The fact that the president of the Alchemist Association was taken away as a murderer really caused a commotion in Sayer City.

Countless forces are in danger, and Ren En, the president of the Weapon Refiner Association, also feels the unrest in the air.

As an old rival, he knows Kawanda's character and would never act like someone who would do such an irrational thing, so this is very likely to be a conspiracy.

At this moment, the situation in the city was completely turned into a puddle of muddy water by a pair of mysterious hands. He did not dare to act rashly now, so he could only restrain his men to go out and cause trouble as little as possible.

Because he smelled the dangerous atmosphere in the city at the moment, he was afraid that some mysterious force was about to make some big move.

Hei Luo was in the villa in Jiangxing Academy. Hei Luo, who had changed his face and even his breath, stood next to Du Yu and asked nervously and excitedly: "Master, Is it true that the body you left behind will not be discovered? I estimate that it will be taken away by the royal family and people from the Imperial City Alchemist Association. Their methods are very terrifying."

Du Yu glanced at Hei Luo, who had transformed into a young man and looked much more pleasing to the eye, and said calmly: "Don't worry, even the True God Hunyuan can't see the strangeness of the corpse. Also, you are not Hei Luo now. , you are now Black Star."

Heero, also known as Black Star, nodded excitedly: "Yes! I remember it, Master!"

Du Yu leaned on the recliner and closed his eyes to rest. His mind was filled with the next plan.

Now that the city has been completely confused by him because of the previous events and Kawanda's incident, he believes that many forces have now sensed the danger and become wary.

But Du Yu is not worried. After his strength improves, it is not a problem at all to assassinate some elementary Hunyuan Tianzun without anyone noticing.

Even the middle-level Hunyuan Tianzun will definitely not make any mistakes.

Not to mention the Wang family brothers and sisters who have achieved some success. After initially mastering the Book of Life and Death, they have almost no opponents at the level of Hunyuan Tianzun.

"Sir, the investigation has been clear. The people you told us about have been in retreat at home recently, and no one has gone out." At this time, Wang Ming came in and reported.

Du Yu opened his eyes immediately, and a sharp light shot out, piercing the eyes and causing pain: "Okay, let's start taking action."

After saying that, he stood up directly. Wang Xiaoya also stopped practicing and followed Du Yu.

Black Star was left behind to continue to investigate the movements of various forces in the city, while Du Yu and the other four went out to hunt their prey.

Three days later, there was another commotion in the city. More than twenty Hunyuan Tianzun were assassinated, including five intermediate Hunyuan Tianzun alone.

This put the entire city of Sayer City into panic, and even the city lord of Sayer City did not expect such a thing to happen.

Before Kawanda's matter was resolved, such a serious incident suddenly occurred. He, the city lord, could not escape the blame. The death order issued by the royal family made his head turn gray with worry. He understood that this time, he, the city lord, had to sit at the end.

At this moment, Du Yu had left Sayer City with the Wang brothers, sisters and Black Star, heading to their next destination, Band City.

Bande City is much more prosperous than Saier City. There is not only a lower-level Hunyuan Tianzun here, but in addition to the city lord, there are also three lower-level Hunyuan Tianzun level beings.

Originally, this opponent was directly eliminated by Xiao Ling. After all, the four lower-level Hunyuan Tianzun were far beyond the limit that Du Yu could bear before. But now that his strength has improved, this is a good place.

If everything goes well, Du Yu can get at least more than 30,000 Hunyuan Value from here.

Du Yu still used the old method and led the four people into Bande City. Looking at the bustling city around him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's go, let's find a place to live first and get some information later." Du Yu said to several people.

Naturally, the few people had no objection. They went directly to the local real estate office and purchased a cost-effective courtyard in the name of the Wang family brothers and sisters.

They are not short of money now, so naturally they will not find a place to stay in a hotel. Although such a place is convenient, it can be easily found out.

The news about Sayer City has probably spread here. It can be seen from the large number of soldiers patrolling the streets that the Lord of Bande City is obviously on guard.

It is much more difficult to act here than in Sayer City.

I'm afraid that if Du Yu just assassinates one person, the whole city will be alarmed.

The newly purchased small courtyard is in a very remote part of Band City, and few people come here.

Du Yu was very satisfied that such a big opponent only spent tens of thousands of essence.

He simply renovated the small courtyard and set up several formations to ensure that ordinary people could never enter, and then he gathered all the people together.

On the long table in the living room, Du Yu sat in the main seat and looked at Black Star: "Black Star, you are responsible for collecting intelligence in the city, and you must also find out the characters of the city lords."

"Yes! Master!" Black Star said excitedly, gathering intelligence was his favorite thing.

Du Yu then looked at the Wang brothers and sisters: "Wang Ming, you are responsible for paying attention to whether the mission targets are in the city and what trends they will have recently."

"Yes, sir!" Wang Ming nodded.

"Wang Xiaoya, your task is a little heavier. Go check to see if anything big is going to happen in Band City recently. It is best if it is something that can attract the attention of those powerful people." Du Yu said.

Wang Xiaoya also nodded.

Du Yu stood up: "Let's go."

After receiving the order, the three people went out quickly and began to perform their tasks.

Xiao Ling walked to Du Yu: "What should we do next?"

Du Yu took Xiao Ling in his arms with a smile: "Are we? Of course we are going to the market here. According to Tiandao Zhinao, the trade in Band City is very developed. Maybe we can collect the things needed for the summoning formation. , I really miss the time when Kong Ming and the others were here. At that time, all I had to do was give orders, unlike now."

Xiao Ling burst out laughing: "How can you be like this? Can you look like an emperor?"

Du Yu chuckled: "What is the appearance of an emperor? As the leader of the Qilin Empire, the only thing I have to do is to continue to become stronger and become their protective umbrella. The rest is completely left to the people below. Just do it if someone else does it.”

Du Yu's 100% trust in his subordinates is definitely not something that any emperor can achieve. After all, not all his subordinates can be as capable as Zhuge Liang and his group.

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