The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 503: The battle for space

After Zhu Wei's examination and treatment of Yang Chen's seemingly trivial problems, Zhu Wei was finally relieved.

After all, Yang Chen's injury was not light, and it was a serious injury that could almost be life-threatening for other people. It is important but not important. Under the treatment of healing spirits, it will soon be no big deal.

However, even so, the damaged meridians need to be rested for a period of time to be all well. As for the damaged mental power, it also needs to be slowly restored. But this will not affect Yang Chen's normal life, and even low-intensity fighting. There is no problem in driving the Stars to heaven again.

And after one night, under everyone's overnight overtime, the damaged part of the Star has been completely repaired. Even, for the various defects and weaknesses exposed in the previous actual design of the Star, everyone has also made changes to make up for it.

All in all, not only is the status of the Star now fully restored, it is also slightly improved from the previous performance.

But this time, everyone is no longer willing to just monitor Yang Chen on the ground to test flight, and one by one also plans to wait for the Star to fly.

After all, everyone knows that this time it is going to space. Who is not interested in going into space?

Not to mention other people, even the elderly such as Xiao Lao Wei Lao, are planning to get in the way.

Even Zhu Wei, who should have stayed on the ground as a bridge between Yang Chen and the country, was quite moved.

So, when Yang Chen was about to take off, everyone was clamoring and arguing with each other, all wanting to get the chance of this test flight.

Yang Chen only felt a headache for a while. Looking at the noisy and clamoring people, the refusal he had intended to say was really unspeakable: the point is that it was definitely a disparity comparison of N. He all doubted that he refused to speak, would Everyone who won't be inspired by the enthusiasm for going into space is called a pig's head.

"Okay, okay..." After seeing a quarrel for half an hour, there was no quarrel yet. So, Chen Chen didn't want to let time be wasted like this, so he had to say loudly: "There is not much space in the cockpit of the Star, except me , Can only accommodate two people, you..."

Before this was finished, everyone again turned upside down.

"Yang Xiaozi, I have to have one of these two positions! Lao Dao is the first person to cooperate with you. Don't forget your kid!" This is the voice of the Dao Dao Ren.

"Brother Yang, don't say anything else, we must go there?" Liu Lei Bai Yu and Shang Jingyi stood together, apparently reached a cooperation agreement, screamed by Liu Lei: "We are three young, you said two That position is for adults. Isn't it right for us to have two positions for adults?"

Even if Zhao Wanru, who has always been opposite Yang Chen's cold face, this time broke the ground and smiled to Yang Chen: "Yang Chen, let alone say, Yuan Yuan's child has always been unhappy, how should I let her take her Have fun in outer space..."

"Mr. Yang, don't say much. In this position, there must be a poor man. With your real eyes, you won't see the benefits of my ascension to space? If you want to study the law formation that is suitable for space, you must not be in space. No way!" This is more Taoist. He is the only formation expert besides Yang Chen in Lingwu Villa, and it is certainly not impossible for him to study the formation.

Even Zhu Wei whispered: "Mr. Yang, as the representative of the country, I think I have the right to accompany and monitor the performance of the spacecraft in outer space."

This capable woman, when she helped Yang Chen yesterday, was somewhat shy and gazed. Now, even if she whispers, she does not whisper.

But she will also find an ally: "Right, Major Mu, as a military representative, should also accompany the test flight."

Mu Qingsi immediately voted for Taobao Li: "Yang Chen, I wish Assistant's words made sense. I think you should consider..."

As for other people, let alone mention it.

"I want to study the changes in the medical system in the space environment..." This is Zhou Xuzheng, and he is also playing a family card: "Mr. Chen, I am an old classmate of President Yang! Even if it is for President Yang’s sake, this Should I have one quota?"

"How to treat an injured in space, this is a very important and critical issue, must be captured from the first test flight!" Gao Zhou will also pull the flag to make tiger skin.

"Yang Chen, you played with the Yankees last time and had so much fun. Is it my turn this time?" This is Wang Xiancheng.

"Cough, as COO (Chief Operating Officer, COO) of Lingwu Villa, I think it is necessary for me to have an in-depth and meticulous personal experience of every product of the Villa in order to operate the Villa better. "" This is Wang Zongyan who added himself a COO title.

"Yang Chen, as a strategic partner and a leader in the research project of the mountain energy, I must be the one who can do this test flight!" Chen Ang also shouted.

"Xiao Yang, we are not too young anymore. We are about to enter the earth. We have studied rocket satellites for a lifetime, but we have never been in space. Look, should we satisfy our wishes before we die? ?"

Xiao Ran and Wei Hua, regardless of whether they were obviously cured by Yang Chen, and their lifespan also increased by 20 to 30 years, come to rely on the old and sell the old.

As for Chu Ting Chen Yuan and other individual practitioners, they can only watch with their eyes, knowing that their level is limited, their contribution is limited, and their status is not good. It is not good to say that they are going, but this does not prevent them from almost making Yang Chen get a chicken skin. Pimple's fanatical gaze looked at Yang Chen, begging with his eyes.

Looking at all this, Yang Chen couldn't help crying.

Even at this time, I don’t know who leaked the news. I wish the hero called over there and wanted a position: "Yang Chen, I wish I didn’t help you, Lao Zhu? Look, I gave you my granddaughter. , This position in space, do you think you should consider Lao Zhu me? Hey, this time, go back and meet Lao Zhang Lao Sun to see what qualifications they have to show off in front of me, Lao Zhu I have been People in space!"

Yang Chen was speechless. Would you like to say so ambiguously, as if Zhu Wei was married to me by you, where does this happen? You are a general, is it really good to be so unruly?

In the end, he had to shout: "Don't worry about everyone, aren't we studying spaceships? In space, everyone has a chance!"

"But for the first time in space, there are only two positions!" someone cried.

"That's it! For the first time in space, that's something of historical significance! How can such a major event be without us?" Others immediately coaxed.

I said, when I tested the flight before, I never thought that I would encounter the US military that would damage the Star. At that time, the test flight plan had a space project. Why did you say you would follow each one? Now the test flight proves that the Star is reliable, and you run out...

Yang Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

In the end he had to use the big killer: "Okay, as everyone said, the first space test flight has a historic key significance. How can such an important position be given to others casually? You can also use contribution value Bid it! Start with a thousand contributions!"


The crowd was disappointed.

The first person I wished to contact by phone did not agree: "Yang Chen, this is not enough! You are clearly discriminatory! What if I don’t contribute value?"

Yang Chenxing said: "If there is no contribution value, then pull it!"

"Xiao Yang, can you open a back door?" The general of the whole country has begun to slide into the abyss of corruption, corruption, and decline, and blatantly asked to open the back door.

"That's sorry, our work in Lingwu Villa has always been fair and open, and we will never open the back door!" Yang Chenyi said solemnly.

"Then... Xiao Yang, please lend me some..."

"Sorry, the contribution value is not loaned out! This is the rules of the villa. As the leader of the villa, I have to take the lead and set an example..."

"If you don't borrow, don't borrow, what do you pretend? Your boy is waiting to see how I wish I can clean up you later!" Zhu hero is a hot temper, immediately turned his face, and then licked his face and called Zhu Wei said: "Little Wei, granddaughter, what... can you use Grandpa to contribute?"

Zhu Wei took the phone and gave Yang Chen a white glance, her eyes fluttering, showing the woman's coquettish posture, but giving her a more gentle temperament: "Isn't Mr. Yang saying? The contribution value is not loaned!"

"Well, you Xiaowei, see how grandpa will clean you up later!"

Zhu Wei giggled: "Grandpa, if you dare to clean up me, I'll find grandma..."

"You..." I wish the hero a sigh of relief.

When I wish the heroes, grandchildren and grandchildren to speak, they are already bidding out.

"I have two thousand!"

"I have three thousand!"


Just because I studied this spaceship, rockets, engines, etc., Yang Chen also sprinkled a lot of contribution value, and now everyone has a contribution value at hand, for this position Even if I eat a few bran throat dishes Half a month, it is also worth it!

You know, this test flight in the future will definitely be recorded in history! Can you leave your name in the history book, what is the contribution value?

"No hurry, no hurry, everyone, I still have the request to finish!" Everyone is bidding fiercely, but Yang Chen splashed cold water: "This position is required!"

"Request, what request?"

"First of all, they are too old to go. Avoid risk in space!"

Xiao Ran Weihua was unhappy immediately: "Can't the old man go to space? This is discrimination! Besides, the development of space technology will sooner or later let the old man go to space. Now don't make preparations early, how can I do research in the future?"

Yang Chen didn't answer, but he knew that, in response, he must be blocked by the two old men who rely on the old and the old to sell their old ones. So, simply use a roundabout tactic, can't we bother to hide?

Then he immediately said: "The same is to avoid risks. It is too young to go!" (To be continued.) Launch of the new website

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