The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 427: Introduce the real fire of the sun!

Item 0421

Temple of Heaven, a fierce argument finally came to an end.

With Zhang Tianyi's strong support and the help of others, a major decision was finally recognized.

As soon as they left the meeting hall, someone immediately conveyed the relevant news to the palace of Heavenly Master.

Zhang Tianyi's ancestor is a man who looks immortal and has only the appearance of a middle-aged man.

However, on his face, there were already wrinkles, and the hair on his head began to be gray. The years on him finally began to leave marks.

Before that, he was an eighth-order monk who was famous for staying young.

Looking at the back of his departure, the ancestors were also whispering: "Teacher Tianyi looks very urgent."

"So what to say? Although Tianyi's practice method has the effect of staying in the face, it can always maintain the appearance of being a high-level monk. But once the cultivation practice has reached the end, the limit will be reached when it cannot be broken through. He will gradually grow old. Looking at what he is like now, there will be at most 15 years left."

"In fifteen years' time, except for special circumstances, the eighth-tier monks and so on can only have three hundred years of life. Unless they break through the ascension, they can have four hundred years of life. Immortal, at least the millennium Shouyuan. It is said that when it can still ascend to heaven before, it can be immortal with the heavens and the earth, and with the sun and the moon. As long as it passes the once-in-a-century robbery of the heavens, it will never die. Is understandable."

"That's true. If you really let Tianyi Brothers break through the eighth order, it would be equivalent to one hundred years of life, and it would allow me to have one more ninth order monk in the Zhang family, or at least guard my Zhang family for another hundred years. The benefits of my Zhang family are endless. In comparison. The things raised by the younger surnamed Yang can't be compared to them, whether they are good or bad. As long as they can do this, even if they break the rules of the ancestors What about the freedom of the younger girls? Even if this proposal will have a negative impact on my Tianshi Mansion? As long as Brother Tianyi can break through, the losses will be recovered."

"Ah. My qualifications are dull. Although I have reached the eighth level, I have exhausted the potential. I have no hope of breaking through to the ninth level. I can only look at Tianyi Brother. I only hope that the man who was called "Shenshu Wushuang" twenty years ago Xuanjizi’s calculations are correct, and there is really a chance of enlightenment for Master Tianyi on that young female doll."

"It's a pity. Nowadays, the metaphysical world is declining, and there are fewer follow-ups. There are fewer and fewer people who have achieved the seventh order, and the number of people who have the eighth order is far less than what we had in those days. It is really worrying to think of it... Tianyi Brother, you must break through, you must..."


Obtaining the permission of the Temple of Heaven is equal to the permission of the Temple of Heaven. Zhang Bingyu was also a very popular person. He immediately released the news among the whole metaphysical world and gave Yang Chen a good news.

This year is the most lively Yang Chen ever.

Last year. Yang Chen hasn't been reborn yet, but there is a young boy who has a lot of flowers. But to be lively, it is still not as good as the one that already has a career.

As for the later generations, it was already the time before and after the eruption of the geomagnetic core energy after he woke up from a muddled state. Moreover, he was also focused on cultivation at that time. How can there be no time for the New Year? When the cultivation is successful, it is when the impact of the cataclysm that has made civilization greatly regressed has not yet retreated. Really wait for civilization to develop again, the Trojan Federation has invaded again, how can there be years in the war?

So much so. Regardless of the year before and after rebirth. It was Yang Chen's busiest year.

Business partners in various fields, connections in various fields, subordinates, metaphysical scholars, etc., made Yang Chen confused. Very busy.

No, he didn’t even spend time with his parents on New Year’s Eve. Instead, he went to Tongtai Industry and Lingwu Mountain Villa to have a New Year’s Eve dinner with each of them before returning home to stay with his parents. But when the Shou Sui was just over eleven o'clock, the phone rang endlessly, and people from all walks of life who had been visiting each other almost blew him up. Most of them are the kind that must have a good business relationship, and even just say two or three sentences, it is not rude to talk a few more.

If they were entrepreneurs who really had a successful career, they would naturally be assisted by an assistant secretary. But Yang Chen's career has just begun, and he has to go through his own hands and let the assistant or the secretary do it, so he has to work **** himself.

So much so that the family had been watching TV together, but as a result, the family TV didn't hear anything, only Yang Chen's phone kept ringing.

I gave Jin Meifeng all joy: "Xiaochen, I think you are more busy than the President of the State and the Prime Minister of the State Council."

"It's all right! It's all right!" Yang Chen had to keep laughing with her, and spent New Year's Eve on the phone.

By the next morning at 6:00, the phone finally began to decrease. But there are still many calls.

If it weren’t for Yang Chen who used a cooling spell to cool down the phone, the phone really had to explode-if this spell could cool down and not allow too strong spell fluctuations to affect the phone’s circuits and conversations, Yang Chen Many brain cells died.

It was so busy that Yang Chen had basically collected all the materials. Yang Chen, who was planning to start the refiner in the New Year, had not been able to spare time.

This is still the result that Xiao Su has filtered through, and only the phone calls that Yang Chen must deal with are picked up.

Later, Yang Chen couldn't do anything. He had to turn off his mobile phone and let Xiao Su cut off all calls to himself.

At this moment, the world was suddenly clear.

Yang Chen simply took advantage of the Chinese New Year when nothing happened and hid in Lingwu Villa and started the movement of the refiner.

In the process of his refining, unless someone breaks into Lingwu Mountain Village, or there is a major event that threatens the lives of people on the important list, he will let Xiao Su completely prevent any disturbance.

When he finally finished refining all the materials on the second day of the New Year's Day, when he could carry out a formal refiner at any time, this was the only refinery room he had prepared for himself.

As soon as the result went out, Xiao Su immediately notified: "Father, the future mother called you a dozen times. It took more than half an hour. Do you want to respond?"

The so-called future mother is of course Zhang Bingyu. This was not named by Yang Chen, but was completely called by Xiao Su spontaneously. Moreover, he also brought Xiaoguang out, and even Xiaoguang also called Zhang Bingyu a future mother.

Yang Chen rolled his eyes: "How many times have you said that you don't have a mother. At least not now. And Bingyu is unlikely to become your mother in the future. You can't just call her a future mother!"

"But every life has its own parents! Xiao Su and Xiao Guang are no exception! At least in the calculation of Xiao Su and Xiao Guang, there is at least a 56.12% chance that she will become Xiao Su and Xiao Guang Future mother. Well, father, are you not satisfied with this? Or is another candidate more likely? But according to our calculations, the odds are only 30.78%..."

"Another one? You guys gave me a mess of mandarin ducks?"

"Of course it was Major Mu. I think she has a lot of possibilities. But this 30.78% chance is a bit lower? Is it another one? Her chance is only 15.44%. Wait, the database may have Missed. To say another girl, her chances are not low, at least 41.63%..."

"Who are you talking about? How can there be so many people?"

Yang Chen feels that he has been keeping himself clean since he was born again. How can Xiao Su say this, he becomes a flowery guy?

"Of course there is. The 41.63% chance is that the girl named Don Ino. She hasn't been your secretary? Obviously, the secretary has a high chance of becoming a boss woman. Sorry, father, I just got it from statistics recently This conclusion almost missed her. 15.44% of course is Miss Zhao Wanru? Although she looks very dissatisfied with you, did she hear that hating someone is a sign of love? Of course based on this This possibility is small, so there is only a 15.44% chance..."

Yang Chen cheered: "I said Xiao Su, where did you spend your computing power all day? How did you calculate the odds?"

"Of course based on human psychology, love psychology, marriage law, marriage statistics, etc..."

"Wait," Yang Chen sounded wrong: "Where did your data come from?"

"There are a lot of things on the Internet..." Xiao Su takes for granted: "For example, "One Hundred Questions about Love", "How to Put Your Sister Secrets 108", "Love Thirty-Six Strategies" and other professional love studies. In addition There are also many romance novels, movies, comics and other works, and their data collection has also been added with important calculation weights..."

"Heaven..." Yang Chen raised his hand with his hand and felt the world's deep malice. Can these things be used to guide dating? Can it be used to calculate the probability of success in love? Is this pure nonsense? It seems that this electronic life, without its own guidance, has already entered a deep misleading way.


He is also almost blank in this regard. Before the rebirth, there were quite a few women. Love was not there. It was purely on the kidneys, but not on the heart. How do you let him guide Xiao Su, a guy who doesn't understand men and women?

"Uh..." He waved his hand weakly: "In short These data are not reliable, you don't have to waste it."

"No." Xiao Sudao: "According to the results of my online sample survey, the accuracy of my judgment on the success rate of love has reached 87.12%, which is quite high. Facts have proved that the reliability of these data is not Low, why did you say that?"


Yang Chen was completely speechless: "Okay, whatever you want, but you will not be allowed to make inferences about my situation in the future."

"Oh..." Xiao Su replied a little hesitantly: "Okay, father, whatever you say..."

He said that he was obviously excited again, as if he was happy to learn something: "There is a word on the Internet called Zhugusheng, a shorthand for what is meant to be a life of loneliness. Xiao Su has never been able to understand what it means. Now After listening to my father, I finally understood."


Ten thousand grass and mud horses roared in Yang Chen's heart and began to wonder if it was a mistake to create this electronic life. (To be continued.)

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