The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 415: Conception of China Metaphysics Foundation

"What foundation?"

Zhang Bingyu was a little unclear. So: "Returned to the metaphysical world?"

"This is the case. I plan to set up a non-profit foundation that promotes the research and development of the practice system of the metaphysical circles and develops the strength of the metaphysical circles. The name is the China Metaphysical Foundation. I wonder if you have ever thought about taking the lead and establishing it?"

Yang Chen explained.

"Promote the research and development of the practice system of metaphysical circles and develop the strength of metaphysical circles? Does this overlap with the function of the Chinese Metaphysical Association?" Zhang Bingyu felt that Yang Chen's ideas seemed redundant: "Or do you intend to set aside the Chinese Metaphysical Association? I'm afraid that won't work? You have offended the gate faction, and the Chinese Metaphysical Promotion Society will support you. Are you going to offend them?"

Yang Chen reluctantly said: "I didn't intend to be an enemy of the Daemonists. People like Xuanhong real people should understand me."

"But everything you do shows that you are doing it! Or can those ancestors attack you with a faceless face? Do you know that I am worried about death!" Zhang Bingyu said bitterly. Although she has always been banned, she still pays close attention to the situation in the metaphysical world, especially the situation related to Yang Chen. There are a lot of people who report to the upper and lower Tianshi Mansion:

"Also, although people like Xuanhong real people believe you, they can’t wait for other seniors to be dissatisfied with you. Even in our Tianshi Mansion, there are many people who are very complaining about you. Even Grandpa Wuzu Bian, I’m a little dissatisfied with you..."

Zhang Bingyu's grandfather of five ancestors is one of the ancestors of the Temple of Heaven. His name is Zhang Tianyi, and he is the elder who loves Zhang Bingyu the most. The reason why Zhang Bingyu has such a high status in Tianshi Mansion is largely because she was born to Zhang Tianyi's eyes, and even thought that she had broken through the eighth-tier achievement soaring level and even the chance of success. On her.

Therefore. For Yang Chen, the person Zhang Bingyu took a fancy to, Zhang Tianyi was very suitable after his investigation. Very pleasing to the eye, after Yang Chen proposed the energy particle theory. The approval of Tianshi Mansion is at least a neutral default attitude. It was Zhang Tianyi who nodded and persuaded other ancestors in Tianshi Hall after a few days of research.

Otherwise, with the status of Tianshi Mansion in Zhengyi together, as long as there is a half doubt, Yang Chen’s current opponents must be at least several times more!

these things. Of course Zhang Bingyu didn't tell Yang Chen, but after Xiao Su, he inferred this from various materials. Yang Chen knew this, and asked Zhang Bingyu, although Zhang Bingyu supported me for a long time, he finally admitted.

It can be said that to a certain extent, Zhang Tianyi is Yang Chen's important supporting force in the metaphysical world. The key is. Others are still the kind of people who learn from Lei Feng to do good things without anonymity. There is no interest requirement for Yang Chen. Perhaps this is not necessarily a high-spirited festival, perhaps a great deal of conspiracy, but this relationship, Yang Chen must get it.

Zhang Bingyu said this, Yang Chen also felt that he must pay attention to: "Bingyu, Tianyi ancestors, I think I hope you can explain more..."

"Of course I explained it to you, otherwise, you think our Temple of Heaven can even be so quiet together? But what you did. It's hard for me to explain... if I knew you wouldn't do it This kind of thing, I really misunderstood you... Others are also from the martial arts. Abolition of the martial arts system, have you considered the feelings of the national people?"

Zhang Bingyu's voice resented. Somewhat wronged...

"Okay, okay, didn't I not do that? Thank you Bingyu. Actually, as long as you know the details of my foundation, you won't have such an idea." Yang Chen quickly comforted two sentences.

"How to say?"

"Is such that……"

Yang Chen said his vision.

He always wanted to promote the development of the metaphysical world, but this kind of propulsion, if it was only for himself, would cause losses for many reasons, resulting in less success. Therefore, he intends to establish a neutral institution to reconcile the contradictions between pro-Yang Chen and anti-Yang Chen forces. We have something to discuss, and avoid the previous practice of tearing your face completely.

To achieve this, Yang Chen and pro-Yang Chen forces will not come forward. Because then people will suspect that this institution is your match puppet and will lose credibility at the beginning.

So he thought of the foundation's approach.

In order to promote the development of metaphysical circles, capital and resources are indispensable. Research is necessary, as is cultivation, and all other actions are required. Then, with a neutral, non-profit foundation coming forward to promote it, the recipient will have a lot of concerns, and the payer will not have to worry about it so much.

Yang Chen's idea is that the foundation publicly raises stocks from monks, forces, and schools in the whole metaphysical world. However, the right to speak cannot be offset by the number of shares. Once the capital is invested, all operations and operations are completely handled by the foundation itself, and no funder should be allowed to question. This avoids the worry of the scattered practitioners that this foundation will become a tool for profit grabbing by the gate.

However, on the other hand, funders have the right to propose audit proposals and request audits of funded projects. Once there is any defense against the foundation, then the parties must bear the responsibility. This is to give investors greater power. But this power will not affect the neutrality of the foundation. Because as long as the foundation strictly operates in accordance with the regulations of the foundation, there are no violations, so even if the foundation is funding the opponents or even the enemies of the funders, the funders have no right to oppose the funding.

There will definitely be various open or private games in the middle. It is impossible to completely eliminate the influence. Yang Chen did not make such a plan. He just hopes that the Foundation can serve as a catfish in the metaphysical world and bring a fresh atmosphere to the metaphysical world. And it is the kind of golden catfish that spreads money everywhere and does not directly threaten the interests of others.

One of the purposes of the foundation is to make those major schools feel the need and benefits of change. As long as they have such a cognition, to be honest, they will change quickly.

This is true in the history of later generations. When the cataclysm came, all the martial arts that were not destroyed by the cataclysm were rapidly changing and adapting to the times, so that after more than a hundred years, the martial arts were still in the metaphysical world of Hua Guo. Important pillar strength.

Tianshi Mansion, as the ancestral court of Zhengyi, has little influence in the metaphysical world. The key is that this force is well versed in Lao Tzu's practice of "being good with water and having the same light," and the history can be traced back to at least the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Among the schools of metaphysics, it has a long history and very old qualifications. All these add up, making Tianshifu's position always neutral, and this neutrality has also been accepted by the entire metaphysical community.

It is most appropriate for them to form a neutral foundation.

At the same time, Yang Chen also intends to incorporate the China Metaphysics Portal Forum into the China Metaphysics Foundation. This important network communication platform must maintain a neutral attitude, so as to better exert its influence, so as not to make dissidents feel excluded, and simply start a new fight, and instead cause division, it is not good.

As a proponent of this foundation, Yang Chen directly contributed 8 billion yuan, in addition to a number of unique resources in the metaphysical world, and will make additional investments every year. In the foreseeable future, his investment may be the most.

However, he invested the most in the articles of association, but limited the rights of investors. On the one hand, he could make Buxiu feel sincere. On the other hand, Yang Chen offered to cooperate, and also expressed his goodwill. He dispelled his disgust at the door.

More importantly, his expression of goodwill is based on his ability to defeat many ancestors easily with one enemy, especially persuasive.

Which of these martial arts can continue to this day, which one is the general generation?

The key is that although the foundation is as neutral as possible, it also retains space for the influence of the martial arts. These big factions are confident of their own means. They will never think that this restriction will make them helpless. Instead, they will feel that in this seemingly fair situation, their influence will be used more effectively. In interest, they will also accept.

In short, with Yang Chen's kindness, as long as he does not intend to treat Yang Chen as a mortal enemy, he will accept Yang Chen's intention of reconciliation.

As for the kind of people who really want to be the enemy of Yang Chen in life and death, that's another matter. However, Yang Chen did not rush to deal with them, when a geomagnetic core energy burst can let them die, why dirty his hands? As for their possible obstruction, by the time Yang Chen passed the foundation system and the strength of the whole metaphysical world, the general trend is in his own right, and he can jump into the beams, can he be a car?

Yang Chen told Zhang Bingyu his analysis. Of course, the news of the cataclysm was not yet revealed. He did not say it.

Hearing this, Zhang Bingyu, a heir to the Tianshi Mansion, was very clear about the twists and turns in the middle of politics. Of course she understood what Yang Chen said, but she worried about Yang Chen instead:

"But in this case, how can you guarantee your influence in the Foundation? You have to know that the martial arts are very powerful in this kind of thing. You are careful to be pitted by them. At that time, the Foundation not only failed to promote the mystery. Isn't it not good for the development of the academic world to be used by them instead?"

Yang Chendao: "Don't worry, although I didn't plan to directly affect the foundation, but first of all, the foundation's director is you, with the influence of the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Heaven Master, plus this pioneer initiative Dayi, who can drive you away from the foundation or aerial? With you, am I still worried about influence?"

Zhang Bingyu heard silence for a moment, and then whispered: "You... do you really think so?" (To be continued.)

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