The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 395: The sky and the moon are like a hook

I saw Feng Tuo stepping forward, pulling a long sword from his backhand, a sword light, like a dragon flying like a storm.

Just the sword energy contained in this sword light has already changed the world.

Guihai and Shanglue even felt that the surrounding space was distorted!

That is not that Jianqi is really powerful enough to distort the space, but now in their deep formation, that Jianqi only twists the formation.

Ren Er has thousands of skills, I can only break it with one sword!

One sword breaks everything!

This is where Jianxiu's strength is.

The formation method is in the middle of all methods, but it is actually influenced by Jian Qi.

"The first form of the Eighteen Swords of the World, the world is like a hook!"

Sword gas swarmed, Feng Tuo waved a sword.

Suddenly, the sword fluttered.

With this sword spirit, a sense of solitude emerged spontaneously, expanding in all directions, making people feel as if they were in a certain lonely state, full of body and soul, Xiao Suo, all frustrated, completely unable to lift their energy.

At this time, even standing in front of the central villa, Yang Chen quietly waiting for the arrival of the three ancestors, his face changed.


Yang Chen clearly felt that he seemed to be a lonely loafer who traveled across the world alone, rushing by the moonlight alone on a late autumn night. The night was as cold as the water and the autumn wind was cold, he was alone, looking up at the crescent like a hook, and the whole person's heart was cold.

He raised his head, and the crescent like a hook suddenly came down. It turned out that it was not a crescent, but a sword energy condensed to the extreme!

The power of this sword energy has been so strong that it is as if mountains and lakes are in front of you, and you can all die with a sword!

In the face of Jian Qi and body, Yang Chen instead showed his admiration and smiled faintly.

Among the martial arts, there is the so-called martial arts will, which can only be condensed by a master of martial arts who is extremely sincere, willing, and determined to master martial arts.

This has nothing to do with Xiu Wei.

Without enough will and sincerity, even if you cultivate to a higher level, even if you reach the satellite order or the planet order, you will not be able to condense.

on the contrary. Even if the repair is not high. With this belief, the will of the martial arts can still be formed.

In later generations, many low-level fighters have mastered the will of martial arts because of the blood test. The warrior who masters the will of martial art in this way is called "Wu Sheng". Just because their will is like a sage, they cannot be twisted and cannot be changed. Even if the strength is insufficient. Under this role of will, you can still have a powerful fighting power far beyond what you should cultivate.

Sword intention is a kind of martial art will. And it is the sharpest kind of martial arts will.

Yang Chen is not surprised that Feng Tuo, a famous sword repairer, has the will of martial arts. But he didn't expect it. This person's sword intention is so strong!

It is only slightly inferior to the World Martial Saint. This slightly inferior point is only because of the lack of the discipline of the extremely cruel war. Once truly engaged in that kind of battlefield, Feng Tuo will surely be able to become Wu Sheng-to be precise. Kendo Martial Saint should be called Juggernaut-and as long as Feng Tuo survives the invasion of the enemy, the battle is baptized a little, this can be easily seen.

See Fengtuo. Yang Chen seemed to see a mainstay of the future anti-aggression army, and he certainly had to laugh.

But his smile was regarded as a big one.

Feng Tuo was not moved, he would not belittle the enemy. However, Gui Hai showed a happy face: how powerful Feng Tuo's swordsmanship was, he knew clearly that even the eighth-ranking ancestor dared not dare to take it. This Yang Chen actually did not dodge, clearly is to die!

But at the next moment, the space was distorted for a while, but Gui Hai found out that they thought that they had rushed to the crescent moon in front of Yang Chen. The space suddenly twisted a few times, and then looked at the crescent moon. Time out!

Gui Hai's expression changed: "What a powerful formation! It can even distort the space and avoid such a terrible sword of Feng Daoyou!"

The business strategy touched his hand to the bead and prepared for the next shot.

However, Feng Tuo's face was still as he was, he snorted and rushed forward, his hand crossed a graceful arc from the long sword in the air, and the crescent that had already flown into the sky, flew again. Come back and fall to Yang Chen!

Yang Chen sighed and stretched out his hand. The three ancestors suddenly felt that their bodies were much heavier at once, and there was some kind of intangible force under the ground. Under Yang Chen's hands, he suddenly burst into vigour.

That's not a spell, but the power of Yuan Chen manipulated by Yang Chen.

In this huge array of metamagnetism Xuanchen cave, Yang Chen fully mastered the power of formation, and no longer needs any spells. No matter what he does, he can manipulate the power of metamagnetism to complete with just a move.

This made his reaction much faster than the spell.

I saw a glimmer of glare in the air, and the crescent sword suddenly burst into waves, bursting into thousands of cold sword lights, and then turned into a beautiful arc of fluorescent light in the air. See if it will dissipate in in the air.

At this time, Fengtuo has rushed forward more than 20 meters away!

The distance between Yang Chen and the three people of Fengtuo is 50 meters away, but this is only a breathing time. Fengtuo has shortened the distance by nearly twice.

He was running faster and faster, getting fiercer and fierce. The air was rushing by his speed, rubbing against his body protector, and bursting out a brilliant red spark. At first glance, it was like a fire. The rush is overwhelming. Even if there is a mountain and a sea in front of you, you have to crash open!

When the speed reached the extreme point, Feng Tuo's long sword burst into light in a flash!

Behind Yang Chen, look at the cold Jianguang that will dissipate in the air. At the same time, it shook at the same time, turning into countless rays of light and directed at Yang Chen.

That's the moonlight that is sparse.

Moonlight encompasses Yang Chen's body, the front, back, left, and right, and covers a space of tens of meters in the moonlight.

Moonlight is Jian Qi.

Feng Tuo's sword spirit.

The sword spirit of the two swords.

Yang Chen became secretly praised. Because Feng Tuo's manipulation of his own strength is subtle, the fire is perfect, he has not hit Yang Chen's sword spirit, and he is still under his control, which can be used by him to continue attacking the enemy.

Although, this control method is not completely lossless because of the force with the air and the various changes required. However, this control method can still use one person as a few or even a dozen people!

Because his almost attacks will accumulate. Even if there is attrition, the accumulation of attacks of dozens, dozens, and dozens will be quite impressive. It is not surprising that one move has the power of several times and ten times of its full strength.

Although Yang Chen saw this, he did not intend to take measures. He became more and more appreciative of Feng Tuo and planned to take a good look at the other party's skills.

This made him almost unable to dodge the sword gas, for him, it was of no use at all.

When the moonlight fell, I saw his figure fade away in place, appearing more than ten meters away at the next moment, and this time it was completely empty again.

Feng Tuo's two strokes were ineffective, without discouragement, and continued from Xiang Yang Chen, the sword energy became stronger and stronger, and hundreds of swords were released in a row. Each sword has one-tenth of the power of the previous two swords.

Adding up, it is equivalent to dozens of times the power of the previous sword!

Jian Guangji's condensation formed dozens of crescents. These crescents draw a mysterious track in the space, hovering around, waiting for the cold sword spirit, looking soft, but only looking at the many concrete stools and steel bars on the ground, they are silently transformed by the sword gas. You know the terrible power of this sword spirit.

In a blink of an eye, in a spherical space with a radius of tens of meters, all surrounded by this crescent, surrounded by the impervious wind, wrapped Yang Chen in it, like a hollow ball formed by countless crescents. And this crescent ball is still shrinking with Yang Chen as the center.

As long as Yang Chen is finally received, the power equivalent to dozens of crescents will be exploded on Yang Chen at the same time, and even the eighth-order ancestor will be unable to resist at that time!

Yang Chen continued to dilute the figure in the same way as before, borrowing the power of the formation and flashing Feng Tuo's sword spirit.

It's just that this dodge is no longer as easy as it used to be.

Because when Yang Chen's figure faded down several times, it seemed to be disturbed. It flashed several times before it faded away. After appearing, Yang Chen could see some shallow wounds on his body, and he felt a little bit out of it. Blood stains.

And when the crescent ball slowly gathered, Feng Tuo did not stare, but turned his body into a sword light and rushed into the crescent ball.

This Jianguang Jiaolong is also like an electric shuttle in the crescent ball, which is aimed at Yang Chen's body every time. When Jianguang shuttles, it is often accompanied by several crescents hovering around the sword light. Opening the space instantly, greatly enhancing the power of Jianguang.

Yang Chen's face also dignified.

This method alone is very close to the power of the ninth order. This means of manipulating one's own power cannot be described as not powerful. It can be said that once the energy of the geomagnetic core explodes, the activity and concentration of the energy particles increase greatly, and then increase them, then these methods can even be comparable to the mid-level attack power of the The mid-level satellite is also the backbone of the Earth's resistance, even in the battlefields of later generations, it is also of extraordinary power!

"This Fengtuo swordsmanship is so amazing, if in the later generations, you must win the name of a sword **** on the battlefield, why is there no reputation in the later generations? Is it because he was a loose repairer, and he lost it when the core energy of the earth exploded? Did the guard fall?"

Yang Chen was suspicious in his heart, and continued to call the power of the sky formation, avoiding Feng Tuo's sword spirit.

Although Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Celestial Grand Array has only completed about 10%, it has already initially possessed the power of the Celestial Cave. Of course, it is not enough to attack, but it is still no problem to move it.

Even during this move, Yang Chen found that he had made a little progress in mastering the amount of space.

Suddenly, Yang Chen only felt the power of Zhenfa Dongtian, and looked up, but found that Feng Tuo spoke sword light, as if tearing a layer of transparent film, tearing a layer of invisible power at once, around There is no change in the environment, but it feels as if the tulle covering the environment has been opened...

"Not good! The power of Dongtian was torn apart by Feng Tuosheng!" (Unfinished. To be continued.) Launch of new website

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