The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 512: data sharing

These things are only for people in the aerospace and scientific communities, so they have a clear understanding.

As for outsiders, it is the so-called "layman watching lively", they are just watching lively, seeing a gimmick breaking through human records, what it really means, but know nothing about it.

This is the significance of the existence of science workers.

They need to tell everyone the scientific values ​​and meanings that are difficult to understand in plain words and figurative metaphors.

The No. 1 head is not a scientist, and it is naturally not very clear about these meanings.

However, when the expert next to him informed the No. 1 headman of these meanings, the keen sense of being a political and governance family suddenly made him understand its importance.

Not to mention him, even if he is a core member of other leaders, this is not the case.

"It seems that the attitude towards Yang Chen needs to be further mobilized and settled..."

An idea emerged in their hearts coincidentally.

These people who are really at the core of the country are not fools. The importance of the golden egg or the chicken that lays the golden egg is still clear. The killing of chickens and the retrieval of eggs are not stupid enough to do.

As for the various second-generation, insatiable bureaucrats in society, etc., they are all making their own claims, not the will of the state.

Of course, you have to have excellent skills. If you started to get rich, it was originally unclean, involving power and money transactions, power rent-seeking, then you are raised as a fat pig, and every time you are killed, don’t blame others. Can't you just enjoy the benefits and not bear the costs? There is no such good thing in the world, God is not your father.

Not to mention, at least here, Yang Chen has scientific research capabilities and combat capabilities. Even for space exploration only, and for the large amount of precious data obtained after the previous star broke through the fourth cosmic speed, the country had to hold him.

Anyone with reasonable reason knows that space is the future, and curling up on a small planet has no future, let alone these savvy politicians and rulers.

Here, Yang Chen's star broke through the fourth cosmic speed, so there is no hurry to break through.

The speed of the fourth universe is 120 kilometers per second. It only takes 2500 seconds to reach the moon from the earth, and then count the time of acceleration and deceleration in the middle, which is just more than one hour.

Higher speed is not impossible, but unnecessary.

Be aware that when approaching a celestial body at high speed, there is a high probability that it will not be captured by its gravity, but will pass by directly.

If you want to land on this celestial body, the speed and angle to enter its orbit are required.

The current space technology of the earth, a large part of the failure of space exploration is due to failure to enter orbit.

The higher the speed, the greater the difficulty of getting into orbit. Anyway, there is no urgent requirement now, and you don’t have to worry about speed increase too high.

Although Star Energy is not as embarrassed as the traditional space technology, every gram of weight must be taken into account, but it is not enough.

At the beginning of its design, at least until it was further upgraded, it was just a spaceship within the Earth-Moon system. Yang Chen had no intention of giving it the ability to land in deep space such as Venus and Mars.

On the ground, on the side of the space center where Chief No. 1 is located, the experts gave a breath instead, saying to Chief No. 1: "The Chief No. 1, according to the current speed of the Star, basically can successfully land on the moon in more than an hour. . Your time is precious, and you can watch the whole process now."

Chief No. 1 nodded.

As a head of state, time is really precious every second. He had just planned to come over to contact the Star, encourage him, and then leave, waiting for the Star to land before coming back.

Because the star speed they estimated before was only one-tenth of what it is now, he specifically arranged for eight hours today before coming over to watch the star landing on the moon.

But I didn't expect that the speed of the Star was unexpected, instead of waiting for eight hours.

This is true not only for him, but also for the other core members of the leadership, who specifically set aside time after eight hours, but now, of course, it is different.

To be able to watch the entire live broadcast of such a significant moon landing in full, then it will never be interrupted. Unless there is a major natural disaster outside, or a sudden outbreak of war, they will never leave.

So the No. 1 chief told the confidential secretary next to him: "Xiao Chen, push back my work schedule again today. I will leave after watching the moon landing."

"This..." Secretary Chen next frowned: "You have another twenty minutes to go to an important meeting..."

"Is that the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the "March 8th Festival"?"


"Then push back for an hour and a half. The commemoration is of course important, but more important is to seize the future." The No. 1 chief meaningfully pointed to the data of the star displayed on the big screen: "This is the future... …"


In addition to the No. 1 head, other leadership cores also postponed their own journeys at the same time, indicating that they will follow the entire process of watching the moon landing.

This news was also transmitted to Zhuxing by Zhu Wei through a secret psionic communication channel (that is, a channel not connected to live radio communication).

Upon seeing this, Yang Chen immediately made another major decision.


The sound of the system prompt sounded, and the experts at the space center where leaders such as No. 1 Chief were showing their joy.

"The Star sent a message saying that all flight data and experimental data will be shared throughout the journey... Now all the data of the Star before the take-off to the beginning of the distant space orbit is being transmitted..."

Of course, Yang Chen also stayed in the storm. At least not all the previous combat data was transmitted. Especially the powerful small-caliber star pulse gun data was not disclosed at all.

But beyond that, even the entire data of the Star’s multiple trips to and from the atmosphere, including all experimental data of the anti-overload system and artificial gravity system.

Although traditional technology has not been able to conduct research on anti-overload systems and artificial gravity systems, the experimental process of adjustment itself is of great significance. The acquisition of these valuable data will inevitably promote relevant research on the traditional technical level.

This situation was immediately reported to the No. 1 chief, and the complexion under the No. 1 chief's glasses became more and more gentle, and his impression of Yang Chen was much better.

Not only the No. 1 head, but also other leadership cores.

Although these data can be obtained by Yang Chen when the country asks for it, it is two different things to actively give and be asked, and there is an essential difference.

In addition, real-time data acquisition, and sorted data acquisition are two different things.

Especially in the face of emergencies, real-time data acquisition will obtain more valuable data based on the contingency measures and results of the Star, and through this problem-solving process, you can also get a lot of lessons. After finishing, because it is not personal experience, it is difficult to digest the data after finishing.

In short, Yang Chen's performance is slowly sincere in it. If such a person does not cherish it well, it will make other people chill.

Even if it is the horse bones of Qianjin City, Yang Chen must be treated specially, as a benchmark for national favor and support for private scientific research.

Although Yang Chen did not engage in politics or governance, he did not live in vain for so many years, otherwise he could not make such a decision.

During the flight, Yang Chen and the epic Daoist and Gao Zhou kept conducting various experiments.

Although the Star is not large, there are more than a dozen major items and hundreds of small items in the experimental project, most of which are to be carried out after landing on the moon, but there are still many experiments to be done during the flight to the moon.

In addition to some of these experiments combining psionic technology, more of them are things that belong to traditional science and technology. Many or even simply experiments planned to be done in the China Aerospace Engineering.

Now that Yang Chen has the experience and data to do these experiments first, although he will still do it again in the field of traditional aerospace technology, the experience and data can greatly speed up the experiment process and at least save hundreds of millions or even billions Funds and resources.

Each step of these experiments is broadcast live on the ground through the communication link between the two parties.

The aerospace experts were even more overjoyed. They simply participated in the whole process. They not only watched Yang Chen for experiments, but also continued to put forward their opinions and suggestions. They even offered some experimental ideas to let Yang Chen conduct experiments.

More than an hour passed quietly in the middle.

While conducting the experiment, the No. 1 chief and others were accompanied by the experts nearby to learn more about aerospace engineering and Yang Chen's Star.

When I heard that Yang Chen’s Star consumes no more than 100 million yuan, and this includes the cost of research and development, construction and even multiple launches, everyone’s eyes are bright.

It should be known that the current commercial offer for international satellite launches requires the launch of a commercial satellite to cost US$100 million or US$200 million. The offer price for the satellite launch in China is cheaper, but it is tens of billions of dollars.

The key point is that this is just a launch quotation and does not include the cost of R&D and manufacturing of rocket systems and R&D and manufacturing of satellites.

Although this offer is definitely to make but the profit will definitely not more than double.

In other words, even if it is only cost, it will cost 30 to 40 million US dollars. Converted into RMB, it also exceeded hundreds of millions.

As another example, the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft, which was launched in 2008, has a total project investment of 2 billion yuan, which is at least twenty times that of the Star.

However, the performance of the Star can at least exceed the Shenzhou VII twenty times!

When the two are compared, the gap becomes obvious.

Speaking of which, even the commentary experts will inevitably blush: wasted state funds! After spending so much money and so many things, the effect is far inferior to other folk subjects!

Everyone went to the moon, what about the National Space Administration? It took Chang'e-1 orbiting the moon's artificial satellite to go to heaven. As for the launch of the second, it will take more than a year in the plan!

The more the comparison, the more this gap is made.

So naturally, the No. 1 chief raised a question. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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