The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 465: Surprise for Angyang New Energy shareholders

[Latest News] Tomorrow is 515, the starting anniversary, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and schoolbags, this "515 Red Envelope Madness" must be seen, how can the red envelopes not be robbed, the alarm clock is set ~

When Yang Chen and others were busy with the experiment, there were a group of guests who seemed to be forgotten in Lingwu Mountain Villa, and were interested in visiting and playing in the mountain villa.

Hu Dong is one of them.

Hu Dong, now in his fifties, is a generation that grew up after China opened its doors.

In the era when the country had just opened its doors and opportunities were endless, Hu Dong also belonged to the first group of people who had seized the opportunity and got rich first.

He from Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, after opening the door to China, began to show his efforts in the energy industry.

At the beginning, it was nothing more than a downside, and the sale of state-owned coal, gasoline, diesel, etc. was sold to make a profit. Slowly, he developed and became a big crocodile in the energy industry, and began to break away from daily business and turn to invest.

And his most proud investment was to invest in Angyang New Energy, and the prospect of the new energy that Chen Ang, who was a twenty-something young man at the time, was talking about was of course mainly moved by Chen Ang.

This investment brought him a huge return.

As we all know, when the country was just opened, because of various laws and regulations, almost all the first wealthy people had illegal “original sins” in terms of capital accumulation in the first pot of gold.

Many people are even completely involved in the field of illegal profits: it is really illegal to make money, it is too easy, and the profit is too high. Even if it is necessary to provide confession to all parties to open the joints, the collusion between officials and businessmen, the final profit is still massive.

The biggest advantage of Hu Dong lies in his long-term vision. He has long seen that with the development of the country, all aspects of the laws and regulations have been improved, the management has been gathered, and the officialdom and government have been cleaned up. This kind of thing cannot be done in the field. .

So he quickly rushed out of the primitive and rude way of illegal business when the waves hit him, and turned himself to the right path.

As a result, those who initially laughed at him were developing in the future. One by one, they broke their nets and went to prison. But he is still beautiful. Among them, the investment in Angyang New Energy has given him a lot of points.

Especially once, when someone was held accountable for past crimes, it was time for the family to die. Because the high energy he invested in is in line with the development of the times. It also met the country's needs in this regard, so the government opened the net and only asked him to pay a fine for atonement. He did not initiate a prosecution against him.

In a sense, he has also become a benchmark in this regard. An example, the country through him to those capitalists who have the original sin: quickly change it. Abandon those shady, polluting environment, and no prospective industries, and invest in promising new industries.

In this respect. As long as he does not give up his investment in this regard, he will not be a problem as a benchmark.

He knew this well.

So. He is interested in the development of Angyang New Energy and can even be said to some extent than Angyang New Energy's true founder and chairman regards Angyang New Energy as his home and has a greater sense of ownership.

This time. Angyang New Energy has reached a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Thai Industry, Hu Dong is quite in favor.

Because after his understanding, the restructuring nano-ceramic technology mastered by Tongtai Industry has become an advanced material more expensive than gold.

The country has originally called on private entrepreneurs to invest more in high-tech R&D, instead of using China's special environment to make money by insulting consumers' IQ-and even more abominable, this method of making money has actually succeeded repeatedly.

And this reconfigurable nano-ceramic is not high-tech, what else is high-tech? Haven't you seen that both the Yankees and the Japanese are rushing for cooperation?

It’s better to say that Chongyangmei is foreign, or that you don’t have self-confidence. As an investor, the technology that is recognized and even sought after by foreigners is naturally more credible than the so-called scientific research projects in the pediatrics that are boastful and boastful in China. A hundred times.

As a result, Hu Dong has become one of the shareholders who will promote the full cooperation with Thai Industry.

Nevertheless, when he learned that Yang Chen, the boss of Tongtai Industry, actually mastered the legendary spell, he was still shocked.

As a person who came from the era when the Qigong tide swept the entire country of China, Hu Dong still has a longing for those magical abilities. However, after the ugly appearance, countless masks were pierced, and countless people exposed the ugly face of the qigong tide, the current Hu Dong is not as easy to be fooled.

However, when he really stepped into Lingwu Villa, especially after staying for a few days, he still deeply felt that the young man named Yang Chen had real skills and was awesome!

"Lao Hu, how did you sleep yesterday?"

"Not bad."

In the morning, Hu Dong went out with a few others to take a walk in Lingwu Mountain Villa.

"Now at this time, this Lingwu Mountain Villa has been covered with greenery. I have to say that this is very pleasing to the eye and makes people feel very good."

Hu Dong nodded.

I have to say that the greening of Lingwu Mountain Villa is done very well. Except for a few places where it is bare and hard to see (in fact, it is where the refining room and alchemy room are located, it is deliberately built on an empty area for safety), other places are green trees Into the shade.

The point is, I don’t know what means this Lingwu Mountain Villa has adopted. It is clear that it is early spring now. Although the flowers and trees have begun to germinate, it is at most a few points with yellow and green, and the trees are shaded. see.

But in the mountain village, there is no such problem. All the vegetation seems to have entered the lush period of midsummer, and the lush growth is thriving.

"Perhaps, the mysterious magic method was used in the middle."

Hu Dong thought so.

Because in this mountain village, the vegetation that grows in different areas, including tropical evergreen trees from tropical rain forests, deciduous broad-leaved trees, also includes the cactus Populus euphratica from the desert, as well as common trees in temperate China, and even coniferous leaves in the cold zone Lin, etc., all in this mountain village where the temperature is exactly the warm and comfortable environment of spring, and reached the peak of plant life.

You should know that these different vegetations have different growth environments, some require high temperature and high humidity, and some require dry environments. It is almost impossible to let them reach the peak of life in the same environment. But this seemingly impossible thing was realized in Lingwu Villa.

The strange thing is that compared with the outside world, even if there is only one fence, the vegetation inside and outside the fence looks like a strong contrast.

The trees in the villa have reached the most lush period, but the same kind of trees outside the villa are still a bare branch, that is, they have a yellow-green bud, which is completely different from one place to another.

The most amazing thing is that the branches and leaves of some trees protrude from the wall and come in contact with the trees outside. The green leaves and bare branches are only less than half a meter away! This obvious difference can be clearly seen from afar.


This is simply incomprehensible, and even surprising.

Others Hu Dong did not know, at least he could see it.

A group of people walked while chatting, and suddenly a 50-year-old bald-headed shareholder made a surprise voice: "Everyone noticed that, after staying here for a few days, the body was much better, and I felt a hundred times more energetic and light. Yan."

"Haha, not as light as a bird, I feel like I'm about to fly!"

The people present were all in their fifties, and they all grew up from the hard times of material poverty. Because of the insufficient nutrition in their youth, they left a lot of problems. These problems are often chronic in nature and cannot be completely cured by existing scientific methods. Even if they are all rich, they are never stingy in medicine, and there is still no way to solve them.

But these problems, after staying in Lingwu Villa for a few days, they disappeared!

"It seems that Mr. Chen told us that that is indeed the truth! So, as I see it, we should cooperate with Tongtai Industry. As long as we have a good relationship with Mr. Yang, it only takes three to five hours. When we come to the villa for two days, not only can we live healthily and live long, and we will never get sick, but we may also have the opportunity to get in touch with the mysterious and bizarre world. Even if we don’t have the chance, what about our next generation? This is a great opportunity! "

Hu Dong said everyone nodded again and again.

"Lao Hu is right, that's it."

"I think we should not only promote the full cooperation between Angyang New Energy and Tongtai Industry, but even our own industries, we must also find ways to cooperate with Tongtai Industry, at least Mr. Yang."

"Yes, yes, I heard that President Yang has a construction team? I see, those construction projects in our future industry, as well as our houses, can be decided by ourselves. The general construction team will do it. Not to mention, as long as the technology of Lingwu Villa is used in our house a little That is the benefit of Tianda!"

"If you are afraid, President Yang is not willing to let Lingwu Villa's technology leak out." Some people still have doubts.

"What's the matter? Didn't you listen to Mr. Chen saying that Mr. Yang is very good? Everyone asked Mr. Chen to talk about the item, maybe it will succeed?"

"If it can be done, it would be better. Even if it doesn't work for a while, we can get closer to President Yang. The hearts of the people are all fleshy. As long as we move around, we can't believe that we can't get closer to this relationship! Isn’t that my old friend also not getting in the oil and salt? But I am persevering, so I don’t have to put on a shameless face, what do I do in the end? Isn’t everyone still an old friend?" Some people have designed a draw based on their own personal experience Program.

"Don't you just stare at the construction team! Didn't you hear that Tongtai Industrial has cross-shareholding with that Xingguo Metallurgy? You can also cooperate with Xingguo Metallurgy."

At this time, the scene suddenly deserted.

PS.5.15 "Starting Point" is raining on the red envelope! Starting at 12 noon, grab a round every hour, a big wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You guys all go to grab it, and the starting currency you grab will continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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