The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 480: Electromagnetic shielding field generator

A day later, Bai Yu and Liu Lei came over again.

"Brother Yang, we already have the idea of ​​combining existing technology with psionic technology, and we have also conducted corresponding experiments to finally determine the feasibility. Just..."

Liu Lei hesitated.

"Just what?"

"It's just that our technical route has diverged, and now we can't convince anyone." Bai Yu said: "No, Liu Lei and I are going to find Brother Yang to make a decision."

"Huh! It's the same to find Brother Yang. My path is correct!" Liu Lei snorted.

Bai Yu smiled, did not directly refute, but looked at Yang Chen's eyes, but still full of expectations.

Yang Chen frowned slightly.

The same is a young genius, Liu Lei and Bai Yu are still different.

Relatively speaking, Liu Lei's personality is more escaped, Bai Yu's personality is more stable. But in terms of research, they are all the same crazy.

In terms of technology, they are also different. That is, Liu Lei's traditional scientific literacy is deeper, so the consideration is based on traditional science and technology, combined with psionic technology.

Bai Yu is just the opposite. Although he was born in the legal school of Luzong, although he can't practice, after all, he has heard a lot in the metaphysical world, so he has a higher level of metaphysics. He considered that the problem is dominated by psionic technology, combined with traditional technology.

They all look similar, but they are completely different. Therefore, for the same technical requirements, they will often come up with different technical routes.

For example now.

"So, what is your technical route?"

"My technical route is like this!" Liu Lei was the first to speak eagerly, as if to say that if he slowed down, he would fall off:

"To solve the normal operation of electronic products in the state of high spiritual energy, the key to the problem is to shield the influence of aura fluctuations on electronic products. How to shield this effect? ​​From the energy particle theory, we can know that electrical energy and spiritual energy can be converted into each other. Aura fluctuations can affect electronic products. So in turn, can electromagnetic waves affect Aura fluctuations?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded: "Well, this idea is still feasible. Spiritual energy and natural energy in the usual sense, including but not limited to electrical energy, magnetic energy, thermal energy, mechanical energy, etc. Although there are essential differences. But in Under the current cosmic mechanism, they can indeed be transformed into each other. This is the law of natural energy psionic energy conversion in the theory of energy particles. But this law currently only has a basic formula, how does one of the specific psionic energy transform into nature? One of the abilities. There is still a blank in the theory. So, have you solved this problem?"

Liu Lei shook his head: "I haven't been able to solve the theory of natural energy psionic transformation. But. The conversion between pure electromagnetic energy and soil energy particles, I still derived it, and after many experiments. Finally decided that this conclusion should be No big problem."

"Why is it soil?"

The answer this time is Bai Yu: "We found that the aura fluctuations generated by the soil energy particles are the most inactive. It is also the least likely to affect electronic products. Therefore, we think that the shielding of aura fluctuations should be the most suitable for the soil matrix. "

Yang Chen nodded. The shielding technology of electronic products in later generations. There is not much in-depth research. Because the electronic technology environment of later generations has been destroyed in the catastrophe, the new technology is completely based on psionic technology. If there was no Trojan invasion. It is also possible to invest energy in this area. But as soon as the Trojan invaders came and everything was fully transferred to the war system, this technical direction was left unattended.

but. Even so, some basic laws have been mastered in later generations. As Liu Lei and Bai Yu discovered, among all types of energy particles, the energy particles of the soil system are the least active. Therefore, the effect of shielding the aura fluctuations can be achieved through the particle matrix of the soil system.

"This discovery is of great value." Although Yang Chen knew this, his later studies were almost blank. In order to be more rigorous and persuasive, when he proposed the theory of energy particles, he did not include this feature in the paper. Instructions. It can be said that this feature was completely discovered by Bai Yu Liu Lei independently. This also proves that they are indeed worthy of talents: "The relevant findings have been written into papers, and I will submit them to the Lingwu Periodicals. The chance of overwriting is still very high."

Bai Yu Liu Lei looked at each other, all with a happy face.

Because in the current theoretical study of energy particles, the most authoritative journal is the Lingwu Journal, which is equivalent to the status of "Nature" and "Science" in the traditional natural science academic community. Not to mention that within the Chinese metaphysical world, even foreign researchers of energy particles must refer to it.

Therefore, even if this Lingwu periodical is difficult to obtain in the metaphysical circles of China, whether it is the United States, Japan or Europe, it is in every way to get Lingwu periodical.

Even if it is used by the anti-energy particle theory camp, the issue that published the paper on the energy particle theory is no exception-for scientific research, positive examples are of course indispensable, and negative examples are also indispensable.

"Well, Liu Lei you continue." Yang Chen lifted his chin.

"In the end, I discovered the electromagnetic shielding formula. According to the electromagnetic shielding formula, an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency can be excited, which affects the soil energy particles, and then shields these aura fluctuations through changes in the soil energy particles, which is not normal for electronic products. Make an impact. I call it an electromagnetically shielded field."

Liu Lei said, taking a square and square thing out of his arms: "This is the prototype of the electromagnetic shielding field generator I made."

Yang Chen took it, looked closely, and found that it was a thing wrapped with silver and white metal blocks. It was still quite fine in terms of workmanship, which was much stronger than the previous Liu Lei's handmade works. Obviously, after becoming a monk, Liu Lei's manual level has improved a lot.

"Brother Yang, it should be opened like this..." Liu Lei took the prototype of the electromagnetic shielding field generator. I don't know how to press it a few times, and the metal block shell was directly divided into four pieces and spread out like petals. It can be clearly seen that the inner wall of the metal block shell is covered with dense circuits, and it is connected to several integrated modules inside the metal block. Obviously that is the generation circuit of the electromagnetic shielding field.

In addition, inside the metal block, a small integrated circuit module was placed. It did not have any connection with other circuits or integrated blocks. It was obviously put in later: "This module was specially designed by me. Wireless mobile phone module..."

"Wait, what is a wireless phone module? Isn't the phone wireless?"

"Oh, I forgot to explain, the so-called wireless mobile phone module is the mobile phone core without the peripherals such as the screen, keyboard, speaker, etc., only the mobile phone memory, CPU, wireless function module, network function module and other modules. Just add it With a screen, keyboard, and speaker, it can become an ordinary mobile phone."

Speaking of Liu Lei, he took out what appeared to be a mobile phone: "This is the mobile phone case that can be connected to the wireless mobile phone module through the wireless function. We can operate the mobile phone through this case."

To put it bluntly, this is a mobile phone case, with only a screen, speakers, and antenna, and it was still a high-tech, not-so-popular touch-screen screen.

Liu Lei lightly pressed the power of this mobile phone case, and a startup screen appeared on the screen. Then he performs various operations on the screen, which is completely the same as operating an ordinary touch screen mobile phone-but in fact, this is just a shell, all operations and feedback are through the prototype of the electromagnetic shielding field generator received The information from the wireless phone module comes.

"and then?"

"Then, we can put the generator into a high-spirit environment, and then use this wireless mobile phone module placed in the prototype of the electromagnetic shielding field generator to determine whether the electromagnetic shielding field has played a role."

"Wait, are you sure it works? Even if this wireless module works properly, the radio waves it sends out will be disturbed by the electromagnetic shielding field and cannot be received by the mobile phone case on your side."

Yang Chen immediately discovered a loophole.

"This..." Liu Lei couldn't help but scratched his scalp and frowned: "Is that it? I didn't think of it before. How can I prove that the electromagnetic shielding field is working properly?"

Yang Chen could not help shaking his head: "Have you not tested it before?"

Liu Lei was somewhat discouraged: "No. I made a prototype of the electromagnetic shielding field generator. But you can rest assured, Brother Yang, according to theory, this prototype should work."

Yang Chen had no choice but to know what to say. I knew that Liu Lei's personality had escaped, and it didn't sound so unstable. This problem does not change, I am afraid that he will suffer a big loss in future research.

Thinking of Yang Chen couldn't help but say a few words to Liu Lei, Liu Lei's small face was full of frustration, and his head was down with a faceless look, and Yang Chen couldn't help crying.

" Now we use other methods to test. What is the shielding range of your electromagnetic shielding field?"

"According to theoretical calculations, it should be within the range of a sphere with a diameter of two meters." Liu Leigang was given a few words by Yang Chen, and he became more and more bottomless. He whispered: "But...but maybe...maybe the prototype I made could not reach the theory The performance, maybe... probably... it should be fine within a meter of diameter."

"That's easy."

Yang Chen simply asked Liu Lei to take out the wireless mobile phone module, then close the generator casing, turn on the electromagnetic shielding field generator, and then take out his mobile phone on the generator and directly operate it.

At the same time, he released a spell "Spirit" at a distance of three meters from the generator. This spell is nothing more than that, the aura fluctuates particularly large and extremely strong, which is almost equivalent to the EMP electromagnetic pulse bomb of the psionic technology version.

Suddenly, I saw a cyan spiritual wave flash, and quickly swept across the generator and the mobile phone Yang Chen was operating.

The three of them widened their eyes and watched the changes in Yang Chen's mobile phone, and everything was about to be seen. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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