The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 488: The wailing of the goddess of dawn

?"Stealth fighter? Does that country have the ability to develop its own stealth fighter? They may not even understand how to stealth?"

An air force general said indifferently.

"Never underestimate the ability of that country! When they were in Belgrade eleven years ago, they might have obtained samples of stealth paint for f-117."

"What about that? It's just the most invisible paint we have eliminated. If they dare to apply this stealth paint to newly developed aircraft, the American Warhawk will let them know what is the real thing. Stealth fighter!"

"That's not necessarily! According to their online message, they have mastered the radar's ability to detect our f-22. If they have their own stealth fighter, then their strength will increase dramatically!"

"You believe things on the Internet? It's full of lies, betrayal, and jokes, and it's not much different than dirty politics."


The participants in the meeting were one after another, and each had their own opinions. Some think it must be taken seriously, while others don’t care. The strength of the American army is too strong, especially in the past few decades, it has carefully selected weak opponents to kill the chickens, let alone say, at least this bullying weak victory result, making their arrogance more and more arrogant. .

Watching the discussion, Robert Willard frowned more and more: "Shut up!"


As the most important and largest theater commander in the United States, he has served as the commander of many naval fleets before. Robert Willard’s prestige is not small, and even a needle can be heard in the conference room for a while. .

"Move your mind! If it is only China that has developed a new type of advanced stealth fighter, is it necessary for me to call you here? Their stealth fighter is still advanced, still not as good as our f-22 and f -35. Not to mention not yet in active service."

Robert Willard's voice made everyone ponder: "So, what exactly did the general let us come here for?"


Robert Willard glanced at everyone in the conference room like an eagle falcon: "Because we have intercepted communications from their Air Force pilots to show that their stealth fighter. Has practical optical stealth technology!"


"This is by no means possible!"

The meeting room suddenly clashed.

"Even advanced American technology can't master optical stealth technology, how can they do it?"

"Yes. Optical stealth. Am I watching science fiction movies?"

"It's also possible that our opponents have been helped by aliens. Well, I think it's necessary to contact Mr. President and inform him to ask the alien allies in Area 51 to help." Others think they are joking with humor.

"General, are you telling a joke?" more people asked directly.

"Do you think I'm telling jokes? Will I tell jokes on such occasions? Do you think the results of the rc-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft or the goddess of dawn detection are telling jokes?"

Robert Willard said in a deep voice.

"It does not rule out that the other party has adopted strategic deception. You should know that the country's strategic deception agency-y-of-Military Equipment and Foreign Relations Research and Public Opinion Guidance Office (commonly known as the War of Thrones) is quite powerful."

Obviously this is someone who knows more about the Chinese national network.

"So. What's the point of their strategic deception? That country has always liked to hide good things, so that people don't know, but there is no habit of actively revealing good things, which is different from the United States." Some people refuted him.


While the dispute was still in progress, Robert Willard interrupted everyone's discussion:

"The possibility of strategic deception is unlikely. Because our strategic reconnaissance aircraft investigation shows that the Chinese Air Force's movements are indeed centered on some special aircraft. That kind of special aircraft does exist. By the way, according to the type of aircraft in the radar The echo on the above shows that it should be a flying object no larger than a nail. But according to the surrounding environment and other comprehensive analysis results, it is an aircraft at least fifteen meters long. Therefore, it is in the technology of radio stealth , At least not worse than us."

Talking . Robert Willard put out a few pictures on the projector: "This is a picture taken by one of our spy satellites. After taking these pictures, we lost contact with this satellite."

This photo silenced everyone. Because they saw that the photo shows an image of an aircraft that is changing from translucent to transparent.

Although this image is not very clear. But it does not prevent everyone from seeing what is expressed in this image.

Someone rubbed his eyes: "God, am I really not dreaming?"

"More importantly, according to the Pentagon and dni (r-of-al-, dni, the director of national intelligence of the United States, who led the U.S. intelligence system including 16 organizations, co-ordinating and commanding the U.S. national intelligence program), this incident was followed by A key man is closely connected. The intelligence shows that anything related to this key man. No matter how incredible it is, it is best to treat it as something that really exists."

"Even if this key gentleman may be engaged in a space war with an interstellar civilization?"

"Even if this key gentleman may be in a space war with an interstellar civilization!" Robert Willard looked solemn. No joking at all, but the words spit out from his mouth. It really makes people take it seriously.

"Well, then who is this key gentleman? What are our cia doing? Isn't there anything to do?"

"This is a secret."

The questioner shrugged and stopped talking.

"Then what can we do?"

"Destroy it! No matter how much it costs, you must destroy it!" Robert Willard slammed his desk. "No matter how much it costs, destroy it! This is the order signed by the President and the Pentagon!"

"Even if the full power of the Pacific theater is dispatched? Even if it triggers a nuclear war?"

Robert Willard hesitated slightly: "There may be few nuclear wars. But other means...Mr. President and the Pentagon have stated that there is no upper limit. Even a small-to-medium-scale air battle!"

"Perhaps we should let the intelligence department attack the institute and researchers."

"Of course the intelligence department is not idle. But we have our job to completely destroy this prototype!"

Robert Willard shouted, pointing to the star on the projection screen...


Yang Chen did not know that Americans were discussing how to deal with the Star in Hawaii. But he did get information on the movement of the US military bases around China from the Tianluo satellite system.

The main function of the Tianluo satellite system is energy particle monitoring, but that does not mean that it is insufficient in the function of traditional satellites. In fact, because of the use of psionic technology. The Tianluo satellite system is better than the most advanced reconnaissance satellites in terms of satellite reconnaissance. Also not inferior. The key is that the 36 Tianluo satellites can completely cover the world, and there is no place in the world that can escape the control of the Tianluo satellites.

"Okay, it's time to go into space."

After the fighter formations accompanying Hua Guo's flight were thrown away, they had reached the 30,000-meter high star, and raised their altitude again.

This time, he intends to go directly into space.

In order to be less constrained by the country, he chose a nearly vertical lift off the East China Sea. Eventually it escaped from the atmosphere and entered space.

But when he was about to fly to a height of 40,000 meters, he suddenly found out.

"Wait, what is this?"

The enemy-friend identification system of the hud display suddenly flashed red and the alarm sounded: "Bee... beep... warning! Warning! I found an unfriendly aircraft, do you want to take action?"

On the integrated radar display screen, a blood-red spot was approaching.

"Display analysis results."

"According to analysis, 99.23% of the aircraft may be the most advanced hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft in active service in the United States. Is it possible to shoot it down? The optional weapon is: "flying sword" i-type psionic missile."

Other weapon control options are grayed out, and only the "Flying Sword" i-type psionic missile is available.

The distance between the two sides is now at least 500 kilometers because of the influence of the curvature of the earth. Ray weapons, electromagnetic weapons, and pulse weapons cannot be used. Only psionic missiles that can autonomously target their final targets are available.

Do you want to use it?

Yang Chen shook his head.

Psionic missiles are weapons with relatively high production costs, which are far less expensive than electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic machine guns. Of course, the function is more powerful, needless to say. But such a weapon is used to deal with the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft that does not have any weapons. It is a bit too much.

Originally, because the cruising altitude is an altitude that cannot be reached by all current fighter planes and air defense systems on the earth, even the highest speed of the tall Mach 6 can not catch up with fighter planes and air defense systems, so the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft does not need weapons.

But now, the Star can also cruise at the same altitude, at the same or even faster speed, so it only needs to be close to deal with electromagnetic cannons or even electromagnetic machine guns, why waste precious psionic missiles?

Yang Chen then manipulated the Star to lean towards the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

At the current high speed close to Mach 6, 500 kilometers. That is a short distance that can be swept over in more than four minutes.

But three minutes later, Yang Chen's eyesight was amazing. I have clearly seen the triangle shape of the 75-degree sweeping angle of the goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft ~ ~ and its unique sausage-shaped knot-shaped condensation end smoke.

"Damn! What is this? Why does China have such a powerful fighter? It can fly so high. It can still catch up with us!"

Inside the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft, there has been a mess.

Originally high above, extremely safe, no one can get close, can not hit, but now is close to people, how not to let the crew members of the dawn goddess strategic reconnaissance plane panic.

Although their aircraft is more than thirty meters in length, it is twice as long as the Star, but it has no weapons at all, so they dare not face the Star.

"Dawn! Dawn! Fly away immediately! Fly away immediately! It is best to lower the altitude, we will send f-22 to **** you!"

"It's too late..." The crew members shouted desperately. Outside the portholes, the star's unique crystal-like shell and shark-like wave-riding body shape were particularly terrifying in their eyes. In particular, they clearly saw that a cover was quietly opening, revealing the greasy muzzle of the black hole... (to be continued.)

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