The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 497: Come again Chernobyl!

At the same time, in the conference room of the White House, where the battle situation was connected in real time, people fell into a "secret silence". ()

The spy satellite pictures allow them to clearly see the two huge mirrors that appeared above the F-22 and the Dawning Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft that originally belonged to the United States.

"what is this?"

Someone asked with some panic.

This is the normal reaction everyone will have after seeing something unscientific.

No one answered.

Because those present who can be called the American elite can't answer this question.

The security consultant coughed and attracted everyone's attention: "You don't need to care about this. I think it should belong to the mysterious supernatural world. This kind of thing looks very effective, but in fact it does not function as everyone imagines. So big."

The people present are of course those who know the existence of metaphysics. The existence of the metaphysical world can conceal anyone, but it is absolutely impossible to conceal their elites in the United States.

Even some gentlemen have some close friends from the metaphysical world, and have even received the benefits from the metaphysical world.

The metaphysical world in the United States is different from that in China, and its connection with the world is deeper and more easily accessible.

After listening to the security consultant, someone nodded in recognition.

Those who understand the metaphysical world certainly understand that the power of the metaphysical world looks amazing, but in fact, the limitations are also very great. In the face of modern scientific methods that occupy the mainstream, the power of the metaphysical world can only be an extraordinary victory at most. The true comprehensive confrontation is invincible in the metaphysical world.

"Wait, what if they use research results based on that energy particle theory?"


Suddenly, many people's faces dignified.

The energy particle theory is the theory of metaphysics that is closest to science. The key is that it can really get rid of the weaknesses of metaphysics, so that metaphysics really has the strength to confront modern science.

In that case, we cannot but pay attention to it.

After all, such a huge mirror surface can actually resist the irradiation of high-energy lasers, and can reflect the high-energy lasers back, instead destroying the satellites that emit lasers. If you want to say that this is a common metaphysical means, then someone must believe it.

The key point is that the Star is still rushing to the mainland of China at a high speed of six Mach. Under such high altitude and high speed, how can he accurately release the mirror surface and prevent it from collapsing due to high speed and air resistance, And can it counterattack the laser satellite accurately?

This high technical content is simply unimaginable!

If it is the power of traditional metaphysics, then no matter how wonderful it is, don't worry. Because such a high-end thing, it means that it cannot be mass-produced in the traditional metaphysical world, and may even be unique.

If all this really comes from the research results of the energy particle theory, then it must be paid attention to. Because it may be promoted mass production. Maybe the level will drop after mass production, but even if it declines, once such a terrible power is promoted, it is also quite amazing.

No one should ignore it.

They despised China, and the threat from China was even just a guise used by them, and they never paid attention to it. It was only because they did not really see the threat from China. Once they saw it, they acted with the interest groups behind them. The strength that comes from it is enough to change the situation of the entire world!

"Everyone doesn't have to be as terrible as they imagined!" The safety consultant went on to say: "Yes, this technology looks great, but the great thing is only that energy particle theory! This theory is closer to orthodox science. And yes Who can surpass the United States in the study of orthodox scientific theory? In fact, we have achieved tremendous results in the study of energy particle theory!"

Everyone immediately looked at Austria and Bama. It's a pity that his black face has a brutal expression, obviously he knows nothing about it.

"Mr. Advisor, can you explain?"

"Of course," the security consultant bowed apologetically and looked at Austria and Bama: "Sorry, Mr. President, I will let the members of the research institute report to you later."

"Why not now?"

"Because this is absolute confidentiality! It is quite confidential with the level of confidentiality in Zone 51! Everyone here, except Mr. President, has no authority to know this secret!"

"What? Why do we say we don't have permission?"

Someone shouted immediately. They are all proud American elites. How can they tolerate their being refused to understand certain confidential facts?

"I'm sorry, this is a decision from federal law. If you are not satisfied, you can file a lawsuit with the Federal Chancellor and Your Excellency Judge. Before that, I'm sorry, you have nothing to do with this secret."

The security consultant said coldly.

Others have nothing to say. The law is the tool used by these elites and the interest groups behind them to ensure their own interests. The reason why the law exists and is stable is only because the rules are more beneficial than the rules.

In other words, the law is not a constraint on the ruling clique, but a protection on them. When they decided to abandon the law, although they could get rid of the shackles of the law, it also meant that they lost the protection of the law.

People with low status have nothing to lose, but there are too many ruling cliques to lose. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. If they do not play according to the rules, they will lose more.

This is why a normal-minded and rational ruling clique should talk about governing the country according to law (does not rule out the possibility that ruling cliques in certain countries are completely degenerate in certain eras and their minds are not clear). Not because there is really any idea of ​​judicial justice, but only because it is beneficial to oneself. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some individuals have brainwashed themselves, wishful thinking that there is such a joke that judicial justice and the like exist.

In short, the law is a manifestation of the will and interests of the law appointor. There is no completely fair and independent law. Not even in the United States. If the law really hinders interest groups, then they do not need to waste the law, only need to modify the law. This is the standard and authentic gameplay.

Therefore, these people will not be stupid enough to violate the relevant laws blatantly. To know the secret, they only need to mobilize the force behind them to formulate a law that "a secret must be shared with us." Of course, after the real law is formed, there will definitely be a lot of experts who have taken money to use all kinds of rhetoric and various fair-looking articles to haunt you, but hide their true intentions.

That's how the American Ponzi system came about.

"So okay, we can leave confidential things for now, what should we do now?"

"That's still a question? Of course it is to increase the investment in the theoretical research of energy particles." The National Assembly speaker said: "I will push the two houses to propose an investment proposal of at least 30 billion US dollars. I am talking about every year. And at least It will last ten years."

"Very good!" After learning the theory of energy particles, Austrian and Bama finally caught the straw of life-saving. He really didn't want the nightmare of the American military technology to be surpassed: "I will also spend in the White House A special fund of US$100 million is used to reward civil research."

Others have also expressed that they will vigorously promote related US research.

"No, I'm talking about it!" The questioner pointed to the image of the star on the big screen: "What should we do?"

"Undoubtedly, destroy it!" the security consultant said coldly.

"Of course I know I want to destroy it. But what should I do? Don't forget, it's already in China! That's a nuclear power!"

"How about that?" The security consultant looked around, Gu Panzixiong: "You must know that the energy particle theory is very powerful! So powerful...we may not fear the destruction of nuclear weapons in the future!"


Everyone was shocked!

"Yes, according to existing research, the energy particle theory can be effectively used to remove nuclear pollution. Experiments have shown that the effect of this removal is quite..."

The security consultant paused and finally smiled at the corner of his mouth, spit out a word: "Amazing!"

As we all know, what people fear most about nuclear weapons is not only the powerful power of nuclear weapons, but also the terrible follow-up effects: nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution.

This is why the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, once a nuclear leak occurs, is centered on the nuclear power plant and remains a quarantine zone within 30 kilometers within a few decades. Although it seems that the flora and fauna are flourishing in this area, human beings are afraid to return to live in it.

The idea of ​​the nuclear winter and the world of waste land appeared because of long-lasting nuclear pollution.

If one day, humans have mastered the technology to eliminate nuclear pollution, then the current nuclear balance may not necessarily be maintained.

At least, humanity’s scruples about the use of nuclear weapons will not be so great.

Everyone immediately understood the meaning.

Once this technology is mastered by the United States, it means that this country may be the most targeted by nuclear weapons in the world. !

As a nuclear power with the strongest nuclear power, this is equivalent to letting go of the United States-before the United States was equivalent to holding hands in confrontation with other countries.

"Can the message be confirmed?"

"Basically, we have now mastered the technology."

A person is gruesome: "The laboratory data is not reliable, we need more and larger-scale test data."

"Once Chernobyl?"

"Yes, Chernobyl again!"

The atmosphere of the conference room suddenly became cold. Austria and Bama could not help shrinking. Although this conference room in the White House has a quite perfect insulation system, he still could not dispel the chill from deep inside...


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