The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1181 Sending greetings

"You are actually armed to this extent!" Du Yu exclaimed.

He didn't expect Huang Dao to be prepared to this extent. He could say that without the True God of Hunyuan sitting in charge, this city would never be broken.

"Hey, because I have been hearing news about the supreme plane, I am more prepared. However, if I go all out to reach the city, the resources required will probably be astronomical." Huang Dao said regretfully.

Although he solved the city's flight problem, he couldn't do anything about the energy required to attack.

This is not something that can be solved through technology. Even if he drains the surrounding energy in an instant, it will not be enough for all the weapons in the city to launch a round of attacks.

"What is the specific Hunyuan value?" Du Yu asked with a frown. He felt that this number might be too much for him, otherwise Zodiac wouldn't have this expression.

"Let me do the math. I really didn't dare to calculate this number before." Huang Dao said nonchalantly, and then he started to do the math in his head.

After a few breaths, he said with a wry smile: "The moment all the weapons fire at the same time, we will consume a full 500 Hunyuan points! It is equivalent to a prefecture-level mission."

Even when Du Yu heard this number, he couldn't help but take a breath. This is not a small number. One round of shelling is 500 Hunyuan Value, but how could a battle end with only one round of shelling.

A normal evenly matched battle, even with the strength of the Qilin Army, would take at least several minutes to completely resolve.

In other words, at least hundreds of waves of attacks are required, and at least tens of thousands of Hunyuan Points are consumed. Just thinking about it is terrifying.

Even if Du Yu is wealthy at the moment, he can't afford such consumption.

"Find a solution and improve it. There are many things with huge energy in the highest plane. Let's see if we can replace them." Du Yu took a deep breath and said.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Huang Dao said respectfully.

In fact, this was his plan before. After all, the consumption was too great. However, Gu Yong also questioned the role of these weapons. If activated at full strength, not even a city could stop the bombing of the Flying Fortress.

After all, as long as there is energy, some weapons are like the tireless Hunyuan Tianzun. Just imagine which force can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of a group of Hunyuan Tianzun.

Even the seventh-grade peak formation cannot block such an attack.

"Okay, now that we have a city, let's go directly into our city. However, we still don't reveal the secret of its ability to move in the early stage, otherwise we may attract a group of covetous people." Du Yu said.

According to his understanding, there is no city capable of flying in Aoyun Country, or even in a nearby country.

If the news of such a war machine is passed on, it will definitely attract countless powerful people at the Hunyuan True God level.

For now, Du Yu still doesn't have any good solutions for Hunyuan True God.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the ministers said respectfully.

"As for now." Du Yu paused, and then said: "Leave some people to settle down in our own city, and another group of people are coming. Follow me to meet the ghost base camp for a while. Since they have left in full force, , no matter what, I have to return a gift."

It is not his temper not to fight back when being beaten. Even though there are many powerful people at the Hunyuan True God level in the ghost clan, he is not afraid.

With the Soul Devouring Killing Formation in hand, not even the True God of Hunyuan could do anything to them. More importantly, Du Yu wanted to confirm his thoughts.

After all, the army of ghosts and monsters are all out, and the other party's Hunyuan True God has not made any movement yet. It cannot be justified. The other party is either gone or is being dragged down by something and cannot get away.

Du Yu believed that the latter was more likely. After all, the threatening aura coming from Band City was still very clear.

Except for True God Hunyuan, no one could give him such a great sense of crisis.

In the end, all the Qilin Army was left behind, responsible for removing the ruins of Arthur City from the ground to make room for the Flying Fortress, which was ordered to be Zhenling City.

The armies of the four tribes, Bai Ze and others accompanied Du Yu to Bande City to find trouble for the ghosts and gods.

The armies of the four tribes also numbered more than 50 million, which was definitely a terrifying strength. In terms of individual combat power alone, they were more powerful than the ordinary soldiers of the Qilin Army.

Moreover, the Thunder Beast Clan is indeed the nemesis of ghosts. The power of thunder is extremely lethal to ghosts. Even if they still have a large army of ghosts, they will never be able to stop the Thunder Beast Clan's baptism of thunder.

Arthur City is not far from Band City, otherwise the ghost army would not be able to rush to Band City so quickly.

In just a few minutes, the army had already arrived outside Bande City.

This place is no longer as prosperous as it was when Du Yu first came here. The ruins of the walls, the smell of blood, and the overwhelming resentment have made this originally prosperous city look like a ghost town.

In the central sky of Band City, a dark crack hangs there. Four huge ghosts sit cross-legged and grab a corner of the crack with strange qualifications.

There are ghosts and monsters constantly pouring out of it. It is obvious that the other party is trying to release more ghosts and monsters into the highest plane.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did someone come to the door?" A ghost asked with a frown.

"Have our army been diverted by them?"

These damn flesh and blood creatures are always extremely cunning, and they were afraid they had fallen into a trap before.

It wasn't just one person who had this idea. This idea appeared in the minds of all four ghosts and gods.

Then a ghost and god looked intently at the outside of the city, and then said with a sneer: "Don't worry, the strongest is only a half-step Hunyuan True God. If we want to deal with it, can't we catch it? Who will go this time?"

Although maintaining the stability of this rift requires the four of them to work together, this does not mean that four people are necessary.

Even if there are only three people, they can prevent the crack from closing, but they can't let the ghost on the other end come over.

"Let me go. I was seriously injured last time and I just need some souls to recover." One of the most seriously injured ghosts and gods said.

His body was covered with bloody mouths, and green blood covered almost half of his body. However, in order to maintain the cracks, he had no time to recover.

However, with his strength, he is still able to deal with a group of people who have not even arrived at the Hunyuan True God.

"Well, then go ahead and remember to hurry up and bring me some rations by the way!" A demon god said with a ferocious smile.

The demon god nodded, then stopped and stood up.

The spatial cracks that were originally relatively stable became distorted in an instant, and some ghosts that were still passing through were torn into countless pieces in an instant.

However, the ghost and god seemed not to notice it, and ignored it at all, flying directly towards the outside of the city.

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