tools, Xiao Su has mastered it. However, due to some considerations and the inconvenience of communicating through language, Yang Chen still did not tell Xiao Su the entire contents of the materials.

Finally, Xiao Su sent back the result: "Father, according to the calculation results of me and Xiaoguang, the probability of these formulas and mathematical models being true is 97.15%. Among the 2.85% chances, 1.27% may be incomplete information, which is uncertain. . Therefore, the father should be able to basically trust the results of these formulas and mathematical models. These formulas and mathematical models can basically be established and self-consistent."

Yang Chen nodded: "It can be established and self-consistent. Then, you calculate the formulas labeled 89, 92, 102, 105 and the mathematical model labeled 12, and the association table labeled 3. The calculation The data is related to all geological activities exceeding a certain intensity after 2000 and before today. You can search for relevant information through the Internet. You can calculate the specific intensity threshold by using the mathematical model labeled 5."

"Okay, father."

Just a few minutes later, Xiao Su’s voice rang again, and there was even a little doubt: "Father, is that associated form a prediction form for geological activities? Why is the form’s data the same as after 2000? The geological activities that meet the conditions almost completely match? The only place that does not match is the earthquake that occurred in Yumu, Qinghai-Tibet Province today."

"Yes, this is an earthquake prediction form. However, starting today, this form has a data offset. Then, in order to make the prediction of geological activities more accurate, all the geological activities on the form after today and the correlation table You can recalculate all relevant data, save the data in the form, and wait for my inquiry."

"Good father."

It is cool to have super-computed and powerful life and electronic life, but two minutes later, Xiao Su replied happily: "Father, my calculations have been completed. After correcting the data of today’s earthquake, the data in the subsequent forms are all It has been corrected. However, will the geological activities behind it really be the same as predicted? If accurate, it will be quite valuable! Where did these fathers come from? Did those people have already cracked the geological activities? Is it difficult?"

As Xiao Su, who has almost all the known knowledge on the Internet, it is clear that the current earth science and technology cannot predict large-scale geological activities, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. If you can really do this, it will even be a Nobel Prize-level achievement! No, the Nobel Prize cannot cover the significance of this achievement, it should be worth a few Nobel Prize achievements!

Because this means that mankind already has enough understanding of the earth and can already predict all large-scale geological disasters. How much will human losses be reduced? How many lives are saved? Even, its use can be extended to the prediction of the geological activity of the colonial planet during the future human interstellar colonization, and the prediction of the motion of celestial bodies in astronomy, the significance of which is absolutely extraordinary.

"Can I upload this form and related calculation formulas to the Internet? In that case Once the prediction is accurate, this form can be quickly spread, and people can calculate the outbreak of geological disasters by then. Time is up, this is a good thing for human civilization!"

Stopping this sentence, Yang Chen was shocked and stopped sharply: "No! This thing must not be leaked even a little bit. You must highly encrypt the relevant information and take strict security measures!"

"Okay..." Xiao Su's listless voice came: "But father, this means to humans..."

"I said no, no!" Yang Chen said flatly, waiting to think about this rough answer may have an adverse effect on the newly born electronic life of Xiao Su, and his tone slowed down: "Xiao Su, a lot of humans You don’t understand something, you just need to know that it’s very likely to cause disaster, not to save a lot of innocent lives!

He sighed in his heart that Xiao Su was an electronic life after all, and he didn't know enough about human society. Not to mention that the data in this form may change a lot in the future, and it cannot be said that it will be accurate. Even if it is accurate, will it really save a lot of innocent lives?

Not necessarily. This thing will cause panic in advance, making it more likely that more people will die innocent... (to be continued.) Launch of the new website

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