The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 397: Vientiane Universe 8 Trigrams

"not good!"

The number of metamagnetic earth rings can be quite large. There are a total of dozens or twenty. The number of flying to the three ancestors is also different. The number of flying to the top of the wind is the most.

When these metamagnetic geomagnetic circles flew over, Gui Hai and Shang Lu clearly wanted to dodge and escape, nearly twenty meters away, but they found that some kind of strong pressure had already been on their bodies and raised their feet. I want to go, but how to shake my body, I can't move half a step, I was shocked!

If prepared, these metamagnetic geospheres can't really treat them. After all, the power contained in this elementary magnetic geosphere is equivalent to the level of fifth- and fourth-order spells, but the way in which this elementary magnetic geosphere is working is quite peculiar. The two ancestors were unable to guard against it for a while. It's a trick, and I can't escape now.

They knew that even if this elementary magnetic earth ring contained weak strength, so five, six, seven or eight earth rings collided together, their eighth-order ancestor's body could not be eaten.

"Two Dao friends, be careful!"

However, Feng Tuo saw a long roar, and the long sword flew out of his hand, and in a moment came to Guihai Business Strategy.

"Feng Daoyou, don't..."

Although the long sword in Feng Tuo's hands has been sacrificed by him for many years and has a considerable blessing effect on the sword qi, it itself is not an illegal weapon and can only be regarded as a very sharp and tough magic soldier.

This kind of magical soldier is stronger than the ordinary weapon in the world, and it is formed after many years of spiritual training by the monks. Although there are some wonderful effects of "spiritual psychic" and "sword early warning", they do not have long-range attack capabilities.

Seeing that Feng Tuo threw a long sword in his hand to end for the two of them, the strategy of returning to the sea was all blocked, but where did it stop? Without talking, Feng Tuo's long sword had already flown out. The long sword hadn't arrived yet. The roaring sword gas above the long sword had already triggered that elementary magnetic earth ring.

Suddenly, the speed of the long sword plummeted!

After the long sword was thrown, Feng Tuo itself was also jumping, flying right after the long sword. Charge over here.

Feng Tuoxiu is really extraordinary. Even if he was bare-handed, even though Yuanyuan Magnetic Earth Ring could produce a heavy mountain-like force field, it almost didn't seem to have any effect on him, and the speed of jump. Still very fast, not much slower than that long sword. Followed closely behind the long sword.

While leaping forward, Feng Tuo issued a sword gas with his fingers, blocking the most distant elementary magnetic earth ring behind him. Although in fact, the "magnetic hovering" geomagnetic ring has not been broken, or even slowed down. But at the same time that the sword fluttered, it also made the force field of the Yuan magnetic ground ring broken. No longer affects Feng Tuo's leap.

Almost at the same time that the long sword touched the Yuan magnetic ground ring, Feng Tuo had already caught up with the long sword in his hand.

The moment he put his hand on the sword, the sword suddenly lit up. It's as if Feng Tuo has a sun in one hand!

The next moment, Feng Tuo shouted. Thousands of swords have been stabbed in the air!

Each sword is no longer a sword spirit, but an actual sword move. I saw that these swords swiftly hit those metamagnetic earth rings.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

The sound of swordsmen's fighting sounded first.

"La La La..."

Immediately, a harsh sound of object friction and a series of electric sparks came out, almost at the same time, on more than twenty elementary magnetic earth rings!

The strength and solidity of the elementary magnetism in this elementary magnetosphere are as substantial as they can directly block Feng Tuo's sword moves.

What makes Feng Tuo feel bad is that the strength of the elementary magnetism has the ability to attract metal. His own sword can also be made of metal. Although after decades of spiritual cultivation, it has been psychic to some extent. The ranks of ordinary metals that have fallen off are less affected by the force of metamagnetism, but they are still not completely immune.

When the sword stroke stabbed, he felt that there was a force that attracted swallowing, and the spiritual power of his long sword was shaken, and he was almost sucked away-this is not his spiritual power. Go, but the metal that makes up the long sword is sucked away. But his own spiritual power, but it is attached to the body of the long sword, the metal that constitutes the long sword is sucked away, then the spiritual power attached to it is naturally no exception.

It's a good idea, as a sword repairer who can accomplish Juggernaut only a short distance away. At the moment, the wrist is cleverly turned, and the force of the sword moves suddenly. From the original block, chop or forward thrust, all at once Turned into the power of tossing, there was a powerful force of Peiran Moyu, which made the magnetic earth ring "drip" once, drawing a wonderful arc like that, circling out and swinging away!

All this happened in the electro-optical flint, Feng Tuo stabs thousands of swords in an instant, but he can find that it is wrong within one hundredth of a second, and instantly change the sword moves. This method, Yang Chen asked himself if he wants to do the same thing. not easy.

After all, he is not a monk who specializes in kendo. More energy is still put on spells. It is said that the art industry has specialization. In this respect, it is not as good as Fengtuo, but it is also very normal.

But this also made Yang Chen pay more attention to Fengtuo.

"Feng Daoyou, it seems that we must join forces! Yang Chen, with the power of the large formation, although it may not be very mysterious, but it can force people down, it is really difficult to deal with, I am afraid that it will be bad today if we do not join hands. !"

Gui Hai's face was gloomy, and he said sullenly.

The business strategy on the side also said: "Yes, Feng Daoyou, we know that you have your own pride, but this is not a hero with Yang Chen's strength. Daoyou fights alone, but it is not fair. . Our joint efforts should not violate the principle of Daoyou."

Feng Tuo's face showed a somewhat stiff smile: "Did the two Taoists treat me as a pedantic person? Rest assured, Fengmou did not plan to fight alone with him."

His sharp sword-like eyes turned to Yang Chen: "Although his power of this dharma looks powerful, but from the previous battle experience, he knows that his formation lacks the ability to explode, and he can't defeat me. , Can only lengthen the fighting time, defeat me and so on with the strength of the deep array. Therefore, if I can make a thunder blow, I will be able to break through the large array and defeat this person!"

Yang Chen was not afraid, and showed him a bright smile.

Feng Tuo was right, the formation did lack explosive power. After all, the formation is only 10% completed, and not completely completed. No one else helped him manipulate the formation, and it was impossible to use the oversaturation attack tactics commonly used in this large formation. If you want to defeat the three ancestors in an instant, you really don't have that ability, you can only fight a protracted battle.

However, if it is really because he does not have the power to attack, hehe...

Gui Hai’s business strategy didn’t know Yang Chen’s thoughts, but they all gleamed, thinking that Feng Tuo said the point: “Feng Daoyou’s words are not bad! Now that is the case, then we will work closely together. Kill this person!"


Feng Tuo took a sip and rushed forward.

After returning to the sea business strategy, also rushed up.

This time, the three of them echoed back and forth, steadily and in one go, and the positions were covered by each other, as if they were a whole. If they want to defeat any one, they must defeat the three talents at the same time.

"Two Dao friends, we have to take the time to press the bottom of the box. Don't leave your hands behind, lest you give this person a chance to breathe!"

Business strategy shouted.

"Relax! Guimou is already using the bottom of the box!" Guihai replied.

"Relax!" This is Feng Tuo's short answer.

As they shouted at each other, a feng shui device made of rosewood sandalwood in Guihai's pocket quietly burst. At the same time, the black and white light flashed on his body, forming a gossip picture.

No, to be precise, it should be a compass figure with a gossip image.

Because the image outside his body is almost exactly the same as the compass commonly used by folk feng shui masters looking at Feng Shui. The only difference is that this image is only an image representing various meanings, but no text exists.

Strictly speaking, it can not be said that there is no text, but there are two seal characters of "Vientiane" in the center of the image.

"Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array!"

The most powerful formation in the hands of Gui Hai is also the most expensive formation.

Because every time, a Feng Shui device is consumed. Each of these Feng Shui devices has to be sacrificed for more than ten years, and it also consumes a lot of essential blood.

In addition, every feng shui device is made of singular red sandalwood carving, which is almost extinct in the current metaphysical world of Linghai red sandalwood. Even if this kind of strange wood returns to the sea as an eighth-order ancestor, it has only been seen twelve pieces in its lifetime. He got it by himself, but it was only seven yuan. Two pieces were left to the little Feng Shui family he established as a heirloom, and the remaining five pieces were carried on him. Two pieces have been used before, and only three pieces are left.

But now, there are only two pieces left of these three pieces of feng shui made of red sandalwood.

When that Feng Shui piece broke, Gui Hai's heart was bleeding!

But at the cost of this the achievements in return are also great.

Not only was Gui Hai covered by the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array, but Feng Tuo and the two were also covered.

The point is that this was originally just a feng shui array method, which was often used to suppress the yin and yang house feng shui and ward off evil spirits. It was not that it could not be used for combat, but it was often not so handy to fight. In other words, the feng shui array offensive is often used in battles, that is, in large-scale wars. It is inevitable that it is not flexible enough to be used in small-scale battles among monks.

For example, the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array was originally used to condense the world's dragon veins. If it is attacked, it is often the shot of one country against the dragon of another country. At least it is also the fight between the two big forces. It is unlikely to be used for singles Fight or small-scale fighting.

The reason why Guihai can achieve the eighth-order ancestor is that he used the indirect means before, and he can even use the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array for personal combat.

The feng shui array that was originally used to change the sky and change the day, and to attack the country and slay the country is used by individuals. The sharpness is naturally self-evident.

At the very least, the two of Fengtuo Business Strategy now feel the benefits immediately! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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