The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 523: Engrave "1 tour here" on the moon

More than three hours ago, when Yang Chen had just left the Star, and soon set foot on the moon's land.

"Chinese people are on the moon, what should we do?"

The same problem has been raised in almost all parts of the world. The White House in the United States, Downing Street in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia, and so on...

In the White House of the United States, Austria and Bama's brows were tight, and they became increasingly dissatisfied with the current situation: When did the United States actually come to this step? The Chinese people actually sneaked onto the moon.

The key point is that the Chinese actually changed their old habits of hiding and broadcasted the moon to the world for the first time.

Although not everyone can see this live broadcast, but they should have already seen it.

The resulting political turmoil will have a particularly far-reaching impact.

The situation in the whole world will change dramatically!

After all, the matter of landing on the moon has only been done by Americans in the world before. This is equivalent to a huge display and sign of national strength.

Landing on the moon is nothing, but I am afraid that when the Chinese secretly landed on other planets than the moon!

By then, China will really be too threatened.

The United States is so arrogant and has done many unpopular things. Why can it continue to be so arrogant? There are many reasons, but one reason may not be obvious enough, but it has a very critical position in the minds of many scientists and other important elites related to the future of humanity:

That is, the United States is still at the forefront of human civilization. As long as no country surpasses the status of the United States and leads all mankind on the way forward, even if Americans do many unpleasant and annoying things, these are the only objects that can be selected by the scientific elites related to the future of humanity. Only the United States. Because they have no choice.

The advanced status of the United States seems to be due to capital power, military power, and economic power, but these powers are fundamental. This is the true foundation of the American elites who believe that "God cares for America".

Once the situation changes, these scientists have other options, then...

A series of avalanche-like reactions will take place, and all kinds of contradictions suppressed by the United States will erupt. That is the real end.

Now that China is on the moon, it’s just a matter of picking up teeth, but it’s just repeating what the United States did decades ago. But once they landed on other planets before the United States, then...

So Austria and Bama feel very headache.

Before, he thought that even if the Chinese advanced something advanced, it wouldn't be terrible. As the same as the security consultant said, the Chinese cannot mass-produce.

However, the technology of landing on the moon is different.

Wasn’t the United States able to mass-produce the Apollo spacecraft? Haven't all the Apollo spacecrafts been made with the power of the whole country?

The significance of this cutting-edge technology has exceeded the level of ordinary advanced technology, that is the forefront of human progress.

This kind of thing is not suitable for the previous judgment.

He massaged his forehead with severe pain, and felt more and more that he was wronged by this American president? Why did Yang happen when he was in office.

"What should I do?"

He asked the security advisors around him.

The security consultant who had never cared before, but now his face has become dignified.

"It really doesn't work. I'm afraid we have to ask our friends for help!"

The security consultant said.

Austrian and Bama face changes dramatically: "Friend's help? Has it been this step?"

"I'm afraid yes!"

"I can't make this decision."

The safety consultant sighed: "You don't need this decision for the time being. At least, we don't need it until we master the technology to remove nuclear pollution."

"If we have mastered the technology to remove nuclear pollution, then no matter what the Chinese do, we can force everything to come back!" Austria and Bama will know, their eyes trembling slightly: "Let the earth return to the primitive era, like this The decision was really bad!"

The security consultant shook his head: "It depends on what step the Chinese have taken. In case...if the Chinese's technology reaches a certain level, it will not be safe if it is overthrown!"

"Can't you push it over again?"

"No!" the security consultant sighed: "If China's technology really reaches a certain level, they can leave the earth, force interstellar immigration, and retain the seeds of civilization. Even if we intend to force the overthrow, then I am afraid. It's hard to get what you want. After all, it is also a country that can also destroy the earth. Although there are not as many destructions as we do, one destruction is enough..."

Austrian and Bama smiled bitterly: "So at this time, we can only seek the help of our friends?"


"I hope it won't come to this step. Otherwise, I really don't know if it is a disaster or a blessing..."


In the Kremlin of Russia, Presidents Pu and Jing watched Yang Chen's moon landing live with eyes that he did not know whether he was envious or jealous.

When Yang Chen stood on the moon and released a declaration to the world, he even worked hard, and snapped the ballpoint pen in his hand.

"The Virgin Mary is on! The great Russian nation lost to the United States in the first space competition. Is it still necessary to lose to the Chinese?"

Pu and Jing murmured indignantly and asked the senior officials of the Russian Federal Space Agency: "Are we really incapable of landing on the moon now?"

The senior official's helpless showdown: "Russia lost too much energy during the disintegration of the Soviet Union. We are now short of funds, equipment is in disrepair, and scientists are following faults. I am afraid there is really no way to go to the moon!"

"Damn! Why the great Russian mother's road to space is always so bumpy! We are the first country to open the road to space, but now even the Chinese who got the start of space technology from us have left us far behind. "..." Pu and Jing suddenly stood up, waved their hands vigorously, and made up their minds:

"No! No! Can't let Yang's situation continue! In the coming interstellar age, Russia can't fall behind!"

He looked back at the high-ranking official, and his eyes were firm: "Listen, our space technology, it's time to pick it up again! The Blizzard Space Shuttle cannot let it continue to eat ashes there!"

"However, to restart the blizzard, we have no funds..."

"Don't manage the funds!" Pu and Jing interrupted the senior officials' words rudely: "You don't need to consider the issue of funds! I order you to accelerate the process of going to space at all costs! I want you to be within five years, Restart the moon landing program, and at least eight years later, go to the moon!"

"at all costs?"

"Yes, at all costs!"

"Okay! I will do it at all costs!" The senior officials clenched their fists against Pu and Jing's fists: "For the Russian mother!"

"For the Russian mother..."


In Japan, South Korea, India, and Europe, all countries with ambitions in space were jealous of the Chinese landing on the moon, and one by one accelerated their own country's progress toward space.

Massive resources are about to be consumed, and huge amounts of funds are about to be burned. The purpose is only one: space, this place where humanity must set foot in the future.

At the same time, there are more undercurrents, which are quietly tumbling, and the situation in the whole world is slowly warming up, slowly warming up...


Yang Chen is not clear about the changes in the world situation.

When he returned to the Stars in the whisper of the Epilogue, what he got was envious and jealous eyes.

Finally came to the moon, who doesn't want to go for a walk on the moon's land?

Yang Chen is the only one who can successfully set foot on the land of the moon. How can this not make them envious and jealous?

It's a pity that when there is not enough training for everyone, Yang Chen dare not let them leave the Star.

This is really not a joke. If something goes wrong outside, it can be life-threatening at any time.

Yang Chen finally gathered such talents, and no one wanted them to lose their worthlessness.

Therefore, in the face of the eyes of the insane Daoren, Yang Chen only promised them that he would definitely carry out astronaut training, space walking training, moon landing training and other promises to all those who meet the conditions in Lingwu Villa in the future.

Not only that, Yang Chen also said that in the future, everyone in Lingwu Villa, no matter the elderly or the children, will have a day on the moon.

Of course, at that time, there must be a lot more spaceships.

Moreover, in the future, not only the moon, but even other planets, everyone is not the day that did not board.

After getting such a promise, the two of Dao Renren, including others on the ground who joined the quarrel in Lingwu Villa through the Lingneng communication channel, finally let Yang Chen pass.

Of course, this time because the moon landing has been completed, so the live broadcast is over. The leaders on the ground who watched the live broadcast and other leaders have also returned to their normal schedules.

But everyone knows that China is about to rise a powerful force that cannot be ignored-as long as Yang Chen can not rise up to rebel or split the country, then he and his industries have a death-free gold medal. And it includes the death-free gold medals favored by the current and next heads. What this means, everyone who is old in politics and governance knows...

Later, Yang Chen let the Star take off from the lunar ground, and began to fly across the moon in the air of about one or two thousand kilometers, flying around the moon, intending to conduct close-range surveys, photographs, and adventures.

Even when flying to some special places, Yang Chen also used the "electric vector" ray gun of the Star to launch a high-energy laser, what is ablating on the moon ground-the electric vector ray gun can not only emit rays, emit high energy The laser is also no problem.

"What are you doing?" the insane person asked puzzled.

"Sometimes it was a trip, so why did you have to visit this place?"

"Uh..." (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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