The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 425: "Tian Suan" structure

The fire of the refining furnace is burning, which is a powerful flame from the real fire of the sun.

The difference between the real fire of the sun and the ordinary flame is that there are many more peculiar radiation, high-energy particle flow, psionic fluctuations and so on. These things have unique effects when they are used in the refiner, and as far as Yang Chen's technology is now mastered, they cannot be copied manually.

However, the peculiarity of the big sunshine mirror is here. The people who refined this instrument in ancient times did not know how to simulate the structure of the sun strangely and almost perfectly, and successfully made the sun true. fire.

Yang Chen can observe that when the real fire of the sun is burning, the large solar mirror actually undergoes such a black box process as "spiritual energy, material absorption", "transformation of unknown processes", and "successful release of the real fire of the sun".

What is the mechanism, how does the mechanism work, what is the principle, and there is no knowledge of it.

"The big Rizhao Sky Mirror is worthy of the existence of an artifact that is regarded as a national township in future generations, and there are infinite mysteries to be discovered. Once these mysteries are uncovered one day, the technical development of Lingwu Technology will take another big step. , Or even...may even be able to make critical progress in theoretical physics, maybe that will uncover the mysteries of the unified theory for us."

Although I have used the big sun-shutter mirror many times, every time I use it, it still brings Yang Chen a novel and wonderful feeling.

Anyway, the refining furnace has the ability to run automatically, which actually liberates his mind partly, and can't help but think of the big Rizhao sky mirror itself.

The theory of great unification is a key theoretical basis for a civilization to enter the universe and become an interstellar civilization (that is, to communicate between different star systems, extract resources, colonize, etc.).

This has been proved by modern science.

However, geniuses like Einstein have no way to solve this great unification theory. Look at the scientific development before the aunt. It will take a long time for modern scientists to successfully solve the problems of the Great Unity Theory.

Even in later generations, there is the theory of energy particles. This process was greatly advanced, but it was Yang Chen who listened to the scientists. In the foreseeable future, it is still difficult to achieve this on its own.

Of course, if you can obtain the technology of the Trojan civilization that is already an interstellar civilization, this process can be accelerated. But how can this be achieved without defeating the Trojan Federation? Without advanced technology, how to defeat the Trojan Federation? This becomes an endless loop.

It is now...

Yang Chen looked at the golden sun spewing out of the large sun-lighting sky mirror above his head, and thought to himself: "Maybe I will be born again and change history. There will be hope."

At least, in later generations, the Japanese regarded this large sun-mirror as a national heavy weapon, and they have been careful to avoid damage.

At that time, no one seemed to be able to consecrate the sacrifice into a life-and-death weapon-not impossible, but politically unworkable. No one wants the artifact of the town to be sacrificed by someone for a life weapon. What is the difference from making this person a Japanese dictator? There are many people willing to sacrifice, but because there are too many people, they restrain each other and no one succeeds.

No one sacrifices the Rizhao Tianjing to the life weapon. If they dare not do more destructive research, then their research can only stay on the surface. At least in later generations. Yang Chen had never heard of it, and the Japanese research on the big sun mirror has any achievements worth mentioning. Otherwise, the urinary nature of the Japanese will be rampant, it is impossible to use it without real results.

But here in Yang Chen is different. He has consecrated the big Rizhao Sky Mirror to become the ritual weapon. As long as it is not a fundamental damage, a little damage can be easily repaired, then an in-depth analysis and research can be carried out. Moreover, as the master of the innate magic weapon of life and life, the understanding of the magic weapon would have been much clearer than the outsiders. To do research, the efficiency in this area will be much greater.

Thinking. Yang Chen has formulated several research directions and a list of related research tasks for the research of Dazhao Tianjing.

of course. In the case of insufficient manpower, all this can only be said to be a dead letter.

"Wait a minute, when my fortune-teller is successfully refined, I can perform simulation calculations in this fortune-teller. Not to mention, it can at least help lay a foundation for research in this area. As for the manpower..."

Yang Chen also has a headache. It's just too fast to rise, no one is under his control.

"It is not possible, then go to major research institutes, laboratories, research institutes affiliated with universities, etc. to dig corners. Moreover, my digging angle will be more convenient than the digging angle under normal circumstances. Because I dig angles, I do not seek to dig. To the backbone of those studies. I don’t really want them. Because they are engaged in traditional scientific research, they are not open enough in thinking, and they are afraid that they cannot accept the research related to the theory of energy particles. Instead, they are ordinary experimental dogs and auxiliary research. Personnel and handymen, although their status is not high, they still have some qualities. It is only necessary to help them practice entry and engage in the research of energy particle theory.

Yang Chen moved his heart. With such an idea, he immediately contacted Xiao Su through the knowledge of the sea and passed on the information to let him formulate an angle-cutting plan based on Yang Chen's existing resources, manpower and connections.

"As long as the **** is waving well, there is no corner to dig! Hehe, I am starting to look forward to the powerful scientific research capabilities of my energy particle theory..."

Yang Chen smiled in his heart. I don’t know how many “bosses” of research institutes, laboratories, and research institutes affiliated with universities will be in a sudden chill...

There are naturally plans for Xiao Su to deal with the plan. Seeing that the material's refining is about to be completed, Yang Chen turned his attention back to the refining machine.

This is a fortune teller, so I have to pay more attention.

This fortune-teller in the later generations, of course, has a special standard structure, these standard structures have been tested by practice, can be said to be quite perfect and safe and reliable.

However, there are enough guarantees in terms of safety and reliability, and in terms of advanced performance, it is inevitable that there are some shortcomings.

After all, the fortune tellers of later generations are mainly for war. The equipment used for war is not mainly advanced, but stable enough and low cost. Therefore, in terms of performance, it can only be regarded as moderate.

Many monks who are relatively advanced are not satisfied with the standard structure of these mediocre fortune tellers. Most of them adopt their own correction methods and make many modifications to the fortune tellers. These modified data, whether successful or unsuccessful, are also collectively used to study the next-generation better standard structure of this fortune teller.

And a large part of Yang Chen’s memory from later generations is the data in this area-the original data, not the data after research and analysis.

Because of his cultivation status and status at that time, it was different from ordinary monks. The standard structure used for ordinary monks was useless to him. Similarly, the data after processing and analysis was not useful to him.

The processing of these data is mainly to eliminate those things that have a low probability of occurrence and a low probability of success, to study the commonality among all the data, and to extract them, to understand their principles and operating mechanisms, as a reference for the new generation of standard structure.

In short, it is universal data used for promotion, not tailored for someone.

In order to improve the fortune teller, Yang Chen also had to record a large amount of raw data and analyze it himself.

He has already transmitted these data to Xiao Su and Xiao Guang before, let them analyze it, and finally build a new structure of this fortune-teller according to his own situation.

These structures do not have much requirements on creativity, mainly on computing power, and there are future research results and data references, so Xiao Su Xiaoguang can help. But the main idea is still provided by Yang Chen. Xiao Su Xiaoguang is only responsible for calculating and simulating this idea, determining how feasible it is, and making up for its deficiencies.

After so many days of calculations, Yang Chen finally had his own fortune-telling structure "day calculation".

This structure combines the research achievements of later generations and the characteristics of Yang Chen itself.

In terms of types, it is independent of "abacus", "abacus", "abacus", "addition", "difference", "mechanical calculation", "tube", "integrated transistor", "pc", "server" ", "supercomputing", "biological", "photon", "quantum" and other types of standard structure of the fortune-telling machine, combined with the characteristics of different models of various types of fortune-telling machine structure, it is a kind of all-round type Exclusive fortune teller structure.

Even so far, this is just a prototype. But even this prototype is far more complicated than any other type of fortune teller in complexity.

Under normal circumstances ~ ~ this fortuneteller needs to reach the fifth order of the meteorite to build, but the "astronomical" structure of this fortuneteller can be built only by first-order repair.

This is also the final result of Yang Chen's research combined with the formula of Kai Ling, which greatly reduces the requirements for the refining of this fortune-teller.

However, although the requirements for cultivation were reduced, the requirements for mental strength were quite high. In particular, the requirements for the quality of mental power cannot be met by ordinary monks who have first-order training. Only a very small amount of spiritual power is naturally different from ordinary people, such as the monk Xiao Jing Shang Jingyi, in order to be able to meet the requirements.

The reason for this is that the structure of this fortune teller is too complicated and lacks the mental power to complete the structure of this fortune teller in the body, so naturally it cannot complete the fortune teller.

There is not much research on this aspect in later generations, because the backwardness of the earth at that time was comprehensive, and the research was mainly used to improve the average strength. The emergence of one or two strong individuals alone is not useful for the game. Therefore, the study of the fortunetellers of later generations is mainly used for popular structures, but there is not much research on such demanding structures, that is, individual monks are pondering themselves.

But of course it is different now. (To be continued.)

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