The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1162: Band City Ghost Incident

While Xiao Ling was refining, the Hei Luo and Wang brothers and sisters who went out to inquire for information also returned one after another.

They were all a little surprised when they saw the sun-shooting bow on Xiao Ling's legs. With their eyesight, they could easily tell how extraordinary this bow was.

Black Star asked curiously: "Master, where did you get this treasure?"

Seventh-grade intermediate magic weapons are rare in Aoyun Kingdom. Even if they appear, they will be taken away by powerful people or the royal family as soon as possible.

After all, even the Hunyuan True God can use this level of divine weapon.

Du Yu smiled mysteriously and said, "I picked it up for nothing."

He was in a good mood at the moment and didn't mind joking with Heero.

And there is really no difference between the Sun Shooting Divine Bow and the Bai Pick.

Black Star was a little depressed. He didn't want to talk about it, and even used things he picked up for free to deal with him.

Do you think he is stupid? There is no such good thing in this world. Why don't you see him picking one up for free?

He calmed down and said: "Master, I have collected all the things you asked me to collect, but it may not be particularly accurate. This is the closest character I think."

After that, he took out a crystal from his arms.

Du Yu took the crystal from Black Star's hand, then probed his consciousness into it, and a large amount of information came from it.

It contains some things that the other party has done, as well as Black Star's analysis of the other party's behavior. This made him look at Black Star a few times. If he didn't know Black Star's identity, he would probably doubt whether Black Star was. Specializes in psychology.

Some small things and work efficiency clearly analyzed this person. Even if he was not sure whether it was correct, he still felt that Black Star was much more useful than he imagined!

After Du Yu went through all the information, he looked at Wang Ming, who was responsible for investigating the mission target: "How are you doing there?"

Wang Ming cupped his hands and said: "Sir, two of the mission targets have disappeared, and the rest are staying at home and dare not go out. It is worth mentioning that their territory is heavily guarded, and they seem to be hiding something there. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoya on the side interjected: "It's because of the ghost murders in the city. According to rumors, Bande City is now haunted. Several people have mysteriously disappeared, including two Hunyuan Tianzun and more than a dozen under Hunyuan Tianzun. People, even several nearby cities were alarmed."

"Ghosts?" Du Yu frowned. The ghosts in the chaotic world are not the illusory things on the earth. They are a very evil group that really exists.

This group has the characteristic of being immune to all physical and energy attacks, just like an enhanced version of the Nightmare Tribe, but they are much more dangerous than the Nightmare Tribe.

Because their evolution requires absorbing a lot of pure energy, it would be difficult to deal with if there were ghosts.

The fact that this ghost can kill a powerful person at the level of Hunyuan Tianzun shows that he is at least in this realm. If Du Yu really encounters it, he will have no choice but to escape.

"If it's really a ghost, it seems I need to improve my mental strength." Du Yu said with a solemn face.

The spiritual power of the seventh heaven peak is only equivalent to the realm of the peak Hunyuan Heavenly Saint. Even if the supreme level skills are special, he is at most comparable to the ordinary Hunyuan Heavenly Lord who has converted to spiritual training.

Once he meets someone with middle or lower level strength, he is definitely no match.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Wang Ming asked.

"Let's take a break for a while. After I break through, I will give you some self-defense methods to avoid being threatened by this ghost.

He remembered that there was a treasure in Hunyuan Mall that could temporarily bring his will. With his breakthrough state, even if he could not kill the ghosts, he would still be able to protect the Wang family brothers and sisters Zhou Quan.

The three of them all nodded. After searching for information in the city for so long, they were already tired and needed a good rest.

After saying goodbye to Du Yu, the three of them went back to their rooms.

Du Yu leaned on the sofa, raised his head and muttered in a low voice: "Why do ghosts appear here? Is it possible that something surprising is going to happen here?"

According to the information he received, this kind of thing generally only exists in places where the Yin Qi is particularly strong and where huge wars have occurred.

Is it possible that some ancient battlefield is about to open nearby?

He glanced at Xiao Ling, who was still in seclusion, and after placing a layer of restrictions to cover the entire courtyard, he also entered a state of trance.

"Tiandao Zhi Nao, exchange for national fortune value." Du Yu called out in his consciousness.

"How much do you need to exchange?" Tiandaozhinao replied.

"How many Hunyuan points are needed to reach the peak of the eighth heaven?" Du Yu asked.

"Hey, it's being calculated. After the calculation, it takes 10 million Hunyuan points to reach the peak of the eighth heaven."

The corner of Du Yu's mouth twitched, it was actually 10 million. His current inventory was only 100,000, and he had consumed some before. This price was really terrifyingly high.

He didn't know what a terrifying figure Nine Heavens would be, but Du Yu didn't ask or want to know. He was afraid that he would be severely hit.

"Forget it, what about promotion to the eighth level?" Du Yu asked in a different way.

Although the preliminary eighth level of the Supreme Level Kung Fu only raised Du Yu's spiritual level to the elementary Hunyuan Tianzun, in terms of combat ability, it would never be lower than that of the later levels or even the peak Hunyuan Tianzun.

Divine consciousness is something that even True God Hunyuan has not discovered.

It is completely sufficient to cope with the current situation.

This time Tiandao Intelligent Brain quickly gave the answer: "To advance to the eighth level, you only need to pay 10,000 Hunyuan Value."

Du Yu could still accept this price, but this was only on the premise that he had received the wealth from the Wang family siblings.

Otherwise, this 10,000 Hunyuan value will definitely cause him pain for a long time.

"Start exchanging." Du Yu said.

"Yes, start remembering the national luck exchange!" Tiandaozhinao finished speaking, and suddenly a large amount of golden light came from nowhere and enveloped the Qilin World.

The Qilin World, which has advanced enough to rival the previous Chaos World, has begun to advance again.

As the master of the Qilin World, Du Yu also saw this scene through the Zhenguo Imperial Seal, which made him feel a little emotional. He also wondered whether the Qilin World would advance to the Qilin Domain if it continued to develop.

According to the current development trend, this is not impossible.

After taking a look at his beloved wives who were practicing seriously in the Qilin World, Du Yu also calmed down and began to understand the promotion of the Zhantian Jade Emperor Art.

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