The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 598: What medicine is sold in Yang Chen's gourd?

As a result, the soldiers became interested.

As mentioned earlier, these fighters are of high average quality, and the lowest are undergraduates. They are not college undergraduates who skip play all day to play games online and fool their diplomas. Of the university students are not the kind of students who study hard, but people who can combine theory with practice, and have high practical ability and innovative ability.

If they don’t work as soldiers, they can do a good job at any company they go to or even start their own business.

And they became soldiers. After being selected into the Xuanwu Special Forces, they naturally have not only a very high cultural literacy, but also all the skills of the special forces. Otherwise, the first month after entering the special forces will be eliminated-in fact, even the Xuanwu special forces, on average, a group of recruits will come in almost every two or three months, and most of these recruits To be eliminated.

This shows how high the quality of the soldiers in this Xuanwu special forces is.

And such soldiers are different from ordinary soldiers who only know to obey orders and work with their heads dull, they have their own unique characteristics-special forces also allow or encourage them to retain this personality-and have their own Pride and hobby.

Yang Chen took out some math questions to test them, instead of instilling them with the mysterious and mysterious theories of practice, but they aroused their interest. They lowered their heads, frowned, and thought about calculations.

Dong Jinghong, Luo Zhiyun and Wen Bin beside Yang Chen also listened with interest.

Don't look at Dong Jinghong's bite. An old Dong is a rough man. The cultural quality of this guy is outstanding in the entire special forces. Otherwise, he could not be the military master of this Xuanwu special brigade.

Therefore, even if he looks vulgar, he can fully understand what Yang Chen said.

This is also because, after a large-scale test, the Kailing Gongsi obtained a large amount of data, which further simplified many difficult and difficult calculations.

Many calculations that originally required a large amount of difficult calculations and advanced mathematics knowledge have been preliminarily established after the support of a large number of data. It is like the logarithm table and the trigonometric function table. Before this thing, it was only possible to calculate logarithms and trigonometric functions. That calculation was cumbersome and difficult. After having the logarithm table and the trigonometric function table, if you encounter the corresponding calculation, go directly to the table and you will get the result.

This of course can greatly reduce the difficulty and amount of calculation.

Because of this, only the scientists and experts who are excellent in mathematics in the original version of the Kailin formula can actually carry out calculations. Later, if the supercomputing power of Xiaoguang's ontology was used, and this computing power was opened to the public, the spiritual formula would not spread far.

Even so, Xiaoguang conducted experiments a few days ago to understand the mystery of his storage space, leading to experimental accidents, his consciousness was trapped in the Hilbert meta space, and the point of power was out of control, resulting in super calculation At that moment it almost crashed. So, at that time, all the practitioners who needed to calculate the spiritual formulas did not have the support of computing power. The efficiency of the cultivation in those days was really terrible.

Of course, it is not that no one understands that this kind of cultivation method that places computing power on others can be regarded as a threat to the monks. But what about that?

The original version of the calculation formula and calculation method was disclosed by Yang Chen in the Lingwu Journal without reservation. But which monk can really count on those things?

If so, how long does it take? After you figure it out, the calculation result has expired. The calculation conditions of the Kailin formula originally contain time. Even if it is a low-precision method, the time is much lower than the time for the average person to calculate the result, which is completely unnecessary.

Even if you have a background, you can find a powerful mathematician to help you calculate, it is useless. Mathematicians are certainly powerful, but other mathematicians are not your nanny. Occasionally looking at the face of the person behind you, I can help you count one or two times. Which line is more frequent? These calculations are quite brain-consuming. Even if the mathematician is willing, his body can't bear it.

Then the only way out is to also calculate through super calculation. However, the problem is coming. The computing power of supercomputing needs to be built on the corresponding software. Supercomputing is not a human being either, without wisdom, or creativity, and does not know how to understand the calculation method. What it "understands" is actually after humans understand it, and only after it is written into software, can it be "understood".

And the calculation software of this psychic formula, even with a large team of programmers, will take at least a year or two to successfully write this software.

This is all a matter of urgency. The existence of sufficient human and material resources like the country may be able to wait. Where can ordinary monks wait? Even those monks who came from the main school, regardless of whether their teachers allowed them to practice the spiritual formula, even if allowed, people can't wait.

After all, the disciples of the main school have good qualifications. This kind of person is used to practice the inheritance mentality of the main school, and the speed will not be slow. Although the speed will be faster if they can eat the Kailin formula, but if they get rid of Xiaoguang's computing power, then this speed will be equivalent to zero. Who would do such a thing?

As mentioned earlier, monks are very selfish. Who would be willing to delay their future to make wedding dresses for others?

Therefore, Xiaoguang’s support for computing power was interrupted for a few days, although there was a wave of protest among the practitioners of the Kailin formula. However, Yang Chen ignored him, and he had the attitude of "I am your father, you love not to cultivate". Those cultivators who open spirit formulas can only stand still and stop doing so. .

Cultivation is addictive. When they practiced before, they tasted and enjoyed more vitality, better spirit, and better state, and even gradually developed the wonderful taste of the human body's potential. They were suddenly interrupted, and even let them give up these to protest to Yang Chen. How can it be?

Of course, that was before.

Now with a lot of data support, after a lot of analysis and calculation, the originally difficult calculation has become medium difficulty. Originally only mathematicians were able to do the calculation work, but now the soldiers of these special forces, once the learners and gods, can barely be competent.

Precisely because this competence is more difficult and more difficult, but it is not the kind of desperate, the soldiers are interested.

Even Dong Jinghong's three people got into it and enjoyed the fun of this calculation.

After half an hour, Dong Jinghong and the three people awakened for the first time. They looked at each other and exchanged a horrified look: Who can tell us, what medicine is sold in the instructor Yang? He said that he was here to teach the soldiers to cultivate, but why didn't he teach any method of cultivation, but instead he started a math problem with everyone? It doesn’t matter that Master Yang’s practice method is related to math problems? If so, they have no need to resist this kind of cultivation method?

After all, they grew up receiving materialistic education and scientific education from an early age. Naturally, they are close to these things, and naturally they are separated from those gods and ghosts.

Not to say disgust. After all, for people who truly possess qualified scientific literacy, ghosts and gods are temporarily unable to prove or be falsified. It cannot be regarded as a lifelong belief, but it is wrong.

The reason why public science education in society is to deny those ghosts and spirits is to adapt to the vanity of the public. Those ordinary people do not have such a qualified scientific literacy. If they continue to deny people, ghosts, and spirits, they will only make the world dance, and any scammers can come out to make waves-after all, this cannot be confirmed, nor can it be falsified. You said no, people wanted you to show evidence that you couldn't, but helped the scammers.

A typical example is the special function and the qigong tide of the 1980s and 1990s. If there is no one who really has this ability, then it is really impossible to make casual statements. But to say that the vast majority of the so-called masters are fakes and scammers, that's no problem at all. This is because, when science has not yet reached a high level, and the quality of ordinary people has not reached a high level, without categorically denying ghosts and gods, it is easy for people to be deceived by these gods.

In fact, with the same attitude, the Chinese sages had already existed. For example, Confucius of Confucianism, he first said "respect for ghosts and gods, and far away", and then said "outside the six-health, regardless of existence", and "respect for gods as gods", which is a rather ambiguous and vague attitude.

Respect for ghosts and gods, that means acknowledging the existence of ghosts and gods, so we have to respect them. Liuhe does not exist, but it is about the existence of ghosts and gods, and it is not good, so she put aside the dispute ~ ~ peaceful development. Respecting God is like a god, but typically does not recognize the existence of ghosts and gods-the so-called **** is like a god, which means that the **** is like God really exists. However, if God wants to really exist, why should he add this attribute? Precisely because God does not exist, it is necessary to pretend that he exists. If God exists, why pretend?

These three attitudes, which seem contradictory, are actually the wisdom of Confucius. Buddhists have a cloud of "karma theory", and Confucianism is called "teaching according to one's aptitude", which all have the same meaning. All are aimed at different people and take different educational measures. So, are these words right? It's all right, and it's not right, it depends on who you are targeting.

For the current Xuanwu Special Brigade, it is clear that they are directly opposed to the forces of the metaphysical world. Perhaps because of this, the goal of selecting senior soldiers in the military is more based on people with firm scientific beliefs. However, these things are not in line with their three views. They are not those hard-working university students and great sages who have no prejudice in their chests. Of course, they can't understand it, so they let those who actually contact the monk become more resistant. Monks and cultivators.

However, if the practice can be introduced through typical scientific knowledge such as mathematics, what reason do they have to resist?

However, they did not know that this idea was not far away from the time they received cultivation. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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