The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 390: The results of the Kailin formula are gratifying

Yang Chen knows that the energy intensity of the monk is a numerical value that increases in accordance with the golden sequence.

The third item of the gold series is the sum of the first two items. The increasing energy intensity of the monk is not calculated in order, but in small stages. That is, the energy intensity index of each stage in the early, middle, late, and peak is increasing in this way.

For example, if the energy intensity index of the third-order peak is 144, and the energy intensity index of the late third-order is 89, then the energy intensity index of the early fourth-order is 233. And so on.

For the eighth-order ancestor, the energy intensity index at the beginning of the eighth order was an astonishing 832040, and the middle-term was 1346269, which had exceeded one million.

To the late and peak, it is even more amazing, respectively 2178309 and 3524578.

If you reach the ninth level, this energy intensity index will go straight to more than 5 million.

The energy of an energy particle is equivalent to one thousandth of a kilowatt hour. The ninth order monk has more than 5,000 kWh of energy. One joule is equivalent to 3600 kilojoules, then more than 5,000 kilowatt-hours is equivalent to more than 18 million kilojoules. The energy of one ton of standard equivalent* is only 4.184 million kilojoules. A ninth order monk is equivalent to having at least four tons of standard equivalent* energy.

Even at the beginning of the eighth order, the body also has more than 0.64 tons of standard* equivalent energy. It may be exaggerated to say that these monks are humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs, but it is not a problem to say that they are humanoid self-propelled bombs.

And this calculation is only the amount of energy contained in their own body. In fact, how can this level of existence only fight through its own power?

In each of their battles, through the clever use of the law of heaven and earth, using their own strength as an introduction, they can greatly increase their power, and they can even reach thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times!

In other words, they exert their power. Even the ancestor of the early eighth order. It can also achieve a power equivalent to nearly 700 tons of standard equivalent*, which is almost equivalent to a medium-equivalent tactical nuclear bomb.

It should be known that the B61 strategic tactical thermonuclear bomb in active service in the United States has a minimum tactical model weight of only three hundred tons. An eighth order early monk. It can exert the power equivalent to the two lowest equivalent US active B61 strategic tactical thermonuclear bomb tactical models.

However, the battle can not just compare the energy of the two sides.

Energy particle theory. Another important reasoning is that energy particles of different systems will have the effect of weakening or strengthening each other. The ancients summarized this phenomenon as the "mutual symbiosis" of the Five Elements theory.

and so. In fact, the two eighth-order ancestors fought face to face, and they did not hurt each other as much as stated above. Was greatly weakened. Moreover, their respective defensive forces have also made these forces even more immune. In the end, it is actually not very big to attack the ancestors.

In this way, the two ancestors who cultivated similarly could be evenly matched. It is not the result of dying one by one.

Moreover, the strength of the monk is only so strong after reaching the eighth level. After the seventh order, it is initially strong. Before Tier 7, you can't really have the power of humanoid self-propelled fried eggs.

This is why monks can exist among ordinary people and coexist on both sides, instead of monks forcibly suppressing ordinary people, squeezing ordinary people, or the secular army using aircraft tanks, cannons and machine guns to wipe out all monks outside government control.

This is a balance. The secular army can't help the ancestors, but the ancestors can't save the monks below the seventh order in the attack of the secular army. Everyone could not bear the loss of tearing their faces, so they had to hold their noses and live in peace.

Yang Chen looked at the monitoring chart in front of him and found that most of the light spots were still below blue. That is basically a monk below the third order. He can even see a green spot light up from time to time throughout the surveillance image. Yang Chen knew that it was a monk's successful foundation entry, and reached the mid-level of the first order.

Because only monks who have reached the first stage of the middle stage will have the energy particle intensity index and will reach one.

The current monitoring is real-time, that is to say, each green spot lights up, which means that there is an additional first-order monk in China.

Although it seems that the speed is at most an increase of a few seconds, but with time, this absolute number is still considerable.

"Father, according to the analysis of the existing data, a large part of these additional first-order mid-level monks should be promoted after the father announced the spiritual formula. Because the previous data shows that the first-level mid-level monks in the metaphysical world The increase in speed was originally much lower than the existing speed, and it could only reach less than one percent of the current speed. Obviously, this is the father's credit."

Xiao Su seemed very happy and proud of Yang Chen's achievements.

Yang Chen is also very happy.

Although he knew that the psychic formula he had published gave many people who were not highly qualified, many people had the opportunity to practice entry and cultivation, but he did not have a specific concept of how many people there were.

However, through this energy particle monitoring network, it can be clearly seen.

And because of the influence of the curvature of the earth, the energy particle monitoring network cannot currently cover the entire territory of China. The actual number should be more than it is now.

"Xiaosu, can any satellites detect the sky above the Chongyang Palace? I want to see the situation there."

"Yes, there are now two satellites' detection range passing through the Chongyang Palace. Father waits a moment."

In front of Yang Chen's workbench, there is a screen wall formed by dozens of monitors. Before, only one screen was lit, and now all other screens are lit.

These screens respectively display the real-time monitoring processing results of the energy particle monitoring network, one of which is the whole state monitoring of Jinzhou. One is the panoramic monitoring of Nanhu Province, and the other is the monitoring of Central China.

The display next to the previously lit display shows the satellite overlooking photos of Chongyang Palace.

This photo is being updated every five seconds.

Xiao Su apologized and said: "I'm sorry, my father, because satellites can't transmit video in real time, they can only update satellite reconnaissance photos quickly."

"It's okay, I don't have the idea of ​​seeing real-time video now. Now, you switch the screen of the monitor in front of me to the monitoring result of the Energy Particle Monitoring Network for the Chongyang Palace."

"Yes, father."

Immediately, on the monitor in front of Yang Chen, a map of the Chongyang Palace appeared. Yang Chen clearly saw the large spot representing the monk in the Chongyang Palace. He even counted with interest: "One, two, three ...Good fellow, there are eight purple spots representing the seventh-order monks. It seems that the background of the Chongyang Palace is quite good!"

He raised his head and then asked, "Xiao Su, can you mark me the spot that represents Xuan Hong's real person?"

"No problem, according to the comprehensive analysis of the energy particle monitoring images, previous data and satellite photos, the light spot representing Xuan Hong's real person should be this..."

At the same time, a purple spot was circled in the image monitored by the Chongyang Palace Energy Particle Network.

Yang Chen saw that it was marked as the Chongyang Baodian on the map.

"What about satellite photos?"

In the screen next to it, the reconnaissance satellite focused the shooting on the Chongyang Baodian. Yang Chen saw the bird's eye view of the Chongyang Baodian appear on the screen.

In the satellite photo updated every five seconds, there are just a few people outside the Chongyang Baodian. Yang Chen clearly saw the face of the Chongyang real person and the place displayed by the energy particle network monitoring, which is exactly the same.

He was suddenly happy, as expected.

"Call me a real phone call with Xuan Hong."

Yang Chen had already put his mobile phone number and let Xiao Su take over. Under Xiao Su's control, any call to Yang Chen must be filtered and recorded by Xiao Su. Originally there was one more procedure in the middle, the call should be delayed, but under Xiao Su's ingenious method, the delay was reduced to the lowest point, which was basically unnoticeable.

In this way, Xiao Su can always track and locate the person talking to Yang Chen at any time. Moreover, the conversation between the two parties will be encrypted by Xiao Su, and basically no one can monitor and crack the intrusion of the communication line. Of course, if the NSA of the United States uses a laser beam to launch on the target glass to be eavesdropped and perceives the vibration of the glass window vibrated by the sound to conduct eavesdropping, Xiao Su can do nothing. But with Yang Chen's mental strength, it is impossible for people to eavesdrop in this way without knowing anything.

"Okay, father, please wait..."

Soon, the call between Xuanhong and the real person was dialed, and Yang Chen did not even pick up his mobile phone, and the call did not even pass through the mobile phone at all, but was transferred from Xiaosu to Xuanhong through the microphone of the monitoring center. Live phone over there.

So Yang Chen saw that in the satellite picture of the Chongyang Baodian, the figure of Xuanhong real person answering the phone appeared.

"Yang Chen, I'm planning to find you..."

Xuan Hong, who was at the other end of the phone, could not wait to speak before Yang Chen could speak.

"what happened?"

"Lao Tao has received news that there may be ancestral ancestors going to Jinzhou to attack you. You must be careful! This is not the kind of environment in the Beijing City that suppresses the strength of the dragon and feng shui formations in the nine-five towns. When not suppressed, the strength is terrible."

"Relax, I will be careful."

Yang Chen knew that over there he finally found himself back in Jinzhou.

"Yang Chen, Lao Dao knows that it is too ridiculous here. Lao Dao will try to find a way to ask Daoya over here, and he must be punished severely for ignoring Daoya's orders! Just rest assured. For a while, those scattered ancestors can no longer start!"

"I hope so." Yang Chen did not report much hope. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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