The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 437: Old experts come

I wish the hero a quick move. On the third day after Yang Chen made a request to him, two old aerospace retired experts have arrived in Lingwu Villa.


The lives of the two old experts have almost come to an end, and they came entirely in a special ambulance.

This kind of ambulance can be regarded as an advanced version of ambulance, which can provide life protection for critically ill patients in an endangered period.

One of these two old experts was advanced cancer, and the other was cerebral hemorrhage. Send it over, it's a dead horse.

I wish the hero himself to come with the car in person.

When Yang Chen came out to meet and saw the ambulance and two old experts, he couldn't help but stunned.

I wish the hero a sorrowful smile: "Yang Chen, sorry, these two old experts are already in critical condition, there is no way, I can only ask you for help..."

Yang Chendiao doesn't matter: "No matter, this is more efficient, I can understand."

Yang Chen understands that they actually only hope in case, so really important people, even if they are critically ill, cannot be handed over to Yang Chen, and those who are not sick can also not let Yang Chen experiment, so they have to choose these two not Too important to be an expert in critical illness.

Yang Chen was psychologically prepared for this.

He knew the country, but he was not very confident about Yang Chen’s ability. Just because of Yang Chen's ability to perform before, let Yang Chen try it.

Since it is an attempt, of course it is impossible to promote it on a large scale.

"Yang Chen, I hope you can succeed! Otherwise, the country side, I am afraid it is not easy to explain, the things you said before, it will greatly increase the difficulty to pass..."

I wish the hero a bit worried. Despite Yang Chen's good performance before, he still felt that Yang Chen was too aggressive in his work.

Yang Chen smiled and said, "Relax, I wish you old, and I am still sure that I have proposed such a thing."

"Well... I hope so..." I wish the hero left with anxiety, he still has a lot of things to do. It is impossible to stay here all day. but. The medical staff of the two old experts, as well as the military representatives, remained.

Along with that, there was also the Huang expert from the Shenlong space plane team.

Others are not familiar with Yang Chen. He became more familiar with Yang Chen, waiting for the hero to leave. Straight and familiar, came forward and pulled Yang Chen aside: "Xiao Yang, you said that the treatment problem, is it reliable?"

"Relax. Expert Huang, absolutely reliable."

Yang Chen was confident.

"This matter is very important. Don't worry about it!" Expert Huang said: "I heard the wind saying that if your ability on this side is indeed effective, the country is likely to work with you to open a nursing home. Specially for Veteran experts and veteran cadres recuperate the body. If this is done, it will be of great help to you!"

Yang Chen was not as happy as he thought. Instead, he frowned: "I have no opinion on old experts and old scientists. What does it mean to add veteran cadres? It is a good thing for capable scientists and experts to prolong life and increase working hours. But old cadres... hum..."

He didn't finish, but Expert Huang knew what he meant.

Scientists and experts extend working hours. Will create more value for society. But officials... With the urinary nature of the bureaucracy, it is not a good thing for them to hold positions for a long time.

Not to mention that the current officials have lost the morale of their predecessors during the founding era. Even if the old revolution, life, and old heroes of the founding country were in those days, how many people could not be guaranteed because of their descendants?

Even scientists, old scientists often become the learning valve to suppress backwardness. It's just that science is empirical, and the facts are in front of you, and even senior scientists have to bow their heads. Officials are different. Opening your eyes and talking nonsense is the talent skill of officials...

Expert Huang actually does not like that kind of pure bureaucracy, but he is in the system, of course, he can't show it clearly, he can only huh, and quickly change the topic: "That... Xiao Yang, what's the matter with you?" I have also checked the information. Isn't it that the ability of the metaphysical community is very poor for government officials, scientists, and experts?"

"Yes, this is the case." Yang Chen nodded.

Expert Huang is right. The medical capabilities of metaphysical circles are extremely magical to ordinary people and even the rich, but they are often ineffective for national officials and scientists. Moreover, the higher the official rank and the more important the status of the scientist, the worse the effect. Curiously, outgoing officials are not restricted in this respect, but retired scientists are still restricted.

Basically, the power of metaphysics has no problem in treating ordinary minor diseases or disasters, but it is extremely difficult to treat major diseases or prolong life. The resources required are extremely precious and rare, even if the founding leaders did not enjoy it. But, of course, it also has something to do with the founding leader’s rejection of life extension. Rather than this, it is better to treat with modern medicine.

The reason for this result is unknown, but this phenomenon has been exploited. A typical example is the nine-five-year-old dragon feng shui formation built with the dragon veins of the capital, which can repel and suppress all unauthorized metaphysical forces.

"Then you... if you can't get what you said, this matter is very serious!" Expert Huang is also anxious.

Yang Chen patted his shoulder: "Relax, I still don't believe it? The traditional method is indeed like this, but according to the ability of my energy particle theory, it is completely different..."

This point has also been proved by future generations.

In the later generations, no matter how high your rank or the number of scientists is, in the case of injuries, Lingwu Technology's treatment technology will not be discounted, Yang Chen is still confident.

"Hope so..."

Expert Huang still lacks confidence.

The two old experts were in charge of a military doctor in their thirties. After seeing them, they quickly came up: "Mr. Yang, right? The situation of the two old experts is not very good now, especially after a long journey. It's getting worse and worse, I hope Mr. Yang will take action as soon as possible. If not, please make it clear that we can take it..."

His words were full of doubts. The modern medical methods he has mastered are useless to these two old experts, but some people say that they have a way, and they are still the kind of witchcraft-like means. How can they not doubt it? If it was not because he was a military doctor, or was following military discipline, I am afraid it was not just doubt.

"If you still have a way, will you come to me?" Yang Chen interrupted his words before he finished.

The military doctor was speechless.

Indeed, how can they pin their hopes on Yang Chen, who seems to be suspected of being a scammer before he really can't help it?

Although the theory of energy particles has been initially recognized in the scientific community, it has not been fully disclosed, and it is impossible for people with insufficient levels to know. This military doctor is clearly not among the known.

"Okay, the two old experts are already in very poor health. I need to immediately start stabilizing the condition for them. You should rest with him first."

Yang Chen pointed out that Chen Yuan next to him temporarily served as a casual repairer-of course, this will also get a contribution point, otherwise they will definitely not do it.

"No!" The military doctor shook his head: "Our medical team is an excellent talent selected from major military hospitals. I think that during the treatment process, we need to follow the whole process to respond to emergencies."

"Okay, whatever you want."

Yang Chen didn't care. He greeted Chen Yuan and drove the medical vehicles of the two old experts to the convalescence area of ​​Lingwu Mountain Village-this is specially used to study the medical science and technology and can also be used by the wounded and sick. region.

Expert Huang worried that Yang Chen also followed. As for the military doctors and the medical team, they followed closely.

Entering this area, everyone only felt a refreshing spirit, and even the breathing air suddenly felt much fresher, the brain cleared up suddenly, and the body suddenly felt exhausted.

The environment of the entire Lingwu Mountain Villa is already very good. However, the environment here is even better, and this better environment can be clearly felt as soon as you walk in.

Expert Huang has always been worried about Yang Chen. At this time, he felt such obvious changes, but he was quite relieved and said: "Xiao Yang has done a good job in this place. Maybe there is a way to deal with the matter he said." "

He surveyed the surroundings from left to right, only to see the green trees and the germination of everything, even if it is still late winter outside, but the feeling in this area seems to be in late spring.

In particular, there are irregular and seemingly comfortable vegetation around the east and west, including a variety of beautiful flowers and trees, and there are artificial fountains in the middle. With the fresh air, it is particularly refreshing.

However, only on the surface, this environment is not much different from the outside parks, but the feeling here is particularly good, presumably Yang Chen’s unique I hope he is really Can do what he said.

Along the way, Yang Chen listened to expert Huang talking with the military doctor and learned that the military doctor was named Gao Zhou. He was only in his thirties, but he was already a well-known expert in the industry. There are also two deputies, one male and one female, one good at cancer treatment and one good at cerebral hemorrhage treatment. There are five assistants remaining, all well-known experts in hospitals in military regions.

Although the expert Huang Huang, whose full name is Huang Lin, is not in the medical industry, he also chats well with them.

Seeing the surrounding environment, Gao Zhou looked better, and he also felt a great improvement in the environment, which somewhat increased confidence in Yang Chen.

Unfortunately, this confidence disappeared after entering the sanitarium.

Because in the nursing home, the relevant medical equipment should not be incomplete, it can even be called simple! Although it looks very clean and tidy, and the decoration style is also full of science fiction, it does not have the medical equipment that Gao Zhou knows or does not know. What is the use of only good decoration?

Come this time, is it really wrong? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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