The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 433: Universe, here I come!

"No no no, I wish you a misunderstanding..."

Yang Chen quickly explained: "I didn't plan to go through the back door to do something special. I just said that I didn't have to comply with those standards, but that's not to say that if I do the aerospace industry, I won't do it seriously."

"So what do you mean?" Zhu Xiu is still a little unhappy.

"I wish you old, don’t forget what I am? I want to engage in the aerospace industry, but I don’t intend to follow the traditional scientific methods and technologies. The aerospace industry I intend to use is based on the theory of energy particles. On the other hand, there is another way to do it. Therefore, those aerospace industry standards that are aimed at the traditional scientific community are not applicable to me, and I should set up another set of standards."

Yang Chen coolly laughed and said: "Don't forget, you also said before, that the key to the United States is the energy particle theory. Why is it our turn to do it now, and you forget it?"

"Yes, yes! I'm so confused, I didn't think about it." I wish the hero suddenly realized.

The expert next to him was also pleasantly surprised: "Yes, Xiao Yang, you put forward the energy particle theory, which you know best. If you are to study the application of energy particle theory in the aerospace industry, that is the most appropriate. Yes. By the way, I wish you old, I hope our military research team can also join this project, what do you think?"

Of course, I don’t mean to refuse the hero: "Of course it’s okay. But... I’m afraid we still have to ask Xiao Yang’s meaning? After all, this is Xiao Yang’s project."

Yang Chen will not refuse. Although he can find another way to engage in the aerospace industry and have the research results of later generations as a reference, but there are not many achievements in later generations in this respect. It is still necessary to combine modern aerospace technology with the participation of national researchers. . That couldn't be better. Of course, on the other hand, this is to show the country that I am selfless. The practice of reducing national suspicion.

So he simply said: "That would be great. I hope to be able to hire some experts, engineers, and researchers from the Chinese astronauts. If it is the kind of experienced retired aerospace who is unable to withstand the burden of heavy space missions People, it couldn’t be better. I wish you old, let them come, and I will help them adjust their body after they come, to ensure that they can increase their energy, and even increase their working hours for more than a decade or two.”

I wish the hero great joy: "Good! Just do it!"

China’s current aerospace industry, to be honest, is facing a dysplasia of the backbone. Because of the well-known period of chaos, the training of heirs to the aerospace industry was almost interrupted. And now, the people who grew up in that period happened to be the golden age of prosperity and ability. It was when they picked the beam.

However, the current status of the Chinese aerospace industry is that there are not enough people in this group.

The astronauts of the previous era were too old to take on major space missions.

However, the astronauts who grew up after the chaotic period have not yet grown up to the point where they can shoulder their heavy responsibilities and become backbones.

But if the energy of the older generation of astronauts can be rejuvenated and their service time extended by a decade or two, then it would be better for the Chinese aerospace industry.

Not to mention. Now is the eve of entering the interstellar age, and it is also the most critical moment, any effort at this time. After entering the interstellar age, it will be transformed into thousands of times of background and competitiveness, then this group of older astronauts is even more needed.

"Xiaoyang, you are mentally prepared. I estimate that the country may send almost all the older generation of astronauts to let you recuperate your body and rejuvenate your energy. However, the vast majority. It should be transferred back to the front line. Work. Not many are still here with you..."

Speaking of wishing the heroes also felt a little guilty, after all. If Yang Chen said that if this thing is really done, the country will owe him too much. Even transferring all the old experts to him for a few years is not enough to repay. After all, the extra working hours are purely profitable.

However, now most people have to be transferred back, after all, the country has too much demand for these people. In this way, Yang Chen may have made a lot of effort. It is inevitable that the hero Zhu would feel sorry for Yang Chen's efforts.

"This is no problem. These old experts have contributed their entire lives to my country's space industry. My thing is the reward they deserve. I am satisfied with a few staying here and I dare not ask too much."

Yang Chen does not naturally get rid of it. In fact, he does not have much demands on the older generation of astronauts, because he mainly relies on the research of energy particle theory. Ten or so old aerospace scientists help him understand and adapt to the space environment, transplantation related Just technology. Even if you give him more, he can’t use it, that is a waste of talent.

That being the case, naturally everyone is happy.

In the end, Yang Chen reported to Zhu Hero again: "Zhu Lao, the country may take a little time to pass this proposal. However, I want to do related research in advance, so I would like to report it to Zhu Lao first and give it to the relevant supervisor. The department informed, lest I make a fuss about what I have studied here."

I wish the hero casually agreed: "No problem."

But he immediately reacted and immediately startled: "Wait, Yang Chen, what are you talking about? Do you mean that you can make results quickly?"


"What kind of results?"

"Of course it is the result of a successful trip to and from space!"

"How is this possible?" Zhu Yingxiu was shocked: "The energy particle theory is so superior? You, a grass-roots team, can make an aircraft that can travel to and from space? Then we have hundreds of thousands of horses in the aerospace industry, so many supporting enterprises, Tens of billions of research funds are not all doing useless work?"

Yang Chen patiently explained: "I wish you a little misunderstanding. Indeed, on the surface, the research on space vehicles under the guidance of energy particle theory is fast and not expensive, but the energy particle theory itself is not in this world. The fundamental law of physics is a secondary law of physics. In other words, the theories of gravitation, relativity, and quantum theory are established in most cases, and it is difficult to prevent their influence."

"What about the energy particle theory?"

"Energy particle theory is not the case. Its existence depends heavily on the physical quantity of psionic energy. But this physical quantity, at least according to the current research results, can only be mastered and manipulated by life. And, because of its characteristics. It is easier to be different. Environmental impact. In other words, research results under the guidance of energy particle theory are more unstable."

Yang Chen paused. Give the hero time to accept his statement, and then went on: "Although it seems to be not expensive. The results are fast, but it also needs to be built on the full results of traditional research, and the failure may be large. Therefore, the traditional science of aerospace Research is not only necessary to continue, but also indispensable. Research under the theory of energy particles can only and only serves as an aid."

"Oh..." Zhu Xiong understands: "That is to say, you can be so fast now. Is it because the traditional aerospace science and technology achievements can be used directly?"

"Is such that."

"Then I understand. Well, I will report this matter to my superiors and the country. You can do your research with confidence."

Later, Yang Chen cut off the call and felt very happy.

Finally, the research results of later generations can be justified.

The key is that the multiple energy particle detection satellites required by the Tianluodi network project can finally be launched into the sky.

Otherwise, you will launch a satellite to heaven on your own. Maybe you will not be waiting for heaven. The country will knock it down.

Hua Guo’s monitoring of the sky. That's pretty strict. To a certain extent, it was stimulated by the long-term bullying by the Air Force and the US high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft on the island of Taiwan at the beginning of the founding of the last century.

In short, the restrictions on airspace in China are extremely strict, and there are really satellites taking off from your side. There will definitely be a strong response. Although Yang Chen can choose to make breakthroughs, it will inevitably affect relations with the country. At least for now, Yang Chen does not want to encounter such a situation.

But now there is no problem.

His eyes flashed with excitement and muttered to himself: "Finally... finally the development of aerospace technology for psionic technology can be started. I waited for this day, but it has been a long time..."

In later generations, whether to develop aerospace technology, especially deep space technology, there are different voices within the civilization of the earth.

Some people think. It’s too dangerous in space, and a typical example is an intruder like the Trojan Federation. Therefore, human beings should not develop space technology, especially deep space technology. There should be a way to "hide" the solar system in the universe, and everyone can hide in the solar system for their small days. of course. This was after expelling the Trojan invaders.

But not many people think like this.

After all, it is useless to be an ostrich in the face of danger. The danger does not come to you because you hid your head in the sand. The earth has been targeted by the Trojan Federation. There is a Trojan Confederation, there is no guarantee that there will be more other interstellar civilizations. Hiding in the solar system for a small life looks good, but how can you ensure that your technology is enough to "hide" the solar system in the universe from being discovered by anyone?

That requires quite high technology. But with such high technology, are you afraid of others invading?

More people think that it is not to not develop space technology, but to suspend development At least to drive away the Trojan Federation, and have a stable environment to make plans.

This is the mainstream idea. Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, not many resources have been devoted to the research of space technology by future civilizations. Therefore, the space technology of later generations has reached the level of mining in the asteroid zone, not even the level of colonizing other planets in the solar system. It was developed before the Trojan Federal invasion. As soon as the Trojan Federation came, development in this area was almost stagnant.

The idea similar to Yang Chen and others is to vigorously develop space technology in order to drive off the aggressors. Opposite an interstellar civilization, only the same space technology can qualify to defeat each other. Otherwise, you will never be able to repel the enemy. Because people are interstellar civilizations, they can continue to support troops from the star air conditioner, how do you fight? There is no way to fight.

Unfortunately, this trend of thought does not occupy the mainstream. Yang Chen has no choice. Although he desperately wanted to develop aerospace technology in later generations, he had no resources, no helpers, and he had no energy to spare.

But now, the situation is naturally different.

Universe, here I come!

Yang Chen looked up at the starry sky, feeling only full of pride in his heart... (to be continued.)

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