The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 519: Go to Crater

"The moon is the common wealth of all mankind. Today we return to the moon. This is just the beginning. The beginning of a human civilization stepping into interstellar civilization..."

Yang Chen talked happily in front of the star's camera, and what he said was also broadcast live to the ground.

Anyway, it was some high-sounding words, on the one hand, he said that he came for peace, on the other hand, he also declared his own interests in his words.

This affirmed that the interest was originally just a veritable vernacular, and no bird used it.

It is as if a wonderful flower in the United States announced that it owns the sovereignty of all the planets and moons of the moon and solar system except the earth. It has built its own "Embassy of the Moon" and is still selling the property rights of the lunar and other celestial lands. It only costs US$20 per acre. He actually has more than 2.3 million customers, including many Hollywood stars, as well as former US President Reagan, Carter and so on. This guy made a profit of more than 10 million US dollars.

Still in the United States, there is another wonderful flower that claims to own the "largest diamond" known in the universe-the white dwarf star BPM37093. This crystallized "diamond planet" is located 50 light-years from the earth, and its diameter is 4023. 28 square tons with a kilometer and a weight of about 2*10.

This is because the "Outer Space Treaty" enacted by the United Nations in 1967 agrees that the sovereignty of outer space objects is not owned by any country, but the treaty has a legal loophole. It does not stipulate that private individuals cannot own outer space objects. .

However, these wonderful claims are completely useless.

Quite simply, what use do you claim to have these stars? You can't go to those stars in your life. The so-called claim of possession is also a farce.

But now, when Yang Chen really stepped on the moon ground, he declared that it was not a farce, but a real statement of interests.

No one else can go, only he can go to the moon, and can really establish a base on the moon, so even if you claim that the land of the moon is yours, who will care about you?

Strength is everything.

Of course, in order to avoid eating too ugly, those sounding words are still essential. Anyway, in fact, Yang Chen had reached a consensus with the state before, otherwise, the country would not allow Yang Chen to talk like that, even if he was on the moon, he could not manage it for the time being.

This declaration is part of a series of formal actions such as flag insertion, making a statement, taking photos, drilling lunar soil and rock samples as commemorations, etc.

And these formal things don't take much time, almost half an hour, they are completely completed.

Then, the next thing will not be broadcast live.

The global live broadcast signal was interrupted, and scientists, governments, and governments around the world could only guess what Yang Chen was doing.

Even the Chinese government, Yang Chen did not tell them exactly what he was doing. Of course, his reason was that "It is not convenient to communicate with Taiyuan". Although the contact was not interrupted, only text communication was possible, but video and audio communication were suspended.

Under such cover, Yang Chen also started to do his thing.

He first activated the "Xuanjia" power armor and flew to a height of more than ten meters, flying into the distant circular mountain range.

There are many plateaus and mountains on the back of the moon, but there are not many circular mountains.

Fortunately, Yang Chen chose to land in the area between the Moon Sea, the Moscow Sea, and the crater of Zuchong, which is a distance of 30 kilometers from the crater of Zuchong, which is exactly between the Moscow Sea and the crater of Zuchong.

Zu Chong's crater is located in the southwest of the Moscow Sea, one of the only few months on the back of the moon, about 100 kilometers away from the Moscow Sea. It is located in the northern hemisphere on the back of the moon like the Moscow Sea and cannot be observed from the earth.

The Moscow Sea has a diameter of 277 kilometers and an area of ​​1.96 square kilometers. It is located in the center of a large crater, lower than the elevation of the bottom of the outer basin and the highlands, and has a rare depth in the moon sea, so the rock layer is very thin.

Choosing to land here, instead of the usual lunar frontal landing, naturally has Yang Chen's consideration.

Because he intends to build a secret base here as the core and first step of the Earth-Moon defense system.

In order to avoid panic, he did not disclose future information. If the base is constructed publicly, it may be difficult to explain, so I have to choose the back of the moon so that the earth cannot be observed. Only the moon detector will pass over the back of the moon to observe the secret construction of the back of the moon. .

As for public construction, Yang Chen has planned to cooperate with the state to build an open base belonging to China on the front of the moon, and use this open base to disguise the shadow of the base on the back of the moon.

Regarding the public base Yang Chen intends to take two steps. The first step is to establish a lunar base belonging to Phantom Space. The initial location will be the moon and rain sea on the front of the moon.

The rain sea is located in the northwest quadrant of the lunar front, adjacent to the storm ocean in the west, and Chenghai in the east, with a circular shape and a diameter of 1123 kilometers. Apollo 15 once landed in the southwest of the Moon Sea. Soviet Moon 17 also landed in the rainy sea.

The reason for choosing here is that the northwest corner of the rainy sea is Hongwan, which is the key observation area selected by Chang'e 2 of the future China, and the preferred landing target of Chang'e 3 lunar rover.

In this way, the lunar base in the rain sea can provide various help for the future Chang'e-3 lunar rover, so that the Chinese aerospace department can master related technologies faster.

After the China Aerospace Department has mastered enough technology, the public moon base established by Yang Chen and Lingneng Aerospace will become the foundation and core of the China Open Base.

According to Yang Chen's plan, the base will be built in large numbers in the beginning, and the above-ground part will be only 20 meters in diameter. The underground will only excavate about 30 meters in diameter and 10 meters in depth. When the official power of China begins to cooperate, it will expand to a diameter of 200 meters in one year, a diameter of one kilometer in three years, and a diameter of two kilometers in five years, and finally formally establish a lunar city.

If the progress exceeds expectations, this speed will be faster.

As for the secret base on the back of the moon...

Yang Chen is now in motion.

He turned on the power armor flight function, swept over the surface of the moon, and quickly surpassed the lunar rover, which was traveling at a turtle speed of 400 meters per hour, and flew to the distant crater of Zuchong.

Against the background of the deep dark universe, the moon’s ground reflecting the intense sunlight is extremely pale. At a glance, it is almost the same color, monotonous and boring.

It didn’t take long for the high-speed flying power armor to cross a distance of thirty kilometers. A huge crater was seen in front, and the crater of Zuchong was already in sight.

As its name suggests, the crater is surrounded by a ring-shaped mountain. The terrain inside is gentle, but it is not flat. There are still various rocky ups and downs. Some craters have small peaks in the middle, others do not.

The crater of Zu Chong is the kind with a peak protruding in the middle.

The anti-gravity engine emits a blue flame, counteracting gravity, and then Yang Chen's power armor gently falls on a moon rock in the central peak of the crater, splashing a piece of moon dust flying.

This anti-gravity engine is not a psionic engine of psionic technology, but a thul engine with thir effect. Compared with the psionic anti-gravity engine technology, the difficulty of making this thing has increased by twenty times, and the cost has increased by at least fifty times. It can only be realized by traditional scientific and technological means. Xuanjia must be completely built by traditional technological means, no matter how difficult and costly it must be used.

Yang Chenmai's dynamic armored legs have left his own deep footprints on this moon surface that has not been visited for hundreds of millions of years since ancient times.

At the same time, various scanners of the power armor are turned on. These scanners are purely traditional scientific and technological products manufactured by Yang Chen with the help of monks. They are very powerful.

"Drip, the'Into Micro' scanning system is turned on to scan the lunar surface..."

Yang Chen squatted down, grabbed a handful of moon dust, and watched carefully in front of his eyes, while scanning with a scanner.

"Drip, found a large amount of silica glass body, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and other elements, the contents are..."

"Drops, in view of the shape of moon dust crystal jagged, highly abrasive and easy to charge, so it is extremely harmful to various precision instruments, it is recommended to take isolation measures. Is it taken?"


Yang Chen frowned, looking at some hazy vision in the field of vision. The sensor told him that this was a phenomenon caused by the long-term floating of moon dust on the surface of the moon.

The lunar air is extremely thin, but it is not completely absent. Coupled with the moon dust charged by the photoelectric effect and solar wind irradiation, it can stay floating and move for a long time. So although it is not visible on the surface, in fact, everything on the surface of the moon is covered with a layer of moon dust.

These dusts will not only affect the operation of optical will also cause the spacecraft to appear mechanically stuck, increase wear, seal failure and other failures, but also harmful to the human body, easily lead to human allergies. In fact, the primary problem facing immigrants on the moon is to get rid of the negative effects of moon dust.

"Drop, the airborne electromagnetic psychic repulsion field begins to operate. Because it uses the lowest power operation, it will repel the dust and particles with particles below the lower limit value."

I saw that along with a "buzzing" sound coming from inside the power armor, an invisible force repelled all the dust around Yang Chen. Within half a meter of the power armor, the density of the dust had dropped to At a rather low level, it even meets the production requirements of high-precision electronic and mechanical components that are most afraid of dust.

This is one of the most incredible features in power armor. The electromagnetic repulsion field is a derivative of the electromagnetic shielding field technology invented by Liu Lei. The electromagnetic shielding field can induce the energy particles of the soil system through a specific electromagnetic field, so that the electromagnetic interference of the energy particles on the electronic products. The electromagnetic repulsion field directly repels dust and other substances through the energized soil energy particles, and is particularly suitable for high dust environments. For example now.

After opening the airborne electromagnetic psionic repulsion field, Yang Chen began striding toward the central mountain peak. The secret base in the future will be established below the mountain... (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" Or enter the URL:

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