The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 442: Wei Hua's joining

"Why don't you know me, Zhang?"

Wei Hua asked doubtfully.

"You... you are Wei Lao..."

After that little Zhang Dong looked west, he finally looked at Wei Hua, with an unbelievable look on his face: "Are you really Wei Lao? Yes, yes, it looks very similar to Mr. Wei, just a little older, should be Wei Lao..."

"What do you mean?" Wei Hua felt like she was dreaming? Why can't he understand what Xiao Zhang said?

Xiao Zhang didn't seem to know how to explain it. He hurriedly took out a mirror from his arms and handed it to Wei Hua: "Lao Wei, look..."

Wei Hua looked at the mirror, and the person who appeared in the mirror was an acquaintance--because he looked like this when he was twenty years ago, but...but he was already seventy years old! Are you really dreaming? what the **** is it?

"Xiao Zhang, what happened?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly told the matter carefully, and Wei Hua realized this: "It turned out that my cerebral hemorrhage was in a dangerous coma, and then he was cured by someone here? Not only was it cured, but it also made me 20 years younger. ? This... how is this possible..."

Wei Hua has always been a believer in science. He has never thought about it in his life. This kind of myth will happen to him: "Is this really a rejuvenation in myth? I feel that my whole body is warm and comfortable, as if there are infinite Energy is on my body. In this way, I... I can devote another 20 years to the country!"

"Myth? No," Yang Chen interjected with a smile: "This is science! A brand-new, out-of-the-box science. But it is still science."

Wei Hua raised his head and looked at Yang Chen: "Young man, are you?"

Gao Zhou quickly introduced to Yang Chen: "Elder Wei, this is the doctor who rescued you from the critical illness before, Mr. Yang Chen."

"Rather than call me a doctor, call me a scientist. A scientist who studies the theory of energy particles."

Yang Chen corrected.

"Energy particle theory? What is that?"

"This is a new physical theory I have proposed, which can make up for many of the deficiencies of the existing physical theory. The method used to treat Wei Lao is one of the research results of the energy particle theory."

"Then why I sound. Like a myth."

"You are right, the theory of energy particles. It is the result of analyzing and researching the deeds that sound like myth, but actually exist through tradition in modern science. It is rooted in modern science, but draws on ancient times The nutrition of myths and legends has become a new theory that breaks through the existing scientific theories, a theory that can bring us closer to the truth of this universe."

The communication between scientists always has a common language.

After Yang Chen briefly introduced the energy particle theory to Wei Hua, the 70-year-old satellite expert listened very carefully and asked questions from time to time, and nodded with satisfaction from Yang Chen's answer from time to time.

In the end he said: "It seems your energy particle theory. In theory, it is indeed self-consistent. So, are there any repeatable experiments to verify the theory?"

To verify whether a theory is correct, on the one hand, it is required that the theory can be derived through mathematics, and it can be self-consistent in theory. At the same time, it also requires that the theory has rigorous and repeatable experimental verification.

Only in this way can a theory be recognized by the scientific community.

"Of course." Yang Chen nodded: "According to current statistics, including China's positron-electron collider, the Fermi laboratory in the United States, the National Accelerator Laboratory and other laboratories with particle accelerators, cern particle physics in Europe Academic laboratories, etc., have already verified some of the theoretical conclusions."

"Good!" Wei Hua almost burst into tears. I was very excited and patted the bed: "We Chinese people can finally come up with advanced physics theories and no longer have to run behind scientists from other countries! Xiao Yang. Work hard, the future of China is on you!"

Yang Chen hurriedly bowed down to express his humility: "Wei Lao has won the prize. The future of our country will require the joint efforts of all citizens, all scientific workers, workers, and farmers. What I have done is only a trivial part."

"Don't be too humble," Wei Hua waved his hand. "Of course, other people have indispensable credit, but others can't come up with an important basic theory in the frontier field that has been verified! Xiao Yang, you are still young. Don’t be too old-fashioned, you should have the passion and courage of a young man. When you are willing to let yourself be, let yourself be!"


Yang Chen was unavoidably ashamed. If this theory was really put forward in his early 20s, of course, he can be exhilarated, but unfortunately it is not like this. He is a reborn 100-year-old soul, and the theory is also from later generations, but he does not have such a cocky face and quickly shifts the topic. Road:

"That's it, Wei Lao, you came to me to treat the disease. I proposed it to the country. I hope you can help me engage in the aerospace industry when you are ill. Well, the country has acquiesced, and it won't take long for the country to A policy will be issued to allow private enterprises to enter the aerospace industry..."

"Aerospace industry? Young man, you have a good breath..."

Wei Hua couldn't believe it: "And what about space, can private individuals succeed? How can the state introduce such a policy?"

"This is also something that can't be helped."

Yang Chen replied, and then elaborated on the American Centennial Starship Program and the American Commercial Space Launch Competition Act.

In addition, he also clearly stated his own energy particle theory and the tremendous promotion effect of reconfigurable nano-ceramics on the US aerospace industry.

After listening, Wei Hua sighed a long way: "No wonder, I'm not waiting..."

He also complained about Yang Chendao: "Xiao Yang, you just don't think about it. How can you open up and sell important things like energy particle theory and reconfigurable nano ceramics? Or else, Americans will not... …"

However, he still shook his head when he was half said: "Forget it, these are crooked ways, the important thing is to be self-reliant and capable, otherwise it will be useless to keep secrets."

Yang Chen quickly comforted: "Elder Wei is assured that the theory of energy particles is not so good to study. China has a long and long tradition of cultivation and has a unique advantage in this respect. In contrast, the United States does not have such good conditions. This theory is still proposed by me. My understanding and research on it is far better than that of the United States. We are not behind or even far ahead in this respect. The biggest problem is how to combine traditional technologies to create our unique advantages. That's why I am looking for an old expert like Wei Lao to come."

"Good!" Wei Hua shouted: "Xiao Yang, now that you have such ambitions, why do you not support me as an old man? Anyway, my life was picked up by you. If you have any task, you will hand in give it to me!"

Said to get out of bed.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Yang Chen hurriedly stopped: "You check the body first to see if you have completed the recovery. I have something to tell you afterwards. Now there is another patient who needs to be treated immediately... "

"Oh, right, right..." Wei Hua suddenly said: "It's time to treat Brother Xiao Ran first and say anything else."

"Elder Wei knows Elder Xiao?"

"Why can't I know it and have been cooperating for many years..." Wei Hua sighed, his eyes blurred, as if returning to the past...

The next step is for Wei Hua to undergo medical examinations by Gao Zhou and other medical teams.

Yang Chen temporarily opened the authority of this operating room magic circle environment to Gao Zhou, allowing them to use the operating room detection magic circle. Although they did not practice, Yang Chen handed them a mental force particle equation memory card. Like Hou Xunan, they can use this to simulate the spiritual power, so as to destroy those that only the monks can use the spiritual power to destroy Phalanx.

Yang Chen continued the treatment of Wei Hua and treated Xiao Ran.

Wei Hua's heart was not focused on the examination at all, and he had been watching the treatment of Xiao Ran with great interest.

Yang Chen still treated Wei Hua as before, first condensing an artificial spirit source, and then injecting it into Xiao Ran's body to urge Xiao Ran's vitality, feeding vitality jade dew, injecting Oriental Purple Qi and so on.

A series of actions made Wei Hua murmur involuntarily: "It's really interesting. What is the theoretical basis of the existence of this power? How can it be used in the aerospace industry..."

When he fell into contemplation, Gao Zhou and others had already tested him.

Gao Zhou came forward with a smile on his face, and said to Wei Hua: "Elder Wei, congratulations, your physical function has now been fully restored, and your physical health and energy are equivalent to about fifty years old..."

Wei Hua looked at Yang Chen's movements without turning his eyes, but he didn't mind talking to Gao Zhou. He waved at him and motioned him not to block his line of sight.

Gao Zhou froze for a moment, shook his head helplessly, stood aside and looked at Yang Chen, but UU looked at but frowned.

Because he found that Yang Chen's treatment of Xiao Ran this time seems to be much longer than Wei Hua's treatment, and it does not seem to be so smooth...

"Isn't it really a problem? I hope not..." Gao Zhou, a loyal fan of modern medicine, has now been completely conquered by the new medicine under the theory of energy particles.

The magical medicine and power that Yang Chen showed can bring people back to life and rejuvenate people, enough to make any unbiased medical experts crazy, and Gao Zhou is no exception.

Having such a good impression of new medicine, of course, does not want to see Yang Chen's treatment fail.

Instead, other people are not seeing the problem now. Anyway, they are now completely occupied by Yang Chen's magical means, and they can't think of anything else.

As for Wei Hua, he did not know the previous treatment process, so he did not doubt it, and thought it was normal.

However, Gao Zhou was indeed right. Yang Chen's treatment did have problems. (To be continued.)

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