The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 463: Cold nuclear fusion engine

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point of reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the New Year can show their skills this time.

The so-called guests are, of course, the shareholders of Chen Ang’s Angyang New Energy except him, who were invited by Chen Ang to Lingwu Villa to reduce the resistance from these shareholders when the two sides cooperate.

As the host and also to show the sincerity of cooperation, Yang Chen still has to meet him.

There are not too many people coming here, hula la all of a dozen people at a time, which also shows how much cost Chen Ang paid in the development process to reach today.

Every shareholder represents a compromise that Chen Ang had to make.

If it were not Yang Chen who was a metaphysical world, he could go beyond the unspoken rules of the business world, and if he wanted to develop, he could only follow this path.

Yang Chen greeted everyone with a smile, and the rest was left to Chen Ang.

Anyway, although Lingwu Mountain Villa does not have any places of interest, but by the shore of Yanbian Lake, it has a great influence and the environment is still quite good.

Yang Chen clearly saw that after stepping on the door of the villa, everyone took a deep breath and couldn't help but take a breath. This immediate effect made the visitors who had complained a lot in the past whispering suddenly lost all their dissatisfaction.

It has had such a remarkable effect just now, so what Chen Ang said can prolong life and prevent all diseases, is it true?

As wealthy people, they are naturally extremely optimistic about health and well-being, and they don’t spend less on it. But to spend so much money, it might as well come to Lingwu Villa to breathe. This made them not only secretly add a little confidence to what Chen Ang said as bragging.

Even, there are a few people who have a better relationship with Chen Ang, who have obtained more information disclosed by Chen Ang, and are still secretly thinking: Is it possible that the forces beyond Mr. Chen said that are beyond the ordinary? So, do we also have a chance...

The look of longing flashed in their eyes. Even if modern science is prosperous, it has a long history in China. The legend of spiritual practice has always been closely accompanied by the country of historical development. Even if rivers and lakes scammers can make many people rush, not to mention that now there is a great possibility that it is true, how can they be unmoved?

"Don't say, haven't you watched Mr. Chen? Everyone knows. Because Chen was addicted to research, his body is not very good. It is estimated that it is not as good as you and me."

One of the shareholders and the person next to him pointed to Chen Ang and whispered: "Look at Mr. Chen now, he is walking vigorously and agile. With a red face, that is the standard performance of tough body! Mr. Chen was not like this a month ago. . There have been earth-shaking changes within a month, and it seems that this Lingwu Villa is a bit real."

"Yes, yes. You don’t know, Mr. Chen estimated that he really learned the true skills. Last time, he performed a spell in front of me. It’s just that I thought he was trying to persuade us to cooperate and learn the magic, now It seems. It is estimated that it is also true..."

All of a sudden, everyone whispered in several small circles and became more and more curious about Lingwu Mountain Villa.

Their performance is seen in Yang Chen's eyes, but it is the best praise for Yang Chen's efforts:

"Hey, are you dumbfounded? Just kidding, I can't even hold you back at Lingwu Mountain Villa, what else can I use to deter the monks in the metaphysical world?"

He hurriedly introduced the equipment and conditions of Lingwu Mountain Villa, let these people settle down, and Chen Ang found Yang Chen: "Yang Chen, how do you plan these people's future arrangements?"

"My arrangement is no arrangement." Yang Chen said: "What arrangement is more convincing than letting people discover the benefits of our villa? You can rest assured that this group of guests will be able to return with satisfaction. I also hope to rely on them What about promoting the influence of the village among the upper levels of society."

In order to achieve the ideal of the practice of the whole people, the changes in the general environment are powerless to speak of, and specific measures also need to be taken seriously.

Lingwu Villa is rich, and it is not difficult to promote it in the middle and lower levels of society. But in terms of the upper class of society, it is not easy. Then it is up to these people to help.

Chen Ang nodded, and the increased influence of Lingwu Villa was also good for him, and he also enjoyed it.

"But..." Then he remembered something: "What we are doing now is not suitable for outsiders to know, what if they are encountered?"

"Relax, I will open the phantom array cover in the project area, as long as they don't understand the way to go in, they can't get in and can't see it, so don't worry about leaking."

"Well, I can rest assured." Chen Ang felt relieved.

He then handed over the reception task to the service staff of the villa, and he and Yang Chen continued to join in the development of satellites and rockets.

After such a day's work, the progress of satellite and rocket research and development has improved a lot.

Chen Ang is best at energy, and the traditional energy system of the psionic rocket will be completed by him.

In order to adapt to the existing needs, the psionic rocket is not a complete product of psionic technology, and traditional scientific technology is also added.

This is also because the core energy of the Earth’s magnetism has not yet exploded, the concentration of Reiki and the activity of Reiki are inadequate, and the formation and spells are all reduced. Therefore, traditional technology must be used to assist.

Therefore, the psionic launch vehicle adopts hybrid power.

One is a psionic engine, and the other is a nuclear energy engine!

That's right, it is not an ordinary solid fuel or liquid fuel rocket engine, but a nuclear energy engine.

And it is not a nuclear fission engine, but a nuclear fusion engine.

In later generations, the application level of nuclear energy, especially controlled nuclear fusion energy, is still very high, but it is mainly used for civilian use and cannot be used for military use. Because nuclear energy is inefficient compared to psionic energy technology, it is also easily affected by spells, and it is obviously not suitable for use on the battlefield. But for civilian use, it is quite easy to use.

And this controllable nuclear fusion technology is not the kind of magnetic confinement currently engaged in the world. It is not a Tokamak device (Tokamak, that is, a circular container that uses magnetic confinement to achieve controllable nuclear fusion. It is the most popular internationally available Technology), nor is there only theoretical inertial constraint technology.

This technology is cold fusion technology.

Cold nuclear fusion is fusion that occurs far below the temperature of hot nuclear fusion. It will allow nuclear fusion to proceed at relatively low or even normal temperatures.

It should be known that with the existing technology, to perform thermonuclear fusion through magnetic confinement, a superconductor is required. At room temperature superconductors have not yet been studied, so when the equipment is running, liquid nitrogen or even liquid helium must be used to make the superconducting material in a superconducting state. Its energy consumption and cumbersome equipment are self-evident. The technical difficulty is also extremely great.

And if cold nuclear fusion is possible. Then the technical difficulty and cost will be greatly reduced.

In fact, the energy of the Iron Man suit invented by Stark in the science fiction movie "Iron Man" is the cold nuclear fusion technology used.

But this is just a movie, it is fictional. in reality. The hypothesis of cold nuclear fusion may have been brewing when the technology of controlled nuclear fusion was born. But for now, there is still no reliable example of cold fusion in the entire scientific community. There have been many previous events that claimed the achievement of cold nuclear fusion. But most scientists did not succeed when they repeated these experiments, so they became scams. Instead, it stinks the reputation of cold nuclear fusion.

In fact, in the historical development of later generations. Until the arrival of the cataclysm, cold nuclear fusion still did not succeed in a real sense. On the contrary, after the catastrophe, traditional science and technology were almost abandoned. Earth civilization, which is fully committed to psionic technology, is studying psionic technology. Discovered the technology to realize cold nuclear fusion through the way of psionic technology.

As a result, nuclear fusion became smaller and civilianized in later generations. The key is that later generations have mastered the conversion technology between conventional energy and psionic energy, as long as it is not used in the military. Then there is no problem with nuclear fusion.

The cold nuclear fusion technology that Yang Chen currently masters is still quite rough, but even so, it can still play a major role.

After understanding all this, Chen Ang and the old rocket expert Xiao Ran even urged Yang Chen to replace the psionic engine with a cold nuclear fusion engine.

"Yang Chen, do you know what this means?" Chen Ang's attitude is even quite fierce. This is the first time he gets along with Yang Chen:

"You need to know that the artificial solar project (the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project) now costs billions of dollars, and even tends to reach and exceed tens of billions of dollars. The results are still quite weak. The guide tokamak EAST has been built, but it will take a few years to produce results. You now have a cold nuclear fusion. How can such a useful thing be used only as a backup energy source?"

Yang Chen shook his head: "I know, but cold fusion technology is still not perfect enough. You have to know that it is quite difficult to obtain the raw materials for nuclear fusion, such as deuterium and tritium. With the existing technology, it is still very expensive. I used tricks. In this way, the deuterium and tritium elements in water are actively attracted through the particle matrix, but this efficiency is still not high. At least, before obtaining enough fusion raw material helium-3 on the moon, the nuclear fusion engine can only be used as an auxiliary."

"Insufficient raw materials? Simple! Seek help from the country!" Wei Hua next to him said: "There are many materials used in our country to make hydrogen It's good to find the country directly."

"No, this is not just a matter of raw materials, but also the efficiency of the engine to process these raw materials." Yang Chen still shook his head: "The capabilities of the existing nuclear fusion engine cannot handle too much fusion raw materials. Moreover, deuterium and tritium are after all It’s a sensitive raw material. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small amount. If it’s a large amount, I am afraid that my project will be included by the state. Otherwise, the state cannot allow a large amount of deuterium and tritium raw materials to be lost in private enterprises.”

"This is also true. Once the technology of cold nuclear fusion is developed, with a little modification, it is possible to make small hydrogen bombs. For Xiao Yang, I think the country is still at ease. But if the technology leaks to the hands of people with ulterior motives, deuterium and tritium raw materials If it is lost again, then the consequences... It will definitely not work without national collection." Wei Hua Road.

"So..." Yang Chen spread his hands: "At least for now, the fusion engine can still only be used as an aid."

"Okay..." Chen Ang reluctantly agreed.

Ps. Children's shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? 515 The red envelope list counts down. I'll pull a ticket to ask for an overweight and appreciation ticket, and finally rush! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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