The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 456: Psionic rocket

Early the next morning, around six or seven o'clock, everyone was already awake. ()

Today is the day when the aerospace project is officially launched. Not to mention Yang Chen, even everyone else is full of expectations.

This is true even for the two Wei Lao and Xiao Lao who have participated in domestic aerospace projects and space launches many times. Although they have seen the world, the key to the aerospace projects carried out by the people is the use of aerospace projects different from traditional technology. This is the first time.

Yang Chen didn't engage in an oath meeting or the like to start the project. He called everyone together and opened a short meeting to announce the official start.

Everyone was not interested in these false heads, and all their spirits went to the aerospace project.

After the meeting, Yang Chen took everyone straight to the engineering area-this is an area that has been designed for a long time, mainly for large projects or large-scale research.

There are not many facilities here. Because there are many similar projects in Yang Chen's forecast. Different large projects will have different needs. Too much facility design is a hassle, and it might as well be temporarily added according to the needs of the project.

Now here, the platform for launching rockets has been imitated, and a small platform has been built that looks similar, but much smaller and shorter.

"This..." Wei Hua and Xiao Ran were of course very familiar with this and recognized it at a glance: "Rocket launch pad? But why is this..."

The two old experts frowned, as if thinking about the wording: "So small?"

Wei Hua was the first to find Yang Chen's opinion: "Xiao Yang, this is not enough! Rocket launch is a very important thing, and it can't be a sloppy thing. Your rocket launch pad is so small, it doesn't work at all. Ah! Or, are you planning to imitate the American space shuttle and build a similar flying vehicle to and from the atmosphere?"

Yang Chen smiled and said: "Elder Wei is at ease, no problem. Can I be careful about such a major event? My rocket launch pad is relatively small because the technology I use is different from the traditional one, and it is not so large. Launch pad."

"Is this possible?" Wei Hua doubted: "If you want to send tons of things to space, you need a lot of impetus. There is no qualified launch platform, and the launch can't be successful. There will be an accident. .Aerospace accidents can be different from traffic accidents such as car crashes. One accident is to cause heavy casualties and heavy losses. Xiao Yang, you need to be careful..."

Before Wei Hua spoke, everyone just came here. While looking around, Xiao Ran had jumped onto the launch platform. With agility that was completely incompatible with his age, he climbed up and down, and carefully checked it again. .

His current movements have even reached or even exceeded the level of middle-aged men among ordinary people. If he is better than the special forces, the combat effectiveness may not be good, but this is agile but not inferior. These are the benefits brought by cultivation.

This rocket launch pad is more than 20 meters high, with Xiao Ran's agility, plus only a rough check, it didn't take much time, when Wei Hua said here, Xiao Ran had come down, he had always been quiet, he didn't talk much , Just spit out a few words: "Rocket failed. Other unknown."

Yang Chen laughed: "I know that launching a rocket is not qualified. But I did not plan to launch a rocket. Or, it is not a rocket in the traditional sense."

As Yang Chen summoned everyone, he announced the first task of the project: "Develop a vehicle that can send objects into space."

"Of course, this tool cannot use rockets in the traditional sense. However, the concept of persuasion is still the same, so we also named it rocket, but it should be called..." Yang Chen smiled mysteriously on his face: "Psionic rocket."

"Psionic Rocket?" Everyone thought about it.

"As you can see, this rocket launch platform is only more than twenty meters high, which is what I just installed in the morning." Yang Chendao.

The components of the launch platform were actually refined in the refining room. If it were not a refining room, it was a huge building, and the refining furnace itself was very large. Yang Chen couldn't really get it out on his own.

In addition, this installation can't be done by ordinary people, and can only be carried out by Yang Chen with the help of a large array. The effort is still second. The key to these important magic circles and runes is that only Yang Chen can combine them perfectly and really make a difference.

This platform looks more than 20 meters high, but in fact it is just a carrier. What is really important is still a whole formed by the engraved runes and magic circles.

This design came from an abandoned design solution of later generations.

In later generations at that time, after the civilization of the earth eased from the cataclysm, the technical level was already quite high. Therefore, to go to space, there is no need to use the traditional launch vehicle. Because this mode of launch vehicle is wasteful, inefficient, and technically low. When the decision was made to develop an asteroid mining spacecraft at that time, this plan was not passed, and it was directly eliminated. Later, it was only left as a technical reserve.

When this plan was set up at that time, it may be that the R&D personnel were greatly affected before the cataclysm. They almost copied the design concept of the launch vehicle, but replaced the technology on the launch vehicle with the same effect of the psionic technology.

This kind of thing seems to have no technical content in later generations, but for now, it is just right. The design philosophy is in the same vein, and the technology used is just right now. As for the problem of wasting great efficiency and low efficiency, is it still a problem? This is not an era of poverty and emptiness after the cataclysm.

He also sorted out the memory in his mind some time ago, and occasionally turned it over. Once he saw it, he adopted it as a decision to win the treasure.

As for future generations, the anti-gravity capability of the dual-powered nuclear fusion energy engine can easily make spaceships weighing more than 10,000 tons and at least tens of meters to hundreds of meters long break away from the gravity of the earth and go to space. But the technical content is too high, just like when the current launch vehicle technology was taken a hundred years ago. Many things can only barely understand the purpose. As for how to make it, it can only be smeared.

In the current scheme, the rocket's shape remains unchanged. The internal engine uses a piezo sprinkler. It is not like a traditional rocket that obtains energy through chemical thermal reaction, but obtains thrust through the explosion of psionic energy. In this way, the temperature is greatly reduced. On the one hand it is safer, on the other hand, it also reduces energy consumption.

In addition, the launch vehicle also has a small amount of anti-gravity capability, which can greatly reduce the weight of the rocket and the rocket's cargo, and may reduce the overall weight by at least 21%. This is almost one-fifth, how much fuel can be saved-although the energy of the psionic rocket does not need to be burned, it still inherits the name of the fuel of the traditional rocket-how much load can be increased can be imagined.

In fact, this is a low-order anti-gravity floating matrix. High-level Yang Chen also knows how to set up, but without materials, the level of the set up is not enough.

Wei Hua took a fancy to this technology at a glance, and looked at Yang Chen full of enthusiasm: "Xiao Yang, can this anti-gravity technology be applied to traditional rockets?"

Now Yang Chen has not done a good job in the aerospace industry. Even if it is done, the country will probably not give up the traditional aerospace industry technology.

Technology itself is on the one hand, and the promotion and influence of the aerospace industry on other industries is on the other hand. It cannot be simply calculated by cost.

A simple example is the United States' "Apollo" lunar landing program. From the pure point of view of gains, it is only landing on the moon and not going to lunar mining. But this plan has become the technological engine of the United States, and has brought the United States decades of glory. If we simply use the funds, resources, and researchers needed for the moon landing program to develop the economy, we really cannot achieve such an effect.

The reason is the same.

Wei Hua, a senior industry expert, certainly understands this point. Once he sees what can be used in the traditional aerospace industry, he can't help it.

Yang Chen shook his head: "No. Wei Lao, you also know that when the aircraft is out of the atmosphere, it needs to reach the first cosmic speed. At such a high speed, the friction between the aircraft and the air generates a lot of heat. For the time being, anti-gravity The material of the floating matrix cannot withstand such high temperatures. The psionic rocket is okay. The entire design incorporates the magic circle and the runes. The thermal energy can be used as the auxiliary propulsion energy by the power of the psionic rocket engine, and the traditional rocket will not work. "

"No..." Wei Hua's head suddenly dropped, his eyes dimmed, and then lighted up again: "Wait, you mean temporarily?"

He grabbed Yang Chen's hand with excitement: "You mean, can you solve this problem?"

Yang Chen nodded: "In the long run, the spacecraft inside the spaceship should of course be built in a construction plant outside the earth. But for now, we must still send each aircraft from the earth to space. It can reduce the weight of the aircraft. The research is absolutely of great value. Moreover, the level of the anti-gravity floating matrix in the current scheme is As long as the technology is further improved, the addition of high temperature resistant and high speed materials or law arrays are all Yes."

"What are you waiting for? Study quickly!" Wei Hua said urgently. He knows the importance of this technology. Even if this is a metaphysical technology, only monks can use it. But aerospace launches are inherently a low-frequency, high-consumption industry. Even if it is for this purpose, it is worthwhile to invite a monk to help with the anti-gravity floating matrix for each launch.

Yang Chen helplessly spread his hands: "Technology can't be reached, we don't have the breakthrough level yet. So, take your time, get our psionic rockets out first."

"Step by step." Xiao Ran said four words beside him.

Wei Hua calmed down suddenly. After all, he was once a backbone aerospace industrialist. He still understood these things: "I know, I rushed too fast. The development of science can't be eaten as a fat man. Well, then we started the psionic rocket. Study it."

Yang Chen shook his head: "Wei Lao, now you have other tasks."


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