The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 380: Bold conjecture

At the same time that Nian Geng made his decision, Sheng Wenhua's talk of the Buddhism and Taoist people came to an end on the side of the China Metaphysics Promotion Association.

"How do you plan to treat Lao Sheng, Yang Chen?" Buxu Taoist is very concerned about Yang Chen's safety: "I'm afraid they will attack Yang Chen by repairing their ancestors. I don't know if he can handle it... "

"This is indeed a headache." Sheng Wenhua frowned: "We haven't seen the faces of these gate schools for a lifetime, well? Well, this kind of behavior is really damaging to the strength of my Chinese metaphysical community. Otherwise , Why should I promise the founding leaders to eliminate this school system?"

"In these years, Niangeng's main school and our Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association have always been in disagreement with each other. Fortunately, everyone fights without breaking, and there is no big trouble." Buxu Taoren sighed:

"They always thought that we disliked the sect system, didn't we know that what we disgusted was only the sect system that harmed my Chinese interests. It was not the sect system that was beneficial to my Chinese interests. If one day they changed this cruelty, civil war and insider Why don’t we have to live with them because of the layman problem?"

"If they can change it, will they still be them?" Sheng Wenhua sneered and poured some tea into his teacup, disdainfully:

"I never expected to change them in this generation. Fortunately, modern science is bright, the times are changing faster and faster, and the old and stubborn people have no way to completely control the thinking tendency under the door. It would only take a few generations. The sectarian system will automatically die if it is not touched. But now that Yang Chen appears, it has greatly accelerated such a process."

Buxu Daoren nodded: "The theory of energy particles, although it is the theory of metaphysics, but its research method must be based on modern scientific research."

An unwilling smile appeared on his face: "The greatest feature of modern scientific research is the sharing and popularization of knowledge. At least this is within the researchers. Only with such an open mind can it continue to develop. Those who wish to hold the cheats of their ancestors When we are old, we can’t touch anyone except the person we choose. The method of killing anyone who touches is outdated. It only needs the development of the theory of energy particles. Those sectarian systems will die out in advance. It’s no wonder that they are so active now.”

"So, this young man Yang Chen is quite critical! What is crucial to him is not that he put forward the energy particle theory, but that he has the ability to propose the energy particle theory. With this ability, without the energy particle theory, there will be other Things to advance the development of the times."

Sheng Wenhua categorically said: "Such a character can only be created for hundreds of years and thousands of years. To keep him is to save the future. So, even if we give up everything else, we must hold him safe. It seems that we may not Don't unseal that thing..."

"That thing?" Buxu Dao Ren face shocked: "Do you really want to use that thing? The number of times that thing is available, but not much!"

"As long as you can keep Yang Chen's safety, it's worth it!" Sheng Wenhua stood up, took out a jade pendant with a shining light from her arms, and handed it to Buxu Taoist: "Lao, I put the token Here you are, you have to unseal it. I believe that with that thing, as long as those Damenists dare not attack blatantly, a few scattered ancestors. Don’t worry at all."

"Then... what if they do anything?"

In Sheng Wenhua's eyes, Li Mang flashed: "That's about to lift the table! From the moment of Jianguo, we have prepared for this matter for sixty years. If the table is lifted, do you think they can be better? Rest assured, they will compare We are also afraid of being lifted..."


Retracting the large sun-shutter sky mirror above his head, Yang Chen only felt tired and surging all over his body. The whole person's body suddenly seemed to become weak, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

He took a deep breath and drove the psychic formula wildly, urging the psychic formula originally operated at normal speed to a dozen times the speed!

But different from what he imagined. More than ten times the speed of the psychic formula actuates the speed, which does not bring about ten times the efficiency. It is only a few times more efficient.

He sighed secretly, keeping this question in mind.

The opening formula is not yet perfect. It is necessary to conduct in-depth research in this area.

It is of course very good to engage in research and encounter an effect that is beyond imagination, but if the effect is far lower than imagination, it is also very good. If you are not afraid of problems, you are afraid that you will not find them. A problem means that a breakthrough has been found. On the contrary, there is no problem, and people are easily confused.

Anyway, it finally recovered a little.

Yang Chen looked at the mess around him and smiled secretly.

Fortunately, this is a suburb of Beijing. Don’t wipe the **** for the metaphysical circles too fast. Now Yang Chen has heard the siren sound.

He did not want to deal with the police, so he hid in the forest, and at the same time called Miao Gaoliang and asked him to send a car to pick it up.

In the forest, Yang Chen burst into fireballs, and the attackers' frightened escape also made a mess. Yang Chen found a slightly empty place in the forest and sat down on a tree.

The trees here are all fast-growing forests that have been cut down and then replanted for environmental protection. At most, they are thick in the mouth of the bowl, and there is no fresh air in the normal forest. It can only be said to be better than in the city.

But this doesn't matter anymore. Yang Chen leaned on the tree, jumped and breathed, slowly recovered his body and spirit, and his consciousness returned to his previous doubts:

Why was he suppressed by the dragon and feng shui array of the Ninth Five-Year Town, much lower than expected?

"What is the principle of the Long Feng Shui formation in the Ninth Five-Year Town?"

The first thing to figure out is this.

"Let me think about it. In the later generations, the dragon feng shui array of the Ninth Five-Year Town has already disappeared. This cataclysm has destroyed a lot of things... However, the theory of Mr. Feng Shui and the later generations also incorporate energy particle theory. According to the only information available in later generations, the Ninth Five-Year Town Fengfengshui Formation seems to have something to do with the so-called'qiyun'. In other words, only the body has luck, it should be the national relations of the entire China. Deep, less affected."

Yang Chen frowned.

This thing of luck is also quite mysterious in later generations. Moreover, the environment of later generations did not have the conditions for studying luck, because this thing does not directly bring combat power, so naturally it should not be paid much attention.

However, some people have put forward some opinions that this has something to do with the so-called "collective unconscious" or "subcollective unconscious". The popular term is called "Gaia consciousness" in the West, but in China Called "Heavenly Way". I think the so-called luck is the degree to which Gaia consciousness or heavenly favor is recognized.

Some people say that this is a kind of feedback from quantum information library to reality and so on.

Anyway, the arguments are mixed and very confusing.

In Yang Chen's view, Gaia's consciousness or the interpretation of Tiandao's favor should be reasonable. But whether this earth has its own consciousness or heavenly path cannot be confirmed. At least there is no way to confirm this. This statement can only become a conjecture. Scientific research requires experimental verification, otherwise no matter how perfect the theory is, it is just a conjecture.

"However, if this conjecture is tentatively true, then, how can I have luck in me, no, should I say national games?"

Yang Chen immediately rejected this idea: "No, the national games need to have an official identity. And I don't have an official identity. Therefore, I should not have the national games on me. What is it that makes me use something similar The power of the National Games exists?"

Thinking of Yang Chen's sudden wit: "Yes, what makes me the most different is just because of rebirth. Why I was reborn is very strange. Anyway, with my eyes, I can't see it. At that time, what strength could make me reborn to the present. Perhaps... this characteristic of me is precisely because of my rebirth."

So he opened his brain more and more: "So, if it is assumed that the Gaia consciousness of the earth exists, then it must be against the Trojan invaders. Because it is only the collective unconsciousness of the life of the earth, it is only to recognize the life of the earth. Then, in order to fight against the Troy Invasion, will it find a way to regenerate future generations, thereby changing history? This possibility should be great."

"Perhaps, the people chosen by it are not only me, but not only those of my comrades at the time. It should be possible to be selected and sent back to the modern as long as the conditions match and the people who have the will to crush the bones for the earth."

"However, will there be many such people? All of my energy particle theory descendants know, and the news is not kept secret. If there are really descendants who are sent back with me, he should contact me ."

Yang Chen is not worried. If someone is really sent back, he will not contact himself because of selfishness. These people do indeed have a bias from their respective origins For example, he must be biased toward China, but this bias will not overshadow the overall situation of resisting aggression. Are there people who are more selfish than selfish? Will they be selected by Gaia consciousness? Obviously not.

Before, Yang Chen did not feel any difference from the history of later generations.

In addition, this ability to regenerate consciousness, I believe is not a bad idea. The Gaia consciousness of later generations should have been successful after many attempts. This ability to go against the sky is also unlikely to spread. It is estimated that the Gaia consciousness of the later generations is only the last risk of death, and there is no grasp of success at all. Fortunately, I finally succeeded in this one.

In short, there is no other possibility of the same rebirth, it should exceed 99.99%. Although it is not excluded that there may be other rebirths, this possibility is still very small.

"Then, the power similar to the National Games in my body can be explained. I do not have the National Games in my body, but I am related to the power and destiny of the earth’s anti-aggression, but it involves the entire earth, and it will naturally be endowed with Gaia consciousness. Yun. Although this is not yet a national games, but to a certain extent, you can have the purpose of the national games simply related to the fate of China?"

Yang Chen finally reached a conclusion. (To be continued.)

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