The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 526: Starship design

Yang Chen sneered: "It doesn't matter, cooperation is cooperation. Anyway, our country's traditional aerospace science and technology level is still inferior to that of Europe and the United States in many places. Even if we engage in cooperation, we are not the ones who suffer."

Zhu Wei nodded: "Yes, any big space nations have a tacit understanding and will never allow the spread of space technology. If we really want international cooperation, our country will spread the technology, and they will be reluctant in the United States. However, they want our psionic energy. What about technology?"

"It's easy to handle. Now that we have to cooperate, then we have to have a long-term relationship? You want our psionic technology. Well, let's take out your most advanced things first. If you hide it privately, don't we? "

"What if they don't hide?" Zhu Wei looked a little strange.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Did that really spread our technology?" Zhu Wei was reluctant. Hua Guo finally had some advanced technology, and it was too late for the baby, so it was really reluctant to exchange.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Yang Chen is not like her, and his vision is longer-term. For the future of the planet, we can’t wait for technology to spread: “If we can’t pass our technology down, they will never catch up with us, so what if we really give them all? They have time to absorb and digest? etc. After this period of time, our technological progress, and do not know where to go."

He said that he patted Zhu Wei on the shoulder: "We are a big country of five thousand years, and our accumulation in this respect is deeper than anywhere in the world. In this respect, we must have self-confidence. Only in this way can we assume the responsibility of a big country. You must know that once you step into the interstellar age, as the representative of mankind in astrological technology, we must bear this responsibility! This forces us to be unable to cherish ourselves. We must have the openness and confidence of the Datang era!"

"This..." Although the reappearance of the Han and Tang dynasties is the expectation of every true Chinese, but after all, there have been too many humiliations and vicissitudes in history. When this day really came, it made people feel at a loss. , Like Zhu Wei.

"Relax, we are the rule-makers in this field. They either don’t come in, or they have to follow our rules of the game, otherwise don’t want to play. If we don’t have confidence, then don’t be a strong country. Dreaming, pull it down as soon as possible."

"Uh..." Zhu Wei thoughtfully.

"Think about it. Also, this news is also passed on to the country, so that leaders can think about it. I believe that everyone will make the right decision." Patting Zhu Wei's shoulder, Yang Chen will leave go with.

Zhu Wei quickly stopped him: "Mr. Yang, there is still a question. Will the Yankees have any plans to hide behind? I always feel that Americans will not be so simple. After all, our current performance has been really threatening. To their status, in this case, their actions should be more than that."

"Don't be afraid, conspiracy and trickery won't be a big deal. Our strength is here, no matter what conspiracy or trickery he has, don't worry." Yang Chen said leisurely: "Even if they plan to play nuclear destruction!"

"What?" Zhu Wei shocked.

Because of the indoctrination of the media and other reasons, the shadow of nuclear destruction cannot be explained by words at all. Therefore, the co-destructive nuclear bundling policy can make the planet appear in a state of nuclear balance rather than actually commit suicide by throwing nuclear bombs at each other. So when Yang Chen said that Hua Guo could not be afraid of the nuclear annihilation, even if Zhu Wei had an understanding of Yang Chen's methods or even superstition, it would still be inevitable.

"Yes! In our psionic technology, there is a very simple solution to the sequelae of nuclear pollution. If there is any concern about the safety of nuclear power plants in the country, we can help to solve it. You can disclose this to you. "Yang Chen channeled himself.

The terrible nuclear devastation does not lie in the radius of the nuclear bomb's destruction-in fact, a planet as large as the earth, the current power of human nuclear bomb destruction, there is no way to truly completely destroy the earth. The so-called nuclear devastation is actually caused by the aftermath of nuclear pollution.

If one day, people are not afraid of nuclear pollution, at the current level of technology, nuclear annihilation can no longer actually appear.

"Such a thing..." Zhu Wei thought, suddenly a shock: "Can other countries also master the technology of eliminating nuclear pollution by studying the theory of energy particles?"

Yang Chen nodded: "Of course, technically, this is not very difficult."

"Then I must report to the country immediately! Once nuclear pollution is insufficient, all nuclear-related strategies must be re-formulated! We must prepare in advance so that we can take the lead!"

Zhu Wei seemed to be afraid that one second later would cause irreparable huge losses. Having said that, throwing Yang Chen aside, he ran directly to contact "Yang Office", and Yang Chen smiled and shook his head.

In any case, everything finally came to an end, Yang Chen could easily be a day off.

However, for those who have just seen Yang Chen landing on the moon, and are only tickled by themselves, the success of the Star is only their first step, and there is still more work going on.

They immediately invested all their energy and started to build a new spaceship.

Using the Star as a template, this type of spacecraft is classified as a small, all-around spaceship. In the future, if there is any war, it can also be used to command. Because its size is too small, although its survivability is very strong, its combat effectiveness is not too high.

The Star is completely designed for Yang Chen's private spacecraft, and it is not yet a complete command and almighty type. Therefore, they first designed the monkey version to enlarge the star, that is, the "star class" command spacecraft that reduces performance but enlarges the volume. Taking into account the survivability and command needs, this type of spaceship is designed as a behemoth about 100 meters in length, 50 meters in width, and 20 meters in height.

Subsequently, it was the "galaxy class" interstellar mothership, that is, the mobile base ship of the space plane and the space plane. The design of this mothership uses many technologies that Yang Chen has described but cannot yet achieve, and will wander throughout the solar system and become one of the cores of the solar system's defense system. All this type of interstellar carrier will be named after the galaxy. Such as "Galaxy", "Tianqin" and so on. The behemoth is at least five to ten kilometers long. It can only be made in space, and no such giants can be made on the planet.

There is also a "cluster level" that exists only in theory, and the specific data cannot be designed specifically for interstellar migration. There is also no specific data, just an imaginary and prospective "black hole level" mobile interstellar fortress. Because these two types of spacecraft are too sci-fi, even what technology they will use is unclear now-because Yang Chen does not know what technology is needed to immigrate in the vast interstellar or as a mobile interstellar fortress.

Next, the "Nebula Class" battleship destroyer will be named after the nebula in the universe. The specific technology is still vague, and it is also the science fiction model envisioned in the future.

Next up is the "Stellar Star" interplanetary cruiser, named after the star system.

This is realistic. It is possible to cooperate with the interstellar-class interstellar mothership to form an interstellar fleet with a combat radius of the entire solar system. This interstellar battleship will be one to three kilometers, two hundred to five hundred meters wide and five hundred meters high. Nor can it be built on earth, only in space. At the beginning of your design, the idea was to use the asteroid belt deposits to manufacture it in situ. But it is estimated that it will take at least two decades of hard work to achieve.

Then there is the "line-of-star" space destroyer, which will become China's main space battleship in the last decade. It will have a length of 500 to 800 meters, a width of more than 100 meters, and a height of more than 50 meters. This can barely be manufactured on Earth, provided that the psionic technology provided by Yang Chen is used. Merely the current traditional technology of the earth, it still can't be achieved.

As for everyone's plans to build immediately, in addition to the star-class command ship, that is the "comet star" space frigate, which will be named after the comet in the earth. This is the space warship that China can have now. Three hundred meters long, eighty meters wide and fifty meters high.

Finally, that is the "element-level" mining ship. It will be named after each major element. This mining ship will mainly replicate later generations of mining ships used for mineral collection in the solar system. However, the figure was adjusted to be 300 meters long, 200 meters wide and 200 meters high. No way, if you want to mine, you have to have a large capacity.

Moreover, this is only the first batch. The second batch of mining ships will build spaceship factories in the asteroid belt to directly build larger ones (the length will reach one kilometer, as a future technical verification of more than one kilometer).

In addition to this, there are also the Earth Ring and Sun Rim Space Stations. Their model names are "", which will be named after the famous mountains of China, Dachuan and Xianshan.

The first space station launched by Psionic Space will be the "Kunlun" space station, 20 kilometers in diameter. After that, there will be five space stations named Wuyue, five kilometers in diameter, and eventually form a huge space station system.

At a distance of 10,000 kilometers to 50,000 kilometers from the earth, a "Kuixu" space ship with a diameter of 100 kilometers will be built.

At a distance of 100,000 kilometers from the earth, it is the space city of "Thirty-three Sky", which is 300 kilometers in size. As an ordinary tourism, scientific research, industrial space city construction. (Turn to the second command base during the war. The first command base is the moon.)

Finally, a 500-kilometre "Tianwaitian" space city will be built, located at the Lagrangian point L2, which is the gravitational equilibrium point of the earth 1.5 million kilometers away from the earth, facing the sun. The invaders’ forward military base was built.

As a result, two space cities, a space dock, six space stations, plus the moon, and "element-level" mining ships, "comet-star" space frigates, "row-star" space destroyers, plus "stars" The "class" command ship has formed a huge near-Earth lunar space war system. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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