The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 609: Dark, curry.

After walking for more than ten miles, Yang Chen gradually felt that something was wrong. He didn't feel tired, nor did he feel like going to the toilet, thirst, hunger, etc., as if his feelings had disappeared!

In this regard, he felt that there were two possibilities. First, the reason for this world, this world either deprived all his sensory systems and made him feel nothing. In other words, this world is so eternal. After entering, all the body turning stops! !

There is the second, the sequelae of this space tunnel. Just like X-rays, the body will be irradiated. Yang Chen was irradiated by an element of unknown meaning in this space-time tunnel, and now the body is unwell and has lost his sensation.

In this regard, Yang Chenjue thinks that the second possibility is more likely. After all, when I first came in, I was able to feel the pain and the heat. I don’t feel it now. I don’t know if the sequelae of radiation came out after so long.

Of course, this is just what Yang Chen thought. After all, when people are in a dangerous situation, they will think about things badly. This is human instinct. In fact, Yang Chen does not know that his feeling system is missing, just because he is in the "sea" Beside Kwai, stayed for a few minutes.

Yang Chen is swaying. After all, you can’t feel anything. Such a situation is not a good thing. I feel that the system is one of the most important sources of people’s contact with outside information. Without the feeling, people may be unaware of it. I feel dead.

However, one thing still made Yang Chen feel at ease. He only lost the feeling of "heat". Others are not missing. It can still be felt. As for not wanting to go to the toilet without thirst, I don’t know yet. Time.

As for pain, touch, and hearing? There is nothing less than other feelings. He tried it, it is better to slap himself and shut his breath to see if there is a sense of suffocation. The results are pretty good, and these are not missing.

"I don't know if I just stayed by the fire anemone for a long time, I can't feel the heat" Yang Chen thought about the scene when he came in, and felt that the anemone that can absorb heat and convert into energy particles The most suspicious.

But at this time, Yang Chen could not go to check, he has now come to another place, where he saw the difference in the sky. For example, the sky on the side of the anemone is red, and here, you can see in the distance, the sky color is also different, with red, black, green, and gray, just like a drawing board, embellishment In immobile colors.

"Go to this place first!" Yang Chen followed the black clouds to the black world.

It's really dark here. I can't reach my fingers when I reach out. When Yang Chen came to the center, I couldn't reach my fingers. I didn't know if the next step was a cliff. In such an environment, the test of mentality is very important.

All the negative moods of confusion, loneliness, fear, fear, excitement will jump out one by one and affect their own mind. At this point, Yang Chen did a good job. He did not let these negative influences collapse, and he was still calm.

I don't know if it was because of this, he went to this area. Now Yang Chen has figured out the basic landscape of this world. In each cloud of different colors, there will be a central place, just like a circle, there must be a central point.

And this central point is often the most mysterious place in this piece. For example, in the flame cloud layer (name given by Yang Chen) just now, the central point is the place where the anemone stays, but it is not ordinary. It's hot.

Yang Chen's position is now in this most central place. Here, it was dark, and there was no place to see, because Yang Chen had been smeared all the way, he didn't know where he was and what was nearby.


There was a voice. Yang Chen came here because of this voice. He felt that this time the voice was very close, just like in front of himself! Although he did not know what was in front of him.

Out of hard work, Yang Chen reached out and touched forward, he really touched something! One is like a wall, and you can feel something cold like tentacles like steel. Yang Chen quickly shrank his hand again. ,

In an invisible situation, you feel something like a cold tongue, are you afraid? ? Yang Chen didn't scream and ran away, it was already a strong enough dereliction of duty. For ordinary people, there will be scared pee! !

"What kind of object is this?" Yang Chen began to overwrite this thing like a blind man, and approached a little.

Yang Chen feels that this thing is very large. Yang Chen has walked a dozen steps without touching it, but has not reached the end, but has not turned. A thing with such a long diameter will not be a creature like a snake. Right?

Thinking of this, Yang Chen came up with goose bumps again. If a snake lay here like this, he touched the snake from head to toe. What would be the end? After all, snake creatures, but there is something sensible.

Suddenly, at this time, Yang Chen felt his eyes light up, and the blurry outlines appeared in his eyes. Is this light? She seemed to be able to see clearly. It was not because her eyes were familiar with the film that she slowly cleared, but which kind of suddenly seemed clear. Yang Chen did not understand.

Even if the vision is restored, Yang Chen's visibility is still very low! There was only a dark piece in front of me, and only a little outline could be seen. But this is enough. The first thing Yang Chen does is to step back quickly (the object in front is too big, and you can't see the whole picture if you don't go back). See if you have always felt what this is.

"Is this curry?" Yang Chenmo looked at the huge object in front of him indistinctly, and said inexplicably in his mouth.

In front of him, it was very much like a curry, and it was a very large one, like a hillside, and a few hundred meters of shells extended to the distance. Because of being too dark, Yang Chen only saw one silhouette.

And the thing that I touched, like the tongue, was really the tongue of this curry and it had gloss on it, as if it had just been spit out. Yang Chen thought that he was still there and felt it for a while. After fear.

"Is this the Ocean World? It's curry and anemone." Yang Chen vomited after being calm and excited.

At this moment, Yang Chen became the vigilant again. He approached this curry very carefully, not daring to be careless. As the saying goes, the unknowers are fearless, and it is true. If Yang Chen hadn't been able to see clearly, he wouldn't think about it.

Approaching the behemoth, Yang Chen felt a panic, although there was no movement in the behemoth. Nearer, Yang Chen found that the color of his shells seemed to be the greenish brown of seaweed, but the tongue he spit out was white.

"It's no different." Yang Chen murmured, this thing is the bigger size, no different in other places, and you can't feel the energy particles, like the anemone that absorbs heat and turns into energy particles. , But much less.

Shaking his head, how could Yang Chen secretly have such strange things? A sea anemone is already a great hazard. If all the living things are here, wouldn’t it be a big deal? This kind of first-person thought should be thrown away!

Yang Chen, determined to doctrine, began to walk around this curry, wanting to see if anything was found. At this time, he felt urgency, so he dealt with it now, and he was very happy. After all, he still felt.

"Nothing has been discovered about this." Yang Chen felt that the curry was no longer effective, and began to return. There are so many colorful clouds outside, still waiting for him to see it.

Thinking this way, Yang Chen began to go. On the road, the scene that seemed vague now became clear. The original area was very empty and the terrain was very flat. There was only a huge curry in the middle.

"Something is wrong!!" Yang Chen seemed to realize what he was, frowning and said: "I turned around in the anemone, and I was not afraid of heat when I thought about it, but now I swim in the dark, but I can see clearly "Chen Yang said his guess, he felt that there could be no connection.

"Is this my strong evolutionary ability?" Yang Chen thought of another idea, but felt incredible. In turn, he negated: "It must be these creatures, what other role! There must be different substances around them!"

Yang Chen hopes that there is a detector now, so that it can detect what is here in the air. Of course, if this "thing" is recorded, it will be a new breed.

"It's still cloudy there, don't know if something strange will happen?" Yang Chen looked at the colorful cloud in the there was a faint expectation in his heart.

Just after Yang Chen left, the huge curry opened his shell, and the things inside were surprisingly few, only a white and flawless bead, just a pearl. The whole main occupancy accounted for about one tenth of the curry interior. Apart from this, nothing else existed.

The pearl burst into light, and a faint white light came out of it, forming a woman's appearance. The woman has a quiet personality and a beautiful face. Although she has only the upper body, it is also choppy. There was a faint light on him, and the whole person was like a saint.

If Yang Chen is here, he will see at a glance that this woman's body is not flesh and blood, but an energy body composed of energy particles! The structure of this energy body is exactly the same as the anemone Yang Chen saw! But it is a pity that Yang Chen left too early.

"Doodle Doodle"

The woman shook her body and made a sound like a rattle. She glanced around in doubt, but found nothing. Only then was it hidden in the shell again

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