The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 392: Yuanxi Xuanchen Cave Sky Array

On Yanbian Lake, there used to be a factory that was used as a place to discharge sewage. It used to be a stinky lake.

For a long time, almost all the lakeside residents moved away from Yanbian Lake, making almost no residents around the lake, only some factories.

Later, when the government began to pay attention to environmental protection, the factory was shut down, and Yanbian Lake also started sewage treatment. However, due to technical limitations, this result was not very good.

So, the Yanbian Lake began to desolate.

Otherwise, Yang Chen will not be so easy to get this land to build Lingwu Mountain Villa.

However, when Yang Chen began to accept the construction of Lingwu Mountain Villa, he began to use the means of metaphysics to purify Yanbian Lake.

The means of metaphysical circles are still fully capable of controlling pollution. From the start of construction to the present month, Yanbian Lake has changed from a stinky lake to a beautiful scenery of beautiful water. Its water quality also improved suddenly, from the original lowest five types of water quality to the current one, which is completely drinkable. If you let those businessmen know, you will definitely develop Yanbian Lakeside into a high-end residential area to dig money.

However, now all the plots around Yanbian Lake have been taken down by Yang Chen while the land price was not high.

It can be said that in fact, Yang Chen’s Lingwu College can completely surround the entire Yanbian Lake. However, that will be the second phase, the third phase and even longer. Yang Chen's long-term plan is indeed to make Yanbian Lake an inner lake of Lingwu College within ten years.

As for now, Lingwu Mountain Villa only occupies part of Yanbian Lake.

Yang Chen has set up an array to purify the water quality. This array also incorporates some of the functions of the Feng Shui array to make the Feng Shui of the entire Yanbian Lake quite good.

In fact, this formation is still part of the large formation "Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Heavenly Formation" under the core of Yang Chenbu.

This formation can take a heavenly treasure, a powerful magical weapon as the core, and transform an ordinary place into a spiritual place equivalent to the heaven and earth. It is very suitable for the cultivation and residence of monks.

This is also a specially analyzed formation method for later generations. The great forces of later generations have basically extended this formation method to almost any important area. Because it has a powerful effect that can change the properties of the veins, geographical environment, and enhance the concentration of energy particles. In this illusion. Cultivation, combat, and defense will all be greatly improved, and belong to one of the necessary formations jointly recommended by the three major forces of the Chinese Daoist League, the American Parliament, and the European Holy See. Of course, the formations of the three forces all combine their own unique skills. They each have different characteristics, but they are all born out of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave. So it didn't change its name.

In the last attack that led to Yang Chen's rebirth, Yang Chen had communicated with other comrades in a suicide attack. It happened that comrades in the American Parliament and the Holy See understood this technique. Before the war, they exchanged technology with each other. It is planned that if everyone can survive the attack, they will go back and vigorously promote the combination of the three technologies to further enhance the power of this formation. that time. There is no need for technical control. Humans are at stake, and it’s really too late to communicate technology.

I didn't expect it. After the attack, Yang Chen was reborn, but these three technologies were cheaper for him.

It's just that the environment is not the same as the future generation. This method of laying requirements. It's really not easy to reach. Fortunately, Yang Chen found that magnet can be used as the core of the formation, he really couldn't build this formation.

Of course, improving the environment is just a function of this formation. In addition, Yuanxian Xuanchen Cave Sky Array also has powerful defense capabilities and counterattack capabilities. It can create its own space and create a small hole sky that is semi-independent from the outside world. Basic attacks are basically difficult to affect the big array. . Because it does not exist in this space to a great extent, unless you have the means to attack through space, ordinary attacks will not work on it.

At the same time, this small cave also has heaven and earth laws that are very different from the outside world. These heaven and earth laws can only be adapted by Yang Chen, the leader of the formation method. Once the external enemies come in, they don’t need Yang Chen to attack. Due to the limitation of the laws of the world, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced, not to mention others.

This is the most powerful place of this magnificent Xuanchen Cave. It is also the reason why major forces in later generations regard it as an important area standard array method.

However, it is not so easy to do this.

In addition to Yang Chen’s magnet, which is a natural material and a treasure, as the core, it needs a lot of other things to be able to form.

In fact, the current formation, but not completed 10%. But even so, it is enough to deal with those ancestors. This was an undefeated battle with the Trojan Invaders in the future. At that time, the main force of the battle was at least the Meteor Order IX. The Meteor Order VIII was not qualified even as cannon fodder. It is not a problem to deal with opponents of the eighth order Meteorite.

Basically, as long as there is no joint effort of more than ten ancestors, it is impossible to break the formation. This is why Yang Chen is so confident in this formation. The first response to the ancestral attack is to return here and wait for the ancestral attack.

Compared with the 9th Five-Year Town Dragon Feng Shui Great Array in Beijing, the Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Tianda Array is even higher in rank, except that the 9th Five-Year Town Dragon Feng Shui Great Array took hundreds of years to accumulate power and requires Far more than the formation of Yang Chen now. Once Yang Chen completes the formation of the formation method and accumulates it for a period of time, the effect will far exceed that of the Ninth Five-Year Town Fengshui Formation.

At present, the part of this formation that has not been achieved is only a part of the functions of purifying water quality and transforming the environment. Other functions have not yet been opened.

Yang Chen is ready to open all functions.

Right now, except Yang Chen, there is no one in Lingwu Villa. The workers who once made the bustle and bustle of the place have already received their wages, and they all went home one by one. The people left behind at the construction site were also beaten by Yang Chen.

The entire Yanbian Lake area, several kilometers away, is now dead and deserted terribly. Yang Chen will wait for the ancestors to repel the attack before returning people to avoid unnecessary losses.

Of course, after the completion of the big formation exceeds 20%, Xiaodongtian will take shape basically, so you don't have to be so troublesome. As long as the formation is not broken, other people can completely hide in the sky, not afraid of being attacked by the enemy and pond fish. This is not yet possible.

The location of the central villa is on the shore of Yanbian Lake. When you leave the villa, it is a winding path inlaid with irregular pebbles, which is in harmony with the surrounding flowers and trees. It has some natural meaning.

Along this road, you can reach a small pier on the shore of Yanbian Lake.

At the dock, several boats have been moored, which is used to clean up the garbage in Yanbian Lake. Yang Chen has also ordered several landscape paintings that can be used for sightseeing on the lake, but this thing has not yet arrived, but it is still not.

Yang Chen got on a small boat and drove to the center of Yanbian Lake.

Yanbian Lake is an irregular and roughly oval lake. There are seven small islands in the lake, and the area is not large, that is, the diameter of 50 or 60 meters. Dense trees have been transplanted on each island, and there is a simple and elegant pavilion in the shade. The seven islands are probably arranged like a big dipper.

The place pointed by the bucket handle, which is the place where the North Star belongs to according to the Big Dipper, corresponds to the central villa.

At this time the sky will be late, the obliquely yellowish afterglow shining through the clouds, just like the same yellowish lightsaber, just fell on the seven islands, the afterglow of the reflection reflected in the clear green lake water. The breeze blew, and the lake water rose slightly, and a little golden light wrapped seven bright islands, and a faint mist rose from the lake. It looked like a fairyland, and the scenery was picturesque and extremely moving.

Yang Chen paddled a small boat between the seven small islands, watching the sunset above him, the mist around him, and the green mountains and forests not far away. Especially Yanbian Lake is not dead water. There are many streams flowing into the lake from the green mountain, and another river flows out of the lake and becomes a tributary of the Xiang River. It is a little more angry. People swim in the painting and the scene is on the water. Gone with the wind, it's so refreshing.

But Yang Chen did not come to visit the scenery. He drove through the different islands, and finally came to the island farthest away from the Big Dipper, and docked the boat to the island to the pavilion.

He sat cross-legged on the dead table among the pavilions, closed his eyes and sneaked his mind, and extended down to the ground of the pavilion, touching a piece of jade buried there.

It was a special jade engraved with many particle equations, and its force field extended downwards and was deeply inserted into the earth's veins. Touched by Yang Chenshen, the jade immediately exudes a light green awn, and the power of the ground is also triggered.

Next moment A faint green glow rose into the sky, and then slowly disappeared into the sky.

Yang Chen changed several movements in his hand, guiding the strength of the veins into the jade buried elsewhere on the island. During his mind observation, the formation node on this island lit up.

Then he left the island and went to the other six islands as usual. Each island is a faint glow of different colors rising into the sky and dissipating in the sky.

Finally Yang Chen returned to the central villa and went to the basement, where the jade engraved with the particle equation was also buried. After being triggered, eight colorful stars suddenly appeared in the sky, just like the Big Dipper and the North Star.

Afterwards, the eight bright stars shone brightly, falling down in different directions, and fell into the seven islands and the central villa.

Yang Chen's sharp thoughts felt that the whole world seemed to startle. It was not that the world was shaking, but the space within the range of the formation was shaking. This represents the completion of the entire Tianxian Formation of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, which has been opened.

Yang Chen sat cross-legged in the basement and smiled at the corner of his mouth: Next, he waited for the ancestors to come to the door. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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