The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1199 True God Tribulation

Du Yu took out the seal again and opened the entrance to the formation.

As soon as the formation tore a small hole, a mysterious energy locked onto the two of them.

Even with their current state, they all felt a lot of pressure, and more importantly, the fearful power of God made people feel depressed.

If it were an ordinary person who had just stepped into the True God of Hunyuan, he would have already become afraid in his heart at this moment.

But how could Du Yu and Tu Longlong be ordinary people? Not to mention Du Yu's supreme technique, Tu Longlong's ancient ferocious beast bloodline was enough to ignore this power of heaven.

The two looked at each other, stepped out of the formation in one step, and flew to two places where they would not interfere with each other.

For the two of them, this True God Tribulation that everyone fears is just a transition to help them successfully enter the Hunyuan True God.

After Du Yu glanced at the True God Tribulation above his head, he felt a little confident.

However, the appearance of this true divine calamity surprised him.

A huge colorful fairy palace was actually condensed in the sky, and it looked like it was filled with fairy energy, as if such a palace really existed.

Even when his consciousness scanned it, he couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

He was looking at Tu Longlong, and there was something different from him there.

On the other side of Tu Takilong is a huge dark palace, shrouded in black clouds, like a magic palace, and it looks very permeable.

The difference between the two palaces made Du Yu frown and whispered: "Does the appearance of this palace have something to do with race, or does it have something to do with the power it holds?"

He prefers the latter. After all, when he broke through before, he was wrapped in a colorful cocoon. If there was no connection between them, he would not believe it.

However, Du Yu didn't have time to think too much, as his true divine calamity came without any warning.

The palace door suddenly opened, and a stream of colorful light came out of it, flying toward him seemingly slowly but steadily.

This made him feel the same feeling as before when ghosts and gods were locked by Baize's arrow, but he was not a ghost, and this blow was not a 100% hit by Baize's arrow.

The mixed battle body was activated, and Du Yu fearlessly rushed towards the colorful stream of light.

If it were someone else who was going through the tribulation, they would never dare to be as careless as Du Yu. The stream of light that came out of this fairy palace was very destructive, almost as much as a full blow from his own body. Ordinary people would never dare to do it. Such a hard resistance, after all, this true divine calamity is not a wave, but a personal talent, with a number of attacks ranging from thirty-nine, sixty-nine, and ninety-nine.

Even ordinary geniuses would not dare to withstand attacks like this. After all, fighting with all their strength against an opponent who is almost as strong as themselves, the consumption is absolutely terrifying.

It's just that Du Yu's own secret method makes him stronger as he fights, reducing the damage of the Chaos Battle Body and amplifying the attacks of Chaos Counterattack.

This allows him to ignore all threats that are similar to him.

Sure enough, the first stream of light was easily torn apart by Du Yu. The power of this attack was also stored in Du Yu's next blow. At the same time, an inexplicable force also penetrated into his body.

Du Yu knew that this was the extent of his mastery of space. If it was as expected, the process of overcoming the true divine tribulation was the extent of his mastery of space. He had gone through one before, and his mastery of space had increased by about 0%. Around point five, it's almost negligible.

If he survives the most powerful Nine-Nine True God Tribulation, his mastery of space may reach 40% in one fell swoop, which is comparable to the mid-level Hunyuan True God.

The second true divine calamity came again, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Du Yu. This attack was about 10% stronger than before. It was not a particularly obvious increase, but Du Yu still easily caught it.

The same was true for the subsequent True God Tribulation, which was easily torn into pieces by Du Yu, transformed into the control of the power of space, and integrated into Du Yu's body.

Soon, Du Yu survived the Thirty-nine Heavenly Tribulation and gained nearly 20% control.

Du Yu also took the time to glance at Tu Longlong. Tu Longlong's journey through the tribulation was not much more difficult than his. She turned directly into a black hole and easily swallowed all the tribulation thunder into the swallowing space.

There was almost no need to move, and countless tribulation thunders were automatically wiped out.

After Du Yu saw that Tu Longlong didn't need his help, he also took back his energy and focused it all on his true divine calamity.

After a while, Du Yu could not easily survive the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations, and the fifty-four heavenly tribulations, which increased his mastery of space to nearly 30%.

This has exceeded the level that ordinary elementary Hunyuan True Gods can master. Just relying on the power of space, Du Yu already has the power to compete with the Hunyuan True God.

However, his True God Tribulation was not over. What came out of the Immortal Palace later was no longer the streamers with twice the power of before, but a colorful warrior with the strength of the primary Hunyuan True God.

This is much more difficult to deal with than before. Although it may not be as good as the previous attack in terms of attack, it is not only powerful with one blow. Unless it is completely destroyed, it will always exist.

And if they are not killed in time, the subsequent True God Tribulation will not wait, and the number of colorful warriors will only be greater.

The Nine-Nine True God Tribulations have appeared very rarely in history, and even the Six-Nine Heavenly Tribulations are rare in the highest plane. This is the best explanation for one's own talent.

Facing the colorful warrior with the strength of the elementary Hunyuan True God, Du Yu was not careless. He took out the God-killing Spear and integrated the Sun-shooting Divine Bow into the God-killing Spear, upgrading its quality to the seventh grade. Intermediate level.

Then he rushed directly towards the colorful warrior, and using the power absorbed from the last of the Six-Nine True God Tribulations, Du Yu used the first form of the God-killing Spear to Shock Ghosts and Gods.

After the strength was greatly improved, this spear was like a swimming dragon, causing ripples in the space. Some small dark cracks surrounded the tip of the spear, and it stabbed the colorful warrior fiercely.


As an explosion came, the colorful warrior exploded into pieces, and a pure force merged into Du Yu's body.

Before Du Yu had a chance to breathe, the next colorful battleship appeared again, this one slightly stronger than the previous one.

However, when faced with Du Yu's attack, he still only survived for less than a few breaths before being turned into countless fragments.

Du Yu was like a god of war, easily killing these true god warriors who were enough to make a monster-level genius who had just broken through the Hunyuan true god realm despair.

If this scene spreads, Du Yu will definitely become famous in the entire supreme plane, not only because of the Nine-Nine True Divine Tribulation, but also because of Du Yu's heaven-defying way of overcoming the tribulation.

Having just stepped into the realm of True God Hunyuan, he has the ability to massacre True God Hunyuan. Who is a genius who can achieve such a heaven-defying step?

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