The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 439: National Games conflict

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Gao Zhou's voice interrupted Yang Chen's contemplation. He quickly stopped the doctors and nurses who were planning to use the medical equipment they brought to check the two old experts: "Slow, don't use the equipment you brought, it may be burned out . To test, I have special inspection equipment here."

"What's going on?" Gao Zhou questioned.

Yang Chen apologized: "Because the spell will produce active energy particles, it will cause electronic products to short circuit, just like EMP electromagnetic pulse bombs, affecting most electronic products. The more advanced electronic products, the more integrated electronic products , The more vulnerable. So, in our nursing home, there is no way to use traditional medical equipment, which is one of the reasons why I don’t have these equipment here..."

Before the speech was finished, I saw a few electric sparks flashing from the electrocardiograph next to me, and then a burst of smoke came out...

"Not good!" Gao Zhou was shocked. The nurse who had been paying attention to the electrocardiogram machine even burst into tears: "This is just imported from the United States, so expensive..."

Yang Chen's mouth twitched: "Relax, it's considered that I didn't say hello in advance, improper operation, the responsibility rests with me, and I'll pay how much I should lose."

Gao Zhou opened his mouth as if he wanted to refuse, but thinking about the electrocardiograph imported from the United States was indeed not cheap. Yang Chen didn't pay. Could they let them out? Although it can be said that the state can be reimbursed, such human error may not be easy to reimburse. So he said nothing.

"Okay, we have a special inspection tool here."

With that in mind, Yang Chen made a gesture on the operating table, and a seven-color light irradiated from the top of the head, and the bodies of two old experts were slowly scanned.

Afterwards, the operating table was over the sky, and pictures and data were projected line by line.

Everyone has become numb to the mystery of Yang Chen's sanitarium, but there is no fuss about the holographic projection technology similar to science fiction movies.




"blood pressure……"

"Blood oxygen saturation..."

"body temperature……"

"EEG Index..."

"Cell activity..."

Gao Zhou reads the data line by line. Good in front. The units and standards of human condition indicators used in later generations are inherited as long as they are available now, and these doctors and nurses can still understand them.

but. What the **** are these data?

"Spiritual pressure..."

"Psionic waves..."

"Spirit Index..."

"Spiritual fluctuation..."

"Meridian tenacity..."


"Energy particle affinity..."


Moreover, the data is a healthy indicator. All are labeled green, sub-health is blue, and disease is yellow. Serious illness is red, and finally black. Yep. All black numbers are negative.

Probably looking at Gao Zhou also understands that negative numbers are estimated to represent indicators after death.


The following data is black...

People are still alive, what the **** is this black?

Yang Chen waved awkwardly. Temporarily blocked the data displayed in black: "Oh, I forgot that this is an ordinary person. Our nursing home is mainly open to monks. Many monks have no detection on ordinary people, so the detection is negative..."

In fact, it was Yang San who built the sanitarium according to the standards of later generations, so he inspected the data of the magic circle. Security is the standard of future civilians.

Later generations are the era of the practice of the whole people, even civilians, many indicators do not exist in ordinary people now.

"Okay, Doctor Gao, now you can see it."

Blocking the black data, Yang Chen asked Gao Zhou to continue viewing.

Gao Zhou looked at and secretly nodded. Although the existing standards used in these data are not tested by modern equipment, it is inevitable that he has some doubts, but according to his previous experience, from the current patient's condition, these indicators are basically accurate.

"Yes, the patient's condition has improved. After all, this is advanced liver cancer and cerebral hemorrhage. Our medical level has been ineffective. The current situation is still very good."

But Gao Zhou's praise made Yang Chen feel more and more wrong: it was really strange. If it is because of the scientist, the spell is not effective, but my spell comes from a later version of the analysis. It is not the same as the current one. Why is the same effect?

He remembers very well that the spells of later generations have no difference between scientists and ordinary people.

If the condition of the two people in front of him is special, it’s not right, but he scanned the two people with his mental strength. The result is that the two old experts suffered from common liver cancer and cerebral hemorrhage, nothing special. How could this be?

Thinking, he could not help but submit the problem to the fortune-telling machine in his mind to calculate.

It is said that the monks of the later generations are used to calculating with the fortune teller when they encounter problems. This feeling, Yang Chenkuo has been far away for a long time, and it is still the first time to do so after rebirth.

Tiansuan was already calculating multiple tasks delivered by Yang Chen. However, Tiansuan has true multi-threaded computing capabilities, which are much stronger than the existing electronic computers, and the results are not long before the price is only Yang Chen. 'S brain is getting hotter:

"The host, according to the calculation results of the available data, this situation is likely to be related to the so-called air transport, humanitarian power, and national games."

"What? Is it so?"

Yang Chen was slightly shocked.

Most of the things in metaphysics are now clearly parsed out. If there is something in the later generations whose research has not made much progress and still maintains the existing mystery, it is about luck, the power of humanity, and national games.

It is really too metaphysical in this respect. It is extremely difficult to quantitatively analyze and digitize it.

Therefore, Yang Chen did not care much about this aspect. The relevant research materials were memorized, but there was no in-depth research. It was just "knowing", and it was still the kind of "knowing" that could not be remembered at all, and could not be searched by something like this fortune teller. .

This is related to the "Civilization Reconstruction Plan" of later generations. Yang Chen, the person who cultivated his behavior, was forced to keep a large number of databases in his mind for the purpose of civilization reconstruction. But what is really well known and can be remembered. Actually not much. Only by relying on this pure fortune calculator, can it be truly read.

Yang Chen didn't think of it before, it was normal.

"How to say?"

"Master, according to available data, there is a speculation in the study of later generations. That is why the spells of metaphysical circles are not effective for officials and scientists, especially for officials with higher ranks and more important scientists. If it is a problem, it is probably because the air transport is precisely the exclusion of the national games.

"What's the secret?"

"This speculation points out. According to later studies of prehistoric times, monks and ordinary people lived together in prehistoric times. In mythology, there is a legend called "human and gods live together." This historical process is reflected from the side. There is no problem that the spell is not effective for the officials. The reason is that the monks at that time were very closely related to ordinary people. It was completely a whole."

"Prehistoric times?"

"Yes, human civilization was still in a wild era. In the face of the harsh natural environment and the attacks of natural enemies, it was difficult to survive. It was the existence of monks who possessed extraordinary abilities to protect human civilization. So at that time, monks’ There is no conflict between luck and ordinary people."

"And later?"

"Later, the monks gradually broke away from the ranks of ordinary people, and the mythical "Jedi Heavenly Pass" reflected this vividly. From that time, the monks began to stand tall and regarded ordinary people as ants, so the two sides began their luck. Disengagement. The monk’s spell began to be excluded from the luck of ordinary people and the national movement of the country. Legends in the metaphysical world say that “the emperor can’t practice,” and “the officials have official bodyguards, and the monks are hard to offend”. This is how this happens."

"But why doesn't this happen in future generations?"

"It's very simple. In the later generations, it has been practiced by the whole people. There is no difference between ordinary people and monks. There is only the difference between cultivating as high and low. So the national games at that time could be merged with monks again, and the monks' spells would no longer be. Excluded by the National Games..."

"Is that right?"

Yang Chen secretly pondered:

"If this is the case, the exclusion of retired scientists still exists, but the exclusion of outgoing officials does not exist, can it be explained? Is it because the retired scientists still have an effect on the country, so the national games are still imposed on him, and the outgoing officials have lost The official position, the National Games will no longer be put on it?"

"Heaven, you count again, what is the probability of this possibility?"

Soon Tiansuan answered: "According to the calculation, this possibility exceeds 85.41%."

"Then it can basically be confirmed, this is the fact."

Yang Chen nodded secretly, basically confirming this matter. Such a high probability, there will be no difference between the actual situation and the actual situation, only some details will be different.

In this case, even if it is a spell from a later generation, it is not effective for officials and scientists...

He is somewhat thankful now. When he was in Zongjia, Zonglao was retired, and his treatment of Zonglao's spells took effect. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to handle.

"Since I was sent back to rebirth by the Gaia consciousness of the earth, it should be weakened by the influence of the national sports conflict, otherwise, the effect may only be worse..."

"But what should I do now? I have already spoken to the country. If it is not possible, it will be troublesome later... No, this matter must be resolved!"

Yang Chen couldn't help feeling anxious, he couldn't help but ask Tiansuan: "Tiansuan, what method should be used to calculate to bypass this restriction?"

For a time Yang Chen only felt hot in his mind, and then Tian finally finally gave the result: "Master, there is a way, maybe it is feasible."

[Thank you for your continuous support. This time, the 515 Fan Festival writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope they can support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes and gift packs for the fan festival. Get one and continue the subscription! 】(To be continued.) Activate new website

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