The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 429: Mental variation

"Day calculation, self-check and report performance data."

"Observe, master."

The azure blue light on the fortune-teller flashes continuously, and the gorgeous color is reflected back and forth on the body of the fortune-teller like a translucent crystal, which looks dreamlike and beautiful.

Unlike electronic life, all fortune tellers have no ego. I believe that no one wants to have a self-conscious guy in his mind.

"The self-test is completed..."

"Intactness: 100%"

"Operation speed: floating point calculation 30 trillion times per second. Fuzzy chaos calculation speed averages 450 million groups/minute. (A group is a set, and chaotic fuzzy calculation is calculated by treating a set as a whole. And there is no fixed rate , Can only be averaged within one minute.)"

"Internal data transmission rate: 1.5tb/sec."

"Cache: 500tb."

"Secondary cache: 1.5pb (1pb=1000tb)."

"External data transfer rate: 500gb/sec."

"Energy consumption: Standby 10 standard energy particle intensity/hour, full power 9000 standard energy particle intensity/hour."


Looking at the data, Yang Chen expressed initial satisfaction.

Basically, the best supercomputing computing power in the world is also inferior to his calculations.

The key is that the performance of Sky Computing can be continuously expanded and enhanced, and it is the enhancement of geometric multiples and even exponential multiples, and it is definitely not comparable to the super computing of existing architectures. It can be said that it is fully worthy of the name "Tianshu".

It is the external data transmission rate that makes Yang Chen unsatisfied. But this is mainly related to his cultivation behavior and spiritual strength. The basic structure state of the fortune-teller of later generations of ordinary monks, this external data transmission rate is the highest g per second, but he should be content with one fifth of his.

However, the current calculation is just a bare metal. It only has the most basic functions, not even the system. Yang Chen has to instill the software part.

For example, those formulas, mathematical models, and programs in the theory of energy particles.

Because of the structure of the sky. Sky Computing's ability to calculate the theory of energy particles is even at least ten times stronger than that of electronic computers of the same performance. Not to mention the electronic computers whose performance in the world is far inferior to the sky.

Even Xiaoxiao Xiaoguang, although they are the life of the point, but after all, the predecessor is based on the computer technology of the point. Although this aspect is stronger than the electronic computer of the same performance, it is still several times worse than the day calculation.

However, there is a saying in later generations: "The demand for computing power of the spiritual martial monks is endless."

Even today's days are counted. Yang Chen is still not satisfied.

It has strong computing power and can do a lot of things. For example, it can take the first-order repair as a block to release spells that only satellite-level powerful monks can release.

However, now that the hardware of the fortune-teller is completed, Yang Chen is close to the state of running out of light, and he has no intention of instilling software. First of all, the ray of real fire in his mind is drawn out, and he has not waited for the flame in the space of the spiritual palace. Extinguished, and found a place in the refining room to lie down. Adopt the method of sleep work, while falling asleep and sleeping, let the body's mind and body loss slowly make up in the special state of sleep training.

For a time. In the refining room, only the real fire of the sun radiated by the large sun-lighting mirror was burning quietly, and the rest was quiet.

This time the wear and tear was too great. Yang Chen's sleep training took three full days to wake up from his sleep.

"This sleeping state is the state most conducive to the cultivation of the body and mind, waiting for leisure damage, but it can be made up to a full state in a few hours. I did not expect this state I actually used it for three days. It seems that before The loss. It is indeed quite large."

Yang Chen still felt terrified when thinking of it.

If this loss is not careful, it will permanently damage its foundation. Even if the technology of later generations destroys this permanent foundation, there is no good way.

If that's the case, it's troublesome

But Yang Chen couldn't help it. The enemies of the Trojan Federation would not wait for him. He didn't have much time to waste. He could only take a risk. Fortunately, he succeeded.

"In this case in the future, let's try to take more robust measures."

Yang Chen secretly admonished himself. But as the saying goes, he also knows that he really has no choice but to face a similar situation.

After all, he is carrying the future of the entire human race! What are the other costs for this?

After so many years of **** warfare, selfishness has long been refined in the war. He is now focused solely on the future of the earth, nothing else is worth it.

After waking up, Yang Chen continued to start the software modulation of the fortune teller.

This is much safer.

However, when he put his consciousness into the space of the spiritual palace, he was suddenly stunned.

Because he found that he was still burning in the space of his spiritual palace!

"What's going on? Didn't the sun really get rid of it before?"

He examined it carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

Perhaps it was because his mental power was nearly exhausted at that time, and there was a problem with the control of the real sun fire, so a trace of the real sun fire was left in the space of the spiritual palace.

However, this little sun has too little real fire and is not powerful, but it has not caused much damage to his spiritual palace space. On the contrary, before he entered the state of sleeping power, this sun-burning fire was silently integrated into the space of his spiritual palace.

So much so that his spiritual palace and this fortune-teller are now coated with a layer of golden flame gold.

However, his spiritual palace was not damaged as a result.

So is this fortune teller. There is also a flaming gold rim, which echoes the blue light of this fortune teller. The blue gold is mixed with it, but it has a little more beauty.

But he did not dare to be lucky, and quickly awakened the fortune teller: "Tianshu, immediately check yourself and see what's wrong."

"Yes, master."

Tianshu soon answered: "Report to the owner, the calculator body is 100% intact, and the function is 123.5%."

"Wait, why is the function intact more than 100%?" Yang Chen found something wrong.

"Because the function has been improved. It is expected that the overall performance and the performance of each branch have been greatly improved. Finally, the calculation result shows that the existing function is improved by 23.5% compared with the previous function."

"Can you analyze the reason?" Although this is a good phenomenon, Yang Chen still dare not take it lightly.

"Insufficient data to analyze."

Tian Chen's answer made Yang Chen sigh gently. This result was early in his prediction.

In any case, there are no adverse effects now.

Later, Yang Chen also found that his mental strength seemed to have undergone a little variation, even bringing a little bit of heat.

Ordinary mental power has no attributes. Unexpectedly, Yang Chen found his spiritual power, but it seemed to be influenced by the real fire of the sun and became a fire attribute.

For ordinary monks, the power of non-attribute spiritual power is not very good. The spiritual power with attributes is much stronger. If they change in this way, they will be very happy.

When Yang Chen is different.

The strength of the monk is that it has endless possibilities. It can combine different particle equations through various aspects to produce almost endless different spells.

Only non-attribute mental power can release spells of any attribute. Once the mental power brings the attribute, then the magic of this attribute is powerful, but the magic of the attribute of the defeat, the power will be greatly reduced or even not used.

A simple warrior does not matter, but if you want to do research, this single-attribute mental power is even more inconvenient.

Yang Chen's positioning for himself is definitely not a simple warrior.

Therefore, Yang Chen was also tense, and quickly checked it out, only to find that the mental power was only affected, and the essence did not change. It really doesn't work, just find a neutral energy source with neutral properties.

This may not be easy for others to find, and Yang Chen is not a problem.

That is the basic technology of the universal fire furnace: the universal spiritual transformation technology.

The universal fire furnace can transform any psionic energy into the desired fire attribute. This is just to convert different attributes of psionic energy into fire attributes. Since it can be transformed into fire attributes, other attributes can also be transformed at will.

Yang Chen put away the big Rizhao sky mirror and went to the public practice workshop.

This is the largest universal psionic converter in Lingwu Mountain Villa.

After all, monks have different requirements for different psionic powers. To meet the different needs of each monk, there is no such universal psionic transformation technology, that is not enough.

All this benefits from the study of energy particle theory on the nature of energy particles.

As in modern science, different particles are nothing but different results of their charge, spin, momentum, etc. Different particles can be converted into each other-of course, the cost and efficiency of this conversion is something else, but UU reads but the essence of transformability is unchanged.

The same is true for energy particles. Energy particles with different attributes are just changes in the attributes of the energy particles themselves. Compared with traditional scientific particle conversion, the difficulty of particle conversion is not small, the conversion of energy particle attributes, but it can be completed with different particle equations, the efficiency is much higher, and the consumption is not large.

It is said that this is because the existence of the energy particle itself is a semi-realistic and semi-unreal particle, so it is possible to complete the conversion of different attributes with such low consumption and high efficiency.

When I first studied this thing, I did not waste much energy of later generations, but after the completion of the research, it quickly became popular. The environment of war makes it impossible for human beings to cherish their brooms. Like researching new things, it is still necessary to squeeze out the last profit of old things before launching new products. It will not work in later generations.

This is why Yang Chen knows so many things. Anything similar to promotion must be remembered by all those who have cultivated enough. This is the preparation of the civilization of the earth for the destruction of civilization and the reconstruction of civilization after escaping from the enemy.

Matching with the universal psionic converter is the energy attribute appraisal instrument.

Yang Chen first came to the energy property appraisal instrument. (To be continued.)

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