The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 500: Memory Alloy and the Staff of God

• White House meeting room.

The video of the previous attack on the Star was closely watched by the satellites in this airspace, and they were all transmitted live.

Everyone's expressions were almost the same, with their mouths wide open, and their faces were incredible.

They had obtained the data of experts before, until the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic projectiles fired from space reached what terrible level, and it was still 20 electromagnetic projectiles, such a powerful attack force, they were not intercepted, just because an aircraft carrier also had The possibility of being hit hard, not to mention a plane smaller than a fighter?

But what did they see?

After some inexplicable acousto-optic effects, how can this plane be left aside, the captured F-22 and the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft, which are also clearly listed as the attack range, are unscathed?

Although later high-definition satellite pictures showed that the aircraft also suffered some damage, the outer shells appeared to be deformed. But it is still flying in the sky, the speed is still very fast, it does not take the science of aerodynamics at all!

Obviously, this damage did not really affect the performance of this aircraft.

They even believe that if it is not to protect the F-22 and the Dawning Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft, perhaps the aircraft will not even have such appearance damage?

Could it be said that the power of the energy particle theory is really so great?

Anyway, they cannot explain all this in the existing scientific theory. It can only be thought of as the power from the theory of energy particles.

The high-definition satellite images that came down made them shocked to find that the aircraft's apparently damaged shell was repaired quickly in the next time. Although it was not completely repaired, it was also obvious It looks different.

What is this? What ability can do this?

Someone with a deep understanding of science and technology blurted out: "Memory alloy! This must be the Chinese people's breakthrough in memory alloy technology!"

Although the technology of memory alloys has been mastered in the United States, the level is not very high. Although the metal can be restored to its original shape after deformation, it takes a relatively long time.

But now, how long has the shell of this aircraft been restored? Is it at most a minute?

This kind of technology is completely unavailable in the United States.

"No, according to the physical limit, the memory alloy can't achieve this effect at all. It can only be considered that this is the technology of the energy particle theory, at least the memory alloy technology combined with the energy particle theory!"

"In other words, if energy particle theory is introduced into memory alloy technology, our memory alloy may also reach this level?"

Someone's eyes lit up.

What is the biggest problem in scientific research?

Is to find direction.

Scientific research is not afraid of slow progress, but afraid of going the wrong way. Although everyone knows that the wrong direction has its value, even in scientific research, it is indispensable. But as a funder, you don't think so. They are eager to spend every dollar of their own on the right path of research, rather than being "wasted" in the wrong direction.

This is why, in scientific research, the referees can often come up later: because the latecomers have a ready-made direction, they do not need to explore on their own, but the pioneers help them.

Now people in the conference room seem to have found their way.

As long as you find a direction, hum, and master the similar technology at the American technical level, just around the corner!

This is the strong confidence Americans have in their scientific level.

While discussing, new news came in again: "Not good! We lost contact with the space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform!"



Thirty seconds ago, a dragon-like ray of light quietly flew out of the deep black space, and then flexibly and quickly rushed to a certain satellite orbit.

There, the U.S. space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform formed by a total of seven satellites once again lights up the blue electric awn and is about to launch a new launch.

However, at this time, the roaming light fell on one of the satellites.

Then, the electric light flashed instantly, the light of the dragon suddenly turned into lightning, and the other six satellites were hit instantly.

This seemingly lightning thing is not real lightning, because its power is far more than ordinary lightning, and it is so powerful that it can't resist, directly burning the seven satellites that make up the U.S. space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform. Molten steel!

Then, a mission report was sent to Tianxing by the Tianluo satellite system. After receiving and analyzing the report, the star chart reported the result to Yang Chen: "Commander, the enemy space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform has been destroyed."

Yang Chen, who was undergoing Da Ganlin surgery treatment, heard a smile on the corner of his mouth...


At the same time, the American White House conference room got the news that the space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform had lost contact, and the Americans were at a loss for the first time.

Because not all countries have the technical level to detect satellite orbits, not to mention that, like the Tianluo satellite system, all orbit ranges from the earth to the moon can be monitored in real time, and real-time video can be captured.

Even the United States has no such ability.

Although they have the ability to see the space satellite orbit through the large optical telescope at the ground observatory, they can only see the satellite orbit over the observatory where the telescope is located, and they are also affected by light, interference, etc., not always. You can observe real-time video in satellite orbit.

If you lose contact with the satellite, there are many possibilities unless you send astronauts to personally collect the results of the satellite analysis.

After all, the environment in space is too bad. There are many unexpected situations that may cause the satellite to lose contact with the ground. For example, the solar wind, small meteorites, communication interference, etc.

Therefore, the Americans did not immediately realize that the space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform was destroyed.

After all, they paid close attention to all the changes over the country, and they did not find any attacks on satellites from the country. Naturally, they would not think about it in the first place.

After knowing for a few minutes, according to the analysis results of the experts and mobilizing some satellites and observation data from the U.S. Allied Ground Observatory, American talents knew that their space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform was actually destroyed!

Some of the previous visions that appeared in space were also captured by the satellites of American allies, so they soon learned that the man behind the destruction of the space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform was obviously from China. It's just that this is an attack launched directly from space, not from the ground.

This time, in order to deal with the Stars, the Yankees can be said to be mobilized, but the results also gave them a slap in the face: the use of the space-based laser satellite platform, the space-based laser satellite platform was destroyed by almost half, and the use of space-based electromagnetic The rail gun platform is completely destroyed. Not to mention that three F-22 fighter jets were destroyed, one F-22 fighter jet was captured, and a Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance plane was captured.


It is unbearable!

Someone has shouted: "Use the rod of God! I demand the use of the rod of God! Destroy the **** airplane and its manufacturing research base!"

God's Staff, the full name of God's Staff Space-based Kinetic Energy Weapon System (-GOD), which consists of two satellite platforms in low orbits, one of which is equipped with a metal rod named "Stand of God", the metal rod Made of tungsten, titanium or uranium metal, 30 cm in diameter, 6.1 m long, and weighs a few tons.

God's Scepter space-based kinetic energy weapon system will be launched in space. These high-density metal rods can be guided by satellites, using the huge kinetic energy generated by small rockets and free fall. The tungsten rods can launch at the speed of meteor. (/H) Hitting a target, it has a powerful attack capability and a wide range of attacks, and can accurately strike high-value strategic targets in any area of ​​the earth at any time.

After being launched from space, "Scepter of God" does not rely on any ammunition and completely depends on kinetic energy impact to produce destructive force to the target, but the attack effect is quite terrible. Although not as good as nuclear weapons, it is not far away, and can reach thousands of tons of TNT.

Although online rumors suggest that the US military will not deploy the weapon system until 2012, in fact, the United States has launched an experimental system to go into space, orbiting 1,000 kilometers from the ground.

This kind of attack is not strong enough in terms of accuracy, but it is terrible in terms of face killing. It can be said that it is equivalent to a small equivalent of non-polluting nuclear weapons!

So the security consultant immediately rejected this proposal: "No! Although the rod of God is not a nuclear weapon, it is almost the same as a nuclear weapon attack. If you really want to use I am afraid it will inevitably make that country overreact and trigger nuclear weapons. The Great War. Now that the Federation has seen the dawn of eliminating nuclear pollution, it is completely irrational to trigger a nuclear war before that. So our rod of God is not yet available."

"In addition..." said a sneer in the corner of the security consultant's mouth: "I personally think that the current God's Staff system is not strong enough. Now that we will soon be free of fear of nuclear pollution and nuclear war, why not treat God A nuclear warhead is added to the rod. You know, only a nuclear bomb is a terrible force that can truly match the power of God. Since it is a rod of God, there is no nuclear warhead. What is the rod of God?"

Everyone looked at each other.

At the beginning of the design of the God's Staff system, the purpose was to master powerful conventional weapon technology equivalent to the power of nuclear weapons in the case of nuclear deterrence. In other words, this is a substitute for nuclear weapons, so what is necessary to load nuclear weapons into it?

"good idea!"

A general next to him immediately gave high-five approval. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read. )

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