The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1083 The God-killing Spear is promoted

On the Chaos Task List, the task of collecting Soul-eating Insects has been shown to be submitted.

Although he didn't know what purpose this inexplicable and strange creature had, Du Yu still thought it was worth it in exchange for the opportunity to advance with the God-killing Gun.

What's more, he has more than one soul-eating worm in his hand, and he doesn't really care about giving one away.

"Confirm submission of task."

Du Yu chose to confirm through his thoughts. A burst of light flashed, and the cold voice of Tiandao Zhinao sounded in his mind: "Congratulations on successfully collecting the soul-eating worms. You will be rewarded with a Tiandao value of 10 trillion and a chance to upgrade the divine weapon."

"I would like to ask if you would like to recommend the divine weapon now."

"Yes!" Du Yu said without hesitation, and then gave this opportunity to the God-killing Spear.

Not long after Du Yu made his choice, a rift in time and space suddenly appeared next to him, and a terrifying force came from nowhere, covering the sound of the God-killing Gun in his hand.

The entire God-killing Spear suddenly emitted a red halo, and this layer of red halo seemed to come alive, greedily devouring the huge energy transmitted from the cracks in time and space.

Sixth-level intermediate level, sixth-level later level, sixth-level peak level and seventh-level primary level!

In just a few minutes, the God-killing Spear had undergone earth-shaking changes, directly rising to the level of the seventh-grade primary level.

Even though he had not personally experienced it, Du Yu could still feel the terrifying power of the God-killing Spear at this moment. He had a feeling that even if the lower-level Hunyuan Tiandao Saint stood in front of him, he would be able to pierce it with one shot.

This is the absolute confidence that the God-killing Spear gives him. The seventh-grade divine weapon has surpassed any other divine weapon in the outside world. Such a divine weapon only exists in the highest plane.

Before Du Yu had time to be happy, the changes in his sea of ​​consciousness made him even more surprised. Xiao Ling, who had been sleeping in his sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly reacted.

Her aura began to surge, and the upgrade of the God-killing Spear also made her strength grow. The Domain Lord Seal that had been unable to be fused for a long time also began to be fused by her.

After the fusion is completed, Xiaoling's strength will definitely change dramatically.

Originally it was just to complete the task, but who would have thought that he would encounter such a great opportunity, even though Du Yu also shouted that he was unlucky.

"It will be easier to deal with the subsequent battle now." Du Yu said happily.

If he, Tu Longlong, and Xiao Ling unite, the peak Hunyuan Tiandao Saint will definitely be able to compete. Now, whether it is the alliance or the Spirit Controlling Heavenly Lord, Du Yu no longer takes it seriously. His only fear now is that Unknown monitor.

Du Yu put the God-killing Spear into his body to warm it up, while he sat next to Tu Longlong and continued to protect her. This time was considered a big breakthrough.

The time required cannot be completed in a short time. Du Yu now only hopes that Tu Longlong can complete the breakthrough before the expiration of three months.

Otherwise, someone in the alliance will definitely attack the Qilin Army. After all, many people in the alliance hate themselves for taking their position.

At this moment, the Qilin Army, led by Zhuge Liang, rushed toward the Taotie Territory in a low-key and cautious manner.

Now the only people in the fleet group who are in charge are Du Long and other peak Hunyuan Saint level experts. Fortunately, Huang Dao rushed to the production in time, and after two months of non-stop rapid understanding, he was promoted to the level of a five-star high-level technician.

The three super battle armors that Du Yu had brought back before were repaired and improved.

Now three super battleships are controlled by three generals and placed in the fleet as trump cards.

The combat power of the three primary Hunyuan Tiandao Saints makes the Qilin Army's strength not to be underestimated. Moreover, after the transformation, the super battleship has the ability to easily suppress the peak Hunyuan Saints. In addition to a few of the top ten domains, Besides, others really can't do anything about the current Qilin Army.

However, in order to avoid conflicts with other forces, the roads chosen by Zhuge Liang were all extremely remote. Unless he deliberately expended effort to find their location, there was absolutely no chance of him running into them.

"Kong Ming, we are approaching the Taotie Territory in half a month. Should we wait here for His Majesty's arrival, or should we go in first?" Guan Yu looked at Zhuge Liang in the conference room of the Qilin Battleship and said.

They have now settled in an intermediate domain near the Taotie Domain. It only takes a few hours at most to meet up with the large army, which is not particularly far.

"What did General Guan think?" Zhuge Liang smiled and asked.

There was a smile in Danfeng's eyes after Guan Yu was dismissed: "What's my plan? As a martial artist, my idea is to win glory for the Qilin Empire. With our current strength, we don't need to be timid. It's better to show some strength and let the Qilin Empire win glory. If others are afraid, even if they really can't be defeated, just like the Lord said, if you go to that war madman to seek shelter in time, won't you be able to cause him some trouble?"

Zhuge Liang also laughed: "General Guan has the same idea as me. This time is indeed a good opportunity. I'm afraid your Majesty didn't expect that Huang Dao would advance so quickly this time."

Hearing that there was a battle, the group of military generals below all burst into laughter. Now that the Qilin Army was getting stronger, it was natural to show the military might of the Qilin Army and the majesty of the Qilin Empire.

"Military advisor, let's set off now to meet up with the main force!" Zhang Fei, the most impatient, shouted loudly.

"It's time for those guys to see the power of our Qilin Army." Huang Zhong said as he touched the sniper cannon specially built for him by Huang Dao in his hand like a treasure.

Even the peak Hunyuan Saint would not dare to underestimate the power of this sniper cannon. A hit from the front would definitely result in an instant loss of combat effectiveness.

This kind of high-power technological weapon makes Huang Zhong, who likes long-range strikes, put it down.

Other generals were also making noises. The environment at the top of the Qilin Army was always very harmonious. Even if there were quarrels, no one would be malicious.

Zhuge Liang said with a smile on his face: "If it's not easy for me, I'm afraid the generals will tear me apart. In this case, there is nothing to disagree with. You go and prepare now. In a while, you will greet me." It’s your first battle!”

The generals were a little confused, and Guan Yu didn't understand what Zhuge Liang meant, so he asked: "Strategic advisor, what do you mean?"

Zhuge Liang laughed loudly and flashed the fan in his hand: "I have leaked our traces long ago. According to the feedback from the spies, some forces have been attracted. The first one to approach was the 23rd. Tungao Territory, they are an enemy of His Majesty, a subordinate territory of the Wolf-Eating Clan, their master has suffered a loss at the hands of His Majesty, and now he naturally wants to help his master regain his position!"

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