The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 495: White House Meeting

Shortly after Yang Chen began to capture the successful F-22 and Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

The White House.

An urgently convened national defense conference was in President O'Hill. Bama's order was called.

Presidents and senior executives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (s-of-), members of the US National Security Council (s(US)il (NSC), the President of the National Assembly, White House Security Advisors, Secretary of State, etc. Gathered in the White House, the expression solemnly discussed what had just happened.

The White House interns responsible for the explanation projected all the previous performances of the Star on the big screen in this large and advanced conference room.

Then, sitting in the middle of the round table. Bama’s black face showed some anxiety and anxiety: being overtaken by foreigners in technology, this is something that has not happened in decades since the Soviet Union began to decline. Why is he so unlucky as a president, but has run into it?

Could it be said that God's blessing of the United States is really only aimed at white people, even if he is a spiritual white person and cannot enjoy God's protection? Otherwise, why would you encounter such a difficult thing in your office?

Think about it, little cloth. Even a person whose mental development is suspected to be incomplete, and who can't even say a bad sentence, can safely serve as two presidents. Why should he be the proud son of the dignified Jewish people Considered to be a Jew), but would encounter such an event that might lead to his immediate step down?

It's really unfair.

Although he was indignant, he had been a president for several years, and it was considered to have been practiced, and it was ostensibly superficial. But Bama did not have any obvious difference, but the tension revealed in his voice still showed the deep uneasiness in his heart: "Gentlemen, let's talk about what we should do? What should the United States do? "

Everyone present looked different. Some have an expression of sudden enlightenment, others seem indifferent and careless, and others have a slight dismissal of their mouths, obviously disdainful. If these people's expressions are taken with the ultra-clear camera and all the details are carefully analyzed, it can be guaranteed that they can become a rich and meaningful picture of all living beings. Maybe they can also use this to win the reputation of the Nobel Prize in the press. Lets News Award.

These expressions are usually mysterious. Bama is already commonplace, and should be used to it, but now I see it, it is inevitable that there is a tyrannical anger rising from my heart: Damn, when will the American Talent Institute... wait, what does Hua Guo say ? By the way, we are united under the leadership group with His Excellency as the core, sincere and unanimous, and all people face all difficulties with one heart.

Of course, the most important thing is to take the President as the core.

It is a pity that the United States is not the authoritarian country after all. This kind of good thing is estimated to be the only President Roosevelt who was physically and mentally hard during World War II, and the only one with a four-term term...

Now that your Excellency the President is asking, as the nominal head of state, everyone still has to give some face, so it seems that all the conference rooms are actively speaking, and the atmosphere of discussion seems to be very good.

But what they talked about, but let Austria. Bama wished he hadn't heard it.

"Look, let's see! I said, that the dictatorship is the greatest enemy of the United States! We must not condone any of their actions! The only attitude to that country should be to combat and combat! But no one always listens. Mine, look, is something wrong now?"

Jerk! What do you mean by your deep sorrowful glories? Are you not part of the United States? Besides, before saying this, do you dare to dissolve the companies in China that earn billions or even tens of billions of dollars every year in your family behind the scenes?

"Obviously, the United States has fallen behind in scientific research! There is no doubt that our investment in national defense is not too much, but too little! I suggest increasing the national defense budget for the next year by at least 20% to deal with this misfortune!"

Get out! The defense budget of the United States is already the first in the world, and it is more than the second and third in the defense budget. What's more, it's not enough? Who are the military groups behind you who are full of fat? But look at the things you brought out, F-22 noble dead, F-35 has a lot of problems, you have to spend a lot of money to divide it privately? Can you spend all your money on research?

"I think at this time, our President should take the courageous responsibility! Are we not with the head of state hotline of China? Now is the time to reach mutual understanding through the headline hotline..."

Damn it! I let you come to let me help you solve the problem, not let you push me back!

Everyone's speech made Austria and Bama rush to 10,000 grass and mud horses, but unfortunately, these vomiting obviously couldn't be said directly. At most, he moved the corners of his mouth, and then he had to swallow his breath.

Who has allowed President Roosevelt to increase the restrictions on the President by a lot?

In the end, he had to turn his attention to his security consultant. This typical white man in his fifties stood at least on his side. Before that, he had not always delivered benefits to the interest group behind him, so now, it is time for you to stand up and help me solve the problem. My dollar can't be spent!

I saw that the security consultant stood up, glanced at the meeting room for a week, coughed lightly, and was ready to speak.

It seems that the security consultant is reliable, and the one who receives the money is different.

Austria and Bama thought.

Wait, what's going on with the smile on the corner of the mouth? With a little contempt, with a little disdain, and then cooperate with the look, free from a group of ridicule! Are you planning to help me with hatred?

"Gentlemen, I don't think we need to make a fuss!"

"What? Yours?"

"The United States has encountered such a huge threat, you actually said that we are making a fuss?"


There was a lot of discussion. Although everyone actually does not take the appearance of the Stars seriously, all the purpose is only to fight for their own interests, but no one has said so straightforwardly like a security consultant.

"Where is the power of America?" The security adviser's eyes turned to Austria and Bama, apparently to appease the somewhat panicked Mr. Black President of the United States:

"Military? Economy? Technology? System? These are all, but not all! But one thing is for sure, we can mass-produce the X-37B, an aircraft more advanced than the F-22 in just half a year, if we want to. Hundreds and more! Even the more advanced SMV space fighter, the ultimate evolution of the X-37B, we can instantly form at least one flying brigade formation at any cost!"

"The reason for not doing this is simply because it is not necessary." The security consultant paused:

"So, our opponent, who has no scientific soil and only knows the country of plagiarism, can they do it? Yes, it seems that they brought out something that seems to be very advanced, but, can they mass-produce it? Will it be knocked out by hand with a hammer? Can their parts be interchanged? Do we still need to teach them? When are they going to make this number exceed double digits? Ten years? Twenty years ?"

The meeting room was full of laughter, full of natural arrogance and contempt for China as an American.

Twenty years ago, in the original "model of peace" plan for China-US cooperation, China took the J-8 fighter jet to the United States for modernization. As a result, Americans were stupid as they pulled it: two identical fighter parts can’t be interchanged. Dare you believe it? This has to make people suspect that your plane was knocked out by hand...

This fact gave Americans a deep understanding of China's backwardness and increased their contempt for China. Even today, this impression is still deeply ingrained-to know that many of the people present were involved in this project in person. The stereotypes brought about by this kind of personal experience are especially difficult to eliminate.

The so-called China threat theory was only propagated out of political and interest needs. In fact, most senior US leaders did not really believe this thing. It was a guise, a guise used by politicians to attack political opponents and the military to ask Congress for more military spending, nothing more.

"So, we don't have to worry!" Finally the security consultant concluded:

"Of course, as a punishment for that country’s attempt to challenge the United States and the risk of leakage of advanced technology in the United States, we need to respond. At least, they must not be allowed to get the fuselage of the F-22 and the Dawning Strategic Reconnaissance aircraft in case they I get the advanced technology from the United States. If nothing else in that country, the level of plagiarism and piracy is quite good. Give them samples and the trouble will be even greater."

Speaking of the last, the security adviser looked at Austria and Bama: "Mr. President, what do you think?"

Austria and Bama finally got rid of the panic that they learned that the technology of other countries actually surpassed that of the United States-the United States has never been the world's first in military And the strength of the United States is often based on this foundation. on. People like Austria and Bama understand that once American military technology is surpassed by others, it is difficult for the United States to continue to enjoy such a beautiful and powerful position. Therefore, seemingly powerful Americans also often have a nightmare of backward military technology.

The reason why Austria and Bama were so unsatisfactory before was that this nightmare actually came true!

But now, under the explanation of the security consultant, he finally feels relieved and regains the majesty of the head of the world's top power-even if it is largely just a puppet of interest groups, but after all, he has mastered important powers such as nuclear buttons This majesty is still indispensable, but the confidence is slightly lower.

At this time, a participant next to the joint meeting of chiefs of staff stood up and could see that this was an active general: "So, what about our young man? Although the F-22 and the Dawning strategic reconnaissance aircraft were lost Contact, but the possibility that its pilot and crew members are still alive..."

A trace of cold light appeared on the security adviser's face: "American soldiers have an obligation to devote themselves to the interests of the United States!" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read. )

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